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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Waterdeep


The orc smiles a big toothy smile.

"Yes, come. I have a place with some privacy. This way."

He starts to walk towards a side room door.

OOC: Hah. I thought you guys missed that.

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OOC: We moved on to the Waterdeep thread, but I had plans during our "downtime" in Triboar for Koldan to dig his sword in and play dentist.

Steve Gorak

Davaros nudges Euon that is carrying Oren's introduction letter, and points to the halfling girl. "Let us check on the lass to fulfill our duty and be on our way!" he says to the sorcerer.

He walks over to her and introduces himself. "Greetings, I am Davaros and your brother Oren asked us to bring you a letter, and to check that you are well. We have fought off an invasion in Goldenfield, and he was worried about you."


She looks at you a bit stunned for a moment. "Oren? I didn't know he was in Goldenfields..."

"An invasion? What kind? Was he hurt?"

She takes the letter and begins to read it.


First Post
Ilshana takes Gul by the arm and says, "Come on!" and hauls him to follow Koldan as he's led off to the side room.

Hopefully there'd be some of this peet-za in it for them too! It smelled amazing.


[sblock=Uric,Gul,Illshana,Koldan]You are taken to a side room with a couple benches. Another two doors go out to the north. The proprietor moves to a table and pulls a flask from his robe.

"Giants! Giants! Don't understand a lick of business. Even the smart ones, they're used to just being so grand and so powerful that they've never once thought of capital. They want pride or honor or food or knowledge. Not worth a lick if you don't know how to turn it into value!"[/sblock]

[sblock=Euon,Lilly,Davaros]"His songs are not getting any better. Hopefully his performance is." She says. "I think the boss will want to hear about this. You mind talking to him? Follow me!"[/sblock]

The hostess heads towards the back room. Those of you within the room see the halfling approach Dorkath. She whisper's something into his ear. He seems to wave her on and asks her to bring "Flagons and food. I'll be taking lunch today." Lilly heads out with a skip.

The old wizard tilts his fez at this point watching as the newcomers hopefully file in.

"You know, the giant's once had a great empire. They warred against dragons. Both are now less than what they once where, or would have us believe as much at least..."

He looks on.

"There are many wheels turning. An elemental war. A demon incursion. Much is going on, and from what I know it seems that there's plenty of profit to be made on all sides. Can both of your groups tell me your stories? I would know something of this."

The halfling arrives soon with many flagons. Food may take quite a bit more time.


~ Others filed into the room. Koldan pulled back his hood slowly, revealing shaggy, dark brown hair flecked by silvering trim and cold, blue eyes that scanned these others. They were in the waiting room with himself and his companions, talking to the Halfling up front when the Ranger had been speaking to Dorkath, and now apparently they had information necessary for the Orc to hear as well.

Two Humans and a Gnome ... Wait. No, one was ... Human enough. But something was off, something ... different. He wasn't sure at the moment, but that wasn't his concern at the moment. Seeing as Dorkath addressed both of them, Koldan looked to his compatriots with a set of raised brows. Had something else happened along The Coast? How far did this Harper's information network stretch and, if he was this important, what in the Nine Hells was Dorkath doing running a restaurant?

Well ... a popular restaurant. In the middle of the most populous city along The Sword Coast. By the Docks where travelers from all ove-Koldan ceased his train of thought once he found it sound enough. Clearing his throat with a flagon of drink, he spoke.

" Well, we were in Triboar," Koldan noted, using his free hand to gesture to his three traveling companions, " The entire town seemed to be doing relatively well, but everything changed when The Fire Giants attacked. Orcs upon AxeBeaks, small monsters composed of magma (or is it lava?), they set many buildings ablaze. We met your friend, Darathra, and assisted her in saving the village, though many buildings were burned."

He shifted in his seat, still unsure of the new trio at their table, but he assumed (heavily) that they were trustworthy.

" We were able to stop the attackers, but the Fire Giants were digging for ... something, using some sort of device to look for a thing they called the 'Vonindod'. They called it a Weapon of sorts, wanted by their Duke, Zalto. All we found was some sort of metal ring, a large one; we slew the giants and made sure they didn't take it."

Koldan gently tapped Gul's shoulder with the back of his hand, noting the staff he carried with his icy eyes.

" My companion here has the rod they used to try and find this ring. The Fire Giants ... they said more would come. And that this Vonindod thing, it's in many pieces, and they're scouring all over looking to assemble it."

He frowned slightly. Here, Koldan was realizing he didn't exactly know that much about the situation, something he normally prided himself on.

" It sounded like they were preparing for some sort of conflict: Fire Giants are gathering at IronSlag, under Duke Zalto's orders." ~

[sblock=Koldan's Stats]Character Sheet
Revised Ranger Deep Stalker 6

HP: 52/52
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +4 (Advantage)
Perception: +6 (Passive: 16)
Darkvision: 90 feet
In Hand: Nothing

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 16
[sblock=Offenses]Heavy Crossbow: +8, 1d10+3P (Sharpshooter: +3, 1d10+13 P)
Scimitar: +6, 1d6+3 S (Offhand: +6, 1d6 S)
+4 Damage to All Humanoids & Giants[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]Acrobatics: +6
Insight: +6
Investigation: +3
Perception: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +6[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Spell Save DC: 14 Spell Attack: +6
Level 1: 4/Long Rest
Disguise Self
Ensnaring Strike
Hail of Thorns
Hunter's Mark

Level 2: 2/Long Rest
Rope Trick

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 40 GP

Game Info:
Fire Giants attacked Triboar looking for a "Vonindod", which they called a weapon that was in many parts. Fire Giant Duke Zalto of Ironslag wants this to "win".

Darathra was a Harper: she gave me a Platinum Badge of Triboar to present to Dorkath The Orkath to let him know of the attack.

There is a Kobold in the area of Yartar named "Lightwalker", a craftsman with 'some incredible weapons'.

There is a 5,000 GP Bounty on "The Weevil", a Dwarven Brigand last seen at Xantharl's Keep as a stable cleaner. The reward is for delivering him alive to authorities in Mirabar.

Ghelryn Foehammer has given us a letter of recommendation to King Morinn and Queen Tithmel of Citadel Fellbar. Ghelryn will also give us a 10% discount on customized weapons and armor in Triboar.[/sblock][/sblock]

Steve Gorak

Davaros is weary, he wasn't expecting to go in a back room, and seeing others there, his initial thought was "trap"!. Sensing the low level of tension of all present, he relaxed a bit, but kept his arms free, ready to quickly grab his sword.

After the one named Koldan finished his story, Davaros nodded in respect and all his tension dissipated. These were heroes that put their lives on the line to help the villagers of Triboar. Definitely worthy of his presence and his respect.

"I am Davaros, and I salute your deeds!" He said, ceremonially. "We were in Goldenfields, when the town was attacked by humanoids. We also faced two hill giants, but they were to be mostly concerned about food than anything else, and after an altercation, we convinced them to help repel the other invaders in exchange of a wagon of food."

Davaros eyes the Rod and the metal ring, to see if there is any resemblance with the trinkets the hill giants had.

OOC: I am assuming that no roll is required for this, please let me know if it should be otherwise

Euon was pleased Lilly read and reacted well to Oren's letter of introduction, and that the letter resulted in a warm welcome. He breathed an internal sigh of relief at being well-received. Until he caught Koldan eyeing him with a hint of a frown, and then Euon's discomfort returned. He paled. Not wanting anyone to see he had greyscale or to somehow guess he could perform minor arcane tricks, Euon waited until Koldan looked away then shuffled to the side to partially obscure his hands and lower body behind Davaros.

Euon listened carefully to all that was said, but did not voice his thoughts. He tried to hide his interest in the conversation by studying Bella, wondering a bit where her gorilla was. He wasn't sure about the gorilla just yet. It was large and seemed loyal to Bella, but he'd yet to make friends with it. His attention slide back to the pizza shop owner, who he studied. "This orc with the fez, is he a wizard? An orc with magic. In public. An orc with magic in public. And orc, with magic, in public! How is he not burned as a heretic?!" Euon's brain whirred and clicked at speed, trying to take in everything and make meaning of it.

OOC: I'm going to say that Euon's thought, while not spoken out loud, was inadvertently and unintentionally sent to Bellalalalinda via a message spell, and that Bella can hear in her head what Euon's thinking. [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]

Voidrunner's Codex

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