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YB 2.0 - Get ready to Reset!!!


One pre-reset post to just make a couple of official statements and ask one official question.

Any active fights need to be finished by Sunday night. Judges can declare sudden death if need be - of course the outcome of those will, by that time be kind of a moot point but I know there will likely be a few fights up to the last minute :)

Just to make it official all current active judges will begin as journeymen judges on Monday. All master judges will go back to journeymen and all apprentice judges are going forward to journeymen. Thats a demotion for a couple and a promotion for a couple I believe. The reason for this is two fold - first of all, being Master Judge means you have demonstrated your ability with the rules and since no one has yet done this yet with the new rules we will all begin on the same foot. As for the apprentices, I know there are a couple I (or others) should have already promoted but didn't so this makes it official all in one fell swoop. I don't want to, as I have said elsewhere, be the lone voice of authority so rest assured that any active judge who does a good job will likely be promoted to Master Judge very shortly.

And now a question One thing that 47 was doing when he was active that was mostly fun was having special weekly events. Do we want to continue this (begin it again) and if so on what day of the week? Is Friday good for this or is Monday, Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday better? And don't worry - if we have such days they won't be quite as earthshattering as Relic day was (that was a mess) :) I was thinking more along the line of a day where all winners got 2 or 3 yen. Or a day where villains had a slight advantage or good guys did, etc.

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First Post
All sounds good to me. Just make sure the rules get updated :).
I like Friday best for special days like that. And I definitely think that we should have some.


Oh and one other thing - Tomorrow afternoon I will start a new registration thread for 2.0. Having 2.0 characters on the old registration might end up being confusing to newbies.

GD - all the rules are located in one thread at the moment - I know there were volunteers to get them on the generator but I don't know if that was going to happen by monday or not.


First Post
I don't know about the rules being ported over, but it shouldn't be hard to cut and paste the text then add some HTML code for it to work on the web page.

I already redid the Advancement Chart for the web page and e-mailed it to Lady Diamond who should get it uploaded for the reset. It is now JUST the advancement chart and doesn't have all the rule under it anymore. Since there is already another link at the top for RULES I figured that the new stuff would go there.

Lady Diamond

First Post
graydoom said:
All sounds good to me. Just make sure the rules get updated :).
I like Friday best for special days like that. And I definitely think that we should have some.

Official events sound cool. I'll participate when my schedule allows me to do so.

Now then let's see.. standard professional installation for things like html costs 150 bucks an hour.. this is about an 8-hour job, taking into account the things I'll have to search for off the boards.. but hey, I do this as a hobby, let's make it 100 bucks an hour instead.

GD where's your checkbook? :)

Guys, I Love that we're all rarin' to go to reset, and as I said before, the generator will be ready by then.

As I also stated previously, the rules will be slower to update. I understand that with the new rules that the judges will need All the help they can get to do advancement. I plan on working on that part first.

Niko thanks for sending the advancement chart via email, it appears to have all the text info I need to get started on it. A file attachment next time might be better but I don't know if your email ISP allows that.

Here's what "easy" looks like:


I'm sure y'all want it to look a little better than that. I'm working on things today as time and my schedule permits , until then use the boards posts.



Thanks Lady Diamond for the work you have done and please don't feel that I or anybody else is rushing you. We got the rules all in one place and they may not be the easiest to scan but they will work for the moment so no worries about your schedule. The main thing is the generator up and running.

Thanks again and as soon as I start earning royalties, I'll split them with you ;)


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Lady D,

I sent you an attachment file also. Check your mail again maybe. It was saved in Notepad as "bastard-belts[1].HTML" that should have been able to be dropped in place of the old file for the Advancement page.

If you have that also and it's not working, then I'm not sure what else to do. I wish I could show you what it looks like on my PC when I pull up the file, but I can't. I'm sorry if it my efforts went to waste and you have to put it together almost from scratch. Hope you have gotten the other e-mail with the attachment and it works better.

Lady Diamond

First Post
No worries guys :) Niko I checked, somehow the file attachment didn't make it (checked with both AOL and Outlook Express, no joy). Some ornery mail server somewhere sent the entire doc appended to your mail message (with some of the html coding stripped off, naturally), not your fault.

Anywho, I have a rules page cobbled together for the rules (it ain't pretty but at least its a page), I ripped it off from the boards, it'll do to satisfy those peeps needing a page rather than scoping the bloomin' boards that sometimes take forever to load.

YB 2.0 Draft Rules page

Still workin' on it :) stay tuned...


First Post
Lady D,

I tried again twice. Once through Hotmail and once by sending the file in Word. You'd have to cut and paste it into notepad and save it as .HTML but I think that is the best chance. I mailed it to myself too and followed this procedure and it worked fine. Hope it works for you and saves you some time. Let me know when you get it and if it works if you can. Like you don't have enough to do, huh? :rolleyes: ;)

The rules page looks good too. You did just what I was thinking of doing for it. Didn't make much sense on the old web page to have the rules on one page and agian under the advancement chart.

Now if only I could find a job doing HTML stuff for a $150 bucks an hour! :D

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