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[v.3.5] Classes and Prestige Classes


World of Kulan DM
Original PrC by James Sutherland; Renamed and modified for Kulan by Robert Blezard

As the division between the extremes of Chaos, Evil, Good and Law grows, those who wish to stay out of the conflict are more and more caught in the wake of fanatical ideals. They are the ones who suffer as extremists spread their views across the world, often violently. Moreover, if one of the four extreme alignments (LG, LE, CG, & CE) were to come to a total victory, what would happen?

The Balance between these four forces of alliance is crucial in the view of those that hold to the Tenets of the Balance; those who dedicate themselves to keeping the great powers balanced are growing in their determination. While druids and rangers work towards protecting the Balance against the expansion of too much urban lifestyle, there are those who take to another level.

These are the Order of the Knights Majestic.

The Order of the Knights Majestic was created by the Majestic Dragons, the most powerful true neutral dragons on Kulan, and are dedicated to the concept of true neutrality much like the holy warriors known as incarnates are. They never side with extremists and always work towards keeping the Balance in all aspects of life not just in nature. They worship the World Goddess before all others and are often encountered traveling with neutral dragons, working with powerful druids and incarnates, or hunting rogue dragons defying the Tenets.

To become a Knight Majestic, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: True neutral.
Skills: Knowledge (nature) – 8 ranks, Knowledge (religion) – 4 ranks, Diplomacy – 4 ranks.
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells.
Special: The character must have the sponsorship of a current member of the Knights Majestic who has no less than 5 levels in the Knight Majestic prestige class. A character may also be sponsored in the Order by a true neutral dragon, of no less than 10 HD, in good standing with the Majestic Dragons of Kulan. Often a candidate for the Order must go on a quest that helps protect the Balance.

See the PDF file for the prestige class progression chart.

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dracology) (Int) *, Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).
* A new skill for World of Kulan.


Class Features
All of the following are the class features of the Knight Majestic prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Knight Majestic is proficient with light and medium armor (including applicable types of dragonhide armor) and shields (except tower shields). He is also proficient with all martial weapons and any one exotic weapon from the following list: bastard sword (one-handed), broadblade short sword 2, butterfly sword 3, double hammer 1, dragonfly sword 4, greatbow 1, greatspear 1, longaxe 2, maul 1, three-section-staff 3, two-bladed sword, and warmace 1.
1 A weapon from D&D Complete Warrior
2 A weapon from D&D Complete Adventurer
3 A weapon from D&D Oriental Adventures
4 A new weapon from my Equipment document for World of Kulan

Spells per Day: At each even-numbered level, a Knight Majestic gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class level. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, wild shape ability, and so on), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a Knight Majestic, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day and spells known.

Analyze Balance (Sp): At will, the Knight Majestic can use the analyze balance spell as a spell-like ability.

Bonus Domain: The Knight Majestic gains access to the Balance domain. See D&D Complete Divine for rules on adding domains.

Equalize Spell (Su): A Knight Majestic gains a special ability that is similar to a Metamagic feat. He can prepare any spell that deals damage as an equalized spell, which deals only half-damage to true neutral creatures. Furthermore, half of the damage it deals is divine damage. An equalized spell takes up a slot one level higher than normal.

Smite Extremist (Su): A Knight Majestic can choose to smite extremists on any normal attack. An extremist is a creature with a LG, LE, CG, or CE alignment. The Knight Majestic gains a bonus on his attack roll equal to his Wisdom bonus, and deals 1 extra point of damage per class level.

Word of Moderation (Sp): Twice per day the Knight Majestic can pronounce a word of moderation. This functions like a holy word, except it affects extremists rather than evil creatures. Also, it staggers rather than blinds, dazes rather than paralyzes, and lignifies rather than kills (turns creatures into trees).

Banish Extremist (Sp): Three times per day, as a swift action, the Knight Majestic may attempt to banish extraplanar extremists. This works just like a banishment spell cast at the Knight Majestic’s character level (save DC 17 + Wis bonus).

Blast of Utter Balance (Su): Once per week, as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a Knight Majestic can call down a blast of utter balance on a cleric, rogue dragon, or champion of extreme alignment. Unless the victim makes a Will save (DC 20 + Wis bonus), he is pulled into the earth by plants and vines and destroyed forever, beyond the capacity of non-epic magic to recover.


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World of Kulan DM
Original PrC by unknown EN World member; Renamed and modified (a lot) for World of Kulan by Robert Blezard

The Tiger Guild is known throughout the Eastern Shores for its expertise in covert operations. It employs the best spies and sneak thieves in the region. For years the guild worked within the boundaries of the military hierarchy of the Kingdom of Thallin but that all changed when King Travathian Dragonguard died and his vicious son, Varath, became King of Thallin. The new king outlawed the Tiger Guild in Thallin and the guild's membership was forced to flee and go underground.

Now, the guildmaster of the Tiger Guild, Carl Tigerstorm, has moved the guild's headquarters to the city of Tian and was pivotal in protecting the city during the Bugbear War of 749 to 750 N.C. The rangers, rogues, and bards of the guild are considered heroes in that city and the guild has an official charter from the Duke Jace Brookwater to operate within the Duchy of Minar; although, the guild is not officially affiliated with the Duchy. Now the guild operates more like a mercenary company offering its services to whoever can afford it and even some that can't.

The Tiger Guild is know for its diversity of members and this diversity has increased since the Purge in Thallin. The renowned Bard's College of Fruen was destroyed and most of its membership was enslaved or killed outright. Those that survived were forced to join other guilds and many of them chose to travel to Tian and apply to become members of the Tiger Guild. Of course, there has always been a place for bards in the guild and the addition of so many trained bards has increased the notoriety of one branch of the Tiger Guild made famous by the half-elf named Jeddar Silversun.

The members of this branch of the Tiger Guild are known as the Blades of the Tiger. They are an elite group of weapon masters that have the ability to give as good as they get in combat; although, they do not have the knowledge of weaponry and armor of that of a true fighter. They are known for their showmanship and their ability to strike at an enemy without warning. Blade bards, as they are sometimes called, relish combat almost as much as they enjoy performing for a crowd. In fact, many Blades of the Tiger see little difference between the two disciplines.

Blades of the Tiger almost always start out as bards but it has been known for an occasional rogue or fighter to follow this path. The prestige classes' requirements makes this difficult for fighters and other warriors, however, without taking levels in bard or rogue. Scouts have been known to follow this path as well but they are rare.

To become a Blade of the Tiger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Intimidate – 6 ranks, Knowledge (history) – 4 ranks, Knowledge (local) – 6 ranks, Perform (weapon drill) – 4 ranks *, Tumble – 5 ranks. * A skill described in D&D Complete Warrior.
Feats: Blind-Fight, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (any bladed melee weapon).
Special: In order to take the Blade of the Tiger prestige class, a character must be a member of the Tiger Guild located in Tian. Joining this guild isn’t easy, as the character must have a sponsor from within the guild. The character must train at the guild for a full year, but he doesn’t need to return to the guild every year.

See the PDF file for the prestige class progression chart.

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Stamina (Con) *, Tumble (Dex).
* A new skill for World of Kulan.


Class Features
All of the following are the class features of the Blade of the Tiger prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A blade of the tiger is proficient with all simple weapons. Additionally, the blade of the tiger is proficient with one of the following weapons: cutlass *, hand axe, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, or throwing axe. A blade of the tiger is proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). *A new weapon from the Equipment document for World of Kulan.

Fearsome Display (Ex): At 1st-level, a blade of the tiger may take a full round to put on a fearsome display so long as he has a melee weapon drawn. The blade selects one opponent within 30 feet to be the target and makes an Intimidate check (DC 10 + target's character level). The blade's opponent suffers a -2 morale penalty on attack and damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to the blade's ranks in Intimidate.

At 5th-level, the blade of the tiger can put on a fearsome display for a number of targets equal to his level in this prestige class, and, finally, at 10th-level, the blade can put on a fearsome display for a number of targets equal to twice his level in this prestige class.

Expert Disarm (Ex): At 1st-level, when an opponent rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll against the blade of the tiger, the blade may attempt to expertly disarm the opponent. The blade makes a contested Dexterity check against his opponent adding ½ his blade of the tiger class level to his roll.

If he is successful, then his opponent is disarmed, and the blade can knock the weapon away with a successful Dexterity check (DC 15). If the check is successful, the blade determines where the opponent's weapon is directed and can even direct it towards an ally for their use. The opponent's weapon cannot be knocked a distance of more than twice the blade's natural reach.

The blade can also choose to have the weapon drop is his own 5-ft. square without having to make the Dexterity check.

The blade cannot disarm an opponent who is using a locked gauntlet.

Tiger Strike (Ex): At 2nd-level, the blade of the tiger may make a special Tumble check (DC 25) against an adjacent opponent as a full-round action. If the blade succeeds, he may make a single melee attack at his highest bonus against the opponent (who is denied her Dex bonus to AC, if any). If he fails the check, then he falls to the ground is is considered prone (see pg. 311 of the D&D PHB v.3.5 for the effects of being prone).

Parry (Ex): At 3rd-level, while the blade of the tiger has a weapon ready, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC against any one opponent adjacent to him during melee combat. At 6th-level, the dodge bonus increases to +2 and the blade can use the bonus against two opponents including any opponents that flank him. At 9th-level, the dodge bonus increases to +3 and the blade can use the bonus against all opponents that are adjacent to him.

Foil Cover (Ex): At 4th-level, when attacking an opponent who has cover with a crossbow or any thrown weapon with which the blade of the tiger is proficient, the opponent's cover bonus is reduced by one for the blade's attack roll. The blade can only use this ability once per round regardless of how many attacks he has per round.

At 7th-level, the blade of the tiger's opponent's cover bonus is reduced by two, and finally at 10th-level, the blade's opponent's cover bonus is reduced by three.

Riposte (Ex): At 8th-level, once per combat, the blade of the tiger can counterstrike at an opponent who has just made a melee attack against him in order to try to hit a vital spot. After the opponent’s action is resolved, the blade makes a single melee attack at his highest base attack bonus. If the blade's attack hits, it is automatically considered a critical hit.

Riposte is considered equal to an attack of opportunity; therefore, the blade cannot make another AoO in the round unless he has the Combat Reflexes feat.

Greater Weapon Focus (Ex): At 9th-level, a blade of the tiger gains Greater Weapon Focus as a bonus feat. The blade must use this feat for a bladed weapon that he already has Weapon Focus for. If he already has Greater Weapon Focus for all his bladed weapons, the blade gains Weapon Focus for any simple weapon instead.


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World of Kulan DM
Based on the on old 2e Stalker kit

There are many rogues and rapscallions roaming the streets of the cities and towns of the Eastern Shores, yet most of them are simple cutthroats, pickpockets, and street toughs. They are not cut from the same cloth as the best of the Tiger Guild. For while any thief can rob a man, it takes a special sort of person to spy on others without getting caught and stealing secrets while doing so.

These dedicated stalkers of the streets move through the common folk of the Eastern Shores as easily as those same common folk walk down a city street. Tiger stalkers are devoted to the Tiger Guild and some say they are the elite of the guildmaster's spies and interrogators.

In truth, they are rarely seen or heard by their targets, and you know a tiger stalker from looking at him. They often are plain-looking, and they almost never stand out in a crowd. Tiger stalkers are usually humans or halflings; however, half-elves and half-orcs have been known to excel in this role for the Tiger Guild. In fact, the guildmaster's own grandson, a half-elf, is a tiger stalker.

Tiger stalkers excel in the cities and the larger towns of Minar, Stonn, and Thallin (less since the Purge) but are just as effective in the more rural townships of the region. For while most tiger stalkers start out as rogues, there are many rangers that follow this path. Bards are more likely to become Blades of the Tiger, however.

To become a Tiger Stalker, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Gather Information – 4 ranks, Intimidate – 4 ranks, Knowledge (local) – 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) – 4 ranks, Survival – 4 ranks.
Feats: Favored (Tiger Guild) *, Track, Weapon Focus. * This feat can be found on pg. 61 of the D&D Cityscape sourcebook.
Special: In order to take the Tiger Stalker prestige class, a character must be a member of the Tiger Guild located in Tian. Joining this guild isn’t easy, as the character must have a sponsor from within the guild. The character must train at the guild for a full year, but he doesn’t need to return to the guild every year.



Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level): Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spot (Wis), Stamina (Con) *, Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
* A new skill for World of Kulan.


Class Features
All of the following are the class features of the Tiger Stalker prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A tiger stalker is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. A tiger stalker is proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Tiger Tracker: At 1st-level, a tiger stalker gains Urban Tracking as a bonus feat. The Urban Tracking feat is detailed in the D&D Cityscape sourcebook.

Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 2nd-level, a tiger stalker leaves no trail in urban environments or natural terrain and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th-level, a tiger stalker gains a bonus feat. At each opportunity, she can choose any feat from the following list: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Danger Sense 3, Deceitful, Dive For Cover 3, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expert Tactician 3, Greater Weapon Focus, Improved Diversion 3, Improved Initiative, Investigator, Jack Of All Trades 3, Linguist 1, Natural Bond 3, Negotiator, Open Minded 3, Primary Contact 2, Quick Draw, Quick Reconnoiter 3, Quick-Sheath 1, Roof-Jumper 2, Roofwalker 2, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Strong Stomach 2, Swift Tumbler 2, Tactician 1, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus.

The tiger stalker must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums.
1 A new feat detailed in the New Feats document for World of Kulan
2 A feat detailed in D&D Cityscape
3 A feat detailed in D&D Complete Adventurer

Interrogator (Ex): At 4th-level, a tiger stalker gains a +2 bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when interrogating an opponent for information. The tiger stalker can only use these bonuses against NPCs that are Indifferent, Unfriendly, or Hostile towards the tiger stalker as per the Influencing NPC Attitudes sidebar on pg. 72 of the D&D PHB v.3.5.

At 9th-level, a tiger stalker's interrogator bonus increases to +4.

Photographic Memory (Ex): At 5th-level, a tiger stalker acquires a limited photographic memory, which enables him to recall details about anything he's seen or heard since achieving that level. The tiger stalker can recall a fragment of a conversation, conjure up a mental image of a place he's visited, or remember words on a printed page.

To use this ability, the DM secretly makes an Intelligence check for the character (DC 20). If the check fails, the memory is too vague to be of any use to the tiger stalker. If the check succeeds, the DM tells the player what his character wishes to remember. If the roll is a natural 1, the DM gives the player intentionally misleading information about whatever he's trying to remember (a room, for instance, is incorrectly recalled as having a locked window or mysterious claw marks on the walls).

This ability can be used once per day.

Camouflage (Ex): Starting at 6th-level, a tiger stalker can use the Hide skill in any sort of urban environment or natural terrain, even if the the environment doesn't grant cover or concealment.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Starting at 8th-level, while in any sort of urban environment or natural terrain, a tiger stalker can use the Hide skill even when being observed.

Master Stalker (Ex): At 10th-level, a tiger stalker gains the ability to track almost anything through any sort of region. The tiger stalker can combine ½ his ranks in Survival with all of his ranks in Gather Information when using the Urban Tracking feat in urban environments. In addition, the community size DCs (see pg. 64 in D&D Cityscape) are considered 5 less for a tiger stalker. Therefore, a thorp, hamlet, or village has a DC of 0, a small or large town has a DC of 5, etc.

The opposite is also true, the tiger stalker can combine ½ his ranks in Gather Information with all of his ranks in Survival when using the Track feat in wilderness terrain. In addition, the surface DCs (see pg. 101 in the D&D PHB v.3.5) are considered 5 less for a tiger stalker. Therefore, very soft ground has a DC of 0, soft ground has a DC of 5, etc.
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World of Kulan DM
Based on the Dimensionalist prestige class by James "the Jester" Sutherland

Some arcanists focus their studies almost exclusively on the dimensions of space and learn to use magical abilities that are based on, or related to, dimensional magic that most spellcasters cannot even fathom. These select few are known as dimensionalists.

Adventurers: Dimensionalists adventure mainly for the promise of discovering new dimensions and planes of existence. Whether it is discovering a spell weaver vault with a magical portal to another plane or a previous unknown layer of the Abyss, dimensionalists live for the chance to journey to the unknown. And if treasure can be found along the way, then so much the better. Of course, dimensionalists are spellcasters, so they are always on the lookout for the lost arcane lore regarding dimensional travel.

Characteristics: Dimensionalists are arcane spellcasters, but their spells aren't based on different formulas than those of wizards. Therefore, dimensionalists can only learn spells from other dimensionalists, or their own study of the Dimensional Arts. Like wizards, over time, they can learn to manipulate their spells with metamagic feats and learn to create magical items.

Dimensionalists are specialists by their very nature, so they have access to less spells overall than wizards. However, they have additional special abilities that allow them to escape danger easier than a wizard. This makes dimensionalists canny, unpredictable opponents.

Alignment: Dimensionalists can be of any alignment; however, they tend to lean towards being partially-neutral. Dimensionalists don't usually have a strong view of the world and the people in it beyond their studies of the spaces in-between.

Religion: Dimensionalists aren't know for being overly devote. Usually, they have traveled to far and seen to much to put their faith in deities. Then again, the cosmos is a marvelous place and being exposed to powerful beings can sometimes stir a sense of wonder in dimensionalists. More often then not dimensionalists choose alien deities to worship from other dimensions, which leads many of them down a dark path.

Background: Dimensionalists are loners, and they usually trust only those that have earned it. They are not known for their camaraderie, and there aren't any dimensionalist academies, guilds, or schools. Dimensionalists are more likely to join traditional arcanist guilds as they know that wizards cannot steal and use their dimensional codices. However, such alliances are temporary at best as dimensionalists are always on the move, seeking that new, unknown plane of legend.

Dimensionalists are rare on the World of Kulan but that doesn't mean they aren't found everywhere on the planet. The secretive tradition of the Dimension Arts are most visible in the ancient lands of the continent of Kanpur where it has existed for the longest. Dimensionalism is also common knowledge amongst the scholars of the nagpa of the Fallenlands and the elders of the shoyir elves of Janardûn. Dimensionalists can also be found amongst the denizens of the Isles of Valossa, especially the highborn citizens of the Empire of Mhul.

Dimensionalist are often found exploring the depths of wildspace and Kulanspace has more than its fair share that study the Dimensional Arts. Dimensionalists can be found delving into the sundered portals of ruined Trel, studying the extensive dimensional mazes of red V'sal, and searching for the hidden doorways throughout The Fracture to better places left unsaid. The Rock of Bral is rumored to have more than one retired dimensionalist living there in secret hiding from creatures from beyond.

Races: Humans are the most likely race to become dimensionalists, but as noted in the previous section, the nagpas of the Fallenlands and the shoyir elves of Janardûn often choose to study the Dimensional Arts. Lupins have been known to be exposed to dimensionalism on their many travels across the world, which leads them to become dimensionalists so that they can explore other worlds. The xanth of Triadora often learn the Dimensional Arts so that they can conduct extensive trade on other worlds.

Of the other standard races, dwarves and elves are the most likely to become dimensionalists as they live the longest and see a great deal over their lives including other planes of existence. Half-elves and half-orcs are often loners, so they may choose to learn the Dimensional Arts in order to set themselves apart from their parents' races. Gnomes and halflings are the least likely of the standard races to become dimensionalists as they are more likely to stay at home and tinker with some new invention, respectively.

Other Classes: Dimensionalists are very pragmatic about dealing with others. They know they cannot survive traveling to other dimensions and planes of existence on their own, so they often form alliances with clerics, fighters, and rogues and even sorcerers and wizards. They prefer the company of members of these classes but almost never form lasting friendships with them. Dimensionalists sometimes feel a strange kinship towards sorcerers and wizards as they can associate with them without worrying that those arcanists will steal their codices.

Dimensionalists usually have little use for barbarians, bards, druids, monks, rangers, and paladins. They consider bards to frivolous; barbarians, druids, and rangers to into the natural world; and monks and paladins to stoic. Druids and rangers often oppose dimensionalists for their interests in the unnatural. Dimensionalist like to explore the alien, and they usually don't stop to consider the impact of portals to other dimensions on the natural world, which irks those dedicated to protecting it.

Dimensionalists are most likely to form bonds with elementalists and traders. Elementalists have a strong bond to the Elemental Planes, which makes them kindreds in the minds of many dimensionalists. Traders are considered valuable allies for the wealth they have access to and the many contacts they have on the Material Plane and beyond.

Dimensionalists have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Dimensionalist primary ability score is Intelligence, which he uses to determine how powerful his spells are. Constitution is also a important ability for the dimensionalist as the rigors of dimensional travel can be hard on the body. Dexterity is important to a dimensionalist as well, since he cannot wear armor.
Alignment: Any
Random Starting Gold: 3d4 x 10

See the PDF file for the class progression chart.

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level; x4 at 1st-level): Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (astrology and astronomy) (Int) *, Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (mathematics) (Int) *, Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).
* A new skill for World of Kulan.


Class Features
All of the following are the class features of the Dimensionalist.

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: Dimensionalists are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor of any type interferes with a dimensionalist's arcane gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.

Spells per Day: A dimensionalist casts arcane spells which are drawn from the dimensionalist spell list. A dimensionalist must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time (see below).

To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the dimensionalist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against dimensionalist’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the dimensionalist’s Intelligence modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a dimensionalist can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1D: The Dimensionalist. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.

Unlike a bard or sorcerer, a dimensionalist may know any number of spells; although, his selection of spells is limited. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting a good night’s sleep and spending 1 hour studying his dimensional codex. While studying, the dimensionalist decides which spells to prepare.

Create Pocket (Sp): At 1st-level, a dimensionalist gans the ability to create an extra-dimensional space inside any mundane container or pocket. This space can hold up to three cubic feet per class level and it lasts for up to four hours. A dimensionalist can create a pocket once per day per two class levels.

Dimension Slide (Su): At 2nd-level, a dimensionalist can once per day disappear and instantly reappear up to 10 feet per level away as a move action. The dimensionalist must be able to see his destination to dimension slide to it. The dimensionalist can use this ability twice per day starting at 7th-level, three times per day starting at 12th-level, and four times per day starting at 17th-level.

Bonus Feats: At 4th, 9th, 14th, and 19th-level, a dimensionalist gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, she can choose a metamagic feat or an item creation feat. The dimensionalist must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The dimensionalist is not limited to the categories of item creation feats or metamagic feats when choosing these feats.

Dimension Door (Su): At 5th-level, a dimensionalist gains the ability to use dimension door once per day as a free action.

Leagues (Su): At 10th-level, a dimensionalist gains the ability to walk up to one league (three miles) with every step for up to one step per two levels level per day. He can carry a normal load of equipment, but he cannot take any creatures along other than his familiar.

Plane Shift (Sp): At 15th-level, a dimensionalist gains the ability to cast plane shift once per day as per the spell.

Duo-Dimension (Sp): At 20th-level, a dimensionalist gains the ability to turn sideways to the conventional three dimensions and enter a dual-dimensional state. The dimensionalist becomes two-dimensional having only height and width but no depth; therefore, he is invisible when turned sideways. The dimensionalist can only be detected by true seeing and similar magic while turned sideways.

In addition, the dimensionalist may slip through the narrowest cracks as long as he has the proper height at his normal movement rate. The dimensionalist can attack while turned sideways, cast spells, etc. While turned sideways the dimensionalist has the benefits of the Evasion class ability.

A dimensionalist may use this ability once per day and it lasts one round per dimensionalist level.

Dimensional Codex: Like a wizard, a dimensionalist must study his codex each day to prepare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his codex, except for read magic, which all dimensionalists can prepare from memory.

A dimensionalist begins play with a codex containing two 0-level dimensionalist spells plus one 1st-level spell of your choice. For each point of Intelligence bonus the dimensionalist has, the codex holds one additional 0 or 1st-level spell of your choice. At each new dimensionalist level, he gains one new spell of any spell level that he can cast (based on his new dimensionalist level) for his codex.

A dimensionalist may learn other spells from another dimensionalist's codex but this is a rare occurrence. Most dimensionalists are rivals and do not share the knowledge they have gathered. Also, each dimensionalist's codex is a very personal thing and are hard to interpret without extensive study.

A dimensionalist who captures another dimensionalist's codex can only study it if hey make a successful Decipher Script check in conjunction with the spell read magic. The DC for this check is equal to 10 + the highest spells' level in the captured codex + the codex's creator's Intelligence modifier. If the check is not successful, then the dimensionalist must gain another level before trying to decipher the captured codex again.

A dimensionalist cannot learn arcane spells from a wizard's spellbook. The formulas are not even close to being the same.

Dimensionalist Spell List
A Dimensionalist may choose from the following spells.
0-level: animated tattoo 2, arcane mark, conjurer's toolbelt 5, detect magic, mage hand, open/close, read magic, prestidigitation, mental alarm 2, shelve 5.
1st-level: animate rope, Anivar's anticipated attack 2, detect secret doors, dimensional slip 5, disguise self, dreaded freeze 2, enlarge person, hold portal, identify, mage armor, portal beacon 3, reduce person, resist planar alignment 3, resist scrying 2, shield, slip between sight 2, summon monster I, teleport ward 1, Tenser's floating disk, ventriloquism.
2nd-level: alter self, arcane lock, bend path 1, blur, cloak pool 3, darkvision, dimension hop 4, discolor pool 3, door to itself 1, imprint 5, knock, levitate, locate object, Mechanus mind 3, misdirection, obscure object, planar compass 5, portal alarm 3, protect book 5, rope trick, scrytalk 2, seeming of form 2, shatter, slipping the ranks 5, summon monster II, vertigo 4.
3rd-level: Alikaba's theft 2, analyze portal 3, arcane sight, avoid planar effects 3, blink, bisect 1, chamber 3, chameleon skin 5, clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimensional blade 1, dimension step 4, dimensional warp 5, dispel magic, displacement, distance distortion 1, fly, foil tracer 2, gaseous form, improved alarm 3, item from beyond 2, Leomund's tiny hut, nondetection, regroup 4, restore page 5, scattering trap 4, scribe 5, scry retaliation 2, sepia snake sigil, shadow cache 3, shadow sight 5, shrink item, sphere of safe passage 5, summon monster III, vertigo field 4.
4th-level: arcane eye, attune form 3, baleful blink 4, circle of binding 2, coax forth power 2, corporeal instability 3, detect scrying, dimensional anchor, dimension door, ethereal mount 3, false gravity 3, hallucinatory terrain, hidden object 2, improved portal alarm 3, interplanar message 3, Leomund's secure shelter, lesser globe of invulnerability, locate creature, mass enlarge person, mass reduce person, perinarch 3, privacy 5, scramble portal 3, scrying, spelltrap 2, summon monster IV, teleport coordinates transfer 2, zone of respite 3, zone of revelation 3.
5th-level: bandersnatch 5, break enchantment, contact other plane, dimension shuffle 4, dismissal, dream, ether blast 3, Leomund's secret chest, scry reverse 2, lesser planar binding, mirage arcana, Mordenkainen's planar tolerance 3, precipitate breach 3, private sanctum, nightmare, overland flight, passwall, permanency, seeming, sending, sphere of ultimate destruction 1, shadowfade 3, step away 1, summon monster V, swift etherealness 4, telekinesis, teleport, teleport block 2, teleport redirect 2, x-ray vision 2, xorn movement 3.
6th-level: analyze dweomer, antimagic field, contingency, gestalt 2, dimensional portal 5, globe of invulnerability, greater dispel magic, guards and wards, make manifest 3, nonesuch spell 2, phase strike 1, planar binding, Rary's interplanar telepathic bond 3, restore book 5, true seeing, seal portal 3, scry blast 2, shadow walk, summon monster VI, teleport tracer 2.
7th-level: banishment, devil's gate 2, duo-dimension 1, ethereal jaunt, forcecage, greater arcane sight, greater scrying, greater teleport, insanity, limited wish, magical vacuum 5, Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, mass fly 2, phase door, planar bubble 3, plane shift, prohibit kind 2, reality maelstrom 3, reverse gravity, sequester, summon monster VII, teleport object, window to elsewhere 2.
8th-level: binding, chains of antimagic 2, chain dispel 4, demand, dimensional lock, discern location, fuse line 2, greater planar binding, greater plane shift 3, horde ward 2, mass manifest 3, maze, mind blank, moment of prescience, summon monster VIII, screen, symbol of insanity, trap the soul.
9th-level: agony's grace 1, astral projection, doorway to elsewhere 2, duplicate 2, etherealness, foresight, freedom, gate, imprisonment, Mordenkainen's disjunction, one step beyond 2, planar perinarch 3, precipitate complete breach 3, refuge, teleportation circle, soul bind, summon monster IX, wish.
1 A new spell detailed in my Spells 3.5 document for World of Kulan
2 A spell from The Complete Book of Eldritch Might
3 A spell from D&D Manual of the Planes or D&D Planar Handbook
4 A spell from D&D Player's Handbook II
5 A spell from L&L Portals and Planes or L&L Spells and Spellcraft


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