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[YB] The Landsharks gang (inactive)


There's nothing like a spectacular victory to draw the young to a gang. And that of Kerall against Jackal was a true event.

Many youngsters saw Honor beaten. Some of them went to Kerall. Some of these were accepted. None of them has yet proven to have any hope as a real warrior. Still, there is strength in numbers, and Kerall's new gang scourges the plains, assaulting villages, setting road 'tolls', hiring spies and growing in power.

Despite all of that, its leader is not happy. He constantly bears the expression of a hunted man - someone whose time is running out - and the relative safety of the encampment in the plains doesn't seem to be enough. The green gang members cannot understand what's wrong with Kerall, but they don't really care, as long as he can plan enough marauding to keep them all well-fed. And the warrior is definitely not going to tell them.
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Bayne is handed the letter by one of his goblins. Bayne dimisses the goblin and tears open the letter.

"Aww, someone wishes to speak with me. Finally,this Kerall wants to organize against evil. Even though I have not proveb myself yet. The anger grows within me mighty then ever." Bayne whispers to himself.

I am off. I expect the cave to finished when I return or all your heads will be on poles." Bayne hollars as he grabs his sword and leaves the cave.

"I hope this isn't a waste of my time. Bayne says as he arrives at the plains and waits to hear what Kerall wants.


The encampment is a bunch of tents surrounded by a hastily-built barricade. Young warriors abound, but to Bayne's trained eye, it is evident that they have more enthusiasm than skill.

Kerall receives Bayne in the larger tent, alone. "Well met, Bayne. Do not mind the mess - we like to move around a lot".

"I was at the tournament, though you probably didn't notice. I have made my appearance well after you stormed away - you have probably heard the news".

Kerall pours a couple of glasses of wine, stolen from the last village. "I have a... pressing need to find and defeat worthwile opponents. To this end, I am building myself a powerbase. I don't have enough time to concern myself with keeping strictly within the law. After my show-off at the arena, a lot of boys have come to me. It's a pity that these youngsters around really have a skill slightly above that of the average sparring dummy.

I cannot keep concerning me with the management of this bunch of enthusiastic idiots. I need someone to help me turning them into valuable warriors, and someone who can manage the whole thing when I'm busy fighting the real dangers. It's a pity that all fighters I have met, except you, are more likely to go crazy and dance naked in the street, before joining me.

Seeing your attitude at the tourney, I figure that you, on the other hand, don't hold much regard for these dojo huggy-feely honor fighters.

Get your own skills honed. Put at least a victory under your belt, and then I will offer you a place here. Some of the smarter lads will be slightly annoyed, but we can always cut their heads off. I need more power before I can challenge the real high ups."

Kerall isn't used to long speeches. Clearly, he has prepared this one in advance. He sips from the wine and waits.
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"I agree with you that there is few that are worth the dirt they walk upon. As for joining you, the thought is very interesting. The power that could be built exceeds that of the worthless dojo freaks. As for that tower being built, may the construction be faulty and may it topple upon there pride and heads. For evil is meant to rule this land. Evil does not worry about the weak that can't help themselves. We just shove them aside to die. That is where the good sides weakness is and that will be there downfall. So as soon as I gain a win. I will join you." Bayne offers his hand to Kerall.

"One other thing can we put the heads on poles outside my cave?" Bayne asks with an evil smile.


Kerall shakes Bayne's hand, and fills the glasses with wine again. "A toast to the many victories ahead?"

The glasses tingle like the clockwork machinery of Fate.


Kerall and the least worthless of his warriors had gone to investigate the rumors of an alliance of honor fighters forming. After a few days, only the young ganger returned, bringing a horrible tale.

"MidKnight spotted us and challenged Kerall. The battle was uncertain, when a reddish mist enveloped both of them", the youngster said. "And they vanished. Do you remember the arena? It was like the same fog, so I assumed that soon the dojo warrior would be defeated. I stepped out of hiding, and looked around the place. And after some time - they returned, suddenly. I'm sure I heard someone laughing... anyway, Kerall was defeated!"

As a wave of murmurs sweeps the gangers, the boy continues: "He was defeated, and badly. Possibly dead. I fled for fear that MidKnight would kill me, too!"

"So, the rumors of an alliance were true! Maybe they are coming here right now! What will we do?"

Panic spreads, and the ex-gangers start packing up their stuff as quick as they can before an imaginary host of thousands of dojo fighters comes to crush what, to all effects, is no longer even a threat...


Chaos reigns into the encampment on the plains. Many hours have passed since Kerall's defeat: the new has arrived and the gangers are disbanding. The boys are running up and down like so many beheaded chickens, and many of them have already left. The tents are being taken down and everyone is getting as much of the gang's stash as possible. The prevalent thought is how they are going to return to civil life.

A figure approaches the encampment. He sees a part of the barricade brought down and smoke coming from another.

When he enters the enclosed area, for a few long seconds noone even recognizes him. By chance, or by fate, the first one to look at him is the same not-so-loyal guy that accompanied him to the Tower of the Sword the day of his defeat. Puzzlement, astonishment, realization, worry and fear run on his face. Fear wins.

When Kerall picks him up by the neck and raises him from the ground, many other boys turn and see that their leader has returned. The loud chaos stops and the concitated voices fall silent: the only noise for a few seconds is the "gh... gh!" coming from the ex-ganger trapped in Kerall's grasp.

A quick motion, and the boy finds himself flying towards a carriage. He lands on a broken wheel, and faints.

"You have not wasted time, I see. You could have been a bit more orderly, though". A puzzled murmuring follows the leader's statement.

"We are moving. This place is no longer safe. Pick up everything you can and leave here the rest. We are relocating to the badlands".

Seeing one of the boys picking up the senseless body of the traitor, Kerall gazes at him and states: "Leave him here. Leave a note for him. He will tell anyone who comes looking for me to go to the badlands instead."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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