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What are your unpopular geek opinions?

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He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
This is really the only one I object to, especially the second part. I have a hard time believing that any decent person can watch the OT and see the Rebel Alliance as terrorists.

Fighting against an oppressive totalitarian regime isn’t terrorism.
An interesting take in a sort of terrorism against a oppressive totalitarian regime isn't terrorism way.

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There is zero on screen evidence in the original Star Wars trilogy that the Empire is an oppressive totalitarian regime.

The entire plot of prequel trilogy is based on the fact the Jedi and the Old Republic are a corrupt theocracy.
And so it's ok to blow up entire planets as part of a torture session...

Edit: Ninja'd by @MarkB

You mean, aside from that time they dissolved the elected portion of their government and then blew up a planet?
It was established in the prequels that the senate was an illegitimate and ineffective form of government.

Alderaan was a military target. Literally every single on screen character shown from that planet is a militant terrorist. Tragic, yes, but no more oppressive or totalitarian than any other time one warring faction has destroyed the capital of their enemy.
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Jack Kirby wasn't a particularly strong penciller (as opposed to layout and idea person) in the 60s and later.

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