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Thirst for power (Finished) (Knight Otu judging)


ooc: Thanks for the game, Someone! Rough battle in the council chambers there, would be curious to know what CRs we were up against now that the adventure is done. In retrospect, we should have actively organized the council's guard, but Banion isn't a really take charge kind of guy. He gave his warning, apropriately to his charisma no one took him seriously, and everything slid downhill unhindered. He'll have to learn to be more assertive!

Good luck on your technical issues and I look forward to reading the wrap up.

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ooc: Once you identify the wand it has 21 charges left. One of the short swords is a magical vanilla +1 sword; the other one is 'just' masterwork. The rest of the weapons are common ones; make the calculations about sold weapons and identifying cost yourselves, after you decide what are you going to keep. I Imagine Beamer has plans for those wand charges.

Nairb didn't have his spellbook on him.

About the council fight, I didn't think you could win it. The regular guards (Idrag's elite forces) were 2nd level fighter/rogues. Idrag himself was 4th level, same as the wizard. In this case, the EL calculation was secondary to the story's logic: I decided that if you are going to make a coup, you must use overwhelming force, and Idrag and Etan were smart enough to know that. You'd have had a chance however if you decided to stay and fight - you missed the adventure's last part and a couple cool magic items ;)


Someone said:
About the council fight, I didn't think you could win it.

Well, in that case I suppose escaping with our lives was a victory! ;)

We'll definitely keep the wand, and definitely sell the two swords. I'll check the thread to try and figure out how many sets of normal weaponry we snagged.


I've reread the fight... and still can't fgure out for sure how many badguys there were! I imagine there were 3 to 6 little badguys and the the two sub-bosses. Did all the normal badguys have shortswords and chain shirts? Also, Slag's question as to whether he had been able to seize the enemy wizard's spellbook is a good one... though given that the wizard was fully prepared for battle the next day, chances are he didn't have the book with him.


First Post
Also, Slag's question as to whether he had been able to seize the enemy wizard's spellbook is a good one... though given that the wizard was fully prepared for battle the next day, chances are he didn't have the book with him.
Nairb didn't cast many spells during the warehouse raid, he mostly used the wand. I think he might have cast a defensive spell or two, but didn't really need those in the Council chamber battle. I think the only spells he used in the Council chamber battle was one magic missle and one to counter Beamer's spell. All in all, he probably didn't need to reprepare.


Patlin said:
I've reread the fight... and still can't fgure out for sure how many badguys there were! I imagine there were 3 to 6 little badguys and the the two sub-bosses. Did all the normal badguys have shortswords and chain shirts?

Yes, by my calculations there sould have been around 7 pairs of short swords lying around; that doesn't count the special ones.


Beamer and Banion consider what to do next. Barely alive and after running from an overwhelming enemy they believed defeated, with no hope of being paid for the work done and having lost their only companion, their morale is just competing with the soles of their feet in height. They soon decide to leave the city –and in fact the entire region, if possible, since they seem to be accumulating too many enemies here-, much to he disappointment of Nordal, who urges them to stay at least some hours: “I can look for healing for you, I can find your friend. You still have much to gain…”

But the halflings’ decision is taken and they leave the city as soon the sun sets. The city is quiet, brought unto itself fearing the future. Even the gates are deserted, and they aren’t the only ones fleeing Gotian.

While this happens Draig punches the barrel’s lid and finds himself in a cellar. By now, the bleeding from the blows he took in the fight has ended, and he feels slightly more confident. He tries the door at the end of the stairs, and finds it open. It leads to a small kitchen in which a obese woman whistles while tending many large boiling pots. Tiptoeing, Draig avoids the woman, abandons the room and enters a small tavern, which he leaves. Nobody cares about him, busy as they are discussing the latest events, though a couple people look his urgosh in a funny way.

The sun is setting, there’s nobody around who can stop him, and the dwarf leaves the city as the others did.


In the following days and months Etan and Idrag take control and intimidate the dead council member’s heirs to accept the situation. A new council is formed, though is a fakery that doesn’t conceal the fact that the captain of the guard and Etan are in charge. Life in the city becomes even worse than they were, as taxes are raised again, the guard’s brutality is now unchecked, and commerce avoids the city. Many leave, mostly for Orussus (which benefits from a influx of skilled merchants) and other coastal cities.


Someone said:
ooc: I'm sorry, but I'm having technical difficulties -again. Stupid telephonic company- and I'm currently unable to post from home. Untill I can post a proper epilogue, consider your characters free to join other adventures, and add a month's experience to your characters sheets*. I hope to be able give this adventure a more colorful ending soon, but for now this will have to do.

*For the sake of clarity, that's 200 experience to Beamer and banion and 100 experience to Draig.

Didn't see that edit till just now. :)

Were you going to award xp for the council fight?

A party of 2 ECL 4s and 1 ECL 3 facing 2 CR 4s and 9? CR 2s is ranked as "Overpowering" by the encounter calculator and would normally result in 2,700 xp for Draig and 2,600 for Beamer and Banion.

Voidrunner's Codex

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