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D&D General Who would you cast as Drizz't? (Tiger Shroff Bollywood martial artist)


Rotten DM
An unknown actor who would speak his lines on set. Then I dub in another actors voice. And since I was dubbing, I could use various local actors in other countries. Aka the Chew tobacco trope.

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Lowcountry Low Roller
I would agree, that Drow skin is a black not found in natural skin colours and also D&D elves are much more slender then the human norm. There is a lot to be said for going the CGI route.
I really do wonder if a black skinned matriarchal evil race is marketable?

Perhaps? How about the only reason they're considered evil is because they are a matriarchy? I.e. the patriarchs of the elves declared the Drow were going against nature by venerating female leadership and banished them. Then told lots of stories about them to amp up the "evil".

Of course this would make lore-keepers heads explode :)

But it would certainly reboot the narrative and make the Drow much more sympathetic (and complicated) :)


Lowcountry Low Roller
To pull off a Drow themed movie and not overturn the lore you would have to highlight the alienness of the Drow. I don't any male human (or at least adult male) actor can pull of the gracilieness of Drow, too wide at the shoulders. May be female actors or teenage boys. Go for the black body paint. Red eyes with out iris or pupil, sclera red also. Would also have to continually show the alien nature of social interaction also. Constant dominance and submissive threat behaviour.

Well the easier (if not cheaper) route would be to mo-cap it much as they did for Avatar. Then you can get exactly the forms you want with the actors you want. Just make sure the eyes aren't dead. Cameron spent a lot time on eye motion capture and it paid dividends.

As for pulling off the moves: use dancers. Alicia Vikander is supernaturally graceful in Ex Machina giving her an effortlessness that evokes her robotic strength. She trained as a ballerina for many years.

Honestly, I think the special effects budget will be used on set, monsters, and magic, not elves (outside of fight scenes). Think more LoTR than orcs from WoW. I also think the "pretty factor" (and/or the "pretty while being emo" factor) will be a higher consideration than whether the actor can do his own stunts. Hollywood has more than a century of practice teaching just about any actor to make a flourish with a sword (or swords in this case) and using stunt doubles for more complicated motions (and a couple of decades of using CGI to do stuff that stunt doubles can't).

As for the Drow, I suspect they will come across pretty similar to Amazons from Wonder Woman/Dora Milaje from Black Panther, but led astray by bad companionship and with giant spiders. The "redemption" of Lolth will continue, as they will undoubtedly find a way to place the blame on some man (men/male god/male gods) for the Drows' (and Lolth's) "evil ways."


Well the easier (if not cheaper) route would be to mo-cap it much as they did for Avatar. Then you can get exactly the forms you want with the actors you want. Just make sure the eyes aren't dead. Cameron spent a lot time on eye motion capture and it paid dividends.

As for pulling off the moves: use dancers. Alicia Vikander is supernaturally graceful in Ex Machina giving her an effortlessness that evokes her robotic strength. She trained as a ballerina for many years.

That is what I was thinking but am not au fait with the correct terms.


Perhaps? How about the only reason they're considered evil is because they are a matriarchy? I.e. the patriarchs of the elves declared the Drow were going against nature by venerating female leadership and banished them. Then told lots of stories about them to amp up the "evil".

Of course this would make lore-keepers heads explode :)

But it would certainly reboot the narrative and make the Drow much more sympathetic (and complicated) :)

This I would pay to see. If only to watch the internet burn. This would make Gamergate look like a kindergarden spat.


Expert Long Rester
You need someone who can act better than a block of wood, so not Ben Affleck.

Do you though? What great character moments did Drizzt have to act out? He needs a few more character flaws to be interesting to me. Wulfgar at least gave me both things to like and hate about him.

As for pulling off the moves: use dancers. Alicia Vikander is supernaturally graceful in Ex Machina giving her an effortlessness that evokes her robotic strength. She trained as a ballerina for many years.

This one one of the big reasons Hugh Jackman was able to be so successful as Wolverine (despite being way too tall for the role).

His background in dance is what really helped him move like a primal animal. You can go back and watch the first film from 2000 when he is prowling around after waking up underneath the Mansion and see that even without the muscular physique he would put on in later films he moves like Wolverine.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Perhaps? How about the only reason they're considered evil is because they are a matriarchy? I.e. the patriarchs of the elves declared the Drow were going against nature by venerating female leadership and banished them. Then told lots of stories about them to amp up the "evil".

Of course this would make lore-keepers heads explode :)

But it would certainly reboot the narrative and make the Drow much more sympathetic (and complicated) :)

It would also make them not-Drow, and carry strong echoes of the Twilight TV series version of vampires. "They're not so bad - really! - they're just misunderstood."


I would agree, that Drow skin is a black not found in natural skin colours...

I would agree that it is not found on TV or in movies, but I know a bunch of south Sudanese folks and many of them are entirely black without a hint of brown in their pigment. It is very striking and a couple of them have skin that just seems to pick up any blue in the surroundings/clothing and often give the illusion of blue-black ink pigment.

People with really dark skin are also very difficult for movie directors, photographers, makeup artists, costume designers and videographers to get use to. It takes some real practice to frame shots in such a way as to keep an entirely black person as the centre of the eyeline and show expressions without having to zoom in to far. You also seldom shoot straight on to the face as camera struggle with definition. It can be done of course, but there is a lot of ignorance around how to do it which complicates things. There are some good discussions around it on youtube with directors talking about their learning curves in this regard. Compound this 10x fold when the setting of the movie is meant to be the underdark.

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