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Dragonlance Would anyone be legitimately interested in working on a fan Dragonlance book?


I am a member of DL nexus and I mentioned it over there. The consensus seemed that it wouldnt work because no one could agree on exactly how to represent certain things like how to represent each color of wizard's robes. Personally I think it should be done through Themes. Anyway, would anyone be interested in seriously helping ? I know it's a long shot especially since this isnt exactly a dragonlance board or anything. BUT it is a 4th edition specific board, so I figured I'd ask here for people that are passionate about the system.

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I'm not familiar enough or big enough a fan to help, but ...

Why don't you start us of? For instance, I'm not sure there ever were substantial differences between white, red and black-robed (or renegade) wizards in terms of spells or rituals. The differences were flavor-based, I believe.

Perhaps only red wizards are taught certain spells or rituals, but if said wizard goes white or black, they don't lose them.


The hardest part, 100% is the monster stat blocks. Getting them out of the ancient formats they're in into unique, solid 4E blocks which fit within the world is the hard part.

That being said, it's not insurmountable. Wizard robe colors are a joke in comparison (Theme and Paragon paths, a few Theme powers, we're good)

How many monsters do you need? Beyond draconians, that is. (And those have already been published, although not in a Krynn-specific way.)

From what I've seen, the heroes fought goblins, hobgoblins, humans, dragons, and the new guys on the block, draconians.

Well, there are the High Ogres. (I'm not counting kender, gully dwarves or gnomes. Those are actually traps that target your Will, with a hit resulting in insanity.)

Scrivener of Doom

The hardest part, 100% is the monster stat blocks. Getting them out of the ancient formats they're in into unique, solid 4E blocks which fit within the world is the hard part. (snip)

I honestly thought that was the easiest part; indeed, far and away the easiest part. 4E monster design or conversion is so easy and even enjoyable.

Dragonlance was, at one time, my favorite setting. Sadly, I moved away from it after the War of Souls and haven't read a single DL book since then.

I like to think of myself as creative, so if you need help, send me a message with the details and I'll be happy to help in my spare time.

The problem was the lack of a leader. Cam Banks stared strong, but got swept up in his 4e 3PP work and never did more than a first draft, and then moved over to Cortex work.
Without a leader, there was too many ideas and much conflict between design. Everyone wanted to do the sexy design (knights, wizards of high sorcerery) and much of the nitty gritty was ignored.
Nobody wanted to step up and take responsibility and start the work.

The other big problem is the GSL, which is far less friendly for this kind of work than the OGL. It explicitly prohibits rewriting rules or flavour text. You can only add rules and options, not re-write the core.

4e is also a nightmare to write and design for. It's a very mechanically tricky system because it is so balanced, there's less wiggle room for design and mechanics. Close enough is not good enough in terms of balance. And as there are just so many options, it's hard not producing a power or feat or feature that doesn't already exist. The edition is filled with powers for the same class or role where there's a similar power, only of lower level or mechanically better.

I did some Dragonlance-esque Subraces here :
New Sub-Races
And there's a wealth of stuff on the Nexus that could be edited and compiled together. And Bank's races guide is a good start on the rest.

On the GSL: do Dragonlance players need more player options?

A friend of mine bought Dragonlance 3e years ago, and ran a short adventure. I looked in the book, and saw the usual amount of crunch. Some wasn't necessary. The Knights of Solamnia were turned into a paladin-clone prestige class (I think there was there, one per "order"), when the characters never demonstrated such abilities. (All that would have been necessary were feats to boost saves against fear, Will, and things like that.)

The Kaganesti were given different stats (I played a Kaganesti, but just wanted to use elf stats, as Kaganesti were kind of cheesy).

I think WotC felt the need to write unnecessary crunch.

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