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What Conversions Shall We Do Next?


I've already got a bunch of monsters in mind for the "batches to come" list, but are there any other monsters our contributors particularly fancy doing next?

Speaking for myself, there are several Thessalmonsters that look like meaty candidates for 3E monsterdom - the Thessaltrice and Thessalmera, both of which seem to have slipped through the cracks.

I also like the Ammut, so would opt for doing that next on our Al-Qadim thread.

So, Freyar? Nookie? Any of the other missing monsters particularly appeal to you?

* * * EDIT * * *

Here's the collected suggestions so far, in alphabetical order:

Ammut - MC13 Al-Qadim Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1992)
Death Linen, Flannel Beast - Dragon Magazine #252 (1998)
Death Linen, Killer Pillow - Dragon Magazine #252 (1998)
Death Linen, Sheet - Dragon Magazine #252 (1998)
Illithidae - Dragon Magazine #150 (1989)
Illithidae, Cessirid - Dragon Magazine #150 (1989)
Quatsch - Dragon Magazine #42 (1980)
Skykine - SJR6 Greyspace (1992)
Urchin, Land - Monster Manual II (1983)
Thessalmera - Dragon Magazine #94 (1985)
Thessaltrice - MC3 Monstrous Compendium Volume Three (1989)
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Active Conversion Requests

I also checked our Current Conversion Requests list and found the following:

Filby asked for a 3.5 update of the Cessirid and Illithidae, which I've proposed over on Converting Psionic Monsters thread, since our 3.5 update thread is in the middle of an epic Animal Lord conversion.

PoorPC asked for a conversion of the Porton and Skykine. We've already started on the first of those, the Porton.

Melatius has asked for a conversion of the Judges' Guild monster Searvash.

That seems to be it for Conversion Requests over the past year.


So far the land urchin hasn't been converted -- would love to see that. Would also like to see the mujina, revener, webbird, devil swine/Wereswine, Mystaran drakes, topi and the quatsch (from Dragon #42 I believe).
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So far the land urchin hasn't been converted -- would love to see that. Would also like to see the mujina, revener, webbird, devil swine/Wereswine, Mystaran drakes, topi and the quatsch (from Dragon #42 I believe).

Some of those have official 3E stats, so we shouldn't convert them.

The Webbird's in Dungeon #148.

The Mujina is in a d20 Legends of the Five Rings sourcebook - I'm not sure whether we're supposed to exclude those, bit I think it's safest not to convert in.

I believe most or all of the Mystaran ones have stats in the Vaults on Pandius, so converting them seems a fairly low priority.

The Quatch and Land Urchin seem to be the best candidates.


Extradimensional Explorer
I don't have a ton of preference other than reducing the number of active threads a bit. Right now, I can't get through too many threads, which means all the conversions are slowed down.


I don't have a ton of preference other than reducing the number of active threads a bit. Right now, I can't get through too many threads, which means all the conversions are slowed down.

How many active conversions are you up for then? A dozen? Ten? Eight or nine? Less than that? It'd be easy enough to rest some threads once we finish their current monster.

We've currently got fourteen on the go assuming we count the "Bone Tyrants" as one conversion, including two "non-wizard" monsters - the Mayfair Games' Guardian Droid and Nookie's Shroomling homebrew.


Extradimensional Explorer
? I count 16 active threads, including the shroomling, droids, and goatling. We should definitely keep up threads needed to do our planned batches as well as outstanding requests. But otherwise, it would help me out to stick to somewhere between 8 and 12 threads at a time.


? I count 16 active threads, including the shroomling, droids, and goatling. We should definitely keep up threads needed to do our planned batches as well as outstanding requests. But otherwise, it would help me out to stick to somewhere between 8 and 12 threads at a time.

I was going by the Current Conversions in the Creatures Awaiting Upload list.

Sounds like I'd better check to make sure it isn't missing any...


I was going by the Current Conversions in the Creatures Awaiting Upload list.

Sounds like I'd better check to make sure it isn't missing any...

I double checked and my count is correct.

We have thirteen entries in the Current Conversions list, of which the Bone Tyrant Minion & Master are on the same thread, giving a dozen Creature Catalog threads.

On top of that we have the Mayfair Games thread with the Guardian Droid and Nookie's Stat this up # 1 thread in Homebrews with the Shroomling.

So, fourteen active monster threads in all.

It looks like you were including the Converting "Real World" Animals and Vermin thread (which has just started resting after we finished the Boobries) and the Converting Psionic Creatures thread (which I bumped to suggest updating the cessirid and the illithidae) in your count.

Neither of those have active conversions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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