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D&D General Why did you pick your campaign setting?

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I remember seeing the Under Illefarn FR supplement back in the 80s when I first started to try DMing. I ran it for my group and spun some other adventure off it and eventually bought the grey box and some more FR things. I think it was a timing thing and marketing thing on their part that caught me at the right time. I have gotten back to FR in 5e wit the box sets and the ease of use to fit it in my games.


Last campaign I asked my players by presenting them a slew of options and letting them choose. This campaign (on hiatus) I did the exact same thing. So it's probably obvious I think of it more as our campaign than as my campaign – both sentiments are true, just for me the collective creative ownership is more true.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I picked Greyhawk when we shifted to 3e because I wanted to run a “classic modules” campaign to see how well 3e handled the old adventures. So, it had a pretty big impact as I used it tying adventures together.
And, yes, 3e handled the classic modules well as long as long as I throttled XPs to keep level advancement down. Ended up shifting to milestone leveling.


Moderator Emeritus
I ran in the same homebrew that I created at age 17 shortly after 2E came out until 2009 and even played in a game set in that world run by a friend until 2016.

After a break from D&D and coming back for 5E, rather than try to convert that world again, I decided to make a bottom up setting (rather than top down as the previous had been) and knowing that published setting are not for me except for what I can steal and change. So I took a place from the old setting I had hardly used and that was a good fit for the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventures (which I had run in their 1E incarnations using 2E rules back in late 80s and early 90s), changed some names, drew a new map and went for it.

I am considering running a Krynn-based War of the Lance game next but while I will buy the new 5E stuff, as usual I will homebrew and adapt my own version of Krynn based on my take on the novels and olde material I still have.

Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
I ran a homebrew world for my 2nd Ed campaign that lasted close to 20 years, before wrapping that up and retiring from 2e.

During that time, I was gifted the World of Greyhawk box set a buddy had found (completely intact!) at a garage sale, and I wanted to run it, so that's where I set my 1e campaign. But I also decided that it would be fun to set both on the same planet, so Faerun was only an ocean's journey away. I was running the players through the L series, set in their correct Lendore Isles locale. The team decided that they were finished with Lendore and set sail for Faerun, landed in Baldur's Gate, hired out as mercenaries, eventually landing in Cormyr which they've decided they like. So 4 years (real life time) and several turnovers later (both player and character) those groups are still in Cormyr. I say those because what was one group has grown and splintered into two.

The irony here, of course, is that my desire to run Greyhawk was immediately sundered by my desire to let players have full agency! But I'm not complaining - getting use out of my Forgotten Realms Grey Box is equally satisfying - though I've now also splurged for the Cormyr sourcebook ... which likely means they'll pack up and go elsewhere just to mess with me. :ROFLMAO:

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