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Tier auf Tier - the best Kids Game Ever?

It is a truth universally accepted that most kids games are utterly awful, but could Tier auf Tier bridge the gap and appeal to grown-ups as well as children? Short answer? Yes.

It is a truth universally accepted that most kids games are utterly awful, but could Tier auf Tier bridge the gap and appeal to grown-ups as well as children? Short answer? Yes.
It's true - the stuff that we all played when we were younger (and is generally still around now) was really pretty dire. Cast your mind back and think about the games that you were so delighted to receive come Christmas, played for a short while then discarded. All those copies of Hungry Hungry Hippos chucked in cupboards. Battered Operations left behind until the batteries leaked and our patient's nose could no longer light up. These games are great for a few minutes of noisy exuberance but afterwards? Forgotten. Why on earth would you want to play them as an adult?

As so often happens, we must look to Germany to find something that takes gaming for children a step further, that engrosses and entertains in equal measure. One of the few children's games in my collection, Tier auf Tier by HABA Games (known in English markets as Animal Upon Animal) may be aimed at the junior end of the scale but it also happens to be perfect for anyone seeking a challenging dexterity game - no matter what their age.

Each player, up to a maximum of four, is given a selection of brightly coloured, chunky wooden animals at the start of the game. A single piece, the crocodile, is placed in the middle of the table where everyone can reach it, the first player is handed a lovely big red dice and - after all of a minute's set-up - you're good to go. When play comes around to you, the die is rolled and - depending on the result - at least one animal will be added to the stack in the middle in some way. Should one or two dots appear on the die, your task is relatively simple: add that number of animals from your selection to the pile, heaping them on top of the crocodile (or whatever is stacked on it already).

Rolling the Speech Bubble brings in the element of discussion. Your opponents have to decide amongst themselves which of your remaining animals you’ll get to add to the menagerie - and believe me, they'll always choose the hardest one. If the Hand ends up showing, you pass one of your animal over to another player, putting the pressure on them. The Crocodile means you have to slide any animal so it remains of the table so it touches either end, extending the base area for everyone to play on top of.

To win you must simply be the first to get rid of all of your animals but – of course – it’s never that easy. Turns are quick and packed with pressure, particularly later on in the game as should your actions result in any animals tumbling you’ll need to add two of them (your choice) to your stockpile, with the rest going back to the box. Your turn doesn’t end until the next player actually picks up and rolls the dice, so those moments after your placement can be fraught. There's nothing more terrifying in Tier auf Tier than a wobbly sheep...

While getting rid of all of your animals is a challenge, it's far from impossible and games will generally last only a few minutes - even if you become embroiled in a particularly disastrous series of rolls and collapses. It's a beautiful little game; HABA have built a reputation over the years for creating products that are great to look at as well as play, and Tier auf Tier is no exception. The animal pieces are massive, cute things, solidly crafted and made to last for years. Although the game is aimed at the very young, I honestly believe that you'll get a lot out of it no matter what your age. The rules are so simple that anyone can play - even three year olds can have fun with a bit of assistance! - and though you’ll invariably have a very different experience depending on how old you are, it comes highly recommended.

Whether you regard it as a pleasant little time-waster or a challenging first step into the world of gaming, Tier auf Tier it deserves a place in your collection. Actually, it deserves more; it should be pulled out regularly, whether you're looking for something light to end your game night with friends or trying to get kids into something more skilful than a Moshi Monsters branded take on Guess Who? This simple little dexterity game is, in a word, wonderful. Get yourself a copy and get stacking!

Have you come across any games aimed at kids that work well with older groups? Tell us about it here!

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