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Want to try this PbP thing

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Here is my character - Keladon Antarei, a paladin of Tyr. He'd heard about the great battle for Silverymoon, but the order kept him back in Waterdeep so they weren't completely defenseless. WHile he did much good work there, keeping the trading lanes open during the annual orc raids, he longed to be part of that epic battle.

Now he has recieved permission to head Northward to join in the fight against the forces of Storm.

He was the youngest son of a wealthy merchant family, and felt dejected as his brothers had taken most of the business over. But Tyr called to him and gave his life meaning. He traveled with the Knights of the Hammer for some time in the lands around waterdeep, until all the group was slain battling a Vampire in undermountain where he liberated the holy blade Angel's Fury. He spent several years after that serving the church, but the recent events of the North have led him to ride again.

He feels guilty about missing the battle for Silverymoon and wants to do anything he can to remove this scourge of the Realms.

I don't have any FR 3e books, though I am very familiar with the setting. I looked over the thread and gathered the group is heading into Luskan. I tend to keep the background light, as I prefer to develop the characters in-game. While idealistic, his years administering church affairs have given him a realization that not everything is black and white. However, he strives to be an example of how things Should Be.

Let me know if this character will work and how you want to introduce him to the group. Also, I think I did the Warhorse right -- he starts as a standard horse but advances as a magical beast if I read correctly.

Keladon Antarei
9th Level Human Paladin
Str 16(18) +4
Dex 10
Con 13 +1
Int 10
Wis 14 +2
Cha 16 +3
Race – Human
Class – Paladin
Level – 9th
XP - 36000
Special Abilities – Detect Evil at will, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands (27 pts), Aura of Courage(immune to fear, allies gain +4 if within ten feet), Smite Evil once per day (+3 hit, +9 damage), Divine Health, Remove Disease 3/week, Turn Undead(6 times per day, as 7th level cleric)

Skills Ranks Total
Diplomacy 12 15
Ride 12 12
Concentration 6 7
Knowledge(religion) 6 6

Feats – Power Attack, Cleave, Mounted Combat, Exotic Weapon:Bastard Sword
Hit Points – 64
AC – 24 Touch – 10 Flat Footed – 20
BAB +9/+4 Melee +13/+8 Ranged +9/+4
Fort - +10 Ref - +6 Will - +8

Weapon Attack Damage Crit Range Special
Angel’s Fury +14/+9 1d10+5 19-20/x2 - +2d6 to Evil
Heavy X-bow +9 1d10 19-20/x2 120 FRA to reload
Dagger +13/+8 1d4+4 19-20/x2 10
Heavy Lance +13/+8 1d8+4 x3 - 10’ reach, x2

Spells – Caster Level 4th
1st Level(DC 13) – Protection from Evil, Bless Weapon
2nd Level(DC 14) – Zeal (DotF)

Equipment GP - 381
Angel’s Fury – (+1 Holy Bastard Sword)
Full Plate +2
Large Steel Shield +2
Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Horseshoes of Speed
Wand of Cure Light Wounds(50)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Holy Symbol
Heavy Crossbow
20 bolts
Flint & Steel
50’ Rope
Grappling Hook
10 days rations

Lightbringer – Heavy Warhorse HD 4d8+4d10+24; 61 hp; Init +1 (dex); Speed 100; AC 16(touch 10, Flat Footed 15), Attacks hooves +11 1d6+5; Bite +9 1d4+3; SQ Scent, Improved Evasion (save for half or none), Share Spells, Empathic Link(1 mile), Share Saving Throws; Saves +10/+7/+8; Abilities S20 D13 C17 I7 W13 C6; Skills Listen +9, Spot +9; Multiattack Feat


First Post
rawr, im the kinda person that is in a few games (DM one and play another) and read tons of posts, but dont contribute...'the phantom message-board-reader-guy'

Well, just trying to throw in my 2 cents. Although I like DMing games, I really dont like Psionics, I would probably consider if I had the book (they raised the price around here by $10...). But since Im still really new, I will get straight on Psionics and probably do a Complete Psionics game... probably one of each class from PsiBook.

As for stuff for Maddman75, if you DM, dont be afraid to set up different feelings, like maybe making it more of a story, leaving out dice rolls, maybe just telling them what happens without dice at all. Or make it simple and combat heavy! I've seen both and they both work.

I would suggest waiting to DM until you've played quite a bit, and make some shells of characters ahead of time.

Inez Hull

First Post
'nuther PbP n00b here wanting in on a game. I'd rather start on somthing straight up DnD and low level, but really I'll take any chance I can get to give this a try. One thing though, I'm in Australia so could prolly only play in a game with other aussies, asians and maybe europeans.


First Post
Inez Hull said:
'nuther PbP n00b here wanting in on a game. I'd rather start on somthing straight up DnD and low level, but really I'll take any chance I can get to give this a try. One thing though, I'm in Australia so could prolly only play in a game with other aussies, asians and maybe europeans.

I don't have a vanilla game starting anytime soon, but as for the time difference issue, well... it's not an issue. :)

Part of the beauty of PbP is that you can state your action, four hours later, your compatriots state their action, and two hours after that, the DM moves the game forward. Next day, you check the thread, you're up again. :)

I play with people from all over the world, and it's never been an issue.

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