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Undine the Sea

Rystil Arden

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covaithe said:
"Well, isn't this just dandy. I'm so glad that nothing important depends on our little quest. Then we'd be in a real mess," Corvinus drawls. "I don't suppose any of you wise, knowledgeable and experienced servants of Galatea has any idea what the going cost is, for the rare ingredients essential to Galatea's rites? Have any of you actually performed them before?"
"Perhaps you should pay attention, as otherwise you risk your ignorance surpassing your unhelpful sarcasm. If you had been doing so in the first place, then perhaps you would remember that we lack these ingredients specifically due to having just performed the ritual. We can procure them through our usual sources for much less than you would pay for them in the City of Glass, but doing so will take quite some time, time which more productive and forthcoming members of your group have indicated that you do not have. Personally? I have never set foot in that place, and I do not have a clue what the cost there would be, though I have heard that nothing comes at a low cost there...Still, what irony that an amoral nihilist like you will be the one to visit that place, closer to the Goddess..."

(OOC: As mentioned in the Discussion Thread, I'll be in Australia for a bit. Working out a choice between the two (or three if you count waiting) amongst yourselves while I'm gone would be great, but I obviously can't give more responses from the priestesses)

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"As helpful as ever, and with an extra helping of smug self-righteousness, to boot," snarls Corvinus. "You continue to sit there tut-tutting and proclaiming your own superiority, while coming up with excuse after mildly regretful excuse for doing as little as possible to prevent the doom of the world, and you call me a nihilist?" He shakes his head disgustedly.

ooc: Enjoy Australia! Honestly I don't care whether we go to the city of glass or the island of the crazy old woman. Lack of funds was Corvinus' IC reason for wanting to go to the island, but thinking on it, I find it unlikely that any plausible group of this level could pull together funds for items of this rarity. More likely, we'll have to either steal them -- by stealth, since it seems implausible that force will be an option -- or do another side quest for them, which I think is probably the same choice as we'll have at the island, though force may be possible there.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Ximix actually has a surprising amount of money (not enough to pay for everything by himself, but an excellent start), but there are several ways you could go about it, so we'll see what happens. Whee, it's amusing when one of the PCs has a group of allied NPCs at attitude Hostile)


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
"Perhaps you should pay attention, as otherwise you risk your ignorance surpassing your unhelpful sarcasm. If you had been doing so in the first place, then perhaps you would remember that we lack these ingredients specifically due to having just performed the ritual. We can procure them through our usual sources for much less than you would pay for them in the City of Glass, but doing so will take quite some time, time which more productive and forthcoming members of your group have indicated that you do not have. Personally? I have never set foot in that place, and I do not have a clue what the cost there would be, though I have heard that nothing comes at a low cost there...Still, what irony that an amoral nihilist like you will be the one to visit that place, closer to the Goddess..."

Jallembo just can't help it and laughs his head off. "You two just can't help it! That was funny. I should take note of your replies, they're worth every penny.. Well, where were we? Ah.. so who is saying what? The city or the islqnd?"


First Post
Voda Vosa said:
OOC: I have totally lost any interest I have left for this game. Sorry every one, see you around.
Sorry to see ya go Voda... if you change your mind we'll probably be around.
Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Ximix actually has a surprising amount of money (not enough to pay for everything by himself, but an excellent start), but there are several ways you could go about it, so we'll see what happens. Whee, it's amusing when one of the PCs has a group of allied NPCs at attitude Hostile)
OOC: Ximix got a nice payoff from his last quest and could not honestly find anything to spend it on - more to the point everything he wanted he didn't have enough for, so he's pinching his pennies *laughs*
On the plus side, he's offering that money to this cause - obviously the quest is critically important, but also because as a student of the arcane and divine both, the idea of planar travel just about has him drooling! It would be the equivalent of a kid having a surprise opportunity to visit Disneyland...
As to the PC and NPC's attitudes, the group has been wrongly accused and imprisoned, generally treated like criminals with the flimsiest of evidence - some of it contradictory - to justify it. After all that the "apology" was mostly double-talk. Sorry, but from Ximix's standpoint the priesthood of Galatae is a LONG way from allied npc's ... more like an inconvenient current necessity for the quest that he'd never trust to make sound judgements without being force-fed the facts. That's just my opinion of my characters perception.
Given that perception, and the attitude of the priesthood towards the "cruel and rather dangerous old woman" I may have to shoot down my own character's desires: If the old woman dislikes the galataens... mayhap our group and she would get along fine? /OOC

Ximix listens to the angry exchange impassively, but then arches an eyebrow, "You mention that you have recently performed the ritual, this is the ritual that allows surface dwellers to visit the realms below, correct? Could you be so kind as to tell us, who did you perform this ritual for?" The Elf looks around the group to see if anyone else has the same suspicion he has.


First Post
It does indeed.

Anyway sorry for droping out like that, life kind of changed and when the pace slowed down in both games i was in, Enworld was one of the things that sliped my mind.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Not dead yet! Did you miss my note about my trip to Australia? I'm back now. Everyone ready to go? Can we get a check in to make sure everyone's still here?)

Voidrunner's Codex

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