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[v.3.5] Gazetteer of Harqual [REVISED]


World of Kulan DM
Proper Names: Drukar Naueavor, The Kingdom of the Greystones, Theocracy of the Soul Forger
Rulers: The Greystone Sonnlinor, Khardur Lastgrace (Ulolitdùn) [LG male hill dwarf Ftr3/Clr9 (Moradin)]; Her Thunderous Monarch, High Thane Sannl Blackforge (Udirur) [LN female high dwarf Ari8/War8]; the Thanes of the Greystones (there are three thanes that pay fealty to the High Thane; they have little power that the High Thane doesn't give them.).
Government: Dwarven Monarchy
Capital: Kazad Eron Mor (City of Temples); “Milo” is the Maviun word for temple and is a common nickname for the city used by its non-dwarven residents & visitors. It is often used on human-created maps instead of Kazad Eron Mor.
Communities: Alfaun (pop. – 2,500), Amudlam Thedakbom [Thunderstone Clanhome] (pop. – 2,225), Belnum [Greywind] (pop. – 6,015), Beriyar (pop. – 2,880), Egar Ustosinen [Old Irehill] (town [ruined]), Eraig (pop. – 680), Erlinlam Thedakbom [Highstone Clanhome] (pop. – 1,280), Erlinzanor [Highheart] (pop. – 3,300), Gendkel (pop. – 2,055), Idar [Dane] (pop. – 1,035), Ilromikus Thedakbom [Craghopper Clanhome] (pop. – 2,970), Irkul [Shale] (pop. – 1,270), Kartelormar (pop. – 4,375), Kazad Eron Mor [“Milo”] (pop. – 95,000), Kebiular (pop. – 1,175), Keligar (pop. – 1,025), Laminen [Stonehill] (pop. – 3,755), Onol Amud [Mt. Thunder] (pop. – 12,605), Tergalar (pop. – 3,810), Torhilo (pop. – 1,210), etc.
DM’s Note: There are a dozen other dwarven clanhomes scattered throughout the Greystone Mountains in addition to the communities listed here. Each clanhome is considered a small town unto itself (around 1,000+ dwarves.​
Fortifications: Bel Geshud [Grey Keep] (fort; pop. – 1,620), Emtor [East Tower] (pop. – 50), Erlinzanor Tor (pop. – 80), Geshud Claginmar (stronghold; pop. – 2,825), Gir Thurim (tower; pop. – 80), Idar Tor (tower; pop. – 90), Iroltor [North Tower] (pop. – 50), Laltor [South Tower] (pop. – 50), Sitaltor [West Tower] (pop. – 50), Unrol Rath [Quartz Temple] (war-hall [sacred]; pop. – 365), etc.
Provinces: One high kingship, three kingships, six principalities, twelve high baronies, twenty-four low baronies, a dozen hereditary dwarven clans (which act as major lordships) that pay fealty to the thanes, dozens of minor lordships (knight-holds), and countless lesser lordships (often contested by outside forces and monsters).
Resources: Craft (dwarven), gems (various), metals (all except mithral, tin and zinc), phosphorous, and timber.
Coinage: Full Plate (pp), Great Axe (5 gp bar), Plate (gp), Axe (5 sp bar), Shield (sp), Buckler (cp).
Population: 2,496,375 (est.) – Dwarf (Hill) 55%, Dwarf (High) 19%, Other Dwarf Origins 7%, Halfling (Hairfoot) 5%, Elf (Urbanite) 3%, Human (Vindi) 3%, Elf (Silver) 2%, Half-Dwarf 2%, Human (Denilan) 1%, Human (Dalenmann) 1%, Other Harqualian Origins 1%, Other Transformation Origins 1%.
Languages: Bitran, Denilan [uncommon], Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Halfling, Harqualian, Maviun, Northlandic, Orc, Terran, and Waracou.
Alignments: LG *, LN, (LE), NG, N, CG, (CN)
Patron God: Moradin.
Major Religions: Aerdrie, Alathrien, Altua, Anubis, Aoskar, Apollo, Araleth, Arvoreen, Avatea, Bahamut, Balador, Bast, Berronar, Brenna, Calphas, Casiia, Celestian, Clangeddin, Cronn, Cull, Cyrrollalee, the Daghdha, Damh, Darahl, Dike, Domiel, Draven, Dumathoin, Eddelis, Girru, Gwynharwyr, Halmyr, Hendomar, Immotion, Inanna, Iomedae, Issek, Jalivier, Khonvum, Kord, Larea, Maldar, Mayela, Mimir, Muamman, Mythrien, Naralis, Ninhursag, Oghma, Pharasma, Ptah, Ramara, Raziel, Saint Hubert, Sanh, Sathia, Sehanine, Sheela, Solonor, Tethrin, Ulaa, Urogalan, Vergadain, Viccan, Wotan, Yondalla, and Zelloran.
Minor Religions: Aetna, Anacoro (cult), Anon (cult), Apshai, Asmodeus (hidden), Bharrai, Boccob, Boneknuckles (mystery cult), Brandobaris, Byrena, Callarduran, Dy’Madra, Ehlonna, Faunus (fading), Ferrix, Gaea, Garl, Flandal, Hansa, Harrak, Helek, Heward, Hiatea, Jaeger (cult), Kirith, Kuil, Labelas, Laduguer (hidden [actively hunted]), Laerme, Lendys, Lokun (restricted), Memmir, Naldielle, Oaldir, Ordana, Rel, Rellavar, Sarenrae, Sarula, Sylvain, Syreth, Tamara, Tarsellis (fading), Telchur (restricted), Tiamat (hidden [actively hunted]), Tilla, Trithereon, Tyche, Ullr (restricted), Untamo, Waldiran, and Zyrcek.
Shrines and Cults: Aasterinian, Adaranth (hidden), Allasyrain, Amand, Ananse, Annam, Aphulæn, Aurifar, Azul (restricted), Barachiel, Baervan, Baravar, Chides, Cronus (hidden), Deltum, Dionysus, Diophia, Dispater (hidden), Draam (mystery cult), Eachann, Elkscar, Erathaol, Erevan, Euphoria (known as Ilira), Faerinaal, Fenmarel, Gaerdal, Gianam (mystery cult), Hades, Haera (hidden), Hafulgin, Hak, Hanali, Hela (fading), Herigga, Ibrandul, Kharash, Kroom, Lenellia (hidden), Mahridaar, Manath, Melira, Meriadar, Mielikki, Mulketh (hidden [actively hunted]), Narvi, Nathair, Nesus, Olidammara, Pistis Sophia, Rillifane, Rogrik, Santè, Satiria, Segojan, Seraph (fading), Sialic, Sigyn (restricted), the Silver Book (mystery cult), Squerrik, Stone Man, Stronmaus, Surtur (hidden), Szelizid (restricted), Teve, Thorn (known as Kurik), Tok (fading), Truce (known as Bisól), Vali, Vhara, Wee Jas (fading), Xan Yae, Zaphkiel, Zealot, Zell (fading), Zoser, and Zothena (hidden).
Alliances: Clan Heights of Deephold (cultural/trade [limited]), Domain of the Bitran (cultural/trade), Dominion of Cauldron (trade [limited]), Dwarven Holds of Kul Moren (cultural [tentative]/trade [limited]), Dwarven Mountains of Valag (cultural/trade), Goldensoul Monarchy (right of passage/trade), Kaltar Tribal Lands (cultural [tentative]), Kingdom of Jewels (trade [tentative]), Kingdom of the Silver Leaves (right of passage/trade), Mines of Morhan (cultural/trade), Principality of the Shining Stones (right of passage/trade [strained]), Redstone Clans (old alliance based on traditions), Wind Cities (trade).

There has always been a friendly rivalry between the dwarves of the Greystones and the silver elves of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. The Transformation and other recent events have pushed this competition to heights. The elves have expanded more into the south half of the Greystones, which has not been well received by the thanes of the Greystones.

The High Thane of the dwarven metropolis and capital city of Milo began restricting access to the dwarven cities/delves soon after her father died, tragically (during an attack on Milo), much to the chagrin of those who would do business with the dwarven kingdom. Sannl Blackforge has been a just but firm ruler since inheriting her title.

More to come...

Greystones South_printscreen_resized.jpg

DM's NOTE: On this map, I've listed the dwarven and elven names for the relevant communities for the Kingdom of the Greystones and the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves. The human names for the cities are listed on the regional map.​
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