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The Trindle Isle Market [Manzanita Judging]


Of the nearly 30 sailors on board the ship, most seem armed with scimitars, though a few reach for crossbows that are stored nearby to ward off pirate attack. It's not 100% clear to you whether they will get involved in the fight, but that's a definite possibility. During the journey, they seemed obedient enough to the first mate, and you detected no unfriendliness there.

Moreover, no one seemed overly warm toward orcs, and you recall Trindle Isle Market as having been described as a lawless place.

Anyone willing to be involved in what is about to happen, please roll initiative. If you instead intend to back away and make a break for it, please state that instead of rolling.

You have a bad feeling about this...

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First Post
Bloody Savages. Lookspring, watching the sailors reach for their weapons, looks on with disgust. This is looking bad. The upside is, after they kill them both I get their share of the reward. That might not be half bad! Hmm, I better stay well clear of the action. They might try to gut me as well. Lookspring sidles towards the landing plank, keeping his hands in sight and away from his weapons.


First Post

Prig, looking around, notices the seamen grabbing at their weapons. PRig sjakes his head and smiles. He looks over at the katara scurrying off, and then at Jeremiah, still at his side. He leans down to put up his shield and says to Jeremiah, "Come. They no fight, they rather hold hands." Heading off the ship, Prig looks back over his left shoulder, looking directly at the first mate. "And you! You ever want fight, swing little sword at sea birds. You not man enough fight Prig."

And walking away, talking loud enough so that they all could hear but directed torward Jeremiah, "No matter, ship of women can take puny ship of puny men. What Prig want with it? Scrap, ship is scrap, crew is scrap, First Mate is woman." He walks on, holding himself with great stature.


As Prig aproaches the gangplank, two armed sailors move to block his path.

"You'd best change your manner and apologize to the mate." One of them demands.

(Lookspring was allowed to pass without comment.)


First Post
init roll (1d20+6=16)

"Now, crewmen, look at your options. You clearly outnumber us, but some of you will have to come at us first. My orc friend and I are no pushovers, so the first 6 or 7 of you to attack us will die. So, whichever of you care enough about this little conflict to attack, go. But, all the others here to see the show might as well leave now, if they value thier life.


First Post

Patlin said:
As Prig aproaches the gangplank, two armed sailors move to block his path.

"You'd best change your manner and apologize to the mate." One of them demands.

(Lookspring was allowed to pass without comment.)

Prig, quite annoyed at the situation, never seeing a group as yellow as this group of sailors, looks downward at the lonely to sailors blocking his path, "You listen well to Miah. Some you will die, you die first without friends. Go ahead, block Prig, stop Prig with your tiny little corpses! Stop him now or DIE!" Prig sets his shield torward the first mate(full cover torward firstmate, none torward the two armed sailors). "Come Miah, don't die by yourself, die with Prig here. Half sailor die today, maybe all, but much blood be spilled anyway."

Initiative=2 :(


Gangplank Pair (18)
Jeremiah (16)
Stern Crossbowmen (14)
Bow Crossbowmen (13)
Other Sailors (13)
First Mate (8)
Prig (2)

Rolls for Sailors

Round 1 Begins
The two sailors blocking the gangplank hold up their weapons to keep you at bay, and full defend.

Jeremiah is up.


Round 1 continues
With so many enemies, it's unclear to Jeremiah how many exactly are armed with which sort of weapon. He runs sternward, focusing on one of the enemies wielding a crossbow, and jabs at him with the shortsword-like field of mental energy. Perhaps it is the gently swaying deck beneath him that throws him off, but the crossbowman easilly sidesteps his swing.

Three crossbowmen on the stern side of the ship fire, the one threatened by Jeremiah stepping back and shooting at him, while the other two concentrate on Prig. Only one connectes with its target hitting the Orc, who's shield is still out of place from his earlier display. Prig takes 6 damage.

Three more crossbowmen fire from the other side of the ship, all targetting Prig. Again, Prig Prig is hit by one bolt, and takes another 6 damage.

Only four of the scimitar wielders can get to Prig for the moment, and while two miss the other two hit very solidly indeed (potential criticals) (one of them confirms the critical, ignore 3rd roll). Prig takes 14 damage and dies.

[to be continued.]
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End round 1
Six swordsmen rush at Jeremiah, defending the crossbowman. Only one hits dealing 7 damage.

The first mate calls out "If he surrenders, let him live, but should he fight on, show no mercy!"

Round 2 Begins
The two sailors at the gangplank ready themselves to respond to any rush for the exit.

Jeremiah is up next.

Voidrunner's Codex

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