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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Folg and Mogan


~Uh oh.. this doesn't sound good.. Not if he's referring to the merchant that was dismantled by the dire jackals...~

"Describe this employer of yours; Muhab. As well as the Quresh merchant that you spied upstairs. I might have run into him, and overheard some words I should not have overheard."

Svexyn glances back to Mogan, before turning back to Asusk. "What do you plan to do now? You already know Drasus will kill you if he finds out you are still alive. He'll likely kill me as well. Unless you hide, or take drastic measures to hide your identity. Either way, I'd like to know what your plans are, as they might align with our own..."

Thinking that he knows Drasus is evil, and that Asusk has only shown honor so far, he takes a chance. Perhaps it is naivety, or perhaps plain stupidity, but Svexyn decides that if he was to get Asusk to possibly help them out, he would need a little faith. It all depended on Asusk's answer...

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Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar, Shafi

Shafi and three of the other bandits follow you through the caves. Jabbar knows his way already and has no trouble leading you through. The bandits have already hung lanterns conveniently along most direct path out. As you move by their cook fire you see they are well-stocked with food and provisions. There are also workbenches piled with stone-working, wood-working and metal-working tools beside an anvil and a forge. Beside them are stacks of stones, mortar, hides, wooden posts, rolls of rope, iron ingots, bars, and planks.

Jabbar: Glances at the building materials and calls back to Shafi. "Looks like your planning on making a more permanent home here?"

Shafi: "Mind your business!"

Avar: -Speaks in a low voice- "That's why Odan said he was the right man for the job. He's a skilled craftsman, a rare thing among thugs."

You note a makeshift holding cell with a crude iron gate, though it appears to be unoccupied at this time. Half way through the caves there is a deep crevasse. The sound of water far below echoes up through the darkness with a slight burble. Spread across the crevasse is a rope bridge (which is about 50 ft long, not accurately portrayed in the diagram).

Jabbar: "Its old but the bridge is strong." Jabbar states reassuringly.

At either side of the bridge is another bandit standing guard wearing a horn for signaling and holding a crossbow. Shafi motions to the guard who raises his horn and blows two short notes. The guard on the other side (who had been dozing) wakes and returns the signal with two short toots of his own.

Jabbar: Turns to Shafi. "What guarantee do I have that the bandits on the other side won't demand a toll as well?"

Shafi: Sneers "We could just kill you all as you cross the bridge. It would be easy, but that wouldn't serve our needs in the long run. We want traffic through the caves to continue. If we killed you or took all your possessions you would not return to pay toll again. Odan was instructed to only charge a toll you could afford, so you would not feel inclined to warn others not to use the caves anymore, or worse, inform on us to the Vulfear."

Jabbar: "Good thing your pleasant demeanor and fair business practices are sure to dissuade such thinking." He says sarcastically.

Shafi: Snorts. "It was Odan you were supposed to deal with, but your bodyguard offended him and provoked a fight! My demeanor is the result of your actions. If you have a problem with that, you know who to take it up with."

Jabbar: "Maybe I'll ask him to make me a business partner? Then I could have you replaced."

Shafi: Spits and smiles wickedly. "Maybe you'll have an accident on that bridge? Now keep moving!"

[Billanverthorne: What do you do? Make listen and spot checks please.]

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Asusk, Folg, Mogan, Svexyn

Asusk does indeed describe a man fitting the look of the one brutally savaged by the dire jackals. He also mentions features of the Quresh merchant you know to be Raja.

Asusk: "I seek to rescue Muhab, or failing that, determine his fate at least. Muhab is a friend, as were the others slaughtered in his caravan. I cannot abide their deaths!" He says bitterly. "Yet it is as you say Svexyn, I cannot show my face in that inn again. If you had a mind to make inquiries of your own though, I might not have too..." he states hopefully.

"Assuming Muhabs trail goes cold, it pains me to say I will have to abandon him. The Quresh are wicked and dangerous. Even if I had evidence to support my suspicions, there is no sheriff, mercenary, or bandit I know of that would risk raising a blade against them." He frowns.

"However, the Masoud Trading Company looks after their own. I have a contract that proves I was working for Muhab. If I present that to their office in Tabba and explain everything, they may do something about it."

[Svexyn: What do you do?]
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Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Folg and Mogan


Thinking on his options, Svexyn moves to untie Asusk. "Then you may yet find out your friends fate sooner rather than later. A merchant matching that description was seen earlier. Near here, there was a trio of hooded figures. They brought out someone who matched the description of your employer and friend."

He pauses, as he thinks of the right words. "They didn't let him live. They had a pack of dire jackals. It wasn't pretty, and nothing that I could think of that would deserve such a death. But again, we only saw this from a distance, and there was nothing we could do against such odds."

As the last of the bindings are removed, Svexyn shakes his head. "And as for your contract... I am afraid that it is lost. Drasus took that as payment for scavenging rights, and burned it in the fire that warms the inn. Your proof of contract is gone, I am afraid."

As he thinks on it, Svexyn does add, "But if you require proof, and if my words is good enough, I will vouch for you should it come to that with the Massoud Trading Company. Providing that it doesn't bring me trouble or a price on my head."

Looking to Mogan, and knowing his rag tag group is very strange already, Svexyn can only see that Asusk is loyal, even to a fault. He can relate all too well. "If you go back to the inn, you will only condemn yourself and me. If you head back to Tabba, you will leave without proof or support from your missing group. If you stay, then perhaps you can help me. I know it's not what you are looking for, but it's something. I need help in finding someone as well. But my search is through history. It deals with the Quresh, and any help in these harsh lands is welcome help."

He looks over the half-orc, knowing that if Asusk stayed, it would be hard to hide him. "The choice is yours, and one that is not an easy one to make. But I will respect whatever choice you make, as long as it does not involve betraying me."


Kryslogious of Anasteria

Kryslogious sat amongst the group during the interrogation carefully studying the parts to his newfound crossbow, placing them together with care [take 20]. He listened and took in all the information of this world. Strife, Black Network, Skull Mountain, and then something that rang in him that caused what could only be described as an out of body experience... 'the Quresh and legions of evil humanoids.' [wisdom check=20]

He could see it, the colors were dull and details obscured. He had chills as if every plate of armor he wore were cooled to below freezing and burning his skin. He saw through it, the slits were recognizable, it was his helm. Dark armor adorned in blades and spikes were wrapping around the body he was seeing from. He kneeled before a man, then the man changed to four other men. Dark room, unintelligible chanting, and men in robes with whisking magic among him. A blood squelching scream... who's voice was this? The voice didn't sound human... It was corrupted. The mirror showed a helmed face, jagged with sharp edges and horns the helm dripped in blood and parts of flesh and skin.

Darkness surrounded Kryslogious as the visions became worse. The face of so many men, the look of terror as they died staring into his eyes. The vision panned to a barren battlefield, the ground that was not occupied with soldiers fighting demons and other abominations was stained in the entrails of the dead. He saw people torn asunder with bare hands... the Quresh and the legions.

He sat there as a stone. deftly nodding as if he was paying attention when Wrenwil said 'Be free Krysolgious and do as you wish, and if you will walk with us, I will be eternally grateful.'

He came to to see while he was gone from the world a completed crossbow. The chatter quieted down for the moment.

"What did I do." he said with a shaking voice. "the Quresh... I know them"

He lifted his face mask and looked to Wrenwil with a look of confusion and terror.

"I did something but I can't remember! What happened with the Quresh!"


On the other hand maybe he shows too much of how little he has been briefed by Izel, but he has to learn these details one way or the other anyway. He considers what she said and nods. There are still holes in the picture, but he will dwelve more into them with time.

“Yes, thank you.” he responds. “Let us go to Cabarda then. How does the travelling go?” he makes sure he did not lose anything on the way and that his belongings are attached firmly. He would have no more questions right now and is ready for the surface city.
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Asusk, Folg, Mogan, Svexyn

Asusk: Grimaces when he hears of Muhabs death. Then he says through clenched teeth. "The Quresh are pitiless fiends! They must pay for this!" He looks to you Svexyn with rage in his eyes. "Hard as it is to hear it, I thank you for sharing this news and saving my life. I owe you a great debt."

"This person-of-history you seek, do you suspect they were harmed by the Quresh as well?
Have you any qualms about killing Quresh? Would you begrudge me the chance for vengeance?" He asks with all seriousness. "I have no intention of actually occupying the grave you dug for me so I will wait for the right moment, but I will not wait for too long."

Where do they keep these jackals? I did not notice such beasts when I approached, but I am practiced tracking many creatures through this terrain. If they are out there, I am sure I can find some signs. I could also be of use to you as a guide, as I am generally familiar with this region they call the Aluja Expanse."

Noting that you appear interested in local knowledge he continues."This was actually a province of the Kezzarat Theocracy a few thousand years ago. Its location was important to trade because it granted access to the Arosis River in the east. Some say it
was always one of the most lawless and dangerous paces in the theocracy, even before the great calamity. After the great calamity of course the Quresh went into exile and began an extermination of other Sezzarans who didn't have golden eyes."

"All the towns and villages of this region were burned and laid to ruin. Any attempts to claim or repopulate the region by Vulkh or Maharatha were swiftly put down by evil humanoids who emerge from the Sezzara Wasteland. It has remained so ever since. Because of that, wise travelers pass through quickly. No one is certain what the Quresh do here exactly because lingering long enough to find out means death."

"It is rumored among my relatives that my Orcish blood comes from one of the many tribes that roam through this area. Occasionally they foray into Vulkh to rape and pillage before they are chased back across the border by the Vulkyrie."

[Svexyn: What do you do?]

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First Post
Burria Steelborn

"What is the name and description of this new buyer? Also as a courtesy I will want to know how I can get in touch with you. In case anything happens to this buyer, or your property, that I should report."

Burrai took a moment before nodding slowly. "A fair price. I think it would be remiss of me to try and haggle. I'll pay for 6 seasons - six trips - then, plus a fair excess to take it to a round hundred." He opened his coin pouch and began making neat piles of ten. "As for contact, I can't say where I'll be precisely, but if you leave word at Putyuk's rooms, I'll make sure I check for messages there once every full moon. Now, for my buyer..." Burrai gave Rol's description, and his new alias as Egrig Darkskies. He'd known a few Darkskies in his time, and they were all sullen and private to a dwarf. The name ought not to rouse any suspicions - assuming Rol kept his wits about him. He signed the relevant forms and watched Kadar move the coin to his personal stash with some regret - but he supposed if Rol kept his home safe and clean for the next year and a half, perhaps it was money well spent after all. There wasn't much need for pleasantries; both he an Kadar had little to say and this was after all purely business.

On the way out he made sure to pass Uthal. "I've made a deal with Kadar for seasonal checks on my home, if you can get yourself on those patrols, there's a cask of good apple brandy behind my forge I've left to mature. Just don't drink it all at once. " He left the Devil's with Uthal still laughing behind him.

His next stop was the twelve apples, where Rol was trying to eat stew with a heel of bread and making it that much harder by trying to look in a dozen directions at once. Burrai sighed and joined him. "If you look at your food, you're much less conspicuous." He said. Rol started to object by Burrai held up a hand. "I know, I know. It's not your fault son, but you need to learn fast. As it is, I've secured you an escort to my home and paid for regular visits. Everything you need is there to sustain yourself for a time and lay low. And there's plenty to read. Just don't ruin my books, that's all I ask." He folded his arms on the table. "For now you're Egrig Darkskies and you're going to be buying my home, subject to a trial period of a year or so. It may not seem like the most glamorous of situations, but it's safe and it's stable. Just cooperate with the Devil's when they show up, and if you need anything, leave a message for me at Putyuk's - I'll check there periodically for news." As Rol finished his meal Burrai gestured for him to finish his ale and stood. "You'll be fine lad, and if I get my way, in a year you'll have much left to worry about, and the goodwill of Burrai Steelborn to aid you in the future. Don't underestimate that. Now head to the Devil's, they'll be expecting you..." He gave him the same instructions he'd given Kadar, and told him to speak to Uthal. The big mercenary would keep an eye on the lad. And insult him too probably....

Burrai watched as Rol said his goodbyes and made his unsure way out into the shuffling Cabardan crowd. Perhaps a hundred gold wasn't such a large price to pay for the safety of a young dwarf after all. Burrai was surprised how light his step was as he made his way again across town and into Putyuk's, looking for Elloral....

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Folg and Mogan


Svexyn contemplates each question from Asusk, yet not answering just yet. He listens to the half-orcs history lesson, noting that perhaps he would find some answers soon enough. Or at least the next clue.

"I search for a legend many years in the past. It was said that there was an outsider that came to these lands. This outsider had knowledge and powers that made him unique. He was fro Caishia, and came to these lands at least a thousand years after the calamity befell this place. Apparently, he met the Quresh, and was never heard or seen from again. I intent to find out if this legend hold water, and what else happened after that fateful meeting."

He has already said enough, without divulging his true purpose. "As for your intentions.. I do not blame you for seeking revenge. The manner in which your friend died was something nobody should have to endure. Your guidance in these lands would be most welcome, but we have to be alert in our endeavors."

Svexyn looks to Mogan, then back to Asusk. "Each of us are here by chance. But what we do after our chance meetings defines us. I am not sure how long you will have to wait for revenge, but if you can hold off your lust for death, then perhaps we can help each other."

Nodding to Mogan, Svexyn relays what he knows to Asusk. "Your employer met his demise very near from here. There are ruins in these sands, and it was near one of the entrances to these ruins that the trio of hooded men came from. They had a pack of these dire jackals. I have never faced them before, and from what they did to your friend, I don't like the prospect of facing them unprepared."

"Which brings me to our current situation." Svexyn gathers up Asusk's items, handing them back to him.

"It would be best if you donned the desert gear, and hid yourself from prying eyes. I am not sure how keen you are on your appearance, but anything to change your appearance would likely help. I will welcome your help, and when it comes to exacting revenge for the murder of your friend, and if you require aid, then I will lend my weapons. But we only kill those that deserve it. I can't imagine that every Quresh is evil. For those that are, and those that stand in my way, then they will have to be dealt with. I just hope that your sword fares better than it did with Drasus, no offense..."

"As for the jackals, it seems as though they are skilled in tracking as well. Their handlers also seem to train them to search out in an arc from their place, so perhaps that is when we could strike at them. But we would have to be swift and deadly. If one raised the alarm, then we are done for."

"If we are going to get into those ruins nearby, then I think we need to do some more work. If we could take on those dire jackals one by one, then it would be better. Right now, it's only myself, Mogan here, and Folg. I doubt we could take on the pack, so if you have any ideas..." he let's the statement hang in the air, hoping that Asusk has taken the bait and will work with them.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Proceeding with caution...

Shafi: Sneers "We could just kill you all as you cross the bridge. It would be easy, but that wouldn't serve our needs in the long run. We want traffic through the caves to continue. If we killed you or took all your possessions you would not return to pay toll again. Odan was instructed to only charge a toll you could afford, so you would not feel inclined to warn others not to use the caves anymore, or worse, inform on us to the Vulfear."

Jabbar: "Good thing your pleasant demeanor and fair business practices are sure to dissuade such thinking." He says sarcastically.

Shafi: Snorts. "It was Odan you were supposed to deal with, but your bodyguard offended him and provoked a fight! My demeanor is the result of your actions. If you have a problem with that, you know who to take it up with."

Jabbar: "Maybe I'll ask him to make me a business partner? Then I could have you replaced."

Shafi: Spits and smiles wickedly. "Maybe you'll have an accident on that bridge? Now keep moving!"

[Billanverthorne: What do you do? Make listen and spot checks please.]

Bill will proceed with caution, but he's keeping an eye on Shafi.

(Rolling spot and listen checks... Both are 1d20+4. Spot = 23, Listen = 10. Bill doesn't hear much, but if something is worth noticing, then he does so.)

Bill is actively trying to remember what he sees along the route (locations of people and things, etc.) He is also ready for treachery and/or betrayal. Last but not least, Bill looks at the bridge as he approaches it, trying to see if it's as sturdy as Jabbar claims, and to see if there is any sort of device in place that would allow the bandits to release the bridge's moorings, i.e., causing people on it to fall to their doom.
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