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The Wayfinders - The Wreck of the Archon


First Post
Whisper presses her hands together and murmurs words, then pulls them apart again. Hovering between her palms is a swirling ball of arcane fire.

"The enemy of your enemy is at the very least an ally, yes?" she suggests. The fireball could be unleashed on the warforged or the soldiers, depending on how they react...

(Do we need Initiative here? :))

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First Post
The first wave of constructs marches off the shelves, pivots, and moves rapidly towards you. They move in a coordinated fashion with their legs rising and falling in tandem. They spread out into a line blocking the the main corridor down the shelving stacks. Each one carries different armanents, though their body structures are similar. The first sports an arm that ends in a stubby tube from which issues a blue light and a bladed forearm. The second has two short double bladed swords on either arm that begin to spin rapidly until they are a whirling blur. The third has an arm that ends in a large C shape - a mancatcher, and a jackhammer for the other arm. The fourth holds up a large steel plate like a shield with another arm ending in a series of small drills.

Kraken interposes himself between the constructs and the rest of the group while Midian and Whisper prepare their spells. You are still out in the open between the shelves which could allow attackers to come from almost any direction. Doral's shouted tactical movement seems sound to you. You call out to their leader, offering a temporary truce. She glares at you suspiciously until Midian's first blast of electricity strikes the fourth construct. She makes up her mind and starts barking orders to her men.

The two men who were carrying the golden vase move first. The one that dropped his end begins scrambling on the floor trying to recover the metal covers while the other scrambles to draw his mace and buckler. The Sergeant shouts at the man with the thin sword, calling him "Corporal Ardus", to cover one side of the group, while the other two men near the behemoth are sent to cover the other side. The man on the floor short a foot fires his crossbow which passes through your group and is deflected by the war machine with the spinning blade arms. The woman standing in the chest cavity of the behemoth crouches down and starts fumbling with her weapons and tools.

Henrick moves with your group and suddenly pipes up, "Sergeant Kella? Is that you" She pauses and looks at him with surprise that quickly turns to irritation. "Henrick. It figures YOU would still be alive." She shakes her head in disgust.

Your two groups are about 20' apart. The war machine / constructs are also about 20' farther away and moving quickly. You are standing in the main aisle that runs the length of the chamber. On either side are rows and rows of shelving holding constructs. The other group hasn't attacked you yet and are taking up defensive positions. There are some crates on the shelves that could be dragged off to create obstacles or cover as a full round action.
I gave Midian his action as the surprise round and since Whisper was readying a fireball for either constructs or the Brelish team she can still use it this round. If you do, roll the damage and add that to your next post. You can assume you can see more constructs approaching so there will be more targets if the fireball takes down this group. Kraken and Doral I had ready vs approach but if you wanted other actions for your surprise round let me know.

For initiative I am doing posting order. Players go first then the NPC's and enemies. I will work on a map to give you a better idea of what you see. So now we start round 1!

Deuce Traveler

"I take it we are all friends, then. Most excellent. I shall endeavor to bring forth as many potential allies as we can in this great triumph." Doral casts a spell in between where he believes the majority of the constructs will come. Several ghost-like specters dressed in armor and weapons from times long past appear from the ground, salute the party sharply, and turn their attentions towards the incoming foes.

OOC: Casting Legion of Sentinels.

School: illusion (shadow)
Level: beguiler 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a pewter sword-fighter miniature figure)
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no

A ghostly, incorporeal sword-fighter appears in each square covered by this spell’s area (12 total in the 10 ft square area). A sword-fighter can share a space with another creature or object. Each sword-fighter threatens the squares adjacent to it and can make one attack of opportunity per round. The sword-fighters do not hinder movement, block terrain, or block line of effect. They can flank an opponent with each other and with your allies.

Each sword-fighter has hit points equal to twice your caster level and an Armour Class of 25. It makes saving throws or checks with a bonus equal to your caster level.

The swordsmen’s attacks are at a bonus equal to your caster level (+7 for Droal), they threaten critical hits on a 19 or 20, and they deal 1d8 points of slashing damage with a +1 bonus per three caster levels (Doral is level 7). They only make attacks of opportunity, and their weapon damage is slashing and is affected by damage reduction.

Dr Simon

"Might want to get behind me, eh?" says Kraken, taking up a position as best he can between the party and the warforged.

Ready attacks against first construct to come near him or closest ally.



First Post
"Is the giant chalice of 'make everything come alive and kill us' entirely necessary here?" Midian calls as the other group scrambles to reseal the artifact. "It seems like it might be more trouble than it's worth?"

Midian swipes his watery arm down, and the ceiling shoots lightning again into the closest construct. Then he flows his way toward the other party.

[sblock=ooc]If I understood correctly, the constructs aren't between the two groups, so Midian can move toward them. Trying to get close enough so that, if they insist on carrying the artifact, he can cast Ant Haul and hopefully avoid further dropping of it to make things worse. :)

Empowered Lightning Bolt (multiply result by 1.5): 3D6 = [3, 5, 3] = 11

16 damage to construct, DC 19 ref save for half.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats]Full Sheet
[b]HP:[/b] 66/66  (current: 82/82)    
[b]AC:[/b] 21 (current: 20)        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Darkvision 60', fly 60 (perfect), from Ref +4 bump: Reflex save to +8, CMD to 24
[b]Medium Water Elemental: AC 20, Fort save: +11, +2 HP / level (con bump), Darkvision 60', Swim 60'[/b]

 Full Party: Negate Aroma & Pass Without Trace (both 8 hours)
 Midian: Empowered Call Lightning (9 minutes, 6/8 bolts remaining)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3 (Wildshape: 0)    
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

Special: +1d6 cold damage on slam attacks in Water Elemental form (shard exposure).

[b]Surge:[/b] 9/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Detect Aberration, Liberating Command, [s]Negate Aroma[/s], [s]Pass Without Trace[/s], Ray of Sickening, Ant Haul, Obscuring Mist (D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : Delay Poison, Soften Earth and Stone, Stone Call, **Frigid Touch, Resist Energy, Slipstream (D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Hide Campsite, Aqueous Orb, Spider Climb (Communal), **[s]Call Lightning[/s]*, Water Walk (D)
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Freedom of Movement, [s]Dispel Magic[/s], **Ball Lightning, Control Water (D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 2/3 remaining

Used: Scroll of Water Breathing[/sblock]


First Post
A glowing bead of red light streaks down the hallway and erupts in a ball of fire in the midst of the four advancing constructs. A split second later lightning lances down out of the ceiling and slams into one of the robots. The two in the middle of the group collapses into half-melted slag. The other two look like they took some damage but are still functioning. Doral finishes his incantation and brings a series of phantasms to life that form a wall in front of your group. The remaining constructs advance on the wall on soldiers and try to pass through it; drawing attacks from the incorporeal forms. Kraken steps up and slices with his falchion but fails to cut through their tough metallic shells. The construct with the shield and drill arm makes a high-pitched whining sound as the bits attempt to bore through the incorporeal figures. It misses them and it turns its attention towards Kraken when he approaches. The second construct engages another ghostly figure. Its tube glows and a burst of black energy flies forth. It misses the sentinel and strikes a nearby shelf leaving a smoking hole in its wake.

Another group of four constructs move out of the shadows following the same path as the first. It looks like two of them have arms ending in large tubes, along with another mancatcher and double-bladed sword construct.

Farther back, more constructs approach from either side towards the Brelish soldiers. Ardus and Kella split up to cover the two sides. The man missing the foot reloads his crossbow and waits for a clear shot. The two men in the middle work on recovering the shell around the large crystal geode.

Round 2...
I split Midian's lightning bolt to two different constructs to go along with the fireball damage to take them down.
The B's are the brelish soldiers.
The C's are the constructs

#						    #
# ######## #########     ######## ######### ####### # 
#						    #
# ######## #########     ######## ######### ####### #
#						    #
# ######## #########     ######## ######### ####### # 
#						    #
# ######## #########CC CC######## ######### ####### # 
#						    #
# ######## #########     ######## ######### ####### # 
#						    #
# ######## #########     ######## ######### ####### # 
#		   [COLOR=RED] C   C[/COLOR]        		    #
# ######## ######### K   ######## ######### ####### # 
#						    #
# ######## ######### DW  ######## ######### ####### # 
#		         			    #
# ######## 	    M    ######## ######### ####### #
#	    BB  O       			    #
# ########     /-\  BB   ######## ######### ####### #
#	 B      |       B 			    #
# ######## 	/\B      ######## ######### ####### #
#	                         		    #

Deuce Traveler

Doral tries to position himself to cast a cone-shaped spell left of Kraken, targeted on the construct to Kraken's left and the two behind him.

OOC: Whelming Burst.

Whelming burst

Enchantment (Compulsion), Mind-Affecting.
Level: Bard 2, beguiler 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area:: Cone-shaped burst.
Duration: instantaneous.
Saving Throw: Will negates.
Spell resistance: Yes

You stretch your arms before you, spread your hands wide, and unleash an invisible cone of magical power that assails the minds of the creatures within.

You assail the mental faculties of creatures in the area, dealing 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per two caster levels (3d6 for Doral) to each creature that fails its save.

Doral also has Greater Spell Focus for Enchantment which adds +2 to the DC of his enchantment spells. So 10+2+4+2= DC of 18.

Dr Simon

Kraken eyes the whirring drill cautiously, but this doesn't stop him launching a series of strikes against the construct.

Attacks on the drill warforged.


Voidrunner's Codex

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