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WotBS [WotBS] What is the name of the continent on which WotBS takes place?

Is there a name for the continent/promontory that is the setting for most of the action in WotBS? I’ve looked through the player’s guide and the campaign guide, but don’t see a name beyond those of the specific countries. I’m fairly confident my players will ask, and can make something up, but wanted to check to see if I was missing something from canon first...

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If you plan on running Zeitgeist in the future, you could always call it Lanjyr. At some point in the thousands of years between the two campaigns, the continent shattered before the seals were installed.

Tormyr, I'm not permitted to make the two adventure paths be canonically in the same setting, but if I could, it'd be that Northwest Ragesia is connected but a land bridge to Northeast Drakr.

Then Elfaivar would be across a small ocean from Ostalin (on the southwest coast of the WotBS continent).

The timeline would probably place the events of WotBS at around 300 AOV 1000 BOV (1500 years ago). All the legends of the Aquiline Heart would have happened shortly after the Axis Seal ritual
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After having played through much of Zeitgeist and being a GM for WotBS, I'd say that you'd need to alter quite a bit of WotBS lore and setting to make it a seamless transition.

First and foremost... there was no freaking sun before the Axis Seal. So if the ritual happened shortly before WotBS, then people would have had knowledge about something crazy happening a 'couple of years' ago. Especially long-lived people like the Shahalesti.

Also, there should be mentions of planar invasions, and all the Angels/Devils in WotBS would have to be leftovers of said invasions. Summoning them would not be possible due to the 5 min restriction. Gold would block teleportation. And you'd need to decide whether or not the elemental spirits were embodiments of planes (planar avatars of some sort) or just another kind of Titan.

I don't say that it isn't doable, or that you should not mix these two settings. But it needs a lot of work and research to do it right and consistently.

(And yes, I might sound a bit nit-picky, but especially the later parts of Zeitgeist are a bit inconsistent and open up so many questions concerning the history and cosmology of the setting that we could write pages about them ;) )


You'd still have to decide whether WotBS takes place before or after the first ritual.

If before, then there would be no sun (and honestly, I don't see any reason why people without at least low-light vision would even exist on such a planet).

If after, you'd have to consider the axis seal restrictions (gold/summoning/planar travel/bleak gate&dreaming).

Edit: Of course it all could make sense if you included yet another world-shaking event after WotBS where the planet somehow lost its sun. Which would explain why humans existed and were driven to near extinction. And why Toteth and his crew were so eager to recreate one.


I had not thought about the sun before, but my thinking was that things went out of whack at some point after the events of WotBS. The continent broke up; the sun disappeared; and the ritual was used to restore some sort of order.

It looks like I need to take a second look at Zeitgeist's history to make sure I am not messing something up.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
After having played through much of Zeitgeist and being a GM for WotBS, I'd say that you'd need to alter quite a bit of WotBS lore and setting to make it a seamless transition.

That's why I've never liked the idea of them being the same world. It feels like an awkward shoehorn of two puzzle pieces which don't fit together right. I prefer more of a D&D approach where they're their own campaign settings.

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