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(YB, IC) Kerall's redemption


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"Kerall, the only solution I can see that would have a happy ending would be to find the cure. What are the symptoms of this disease? I am no healer, but there are a few in this land who may be able to help. Lady Tsin is very powerful, and perhaps the man from an alternate time, Jenner, would know of medicines to treat her disease.

ooc: Perhaps this "reset" is to buy Kerall more time? :D

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Unfortunately Sabaron, Lady Tsin's power is waning and Jenner has been gone for many moons now(even if he would help). The girl is too far away for a cure to reach her anyway, no matter if we could find one here or not.


"The disease infests the lungs and progressively damages them, until the victim dies of suff...". Then the kama, pulled out by Nikodemus and bathed in the holy light, vanishes in a puff of smoke! The light warrior can feel the scent of sulphur in the air, but the wind immediately cleanses it.

Kerall suddenly turns his head: "My kama! What... what happened to the tree?"
The patch of darkness is no longer swelling, but it is still visible. Kerall watches it and then says "Could the fiend's influence have done this, having corrupted the weapon when it passed through its body? But... the demon's image was only an illusion".

Kerall assumes a puzzled look. "How did I obtain the kama? Funny, I've never even bothered to think about it... I can't remember".
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Sabaron draws his sword again and attempts to hack off a piece of the blackened area.

"This might prove useful in tracking the demon or identifying the source of the disease."

ooc: If this doesn't work for some reason, let me know. :)


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"This Kama was a gift of the demon I would wager. Who knows what evil it has done and spread in the world through it's use. The tree itself now seems to be infected and uncured by my powers. Too bad. I wonder if the demon himself was the cause of the disease in your homeland. Each plague would be sure to deliver up someone desperate enough to sell their soul for the health of a loved one.

"Kerall, here is the idea that has occured to me. It is somewhat harsh and has a chance of not working, but if it works as I envision it, you could be reunited with your daughter without further fear of the demon. So hear me out till the end, even if it sounds ludicrous.

"This plan starts in one of two ways. If I understand rightly, then there is some time limit on you to win another match or forfeit the demon's help anyway. You must either let the time run out, or lose another match, thereby giving the demon your soul as you promised and losing your daughter to death from the sickness. This seems harsh, but the only way out of this is to pay the price you agreed to pay and hope that it is enough to put your soul back into balance. Living up to your end of the bargain will help pay for any possible suffering and crimes you have brought to others. I'm sure that your daughter is a pure spirit that will quickly fly up to heaven when her time comes. If the rest goes well, then you will be able to join her there at the least, and possibly more.

"After your daughter has flown to heaven and you have been snatched to hell, I would call in a favor. I have a friend named Archangel you see. He is an actual Archangel from heaven and he will be returning there shortly. He recently told me that he has been given leave to take one other up to heaven with him when he goes. He offered this boon to me, but if you agree to follow this plan, I would have him rescue you instead. After you have gone to hell you see, your contract will be broken as you will have lived up to your end of it. At that time Archangel could appear and take you with him to heaven where you could reunite with your daughter. There is even the chance after that for you to return to the mortal realm if you so wished it.

"I know it is alot to ask of you to let your daughter die and to follow her into death on the promise of someone you hardly know, but you should understand that it also means much for me to offer you this pass to heaven, for it was to be my only way of rejoining my beloved when she travels there herself soon. Without that, I will have to live my life for as long as it lasts until the day that I may be reunited with her. But offer it to you I will, if you should wish it. Know also that I will be here to guard your retreat if the demon should come chasing after you out of hell.

"Think hard on these difficult possibilities. If you have any better ideas on ways that we could help, then speak them and we shall discuss it."

OOC: Whew! That took alot out of me! Sorry so long, hope it's worth it. :)


OOC: Oh my! Phoenix, that's wonderful! I was writing about the kama, but that's way better than what I'd planned. I'm leaving for an hour or two now; I'll write Kerall's answer later. That's a very, very good one!

Sabaron, it works fine, and (before Niko speaks)...

Kerall looks confused, until he touches the darkened wood. Then, he opens his eyes wide: "The kama! I remember - the fiend gave it to me. When we spoke first. I found it near the spot where I was standing, near Maelle's bed. But what could that mean?"


Kerall startles when he hears Nikodemus suggesting him to let his daughter die. Then, he calms himself and listends.

"The fiend, the cause of the plague?" The fighter slowly sits on a nearby rock and starts toying with the blackened piece of wood. "This makes a horrible and devious kind of sense".

He drops the wood and raises his hands to his face. "Nikodemus... you can't do this for me. You have been granted the greatest of gifts! A king or an emperor would still not deserve what you have gained with your holy words and deeds. And what am I? I have given my honor, my life and my soul to a fiend. I have oceans of blood on my hands".

"I have even defiled the very Tournament of Honor! Who knows how many young I could have led on the dark path with that action alone! I can't even claim that I wasn't aware of what I was doing... I
wanted to show all of you honorable weaklings what power is about!" Kerall suddenly stops.

"That's odd... now that I think about it, it was a totally worthless action. I needed to fight, of course, but... why in public...?" As his voice fades, his gaze glides to the blackened spot on the tree.

What is happening to me? I should grab this opportunity. It's a way out. Who cares if I have to steal heaven itself from a man who the Archangel deemed so honorable...
That's the way it's always been. Steal. Fight. Kill.
Nothing changes... ... ...?

"I carried evil with me", Kerall murmurs.
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"KERALL".... a voice booms from the heavens......

*in a bright flash of light archangel appers.....*

"indeed you have have gotten yourself in a little too deep eh????"

this is not an easy task for you......... this is why I have something for you........ you have goodness inside of you..I can feel it...... I mean your doing this forsomeone else..... your daughter it seem..... your being unselfish..... a sigh of good and honor.... for this I give you MY luckstone......

*as you may or may not have seen before.... a luckstone like the one niko has.... is perfectly round and glowing a bright blue..... it's an item all angels carry with them....and may bestow them to whom they see fit..... they are told to bring GREAT luck and good sprits to those who carry it........*

*archangel place his luckstone in the hands of kerall*

good luck in getting your daughter back....I wish you the best in your quest to do so......

*IMPORTANT: as a last reminder of archangel is it possible...seeing as he is carring Kerall to the new game...... for him to keep the luckstone if he so chooses to carry it..... into the new game.......I mean it has no barring on the game itself..it's just a flavor text item.....*

as well.... Kerrall..... am I willing to do ths for you.....even tho it is screwing around with the harmony of light and dark..... that's usually a no no for an angel....... but I will be willing to do this all the same......... even tho sometimes I think you don't deserve it..I now thing of your daughter..not being with her farther...... and it saddens me...... let niko and I know if you are willing to try this plan.......

also niko......... I may be still able to pull a few BIG strings to be able to take you both..but it won't be easy ir at the same time.......so don't get your hopes up as of yet........

*archangel smiles again*
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"A luckstone?" Kerall takes the glowing blue stone from Archangel's hands. "Thank you, celestial one". He looks intensely at the stone, as if trying to see his future in it.

"I will need luck. And more than that, I will need a strong spirit". Kerall looks at the sun - it has moved quite a bit since that last encounter with the fiend. "Oh, Maelle... forgive me. I have failed. I have destroyed my life, and what for?"

Kerall watches Nikodemus, and Sabaron, and Archangel.
They hardly know me. I fought all of them. Yet, they are willing to give their most prized gifts and possession to help me. "If Heaven can forgive me, then maybe I should forgive myself, too...", he murmurs.

Kerall stands up, holding the Luckstone in his right hand. The blue glow filters through his fingers. "Now I know what I must do".

"I will no longer fight for a demon. I will from now on fight to reclaim my lost honor. Maelle's soul will be free to fly to the heavens. However... I cannot accept your offer, Nikodemus, Archangel. I will not attempt to cheat fate again. It has been a hard lesson, but I have learned that one must accept his destiny. I am not going to commit this mistake again".

When Kerall stops talking, the wind suddenly increases its speed, carrying with it a low, evil voice: "You are insane, mortal. Fight for me and she will live. Challenge the celestial now. I will help you in defeating him".

Kerall looks in the direction from which the voice comes, and says, simply: "No".

"You are killing your daughter. Do you want her to die?"

Kerall says nothing.

"The plague will kill her slowly and painfully. She will cry for you, but you will not be there".

Kerall closes his eyes, and again says nothing. At which point, a young girl's voice is heard in the wind - she's crying "Dad!".

"You bastard...", the ex-villain murmurs. Then, he grips the Luckstone tight, and, shouting louder than even the wind: "Go away! Vanish from my life, or come here and face the four of us! Coward! Be it the last action of my life, but I will find you and put an end to your evil! There's no place on Earth or Hell where you will hide from me!"

"You have made your choice. Servant." And then, the wind drops.

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