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X-Files Series Finale

Sore wa nan de:):):):)a ka?

Which is Japanese for: "What was that?"

This will have spoilers.







I know the episode did a nice job of explaining everything that happened in the series, and I liked the bit where CSM shows up and taunts Mulder, but there really wasn't much of a point, was there? Except to show that there's still something to worry about, and that the characters are around for potential movies. It really didn't have much of a plot, in my opinion. No great revelation, no great character development or changes in direction. Individual parts were pretty good, but overall, what was the point?

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Amrynn Moonshadow

First Post
what gives with this episode? now, i've missed a lot, basically, everything after the 5th season . . . but . . . what's with the lone gunman, didn't they die?

cancer man, i got the feeling that he is less of an :):):):):):):) than i've previously believed. i dunno . . . it's a damn shame about samantha mulder, but what's up with the hugging at the end?

maybe i *did* miss too many seasons of this show . . .


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
We still have two hours to go until this is on.

All I want to know is this: Which of these should I watch tonight: Alias, or X-files.


First Post
I stepped away for a minute in teh end, what was teh info that Mulder didn't want to share? was it given?

I agree, this ep was a continuation of the downward slope of the last few seasons. I doubt a movie would be popular, simply because they've run the show down so much.


Yeah. Nani?

I was left asking myself "Ok... so... where's the rest of it?"

I think the series was wrote into a corner... there was no realistic way to tie up some of the ends easily.


First Post
VoceNoctum1 said:
I stepped away for a minute in teh end, what was teh info that Mulder didn't want to share? was it given?

I agree, this ep was a continuation of the downward slope of the last few seasons. I doubt a movie would be popular, simply because they've run the show down so much.

The final bit of info was the date of the Alien invasion: December 22, 2012. This is according to the old Mayan calendar, which uses it as the end of the 5th world.

Bah, they can't fool me - as an old Shadowrun fan, that's the date of the Awakening!


First Post
Well, considering how many times CSM has "died" in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up in the supposed next movie minus some hair. Of course, if he didn't die, than there were no plotlines that were finished in the finale. Most of it just seemed like a big long recap of the mythology. I agree with the original poster, there really wasn't a point to this episode.

Wow, they edited D E S H I T A. I didn't see that one coming.

I always thought they'd either kill Mulder or, as a twist, kill Scully. Or something. But there needed to be a big change. The series always relied on the sense that there was always something new you weren't able to know about, but now there's nothing left unknown. I mean, I could live with that, but the final revelation came about so blandly. It's like, "Oh, hey, we discovered the meaning of life." "Really?" "Yeah, it's pretty simple." "Ah, okay. Well, you'll have to tell me some time. You up for a beer?" "Sure."

I think it would've been cool if they'd honestly ended with Mulder and Scully being killed in that little Anasazi pueblo. CSM would be, "You had your chance to tell the world and warn them so they'd be able to defend themselves. That's what you always wanted to do, what you always hated us for for keeping it a secret. And now that you didn't take your chance, you lose it." And then the helicopters come and kill them all together.


What? Me Worry?






Yeah, the Lone Gunmen are dead. So are Kryczek and the guy who gave Mulder the address in his cell. Well, as far as Mulder is concerned, they are. They were either manifestations of internal monologues, hallucinations, or Mulder actually speaking with spirits - which is something we've seen happen in the series before.

I actually liked this finale. I didn't expect them to wrap up everything, because I knew of plans for a film. I think a film could garner some interest, now that the show is gone.

I hadn't watched X-Files much for the last few years, but it's impact on the national consciousness, let alone TV, was far-ranging. Its influence is everywhere. I get the feeling that after a few years it'll be missed, and a much kinder opinion will begin to appear of its last few seasons.

I'm not surprised at the Mayan calendar reference. By the way, Shadowrun used the same thing to establish its timeline.

Amrynn Moonshadow

First Post
at what point does mulder say "ah, nothing we can do, we've got 10 years before the poo-poo hits the fan, want to start a family dana?"

and have skully answer "well, not with you, i had a boyfriend written out of the first season pilot, and he's been waiting 9 years, and after the aliens, i've promised my eggs to him, sorry fox . . ."

fox would then reply "what the hell are you talking about? i've been the only man in your life for the last 9 years in the cannon history"

out of the shadows that new agent (never caught his name, has a semi-southern accent) comes out of the shadows and puts an arm around skully "sorry mulder, but i think you're wrong"

for no reason skinner storms into the hotel room saying "mulder, skully, i am both of your fathers!"

it's at this point all the dead former cast members start to breakdance, crescendo-ing to a dueling banjo type break dance-off between deep throat and Mr.X . . .

at least THAT would have made more sense . . .

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