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(YB - Meta - Rules) Sash


ok here are some of my thoughts on sash - let me hear some of yours.

An idea someone on the committee suggested was have Sash's win and lose ranks as normal (no more calculating yen) but let them pay a fee (say 5 yen) not to go down in rank when they lose.

I think that the items rules should involve the expenditure of yen which means sashes can spend their yen on an item and on moves but not be forced to hoard those yen.

The sashes should also be about making yen which is why I thinkone of their bottom tier powers should be "profiteer" - anytime they get a successful yen move they in fact get two yen.

There needs to be flexibility in the path but not the ability to buy matches - I like the idea of them being able to "buy permanent powers" allowing the sash to have the most flexibility as far as what they can look like but still be balanced with limits on how many powers they can buy. Or something like this.

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Well, I would definitely want them to adhere to normal rules concerning gaining and losing ranks.

Just because they are neutral, doesn't mean they must be an abomination concerning the rules. Sorry, but that's how I regarded the sash always.

So... how about making it possible for them to buy powers with yen, just like now.

But instead of tying ranks with yen, why not incur a maximum of yen anybody can have at any time (for example 1 per tier). Now, you can give the sashes the ability to have 5 yen per tier. The higher they get, the more yen they can have, the more yen they can use to buy powers or items, and so on...



As a Sash, I like the idea of going up and down in ranks just like anybody else.
And the idea of buying your powers permanently is intriguing, to say the least. But maybe a high-ranked Sash should be able to convert people to the Sash progression.

And definitely no mercenary tactics!!!

I can't stress that enough.

I must say, I personally, would love it, if the Sash just disappeared. Yen is but another complicating rule. (As is the artifacts, but if their powers are going to be standardized, that might work for me.)

I think YBA! is the game for the equipment hoarder, YB should, IMHO, be pure


Berandor said:

But instead of tying ranks with yen, why not incur a maximum of yen anybody can have at any time (for example 1 per tier). Now, you can give the sashes the ability to have 5 yen per tier. The higher they get, the more yen they can have, the more yen they can use to buy powers or items, and so on...


Well I thought it might be cool to have a reason for the yen apart from the sashes - as it stands at the moment - there is nothing Sidhe Li can do with his six yen other than pay GD or hoard it...

so my thoughts were- why not let each person buy 1 item - a personal item that can't be taken away and for the expenditure of yen this item can be given powers.

I kind of thought 10 yen for the base item and then 10 yen for each added power - with no more powers in an item than the owner has tiers or some such thing.


Now that I read LHH, I agree.

Do they have to be sashes?

I recognize that people might want a fifth, neutral path. But why base them on money?

After all, Yen is just a further rules complication.

Why not make a neutral path that doesn't rely on money, but is instead nothing more : a neutral path?

Then, you can take the yen and incorporate them with the item rules without too much chaos.

I definitely do not care about money-grabbers or sashes, but a neutral path - that is really neutral, nut just corruptable - might be interesting...

Why not make a poll? :)



The main reason is cuz the committee did a poll and it was like 9 for/3 against or something like that.

But if the sashes can't interfere in the fights of others and can't buy their wins then I don't see whether it matters whether they are called sashes or not.

My concept for them is something like: Sashes are less concerned with good and evil, honor and power and are more interested in making a living with their fighting skills. Some of them are gladiators. Some of them are bounty hunters. All of them have an eye out for an easy win and a fast yen.

I really like the idea too, the more I think about it of having them spend the yen to buy their powers when they gain rank and not in the middle of a match. I think that could be made workable.

There are no interference powers in any of the paths at this time either and if the other paths don't have it I don't think the sashes should either.


How are these for sash rules?

The Path of the Yen

Concept: Sash fighters are not overly concerned with good and evil, honor or power. They are more interested in where their next yen is coming from. Some are gladiotors, some are bounty hunters, all of them look for an easy win and a fast yen.

Progression and ranks
White Belt: No ranks
Copper Sash: 0-2
Silver Sash: 0-4
Gold Sash: 0-6
Diamond Sash: 0-8
Master Sash: 0-10
?: No ranks

Special Rules:Sashes have no buffer ranks, instead a sash who loses a fight may pay the winner a number of yen equal to the sash's tier (i.e. two yen for copper, three for silver, etc.) in order not to lose a rank. Likewise a sash who wins a fight may, if the loser has yen, claim a number of yen from the loser up to an amount equal to the sash's tier. The sash always has the option if the loser of whether to pay the other. If the sash is the winner the other must pay if they are able. Paying a sash does not affect the rank of the other fighter unless they are a sash. If two sashes of different tiers fight, use the higher tier to determine the amount owed.

If a Sash of the 7th tier loses a fight he drops immediately to Master Sash 10

Powers and Abilities
Copper sash: Signature Style, Profiteer, Arena Fighter, Bribe Judges
Silver sash: Signature Location, Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
Gold Sash: Hard hitter, Crowd Pleaser
Diamond Sash: Signature Location, Purchased power, Crowd Pleaser
Master Sash: Signature Style, Purchased power, Puchased power
?: Signature Style, Perfect Attack or Perfect Defense, Purchased power

Explanation of Powers
Signature Style: As Honor Path

Signature Location: As Yakuza Path

Profiteer: Any time a yen move shows up, the sash fighter earns double the yen shown if his move was successful.

Arena Fighter: The fighter gains the location of the fight as a signature location and anytime he generates that location, he earns 1 yen.

Bribe Judges: After the judges have called a round, the Sash fighter can pay them two yen to cancel the call and reset the flags. This ability can be used once per bribe judges known.

Hard HitterAnytime the sash fighter himself generates a yen move, he scores one extra point for each yen shown if the move is successful.

Crowd Pleaser The sash can declare any one move to be a crowd pleaser. If the move is successful, the sash fighter recieves 3 yen. If the move is not successful, the sash fighter recieves 1 yen.

Purchased Power The Sash can pay 6 yen per purchased and acquire one of the following powers - The choice does not have to be made immediatelly, the sash can purchase them at any time during his stay on the relevant tier. Once purchased however, the choice is irrevocable.
- Chi Strike, Fist of Fury, Poisoned Blade.

Perfect Attack/Perfect Defense: A 7th tier sash can choose which of these he prefers. Once he chooses the choice is irrevocable.

The main advantage to the sash at lower levels is their ability to earn money. This money can be used to prevent loss of rank, or if we create item rules they can be used to buy a nice item. At higher levels the main advantage of the sash is they can buy stackable powers (fist of fury, poisoned blade, chi strike) to create some very hard hitting attacks.
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First Post
Lucks pretty good to me, Wicht. I hope the Sash work out better after the reset... this time around, they just haven't worked out. Yes, I'm the highest-ranked fighter in the game... but the next highest is something like Yellow Sash 0 with 6 yen :(. It just hasn't worked out.

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