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[v.3.5] Janardûn: The Psionic Lands


World of Kulan DM
Classes for Janardûn
It's important to note that not all classes have the same presence on Janardûn as on Harqual or the Fallenlands. (In truth, every continent and island group should have a list like this, although it would be less useful for Kanpur.) Note that rarity is meant to be a guideline not a hard-and-fast rule. However, it is more important for a Janardûn campaign than for other campaigns set in other parts of the world.



Uncommon (75% chance)

Rare (50% chance)
Sorcerer *

Very Rare (25% chance)
Paladin **
Wizard *
- - -
* Sorcerers are more likely to be encountered on Janardûn than wizards. Sorcerers are seen as having strong bloodlines and powerful internal minds and power. Wizards, however, are seen as being a bit more unnatural when it comes to magic. While wizards aren't outlawed in the Republic, they are seen as curiosities.
** While Janardûn has a strong tradition of knights and honour, paladins are usually considered too rigid in their thinking to become Psionic Knights. Those that do choose such a path find that life is even harder for them.


Since psionics plays such a major role on the continent, it should come as no surprise that the psionic classes are considered core classes for Janardûn. In fact, the psychic warrior class is more of a core class than the fighter class (although the two classes are both common). The restriction on the wilder class is due to the fact that those that with psionic potential are much more likely to be nurtured from a young age. Note that psychic warriors are often Psionic Knights, but it isn't a given that every psychic warrior will choose to follow that route (and there are those who have preferred not to join the knighthood). Psions are to Janardûn what wizards are to lands on Kulan's other continents.

Psychic Warrior

Uncommon (75% chance)

Rare (50% chance)

(75% chance)

Very Rare (25% chance)

NONSTANDARD CLASSES (v.3.5 SRD) (will be updated w/more options)
Common (75% chance)
Adept *
Commoner *
Expert *
Warrior *

Uncommon (50% chance)
Urban Ranger
Wilderness Rogue

Rare (25% chance)
Bardic Sage
Battle Sorcerer

Very Rare (10% chance)
- - -
* While rolls are not required for these NPC classes, they are included in the list for completeness.
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World of Kulan DM
d20/OGL Classes for Janardûn

Investigator (Crime & Punishment)
Justice (Crime & Punishment)

Uncommon (75% chance)
Bounty Hunter (Crime & Punishment)
Mercenary (Power Classes: Heroes of Fantasy)
Noble (d20 Freeport Companion)

Rare (50% chance)
Bandit (The Book of Roguish Luck)
Corsair (d20 Freeport Companion)
Gladiator (Power Classes: Heroes of Fantasy)

Very Rare (25% chance)
Alchemist (Player's Guide to the Wilderlands)

NONSTANDARD d20/OGL CLASSES (will be updated w/more options)
Common (75% chance)
Explorer (Power Classes: Heroes of Fantasy)
Sea Dog (Player's Advantage: Rogue)

Uncommon (50% chance)
Monster Hunter (d20 Freeport Companion)
Survivor (d20 Freeport Companion)

Rare (25% chance)
Cultist, the (d20 Freeport Companion)
Shadowsworn (The Book of Roguish Luck)

Very Rare (10% chance)
Cabalist (Power Classes: Heroes of Fantasy)
Cavalier (The Cavalier's Handbook)
Gutter Mage (The Book of Roguish Luck)

Unique (5% chance)
Dedicated Illusionist [v.3.0] (L&L School of Illusion) (maybe)
Devoted Envoker [v.3.0] (L&L School of Evocation) (maybe)
Suromar “Psihunter” [v.3.0] (Eldest Sons: The Essential Guide to Elves) †
Warder [v.3.0] (Eldest Sons: The Essential Guide to Elves) †
- - -
† These two classes are restricted to Shoyir elves.
DM's Note: For a unique class (like the Suromar “Psihunter”) a random percentile roll is required. The player MUST roll 5 or less to play such a character.
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World of Kulan DM
Other Gods
To be rewritten.

Goddess of Tinkerers, The Setting Sun, Mistress of Twilight

Intermediate Deity
A gear-like sun disk setting on the horizon
Home Plane: Mount Nirvana
Godly Realm: Makeshift Twilight
Alignment: Lawful neutral (neutral)
Portfolio: Alchemy, crafting, dusk, invention, magical theory, sun, sunlight
Worshippers: Aaleears, alchemists, bards, dwarves, gutter mages, humans, inventors, kitts, lycanthopes, some rellastans, sorcerers & wizards, toy-makers, traders
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE, (N)
Domains: Artifice, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Sun, Twilight
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff

Ashera is the Janardûnian Goddess of Dusk and the Sun; she is also the Goddess of Tinkerers. She is mainly worshipped by alchemists, crafters, inventors, toymakers, and traders, as well as those who study magic. This means she is worshipped by all types of arcanists including not only sorcerers and wizards, but also bards and gutter mages. While humans make up the bulk of Ashera's faithful, she has many followers among aaleears, dwarves, and kitts. As the Mistress of Twilight, she is often honoured by lycanthropes and some moon-loving rellastans.
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World of Kulan DM
Art Lover, Goddess of Passion, The Muse, Singer of Songs

A theatre mask; or a sistra
Home Plane: The Gladelands
Godly Realm: The Muse's Theatre (wanders)
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Artists, passion, theatre
Worshippers: Aaleear, actors, artists and poets, bards, dancers, fey creatures, kitts, lovers, musicians, those seeking inspiration
Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN
Domains: Art, Good, Love, Music
Favoured Weapon: Shortbow (or short sword)

Lunyll is the Janardûnian Goddess of Passion and is known across the island-continent as The Muse and the Singer of Songs. She is the patron of artists, dancers, musicians, and poets. As the goddess of passion, she is often beseeched by lovers and those seeking inspiration. While her clergy is made up primarily of humans, the aaleaar and kitts are some of her most passionate followers, as are fey creatures. Her clergy are highly valued in the Republic, and they are often called to perform alongside the followers of the Senatorial God known as Enki.
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World of Kulan DM
Deity of Wealth, The Fortunes of Fate, The Lucky One, The Mint

Intermediate Deity
A pile of gold stacked on a table
Home Plane: Agrarian Fields (Upper Shore)
Godly Realm: Fortune Favours the Bold
Alignment: True neutral (good)
Portfolio: Fate, gambling, lost fortunes, luck, minting coins, wealth in all its forms
Worshippers: Adventurers, bards, coin mongers, dragons, dragonborn & dragontouched, gamblers, oracles & seers, pirates, numismatists, merchants & traders, rogues & thieves, senators, sorcerers & wizards
Cleric Alignments: LN, NG, N, NE, CN, (LG), (CG)
Domains: Fate, Good OR Evil, Law OR Chaos, Luck, Trade, Travel
Favoured Weapon: Scimitar

Qregra is known by many names and title, but their most famous ones are The Fortunes of Fate and The Lucky One. As the Janardûnian Deity of Wealth, Qregra has dominion over coins, money, and any other form of wealth. This often includes property in all forms except slavery. Qregra doesn't abide slavers among their followers, but they accept pirates and thieves into the fold.

Qregra is often venerated as a patron of adventurers and gamblers including bards, rogues, sorcerers, traders, and wizards. They are a favourite deity among dragonborn and dragontouched, as well as true dragons. Qregra is deity of Fate, so they are important to oracles and seers, as well as those who seek such council.

Qregra's most cherished followers are numismatists and most of her clergy collect coins, not just for wealth, but for knowledge. However, these followers sometimes become greedy coin mongers who trick adventurers into find rare coins for them and then trying to find a way to steal the prize. Qregra seems to turn a blind eye to this behaviour.
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