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Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )


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One-Who-Waits flood of primal healing gives the deva strength, for the moment at least. The deva calls upon Apoli's power, channeling it through him and out his staff. Divine lightning seeks the archers. They convulse and then fall as the lightning strikes them.

Standard: Divine bolts vs archers @ I17, J16. divine bolts vs archers (1d20+4=18, 1d20+4=14, 1d6+4=6, 1d6+4=9) Hits one, misses the second.
Free: I'll use memory of a thousand lifetimes to maybe get the hit. mem of 1000 life (1d6=4) That is a hit so both are dead.
Save vs poison: success
poison save (1d20=18)
Action Point: Second Wind(defenses included in Stats)[/sblock]
Init: +1
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
Defenses*: AC: 19, Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 17
HP:15/24 Bloodied: 12 Surges: 6/8(6) Regeneration 2 while bloodied
AP: 0
Divine Bolts
Vanguard's Lightning
Memory of a thousand lifetimes
Preserver's rebuke
Rebuke undead
Blades of Astral fire
Summon Angel of Fire [/sblock]

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Molok the massive goliath jumps right back at the dragonborn and swing his sword, aiming the creature right to its head. Molok growls in satisfaction when his ennemy's head rolls to his feet. Molok is not afraid and he's a bit foolish. He does not hesitate and swiftly charges the other dragonborn to strike again.

(unless some tieflings decide otherwise...)

Mal, please check if everything i did is fine. It's the first time i'm using invisible castle and i'm not sure i used it right (plus i couldn't logged so i rolled with "test" as a user name and as proposed on the site). Plus, it's the first time i play a barbarian and a character with so many movement possibilities !!!If i messed things up, please advise so it won't happen again.

Plus, i hope my actions block will look fine, i'm not sure yet on how all the coding works

Move to O11
Avalanche Strike on south dragonborn
Attack hits
WOW, i believe that kills the monster !
I use my Stone's Endurance power as a minor action
This one for the team... even though i don't see the tieflings i'll charge the other dragonborn using Swift charge, hoping the oppotunity attacks won't hurt much or stop me!
Moving to I14 using Swift Charge and Howling Strike on north dragonborn
For another hit !

Resist damage 5
All enemies have +4 to hit Molok


First Post
[SBLOCK=Menrakion]How to use Invisible Castle.

Sign In: you don't need to sign in to use it. If you sign in, you can add a comment, which is better but not a necessity.

Character Name: Either you have sign in or not, you can put your character name there. The character name test is use if you don't want to keep your roll in the IC database. For example, your roll will probably won't exist by the end of the week, while my rolls will stay there a few months.

Dice and Numer of roll: I suggest you to leave the number of roll to 1 and rather use the more advantageous dice field. You can easily roll with your modifier (1d20+7) or even roll more than 2 roll within the same request. You just need to put a ; between each roll (1d20+7;3d12+8). There is more option, but just with that, you can do a lot of things. Just last round, you would have needed only two rolls

and 1d20+9;1d12+1d6+4

Note: If you are sign In, you can add a note. It is a good idea to use it if you attack multiple opponent, so it is easy to tell which roll go to whom. Also, the note will be included in the link they offer you, so it will end like this:

Attack Mal, Attack Menrakion, Damage roll (1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=19, 3d6+6=12)

So I miss Mal, but I could have hit you, and for a low 12 damage...[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]IC is down again, so Mal I'll need you to handle the rolls.[/sblock]
Mesa stared in shock for a moment at the deadly goliath who had just joined the fray, aparently on the party's side. "Friend, I'm not sure where ye came from, but I'm very glad to see ye..."

He called on wind again to knock the archers from their perch. As the wind ripped into them, he pulled the healing potion from his belt and quaffed the medicine quickly.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action: Chill Wind versus archers at N14, M15, 1d20 + 4.
Minor Action: Use Potion.
Free Action: Save versus Poison.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mesa's Stat Block]Mesa- Male Razorclaw Shifter Druid 1
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC:16, Fort:12, Reflex:14, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:22(17)/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:7/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Shifter Form: +1 vs. AC, 1d4+1
Beast Form: +4 vs. REF, 1d8+4, and target is slowed TENT

Wild Shape, Grasping Claws, Storm Spike, Chill Wind
Razorclaw Shifting, Cull the Herd
Fires of Life[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Well, it has been 4 days since my last round so I pretty much have to move it forward.[/sblock]

Tomalak, having sensed Molok being attacked by the invisible tiefling, sensed the fiend's position and realizes that he is standing right next to him. Not wanting to turn his back to the assassin's poisoned blade, Andrec attempt to attack blind. Trusting his instincts, Andrec thrust his sword into empty air and the tiefling materialize around the sword, looking stunned. He falls to the ground lifeless.

He then moves in front of Montroya to hopefully protect him from the other invisible tiefling.

The Archers keep firing down. Two archers target the Goliath newcomer but he barely feels the arrows. One other hits Jarel while Montroya ducks quickly enough to avoid harm.

The Dragonborn, surprised by the new opponent, connects solidly against the Goliath. But Molok is fresh and pumped, he is barely incovenienced.

The other tiefling suddenly reappears and stabs Jarel successfully. He is starting to be worn down but his solid constition avoid the worst as he resists the poison and feels One-Who-Waits magic start to work immediately to protect him.

Oh ****. IC is down. It's on an off for small periods of time these days. You'll have to trust that I am rolling good old fashioned dice here.

Andrec vs Tiefling (-5 for full concealment)
1d20+7-5=16 (rolled a 14)

Hit, kills the the tiefling (5 hp left, minimum damage was 9 because of KV). Mr. Miyagi would be proud.

Two archers waste their arrows on Molok. They do damage 3 and he has resist 5 until at the moment. But hey, they don't know that, they just know he is an easy target to hit.

VS Montroya
miss (because S/W +2 to def)

VS Jarel
hit, 3 damage

Dragonborn vs Molok (+4 to hit)
Hit. Rolled max damage: 14 - 5(stone endurance) = 9

Tiefling vs Jarel:
Hit, 1d6+3=7
Miss, no poison

Zombies and Crooks on Virtual Battlemat


Tiefling (North) : 22/34 Invisible
Dragon born (North) : 17/38 bloodied

Andrec : 21 / 22 [5/7] AP, Haaling Flood
Jarel-Karn : 12 (14) / 37 [10/11] AP, Healing Flood
Mesa : 22 (17) / 26 [6/9] AP Ongoing 5 Poison (Save ends),
Montroya : 9 (11) / 24 6 [3/8] bloodied, Healing Flood
One-Who-Waits: 12 (14) / 26 [9/9] AP, bloodied, Healing Flood
Molok : 28 /33 [12/12] Healing flood


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]As I have stated, the Dragonborn was marked. That means -2 to hit (which I think still hit because of Avalnache Strike, so the damage is reduce by 8...[/SBLOCK]

Jarel-karn, in hope to finish that as soon as possible, decide to take the chance and charge himself. Using his inner energy, he boost his sword and swing at the Tiefling, the lightning bouncing to the dragonborn.

[SBLOCK=OOC]IC is down...

Minor: Promise Storm
Standard: Lightning Clash vs. Tiefling, Secondary attack vs. Dragonborn (1d20+9=22, 2d8+6=11, 1d20+9=19, 1d8+1d6+6=9)
Move: Shift to J13

Tiefling (North) : 11/34 Invisible
Dragon born (North) : 8/38 bloodied[/SBLOCK]
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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