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D&D 5E The Planetouched Lineages (Tieflings/Aasimar/Genasi/Axani/Cansin/Liminaire)

Note that all updates are within the original post

With some of the changes influenced by Tasha's Cauldron, I'm looking into a rework of the various Planetouched varieties such as Tieflings, Aasimar and Genasi. I'm looking generally looking into one with variants and customization, that some of those races (but mostly Tieflings) got towards the end of 2nd edition. I'll be writing things about as I go along and trying to present some customization options. This thread assumes a planar campaign when discussing Planetouched, it might be the Planescape setting or might not.

This is not a thread to bring up edition warring even though my intentions are biased in favour of the 2nd edition incarnations, I'll try to acknowledge some things from other editions. This is also not the thread to bring up the subject of races and ability score bonuses, there's way too many threads about that. This isn't the thread to criticize Planescape. Just try to be constructive.

I'm attempting to draw from many sources such as the Planewalkers Handbook and various Dragon Magazine articles.

The first Planetouched to focus on will be of course Tieflings, they have the most supporting material and are the most developed. Aasimar are the second priority as they are the second most developed across editions, followed by Genasi with the focus on Air, Earth, Fire and Water before covering any other type of Genasi like Lightning, Steam, Ooze, Magma or whatever. And lastly it's the other types of Planetouched which needs some sorting out as there's 3 different Lawful varieties such as: Zenythri (3e MMII), Mechanatrix (3e FF) and Axani (Dragon #297) and 2 different Chaotic varieties: Chaonds (3e MMII) and Cansin (Dragon #297), not to mention Gloamings, Shyfts and whatever else.

Note that things like Tannaruk and Fey'ri and whatever else are just Tieflings or whatever for these purposes, I won't be putting any special effort around those. A Fey'ri in this is just a Tiefling with some Elvish qualities. I'll start with a generic writeup for all Planetouched, before focussing on each specific lineage.

Planetouched (General Info)
The Planetouched refer to numerous and varied people across the planes, an umbrella term to described mortal beings mixed with a little of something else. The most common types of Planetouched are the Fiendishly-influenced Tieflings, the Celestial-influenced Aasimar, and the Elementally-influenced Genasi. In many cases this is due to the mixing of bloodlines from planar beings with mortal blood. Planetouched of such origins are at most one quarter of such beings despite the claims from many Planetouched that they are half-blood. For many planetouched this can manifest in certain features: a Tiefling might have sharp teeth and vestigal wings from their Balor Demon ancestor, or an Aasimar might have green skin and no hair from their Planetar Angel ancestor. For other planetouched they might not manifest any such qualities which can be traced back to a specific type of planar ancestor.

Some Planetouched, especially ones from planar societies, are simply the result of the influence and energy of certain planes. Planar influences can cause mutations in mortals. On some worlds there have been empires who made pacts or were cursed by planar beings. A rarer bunch of Planetouched are Planar beings that have reincarnated themselves into mortal forms.

When creating a Planetouched character pick one of these origins or roll from the table below
1One of your ancestors is a planar being, your bloodline is at most one quarter of such a being. (The classic planetouched origin)
2You were born on one of the planes to mortal non-planetouched parents, and were changed by the plane in the womb.
3The presence of a planar incursion or manifest zone altered you as a child.
4Your ancestors made a pact with planar beings, it may be a blessing or a curse. (The 4e Tiefling origin)
5You were part of an experiment infusing blood and pieces harvested from a planar being. (The extrapolation of late 3e's obsession with Grafts)
6You're a planar being that has reincarnated yourself into a mortal form. You contain fleeting memories of your previous life. (The 4e Deva/Aasimar origin)
7You were possessed by the spirit of a planar being. While it no longer inhabits you it forever changed you.
8You were altered by a group who used alchemy and magic to call upon higher or base platonic ideals.
Ancestry & Culture
In most cases the child of Planetouched is usually a Planetouched, and the influence of such beings can continue down the bloodline for an untold number of generations. As Humans are in many places some of the most commonly encountered beings on many worlds, most Planetouched are partially Human. But Planetouched can certainly have Elven, Dwarven, Orcish or other ancestry. An Tiefling of Elven ancestry might have a lithe build and pointed ears, while an Aasimar of Orcish ancestry might be of a larger build and have tusks. Some Planetouched might have a mixture of various mortal races, as many Planetouched do mix with other Planetouched. In cases where Planetouched of different planar lineages mix, the result is a Planetouched of one of the parent's lineages.

Optional Rule: Mixed planetouched lineage characters can replace one of their abilities for an equivalent ability of another planetouched lineage.

Planetouched are male, or female, or neither or both, or anywhere between. Much like many of the Planar beings that they may be descended from, Planetouched often don't fit, both biologically and socially into genders the same way many other mortal races do.

Society & Culture
In most places across the planes the Planetouched don't have a culture of their own due to their natures. Many Planetouched tend to adapt to the cultures they were raised in, sometimes quite integrated into such cultures, but often alone and on the fringes of such cultures. Planetouched are a common sight across many planar cities, and are usually most comfortable in such places. The lineage of the planar being a Planetouched is from might influence how others view and treat them (more on that in the specific lineage write-up). Some Planetouched have formed loose clans, such as the Rukova Genasi clans.
Character Options
Planetouched lineages get a number of various abilities: Darkvision, a Legacy trait and an Essence trait. Darkvision can be replaced with a proficiency in a skill, tool or weapon, or an additional language known. Some lineages have alternate Legacy or Essence traits that may be suspect to DM's approval.

Legacy traits typically include spells, which may also be cast with spell slots of a equivalent level or higher.

Axiomatic Empowerment
Requirements: Axiomatic legacy
-You may increase your intelligence, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a 1st-level or higher spell you know from you legacy traits you can choose to push a target back 5 feet if they failed a saving throw against the spell, or you may give an ally within 30 feet 5 temporary hit points.

Celestial Imbuement
Requirements: Celestial legacy
-You may increase your charisma, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a spell that heals hit points, you may add 1 to each die rolled.
-In addition, when you cast a spell that heals hit points, you glow with radiance until your next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with this radiance melee attacks against you are made with disadvantage if they are within 5 feet.

Elemental Empowerment
Requirements: Elemental legacy
-You may increase an ability score of your choice by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-Pick one of the following damage types when you pick this feat: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Radiant or Thunder. When you cast a spell that deals damage of this type you may add an additional point of damage to each die you roll.
-When you cast a spell dealing that damage type you radiate with elemental energy until you next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with elemental energy, anyone who moves within 10 feet of you or end their turn within 10 feet of you take 1d4 damage of this feat's damage type.

Fiendish Empowerment (Flames of phlegethos replacement)
Requirements: Fiendish resistance
-You may increase your charisma, dexterity or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-Pick one of the options from Fiendish Resistance you have resistance to, when you pick this feat. When you cast a spell that deals damage of this type you may add an additional point of damage to each die you roll.
-When you cast a spell dealing that damage type you glow with a sickly energy until you next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with energy if you are hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes 1d4 damage of the damage type if they are within 5 feet.

Improved Axiomatic Legacy
Requirements: Axiomatic legacy
-You may increase your intelligence, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Cleric spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

Improved Celestial Legacy
Requirements: Celestial legacy
-You may increase your charisma, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Cleric spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

Improved Elemental Legacy
Requirements: Elemental legacy
-You may increase an ability score of your choice by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Druid or Wizard spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

Improved Fiendish Legacy
Requirements: Fiendish legacy
-You may increase your charisma, dexterity or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Warlock or Wizard spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

Improved Liminal Legacy
Requirements: Liminal legacy
-You may increase an ability score of your choice by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Bard or Sorcerer spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

Liminal Empowerment
Requirements: Liminal legacy
-You may increase an ability score of your choice by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a 1st-level or higher spell that you know from Liminal Legacy, you can teleport yourself to a space within 30 feet.

Planar legacy
Requirements: Any planetouched lineage
-You may add a legacy trait you don't have, from any Planetouched lineage (this may include something like Wings which a DM might restrict from starting characters). You may pick this trait multiple times, each time picking a different legacy trait.

Planar essence
Requirement: Any planetouched lineage
-You may increase any ability score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain 2 additional essence traits.

Primal Savagery
Requirements: A natural attack such as claws, bite, stingers or an energy touch
You're willing to jump into the fray with tooth and claw. You gain the following benefits.
-You may increase your strength, constitution or dexterity by 1 point (can't be above 20).
-If you are at least 5th level when attacking with your natural weapon, you can attack twice with it, if you did not have to ability to do so before.
-You may cast a cantrip instead of attacking for one of your attacks. Your natural attack is eligible for a weapon if the cantrip requires one.

Fighting Style
The following fighting style is available to Fighters, Paladins and Rangers:
Natural weapons: When attacking with a natural weapon such as claws or a bite attack, you inflict an extra 2 points of damage.

This is a spell for Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks or Wizards
Dimension Hop
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
In a blink you teleport instantly to an unoccupied space that you can see within 15 feet. If it's obstructed and you'd teleport into a solid object, then you can't teleport there.

This is a spell for Druids, Sorcerers, or Wizards
Passage of the Elemental Traveler
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 hour (Ritual)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (25gp of elemental essence that the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
Known among the elders of the Genasi Janni clans, is the secret rite that makes aids the Janni when they travel across the varied elemental planes. Shaping elemental essences obtained from the border regions between the elemental planes, they conduct a rite calling upon elemental spirits asking for aid and passage. At the end of the rite the caster (if they're a Genasi) and up to 6 other Genasi can change their Elemental Nature trait if they possess such a trait.

This is a spell for Druids, Rangers, Sorcerers, or Wizards
Swift Current
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You transform into a rushing wave of water, becoming an area that's 30 feet long and 10 feet wide and 5 feet high. Creatures of your choice that are caught in your wave take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a successful dexterity save, creatures take only half damage and are not knocked prone. You then reform at a space that's within the area of the wave.
At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot 3rd-level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 damage for each slot level above 2nd.

Tieflings get their lineage from the Lower Planes which may include the influence of various fiendish creatures like Devils, Demons, Yugoloths, Gehreleths/Demodands, Night Hags, Hordelings, Bladelings and others or the malignant influence of such planes. Because of the fiendish nature of their lineage, Tieflings are often mistrusted by many who fear Tieflings carry a malignant influence. When invoking their fiendish powers some of that malignant influence might come to the forefront, as the fiend rattles it's metaphorical chains. In the struggle of their dual-natures, most Tieflings learned long ago to control the fiend inside them.

As a result many Tieflings are loners and often pushed to the fringes of society, due to the prejudices of many mortals. As a result many Tieflings have become self-reliant and independent, having to do their best to push their way through by society by sheer force of will. The fiendish nature of Tieflings does not inherently exert a predilection to malevolence, however how Tieflings are treated by the society they're raised in often does. Often Tieflings do band together as clans, extended families or gangs, and are often mistrusting of others, including other Tieflings.

In planar cities Tieflings are common sight, in many cases gathering together in often the poorer and less hospitable districts. Many Tieflings as outsiders often won't find a place among common society, often becoming thieves, gang members, harlots and con artists. Some Tieflings are driven even further outside into to joining cults or becoming adventurers. Many Tieflings do live their lives in poverty because of their place in society, though some Tieflings have made their place in society filled with wealth and privilege. It's often whispered in hushed tones that those Tieflings in wealth and power got their fortunes through nefarious means.

Outside of most planar societies, there's rumours of Tieflings enjoying a higher standing in some nations that are ruled by fiendish forces. These Tieflings often embrace their more malevolent natures as a result. There's said to be an empire on the Material Plane who's corrupt once Human rulers made a pact to the Lord of Nine Asmodeus, who cursed the entire nation turning everybody into a Tiefling.

Thanks to their natures some Tieflings can survive on consuming ashes or minerals for sustenance temporarily. Tieflings are more likely to eat meat, some preferring raw meat, and many do eat insects (some Humans do too).
Tieflings often have features like horns of varying sizes, tails, sharp teeth or cloven feet. Many Tieflings don't have any such features appearing mostly as Humans or other mortal races, and only containing a hint of a fiendish nature such as an ominous shadow, a slight scent of sulphur or a terrifying reflection in the mirror.

Instead of deciding for yourself what a Tiefling looks like especially if you feel the Tiefling has a specific type of Fiend in their bloodline, you may also select 1d4 features from the table below, either picking any one of the choices or rolling a d100 for each feature as a guideline. A Tiefling may have features not covered in this table.

Roll Trait
1-2 Horns on Forehead
3-4 Horns on Temples
5-6 Crown of Horns
7 Single horn on forehead
8-9 Long, thin face

10-11 Fangs
12-13 All teeth are pointed
13-14 Forked tongue
15-16 Pointed ears
17-18 Fan-like ears

19-20 Extremely long nose
21 Very small (almost unnoticeable) nose
22-23 Extremely long eyelashes
24-25 Red eyes
26-27 Black eyes (no whites)

28-29 Feline or reptilian eyes
30 Extremely deep-set eyes
31-33 Unusual hair color
34 Multicolored hair
35-36 Six fingers(including thumbs)

36-37 Three fingers (including thumbs)
37-38 Black fingernails
39-40 Red fingernails
41-42 Fingers are longer than normal
43-44 Arms are longer than normal

45-46 Legs are longer than normal
47-48 Horselike legs
49-50 Goatlike legs
51-52 Goatlike hooves
53-54 Insectlike legs

55-56 Long, thin tail
57-58 Horselike tail
59-60 Lizardlike tail
61-62 Spiny ridges on back
63 Spiny ridges all over body

66-67 Completely Hairless body
68-69 Body covered in short fur or long hair
70-71 Body covered in striped markings
72-73 Extremely greasy skin
74-76 Scaly skin

77-78 Leathery skin
77-78 Chitinous skin
79 Small feathers rather than hair on body
80-82 Unusual tint (like red, ashen, green, blue or purple) to skin
83-84 Slight hint of an odor such as ash, sulfur, or decay surrounds body

85-86 Skin exudes ash grit
87 Body cast no shadow
88 Body casts a monstrous shadow
89 Has no reflection in mirror
90 Has a monstrous reflection in mirror

91-93 Claw-like fingernails
94 Prolonged touch withers normal plants
95 Has a high body heat
96 Has a cold body temperature
97 Vestigial Wings

98 Vestigial Limbs such as arms with pincers or tentacles
99 Snake(s) attached to body
00 Extremely long-lived or ageless
Tiefling Characters
Ability scores & classes: Many Tieflings tend to be schemers and adept at larceny and swindling, thus many do put their ability bonuses in Charisma, Intelligence or Dexterity. Some Tiefling legacies embrace rage and other feral natures.

Rogues are a common class for Tieflings, as many of them do come from criminal backgrounds and it's something that easy for a Tiefling to embrace. Because of the nature of their soul and status as outsiders, many Tieflings confront their dual natures creatively through music and poetry becoming Bards. The power of the arcane comes naturally to Tieflings as many do become Wizards applying their understanding of their natures to the studies of magic. Many do embrace and seek to understand their Fiendish natures by becoming Warlocks with the Fiend Patron, but many Tiefling Warlocks seek other types of patrons to shield themselves from Fiendish influences.

Most Tieflings age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Tieflings might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Tieflings are medium size. Some Tieflings are small size.

Tieflings have a walking speed of 30 feet

Tieflings are Humanoid

Tieflings understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Abyssal or Infernal.

Tieflings have Darkvision of 60 feet

Fiendish Legacy (legacy trait)
While there some common varieties, the powers of a Tiefling can be varied as the appearances of Tieflings. The manifestation of powers in a Tieflings legacy awakens a bit of a Tiefling's nature, internally it can be as much as a dark whisper they can hear in their mind. For some Tieflings they momentarily appear more fiendish when invoking such powers. Many Tieflings describe using their legacies as Invoking the Fiend. According to some certain legacies can color a Tiefling's temperament. Tieflings pick one of the options below in this category, Charisma or Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for spells cast through this ability. Any spell a Tiefling can cast through the Fiendish Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for a Tiefling spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The cantrip should be from the Wizard spell list, and the spells should be from either the Warlock or Wizard spell list.

Legacy of the Foreboding - Menace and dread are the flavours invoked by this Legacy, an often common one where the fiend inside exudes malevolence and spite. It's thought that this might be the most common Tiefling legacy (it's the default one). The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Hellish Rebuke cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Darkness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Hellish Rebuke with Burning Hands (cast as 2nd-level spell)

Legacy of Corruption - Twisting and poisoning things is what the fiend inside desires, it seeks to weaken others to impose its will on the outside world. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Vicious Mockery, at 3rd level Ray of Sickness cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Crown of Madness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Vicious Mockery with Infestation (Xanathar's Guide of Everything), and/or Ray of Sickness with Dissonant Whispers (cast as 2nd-level spell) or Tasha's Hideous Laughter

Legacy of the Infiltrator - The fiend inside seeks to learn the darkest of secrets to exert control and destroy things from the inside. It's often mistrusting of others. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Message, at 3rd level Disguise Self once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Detect Thoughts cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Message with Friends

Legacy of the Tempter - The fiend likes to bend others to its will through the force of personality, it's better to convince others to work in your agenda than to do such things yourself. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Friends, at 3rd level Charm Person once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Suggestion cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Suggestion with Enthrall

Legacy of Deception - The fiend desires to bend or hide the truth, lies become its weapons as the truth itself is something that's malleable under deft control of one such as itself. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Minor Illusion, at 3rd level Disguise Self once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Invisibility cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Invisibility with Phantasmal Force

Legacy of Isolation - The fiend is cold-hearted and uncaring, it depises others wishing nothing more than pain and ruin on those it feels have violated it's sancutary. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Ray of Frost, at 3rd level Armor of Agathys cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Darkness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Armor of Agathys with Ice Knife (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as a 2nd-level spell, or Darkness with Blindness/Deafness

Legacy of Obsession - The fiend inside seeks to covet and take all that it can it's own means, it jealously hides what it can away from others. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Mage Hand, at 3rd level Fog Cloud once before requiring a short or long rest, and at 5th level Locate Object cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Fog Cloud with Tenser's Floating Disk which requires a short or long rest before using again, and/or replace Locate Object with Arcane Lock

Legacy of Malice - The fiend would rather have the world outside burn, everything is to be consumed and nothing left but ashes and ruin to rule over. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Produce Flame, at 3rd level Burning Hands cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Flame Blade cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace all the fire spells with these acid spells: Acid Splash, at 3rd level Tasha's Caustic Brew (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Melf's Acid Arrow cast once before requiring a long rest

Legacy of Wrath - The fiend inside is driven by bloodlust and rage seeking nothing more than conflict to sate its thirst. Visecral physical violence is often its means. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Searing Smite cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Branding Smite cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Thaumaturgy with Green Flame Blade (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) or Primal Savagery (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell that's the same level that's within the Warlock or Wizard spell list, or a single cantrip with another Wizard cantrip. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Fiendish Resistance (Essence trait)
A Tiefling's nature often makes them resistant to the affect of certain elements. Pick one of the following options:
Lightning resistance
Fire resistance
Cold resistance
Acid resistance
Poison resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being poisoned

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's descretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Fiendish Legacy or Fiendish Resistance options.

Fiendish Wings - You have a working pair of bat-like or darkly feathered wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. This ability replaces Fiendish Legacy.
Alternate rule for Fiendish Wings - You gain the ability to glide, subtract 100 feet from a fall when determining damage taken, and you can move 2 feet horizontally for every foot you have fallen. At 5th level you can fly with speed of 30 feet.

Fiendish Hide - You have a tough hide, one that might be scaly or covered in spikes or small ridges. Your AC is 13 + your dexterity modifier, which you may use instead of the AC of the armor you're wearing should it be lower. You still gain the benefit of a shield with this trait. This replaces Fiendish Resistance.

Natural Weapons - You have one of the following natural attacks which you can use in place of an unarmed attack. This ability replaces Fiendish Legacy.
Claws: 1d4 slashing damage using either your strength or dexterity bonus for attack and damage. If you hit with your claws, as a bonus action you may inflict the poisoned condition on the target until the next round.
Stinger: You have a tail or other such appendage with a stinger, that does 1d4 piercing damage using either your strength or dexterity bonus for attack. If you damage your target with your stringer, as a bonus action you may inflict the poisoned condition on the target until the next round.
Horns: 1d6 piercing using your strength bonus for attack and damage. If you hit your target, as a bonus action you can shove it 5 feet away from you.

Prehensile Tail: You can grasp things with your tail. It has a reach of 5 feet, and it can lift a number of pounds equal to your Strength score. You can use it to do the following simple tasks: lift, drop, hold, push, or pull an object or a creature; open or close a door or a container. Your DM might allow other simple tasks to be added to that list of options.

Your tail has some fine control, and can wield weapons with the light property using it to attack with a bonus action, you're proficient enough in using your tail that you can apply your ability modifier to damage with that weapon. The tail can be used to assist in some checks like Athletic climbing possibly granting advantage at the DM's discretion, but if only used by itself for some checks (like using tools) it may instead be at a disadvantage. This trait replaces Fiendish Resistance.

Aasimar are often thought to be the opposites of Tieflings, their lineage may be traced back to various celestial beings such as Angels, Archons, Guardinals, Celestial Eladrin, Asuras, Lillendi, Quasars, Shedu, Hollyphants, rumors of the mysterious Rilmani and other beings. Some Aasimar origins can be traced to the mere influence of planar energies from the Upper Planes. Many Aasimar prefer to keep their natures hidden due to attention due to the expectations of from others whether good or bad. Other Aasimar enjoy the benefits of such attention basking in the adoration and worship that many have of them.

Aasimar are expected to the take up the sword to root out evil, defend the innocent and inspire those to justice, but the truth is that many Aasimar are quite far from such expectations. The influence of the celestial background does often drive an Aasimar towards righteousness, but often their free will and mortal flaws drive them away from such paths. In many cases the celestial influence may fundamentally feel revulsion for mortals seeing all their flaws, driving an Aasimar down a very dark path. When Aasimar use their powers their celestial nature comes to the forefront manifesting something that might be a serene and benevolent light, or might be blinding flames of fear and wrath.

Most Aasimar will find a place in society should they choose to. Those born to a mortal parent are rarely abandoned, and tend to be cherished as they seen as being a blessing to all those around them. Thus Aasimar rarely feel the need to gather into clans, many Aasimar barely acknowledge the existence of other Aasimar. In planar societies were Aasimar are a more common sight, where familiarity with Aasimar leads to a more cynical outlook on them, most see Aasimar as being trustworthy yet arrogant, elitist, preachy or standoffish. There are the few on many worlds who believe that Aasimar are secret tyrants of a vast conspiracy controlling the mortals to use them as livestock.

In some worlds there are dynasties of Aasimar enjoying the privileges of ruling over others, expected to lead, inspire and champion the causes of the just. And as much as there are many places tyranny and malevolence rule that might despise Aasimar, many Aasimar can easily find themselves climbing to the top of societies. Across many worlds their are said to be Aasimar who are actually Celestials that have incarnated themselves into mortal forms, it said that they live constant lives in a cycle of reincarnation seeking to understand mortals.

Aasimar have similar diets to those of their mortal ancestry, they must eat just as others do, as they can't survive off of light and joy despite whatever they may claim. Many Aasimar prefer a vegetarian diet, though they can eat meat like anyone else can.
Aasimar do have a variety of features that often does hint at their celestial origins, unlike other Planetouched they mostly don't diverge too greatly from their mortal ancestry compared to some other Planetouched lineages. Common features do include metallic skin colours, patterns of light on their bodies, glowing eyes, or the occasional animal-like feature for those descended from animal-like Celestials like Hound Archons or Guardinals.

Instead of deciding for yourself what an Aasimar looks like, especially if you feel the Aasimar has a specific type of celestial in their bloodline, you may also select 1d3 features from the table below, either picking any one of the choices or rolling a d100 for each feature as a guideline. An Aasimar may have features not covered in this table.

Roll Trait
01-05 Unusual tint to skin (such as green, blue or purple)
06-10 Metallic skin (such as silver or gold)
11-14 Opalescent skin
15-19 Pointed ears
20-22 Doglike ears

23-25 Catlike ears
26-30 Angular face with high cheekbones
31-33 Long, distinguished nose
34-36 Hooked nose

37-40 Crystal-blue eyes
41-44 Bright green eyes
45-48 Gleaming silver eyes
49-52 Golden eyes
53-55 Fingers longer than normal

56-59 Animal horns on head
60-63 Silver or gold fingernails
64-66 Long, slender arms
67-69 Animal-like legs (such as a lion, horse or bird talons)
70-72 Animal-like tail

73-76 Vestigial Wings on shoulders
77-80 Body covered with speckled markings
81-85 Lines of light cover body
86-88 Radiates a slight glow
89-91 Bald, hairless

91-92 Hair moves like flames
93-95 Small feathers rather than hair on 1d10x10 of body
96-97 Sweet, fresh odor surrounds body
98-99 Surrounded by aura of calm
00 Really long-lived or ageless
Aasimar Characters
Ability scores & classes: Aasimar often are called upon to be champions, so many display a natural aptitude in athleticism or leadership. So most Aasimar put their ability bonuses in Charisma, Wisdom or Strength.

As a result many Aasimar adopt the path of the Paladin, where they can bring their might and divine light into a cause. Since their celestial nature leads them to be more in touch with the divine, Aasimar also commonly become Clerics. For other Aasimar they draw upon the spark of inspiration to become Bards. As many celestial beings such as Guardinals and Celestial Eladrin are idealized spirits of nature, Aasimar often become Druids too.

Most Aasimar age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Aasimar might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Aasimar are medium size. Some Aasimar are small size.

Aasimar have a walking speed of 30 feet

Aasimar are Humanoid

Aasimar understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Celestial.

Aasimar have Darkvision of 60 feet

Celestial Legacy (Legacy trait)
Much like Tieflings there are varieties of the powers an Aasimar can be imbued with. The nature of the celestial can shape the temperament of an Aasimar, revealing a little of the soul when such powers are used. Aasimar often radiate light and heat or faint music might be heard when using what Aasimar often call Revealing the Soul or Calling the Spirit. For some Aasimar it's a struggle between their mortal selves and their celestial selves when using such powers. An Aasimar picks from one of these Legacy options below, Charisma or Wisdom is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell an Aasimar can cast through the Celestial Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for an Aasimar spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Cleric or Paladin spell list.

Legacy of Light - The spirit of the Aasimar glows with the light of the divine serving as a beacon of hope and expectations the celestial inside aspires to. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Light, at 3rd level Lesser Restoration once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Daylight cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Light with Guidance and/or replace Daylight with Beacon of Hope.

Legacy of the Protector - The celestial inside seeks to defend those around it, driving the Aasimar to become a champion for a cause. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Resistance.
Healing Hands: with an action you can touch a creature a heal a number of hit points equal to your level, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Radiant Soul: At 3rd level you can transform yourself into an angelic being as you radiant with light and glowing wings sprout from your back. For 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action, you gain a fly speed of 30 feet, and once per round to one target you can deal extra radiant damage equal to your level with an attack or spell. Once you use this you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Alternate Abilities: Replace Healing Hands with Cure Wounds (cast as 2nd level spell)

Legacy of the Scourge - The celestial inside seeks to punish those it feels are wicked, it's a wrathful spirit that drives the Aasimar towards battle and confrontation. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy
Healing Hands
: with an action you can touch a creature a heal a number of hit points equal to your level, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Radiant Comsumption: At 3rd level you cause yourself to glow with blinding light glowing with bright light in a 10 foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. For 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action, at the end of your turn you and each creature within 10 feet take damage equal to half your level (rounded up) , and once per round can deal extra radiant damage equal to your level with an attack or spell. Once you use this you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.

Legacy of the Fallen - Sometimes it's a fallen celestial that is the influence of an Aasimar seeking instead to destroy the mortal world. Other times it's the nature of the mortal soul that has corrupted the celestial inside. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy
Draining Touch:
with a melee spell attack you can inflict necrotic damage equal to your level, and healing yourself with an amount of damage equal to your level. You can't use this ability again until you complete a long rest.
Necrotic Shroud: At 3rd level you cause yourself to glow with dark energy and skeletal flightless wing sprout from your back. For 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action, once per round can deal extra necrotic damage equal to your level with an attack or spell. When you first transform creatures within 10 feet of you must make a charisma save or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Once you use this you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.

Legacy of the Veil - Many celestials prefer to hide their presence from mortals guiding them towards the path of benevolence. The celestial inside prefers a more subtle approach. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Guidance, at 3rd level Disguise Self once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Blur cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Guidance with Minor Illusion and/or Blur with Enthrall.

Legacy of the Warden - The celestial spirit has a strong connection to the natural world and feels a need to protect it from the unnatural. It hopes to guide mortals to this same connection.
The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Produce Flame, at 3rd level Protection From Evil and Good once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Moonbeam cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Produce Flame with Thornwhip and/or Protection From Evil and Good with Cure Wounds (cast as a 2nd level spell).

Legacy of Enlightenment - The celestial inside seeks to learn from and understand the world around it. Knowledge it feels is the key to enlightenment which it feels it should guide all beings towards. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Bless once before requiring a long rest.
Memories of a Thousand Lifetimes: With a halo of light and a piercing stare you can call upon your celestial knowledge, gaining +1d4 to the roll of a skill or ability check. Once you use this you can't use it against until you complete a short rest.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the cleric spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Celestial Resistance (Essence trait)
An Aasimar's nature often makes them resistant to the affect of certain maladies and elements. Pick one from among one of the following: Necrotic and radiant resistance
Fire reistance
Lightning resistance

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Celestial Legacy or Celestial Resistance options.

Celestial Wings - You have a working pair of wings which may be feathered or made of energy and light. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. This ability replaces Celestial Legacy.
Alternate rule for Celestial Wings - You gain the ability to glide, subtract 100 feet from a fall when determining damage taken, and you can move 2 feet horizontally for every foot you have fallen. At 5th level you can fly with speed of 30 feet.

Celestial Alacrity - Your have supernaturally fast reflexes always rushing the aid defense of others, your walking speed is 40 feet, and when you take the Help action you may do so as a bonus action. This ability replaces Celestial Legacy.

Radiant Touch - Your hands glow with flight, you can inflict 1d4 radiant damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. On a successful hit, you can inflict disadvantage on your target's next attack until the end of your next turn with a bonus action. This ability replaces Celestial Legacy.

Divine Resilence - When you are conscious, can take actions and have less than half of your hit point total, at the end of your turns you regain half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) until you have half of your hit points. This ability replaces Celestial Resistance.

The trace their lineage to the various inner planes, mostly the planes of Air, Earth, Fire and Water, with some that might come the Energy Planes, Elemental Chaos, Para and Quasi-elemental planes. Genies are often linked to the Genasi which is thought to be where their name comes from, but the shifting elemental spirits and energies of the Inner planes often have an influence in the origins of a Genasi. The Genasi are sometimes more alien socially and in their outlook compared to the Planetouched of other lineages. The elemental influence on a Genasi is often more biological, compared to that of Fiends or Celestials.

The elemental influence on a Genasi might cause them to show certain personality traits. Those influenced by Air tend to be flighty or astute, Earth influences a Genasi to be ponderous or deliberate, Fire makes one passionate and hot-headed and Water might influence one to be arrogant or cold-hearted. In more cosmopolitian planar societies Air Genasi are sometimes are known as Wind Dukes, Earth as Stone Princes, Fire as Flame Lords and Water as Sea Kings.

Genasi as such tend to associate in clans: sometimes of similar elements, and sometimes of varied groups of any of the elements in their ancestries. In some cases groups of these Genasi of varied elements have been known to bring together Planetouched of all sorts of backgrounds, such as getting Aasimar and Tieflings to work together.

The Genasi clans known as the Ruvkova tend to prefer a single type element often roaming the planes in parts where this element is of significance. The most well known clans are the Brajeti and Zathosi of Earth, Ethilum of Air, Kaltori of Fire, Ramoka of Steam and Sartarin of Ash. The Ruvkova clans who see themselves as the caretakers of their chosen element, are thought to be originally from Druids who were gifted with their transformation into Genasi by the Genie Lords.

Other Genasi are known to be nomadic traveling between the different elements, often getting themselves involved in the various politics of the Genies. These Genasi are known as the Janni, often being mistaken as being pure Genies themselves, the Janni are often a part of Genie societies being one of its lower caste. Some of the Janni are content to live under the rule of Genie overlords as some are benevolent or at least uncaring, but as many of the Genie overlords are tyrants many of the Janni clans despise living their yoke always seeking to move across the planes. The Janni know of a ritual called the Passage of the Elemental Traveler that allows one to change their elemental nature when crossing planes.
The Genasi come in a myriad of forms, with often more variety as many have mixed elemental influences, some of which can change later on. Some Genasi have lines of elemental energy marking their skin, some look fairly close to their mortal ancestry, while others look like a vaguely humanoid shape of magma or ooze. Depending on the elemental influence here are some examples, some Genasi such as those of para or quasi elemental backgrounds combine a couple of features across elements.

-Light blue or light grey skin or hair
-A constant breeze surrounding them at all times
-A breathy voice
-Cold body temperature
-Hair constantly moving as if blown by wind
-Electricity crackling from their body
-White lines of energy
-Slightly translucent

-Leathery almost stone like skin that might be brown or grey
-Metallic sheen to skin or hair
-Blocky features
-Rough gritty flesh
-Deep slow voice that sounds like rumbling
-Black Eyes
-Brown, grey or green lines of energy
-Stone-like or crystalline bones which protrude from body
-Leaves or moss on body or instead of hair

-Deep red, orange or coal black skin
-Hair that moves like it's flames
-Voice has the sound of fire crackling
-Warm body temperature
-Fiery Red eyes
-Red, orange or yellow energy lines
-Obsidian like bones which protrude from body
-Flames that are warm but not burning cover body
-Cool embers or ash cover skin

-Blue-green skin or hair
-Blue-black eyes
-Light scales covering body
-Hair waving as if it was underwater
-Voice sounds muffled like it's underwater
-Cold or moist flesh
-Blue lines of energy
-Flesh is viscous but mostly solid

Necrotic / Negative Quasi-elemental
-Sunken features
-Wisps black energy come off body
-Touch draws moisture or heat
-Skin sheds constantly forming a light cloud
-Dark purple or dark blue lines of energy
-White glowing eyes

Radiant / Positive Quasi-elemental
-Glows with light
-Touch feels electric
-Steam or mist surrounds body
-Voice has a reverb
-Glittery skin or hair
-Multi-colored energy lines
Genasi Characters
Ability scores & classes: The elemental nature of a Genasi has an significant effect on their physiology, this also influences their outlook and senses, thus most Genasi put their ability bonuses into Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom.

As many Genasi are nomadic, many choose to become Rangers combining their elemental adaptability with some survival skills and magical secrets. There's a strong tradition of Druidism among the Genasi, especially those who belong to Ruvkova clans. The path of the Barbarian is another one that Genasi are drawn to as elements themselves are a fury a Genasi can call on. And many do become wizards as they take a keen interest in studying the elements through the arcane. Some Genasi take up the path of the Sorcerer drawing upon an origin related to their element.

Most Genasi age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Genasi might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Genasi are medium size. But there are a number of Genasi descended from Mephits, who tend to be small size.

Genasi have a walking speed of 30 feet

Genasi are Humanoid

Genasi understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Primordial in a dialect related to their element.

Genasi have Darkvision of 60 feet

Elemental Legacy (legacy trait)
Genasi tend to have a number of powers related to their element, but their are a number of varieties and there's mixed elemental natures which might create some more unique varieties. Among the Genasi they have different names for these abilities with names like: Mingle with the Wind, Merge with Stone, Reach to the Blaze, Call to the Wave and so on. Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for spells cast through this ability. Any spell a Genasi can cast through the Elemental Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for a Genasi spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The cantrip should be from the Druid or Wizard spell list, and should be thematically related their element.

Legacy of the Earth Soul - Often called Merge with Stone, Genasi can shape the earth to their will and drawing on the connection to the ground they stand on. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Mold Earth, at 3rd level Earth Tremor (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Pass without Trace cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Pass without Trace with Spike Growth.

Legacy of the Fire Soul - Warm flames tend to manifest on the Genasi using this legacy which they often call Reaching to the Blaze. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Produce Flame, at 3rd level Burning Hands cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Heat Metal cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Produce Flame with Control Flames (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), and/or Heat Metal with Flaming Sphere.

Legacy of the Water Soul - Often describing this as a Call to the Wave, the Genasi often flushes with a quickly evaporating water when manifesting it. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Shape Water, at 3rd level Create or Destroy Water cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Swift Current (see below) cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Create or Destroy Water with Fog Cloud.
Swift Current
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You transform into a rushing wave of water, becoming an area that's 30 feet long and 10 feet wide and 5 feet high. Creatures of your choice that are caught in your wave take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a successful dexterity save, creatures take only half damage and are not knocked prone. You then reform at a space that's within the area of the wave.
At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot 3rd-level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 damage for each slot level above 2nd.

Legacy of the Wind Soul - A strong breeze often manifests around the Genasi when they call upon this legacy, which they often describe as Mingling with the Wind. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Gust (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), at 3rd level Feather Fall once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Levitate cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Levitate with Warding Wind (Xanathar's Guide to Everything).

Legacy of the Storm Soul - A small localized storm often with a cloud above the Genasi manifests, when they Call the Storm. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Shocking Grasp, at 3rd level Thunderwave cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Witch Bolt cast as a 3rd-level spell cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Shocking Grasp with Lightning Lure (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything).

Legacy of the Icy Soul - Frost covers the Genasi and the immediate area, when they Consume the Heat. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Ray of Frost, at 3rd level Ice Knife (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Ray of Frost with Frostbite (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or Snilloc's Snowball Swarm with Hold Person.

Legacy of the Caustic Soul - An oozy slime covers which quickly evaporates surrounds the area around the Genasi, when they Unleash the Rot. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Acid Splash, at 3rd level Grease before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Melf's Acid Arrow cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Grease with Tasha's Caustic Brew (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything).

Legacy of the Cloud Soul - A cloud of dust or steam rises from the Genasi, when they Cloud Call. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Resistance, at 3rd level Fog Cloud before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Blur cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Resistance with Gust (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), and/or Blur with Dust Devil (Xanathar's Guide to Everything).

Legacy of the Consuming Soul - An vortex of dark energy manifests around the Genasi, when they Consume the Elements. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Chill Touch, at 3rd level Arms of Hadar cast as a 2nd-level spell before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Ray of Enfeeblement cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Chill Touch with Toll the Dead (Xanathar's Guide to Everything).

Legacy of the Radiant Soul - A Genasi emits an aura of multicolored light, when they Shine the Radiance. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Word of Radiance (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), at 3rd level Color Spray cast as a 2nd-level spell before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Moonbeam cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Word of Radiance with Spare the Dying, and/or Moonbeam with Mirror Image.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell that's the same level that's within the Druid or Wizard spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Elemental Nature (Essence trait)
A Genasi's nature allows them to adapt to an element, it allows them to overcome the nature of the many hazards of the elemental planes. Pick one of the following options:
-Unending breath, you can hold your breath indefinitely while not incapacitated, it might make you immune to some effects from gases
-Earth walk, you can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without penalty
-Amphibious, you can breath air and water and have a swim speed of 30 feet
-Lightning resistance
-Fire resistance
-Cold resistance
-Acid resistance
-Necrotic resistance, with an advantages to saving throws against being frightened
-Radiant resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being blinded
-Poison resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being poisoned

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Fiendish Legacy or Fiendish Resistance options.

Elemental Flight - You can call on the element of air to carry your, or you have wings from likely a Mephit ancestor. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. This ability replaces Elemental Legacy.
Alternate rule for Elemental Flight - You gain the ability to glide, subtract 100 feet from a fall when determining damage taken, and you can move 2 feet horizontally for every foot you have fallen. At 5th level you can fly with speed of 30 feet.

Elemental Hide - You have a tough likely rocky hide, possibly due to your connection to the element of earth. Your AC is 13 + your dexterity modifier, which you may use instead of the AC of the armor you're wearing should it be lower. You still gain the benefit of a shield with this trait. This replaces Elemental Nature.

Elemental Weapons - You have one of the following natural attacks which you can use in place of an unarmed attack. This ability replaces Elemental Legacy.
Claws: You have claws or spikes on your arm that allow to do 1d6 slashing damage with your unarmed attacks, and you can start a grapple with a bonus action should you hit.
Stone Fists: Your fists are as hard as stone allowing you to inflict 1d6 bludgeoning damage with your unarmed attacks, and you can start a grapple with a bonus action should you hit.
Fire Touch: You can inflict 1d4 fire damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls, and can set objects on fire. On a successful hit, you can cause your target to burn for one round with another Fire Touch damage roll if you use a bonus action.
Shocking Touch: You can inflict 1d4 lightning damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to inflict disadvantage on your target's next attack until the end of your next turn.
Corrosive Touch: You can inflict 1d4 acid damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can cause the next attack on the target to have advantage until the end of your next turn.
Icy Touch: You can inflict 1d4 cold damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to reduce the targets speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
Corrupting Touch: You can inflict 1d4 necrotic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to the next attack against the target does an additional 2 points of damage until the end of your next turn.
Radiant Touch: After can inflict 1d4 radiant damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. On a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to inflict disadvantage on your target's next attack until the end of your next turn.

Tremorsense - Your connection to the element of earth allows you to feel the slightest movements of anything that touches the ground. Within 30 feet you can pin point the location of anything that vibrates or moves that's on the ground. This ability replaces Elemental Legacy.

Elemental Breath - You can expel a burst of elemental energy with your breath, much like how your possible Mephit ancestor could. Your elemental breath is a 15 foot cone with a spell save DC determined by your constitution score. It does 2d4 damage of one type that you pick at character creation from the following options: Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Piercing, Poison or Radiant. Once you use this ability you can roll a 1d6 at the start of each round, if you roll a 6 you can use it again. You can also use this ability again after a short or long rest. This ability replaces Elemental Legacy.

Less common then their Tiefling or Aasimar kin, the Axani can trace often their origins to the lawful Outer Planes of the multiverse. Modrons, Inevitables, Formians, Mercane, divine powers and concepts of laws given form are thought to be where the Axani are descended from. Some Axani are thought to be from artificial prototypes of mortal beings created by mysterious powers, and then discarded and forgotten by them.

Axani often do have compulsions, as the influence of law drives the need to make some sort of order, despite the fact that many Axani are defiant against such urges. Emotions and other concepts such as art or falsehoods, are something that many Axani have difficulty understanding. But many Axani are driven by curiosity the need to learn all knowledge, and do eventually become more empathetic in contrast to their natures.

Like many planetouched Axani tend to form their own groups preferring to the company of those who are of a similar mindset. Unusually enough some Axani from different backgrounds and families tend to look identical despite such differences, often leading some to suspect that the Axani are large family groups. Axani are often born in multiples as many of them are twins, usually identical twins but less commonly some Axani have a Cansin twin, as if the fate made the siblings one of law and one of chaos.

The Axani of more divine-seeming influences are sometimes known as the Zenythri. As many view them as divine descendants, they revere and follow them believing them to be divine mandates from the Gods themselves. They don't see them as champions of righteousness in the way many see Aasimar, but instead as divine instruments that must be feared and respected. More cynical societies such as cosmopolitan planar societies, reject the idea that Zenythri Axani are from the divine, and instead see them as artificial, flawed, dogmatic, and tyrannical.

The Axani of more machine-like influences are sometimes known as the Mechanatrix. They rarely ever fit into mortal society, as they're seen as being more machine than living beings. They tend to gather in small groups sometimes known as clusters, and many fear that the Mechanatrix abduct and alter others into becoming them. They are often seen as scavengers by some sentient constructs, as they've been known to harvest constructs for parts. Sometimes though they're mistaken for being from worlds where mortal beings have altered themselves replacing parts of their bodies with mechanical parts, but the main difference is that Mechantrices are born with such parts.
Many Axani have ideal proportions and symmetrical features that often make them look perfect, though in some cases too perfect that they're more like statues or mannequins. Other Axani look entirely average and unassuming rather than being an ideal specimen. It's common for Axani to have skin with a blue or purple tint, or a dull metallic sheen. Patterns that are often words in mysterious languages cover some Axani. Some Axani are said to be from Formian backgrounds and have insect often ant-like features. While other Axani have mechanical body parts, resembling something half humanoid and half construct.

Instead of deciding for yourself what an Axani looks like, you may also select 1d3 features from the table below, either picking any one of the choices or rolling a d100 for each feature as a guideline. An Axani may have features not covered in this table.

Roll Trait
01-07 Skin has a blue or purple tint
08-14 Skin has a dull metallic sheen
15-21 Skin has texture like moist clay
22-27 Flesh is rigid
28-34 Marking in geometric shapes cover body

35-41 Divine writings cover body
41-46 Insect-like eyes
47-53 Glowing eyes without irises
54-59 Arms are mechanical or insect-like in nature
60-65 Legs are mechanical or insect-like in nature

66-72 Bald with a hairless body
73-79 Voice has a reverb
80-85 Metallic skeleton with visible gears at the joints
86-90 Secretes oil
91-95 Tubes protrude from body

96-99 Mechanical wings protrude from shoulders
00 Extremely long-lived or ageless
Axani Characters
Ability scores & classes: Many Axani are adept at logic and reason, and often have stronger physiques than their frame suggests they do, thus most Axani put their ability score bonuses in Intelligence, Wisdom or Strength.

Many Axani are quite focused on the discipline training, tactics and techniques which draws them to the path of the Fighter. Inward contemplation and the goal towards perfection both physical and mental, often drive many Axani to be Monks. With the study of the axioms of the multiverse and its underlying formulas many Axani become Wizards. The divine mandates which many feel are the birthright of the Axani, often results in an Axani becoming a Cleric.

Most Axani age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Axani might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Axani are medium size. Some Axani are small size.

Axani have a walking speed of 30 feet

Axani are Humanoid

Axani understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Celestial.

Axani have Darkvision of 60 feet

Axiomatic Legacy (Legacy trait)
Though they are creatures of orders, there's different varieties of Axani with different powers. They often call using these powers, Enacting Personal Axioms where glowing symbols in the form of patterns, divine writings or mathematical formulas manifest around them. It's said that when they invoke such powers, they peer a bit into the underlying formulas of existence. An Axani picks from one of these Legacy options below, Intelligence or Wisdom is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell an Axani can cast through the Axiomatic Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for an Axani spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Cleric or Wizard spell list.

Legacy of the Hierarchy - The Axani has clear place in the hierarchy of the multiverse, their words are laws they force on those they have the divine right to rule over. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Command cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Hold Person cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Thaumaturgy with Guidance and/or replace Command with Charm Person.

Legacy of the Machine - The Axani is partially a construct, often with mechanical parts in their body which often gives them an analytical and detached outlook. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Shocking Grasp, at 3rd level Thunderwave cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Enhance Ability cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Shocking Grasp with Lightning Lure (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything), and/or Thunderwave with Guiding Bolt cast as a 2nd-level spell.

Legacy of the Enforcer - The Axani often feels their purpose is to enforce laws, whether it's of society or of the axioms of the multiverse. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip True Strike, at 3rd level Thunderous Smite cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Silence cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace True Strike with Blade Ward, and/or Thunderous Smite with Bane cast as a 2nd-level spell.

Legacy of Logic - The Axani is driven by a need to understand the underlying patterns and formulas of the multiverse, they are often inquisitive and analytical as a result. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Guidance, at 3rd level Detect Magic cast once before requiring a short or long rest or as a ritual, and at 5th level Detect Thoughts cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Detect Magic with Comprehend Languages and/or Detect Thoughts with See Invisibility.

Legacy of Community - The Axani feels connections to other beings and communities as if being part of a hive mind. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Message, at 3rd level Bless cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Calm Emotions cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Message with Resistance, and/or Calm Emotions with Aid.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the cleric or wizard spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Axiomatic Resistance (Essence trait)
An Axani's nature often makes them resistant to the affect of certain maladies and elements. Pick one from among one of the following:
Force resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being moved or teleported
Thunder resistance, and advantage to saving throws against the stunned condition
Necrotic and radiant resistance
Lightning resistance, and your land speed increases by 5 feet when taking lightning damage

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Axiomatic Legacy or Axiomatic Resistance options.

Magic Resistance - Your understanding of the laws of multiverse allow you to resist magic better, you have advantage to saving throws against spells and magical effects. This ability replaces Axiomatic Resistance.

Axiomatic Ward - Your skin might be metallic or you have field of force protecting you. Your AC is 13 + your dexterity modifier, which you may use instead of the AC of the armor you're wearing should it be lower. You still gain the benefit of a shield with this trait. This replaces Axiomatic Resistance.

Hands of Force - You can inflict 1d4 force damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to push your target 5 feet back away from you. This replaces Axiomatic Legacy.

Shocking Touch - You can inflict 1d4 lightning damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to inflict disadvantage on your target's next attack until the end of your next turn. This replaces Axiomatic Legacy.

Less common then Tieflings or Aasimar, are the Cansin, who's ancestry can often be traced back to the Chaotic Planes. A Cansin might be descended from the Slaadi, Chaos Beasts, the schemes of Chaotic Gods, Demons purged of Evil, Celestial Eladrin purged of Good, Giants of Muspelheim or other unknowable things. Sometimes it's pure chance the created a Cansin, and there's stories about how a wild night of revelry spontaneously created an infant or an egg in the morning after. Some Cansin might the result of a Far Realm incursion, while it's not a chaotic plane it's differences with reality might cause a chaotic ripple of energy.

The Cansin are often wild, given to flights of fancy or unpredictable rages. Cansin can be quite emotional often with mood swings, so many Cansin learn to control themselves by channeling their emotions through art and creativity. Cansin are often seen as being quirky, vivacious and flamboyant. Strange coincidences and unlikely events often follow a Cansin wherever they go. Ideas tend to rapidly come and go from a Cansin's mind, and sometime they might see possibilities, alternate realities and feel other senses that no one else does. Some Cansin as a result strive for discipline and control over their chaotic natures.

Cansin rarely ever fit in with society at large around them, they tend to be on their own or with the company of other Planetouched. They tend to have no problem associating with other Planetouched including Axani, which some Cansin feel might ground them. Some Cansin are oblivious or uninterested in other Planetouched, seeking out individuals they can bond to for a time before moving on. Many tend to form relations with small groups of unrelated people, who they adopt as a family of their own.

The Cansin known as the Chaond tend to have clear connections to the Slaadi of Limbo, sometimes the results of failed egg-implantations, are often are toad-like and malformed in appearance. The Chaond might be less prone wild emotions of other Cansin, as it's often their physiology that's unpredictable. They are often forced to become self-sufficient and hardy, with many forming strong bonds towards nature, they often become guides and explorers.

While the conventionally uglier Cansin are often shunned or avoided, the more attractive Cansin are at the fringes too, sometimes venturing into the center of society with an unconventional charm and adoration of their ways, starting new movements and ideas, before retreating back to the fringes again. Attractive Cansin often have unconventional styles preferring mismatched clothing, always wearing something different every day. Many of them go by different names each day, as their identities shift.
Some Cansin do have unusual body proportions often bulky builds, and pliable and somewhat slimy flesh. Those Cansin often have Toad-like because of the influence of the Slaadi, they often have warts or studs. Some Cansin have been known to grow tentacles, eyes, vestigial limbs and other growths over their bodies, sometimes dependent on their emotional states.

Many Cansin keep humanoid forms without such features, often having unique or attractive appearances. Many of these Cansin do have humanoid forms that shift everyday, whether it be their physical build, hair color, complexion or sex, but they still always maintain a sense of intrigue and attractiveness. Of those who appear as very different people everyday, they usually have one feature such as eyes that remain constant with their form. A rare bunch of Cansin naturally exist as blobs of chaos matter, and assume a humanoid form when conscious.

Instead of deciding for yourself what a Cansin looks like, you may also select 1d4 features from the table below, either picking any one of the choices or rolling a d100 for each feature as a guideline. A Cansin may have features not covered in this table.

Roll Trait
01-02 Has a wide mouth
03-05 Warts or studs cover body
06-07 Skin is slimy
08-10 Rough leathery skin
11-14 Large upper body

15-18 Arms longer than usual
18-21 Legs longer than usual
22-24 Voice has a slight croak
25-26 Has tentacles instead of arms
27-30 Tentacles or psuedopods randomly grow and retract from body

31-33 Eyes appear in random places
34-40 Eyes change color at random
41-46 Skin changes color at random
47-53 Hair color changes at random
54-58 Has patterns marking over body shift over time

59-64 Facial features shift over time
64-68 Body type or build (such as weight or height) changes randomly everyday
69-74 Biological sex changes at random
75-79 Bubbles or small creatures like insects occasionally rise from body and disappear
80-85 Hair moves on its own

86-91 Unusual events that are neither beneficial or harmful occur in immediate presence
92-96 Faint unintelligible noises can be heard in immediate presence
97-99 Is a blob of chaos matter when sleeping or unconscious
00 Extremely long-lived or ageless
Cansin Characters
Ability scores & classes: Many Cansin especially those who are known as the Chaonds are naturally resilient and flexible putting their ability bonuses into Constituion and Dexterity. While the humanoid resembling Cansin, tend to be vivacious, intriguing and impulsively creative typically putting their ability score bonuses into Charisma and Intelligence.

With their sense of creativity and the ability to draw others into their orbit, many Cansin become Bards. Cansin of both monstrous and humanoid form often have strong emotions and an uncontrollable rage, which sets many of them on the path of the Barbarian. The Cansin of monstrous appearances, as loners and wanderers often form bonds with nature becoming Rangers. While the Cansin of humanoid appearances are quite often gifted at magic or strange ideas, typically becoming Sorcerers or Artificers.

Most Cansin age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Cansin might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Cansin are medium size. Some Cansin are small size.

Cansin have a walking speed of 30 feet

Cansin are Humanoid

Cansin understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries, Deep Speech or Slaad.

Cansin have Darkvision of 60 feet

Anarchic Legacy (Legacy trait)
Cansin come in different varieties and have different varieties of powers they can use. Many of them describe using these powers as Unleashing the Chaos or Flowing with Change, often where a multicolored maelstrom elemental energy and chaos matter swirls around them. It's said with these powers a Cansin can peer into alternate realities and bring some things from their into the current reality. A Cansin picks from one of these Legacy options below, Constitution, Charisma or Intelligence is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell a Cansin can cast through the Anarchic Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for a Cansin spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Bard or Sorcerer spell list.

Optional Rule: Random Anarchic Legacy Powers - For legacies that have at least one alternate spell option at a spell level, roll a die (typically d2 or d3) after each long rest to determine which Legacy power you have the day.

Legacy of the Marauder - With the ability to bring change and chaos through direct and often violent actions, Cansin of this legacy tend to quick to act and to jump into danger. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Primal Savagery (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), at 3rd level Ensnaring Strike cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Shatter cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Primal Savagery with Infestation or Thunderclap (both Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or replace Ensnaring Strike with Expeditious Retreat or Chaos Bolt (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as a 2nd-level spell.

Legacy of Unlikely Chances - The Cansin is able to warp probability to their favor, seeing possibilities and letting different things happen from those possibilities. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Guidance, at 3rd level Bless cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Augury cast once with a casting time of 1 action before requiring a long rest or cast as a ritual.
Alternate Spells: Replace Guidance with Resistance and/or replace Bless with Bane cast as a 2nd-level spell or Shield of Faith and/or Augury with Locate Object.

Legacy of the Malleable Form - Many Cansin have their forms change randomly, these Cansin have some ability to shape such changes to their will. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thorn Whip, at 3rd level Disguise Self before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Alter Self cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Thorn Whip with Primal Savagery and/or replace Disguise Self with Cure Wounds cast as a 2nd-level spell and/or Alter Self with Enhance Ability.

Legacy of Madness - These Cansin can reach into hidden parts of others minds and disrupt or alter them to their will. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Mind Sliver (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything), at 3rd level Dissonant Whispers cast as a 2nd-level spell before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Crown of Madness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Mind Sliver with Friends or Vicious Mockery and/or replace Dissonant Whispers with Cause Fear cast as a 2nd-level spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or Crown of Madness with Mind Spike (Xanathar's Guide to Everything).

Legacy of Whimsy - The Cansin can slightly alter reality to their will making imagination slightly more real. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Prestidigitation, at 3rd level Silent Image cast as a 2nd-level spell before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Phantasmal Force cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Prestidigitation with Minor Illusion or Friends and/or replace Silent Image with Color Spray cast as a 2nd-level spell or Chaos Bolt cast as a 2nd-level spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or Phantasmal Force with Misty Step.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the bard or sorcerer spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Anarchic Resistance (Essence trait)
A Cansin's nature allows them to adapt to certain energies or maladies. Pick one from among one of the following:
-Psychic resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being charmed
-Poison resistance, and advantage to saving throws against the poisoned condition
-Thunder resistance, and advantage to saving throws against the stunned condition
-A random resistance, Roll 1d4 after a long rest you have resistance against one element from the roll:
Roll Element
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Lightning

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Anarchic Legacy or Anarchic Resistance options.

Magic Resistance - As a creature of chaos you can adapt easily to resist harmful magic, you have advantage to saving throws against spells and magical effects. This ability replaces Anarchic Resistance.

Chaos Form - As a bonus action can change yourself into a swirling vortex of chaos matter, where you can pass through the spaces of other creatures when you move. You have resistance to non-magical weapons in this form and can move through spaces as little as 1 inch in diameter. You can choose either force or psychic damage doing 1d6 plus your proficiency bonus to any creature of your choice that you pass through once per round. While in the form of chaos matter you can't take any actions but dash, disengage, dodge or help. You maintain your chaos form for up to a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus before requiring a long rest. You do not need to be in Chaos Form for all of those rounds at once. This ability replaces Anarchic Legacy.

Entropic Shield - Chaos protects you causing missiles to change it's course to avoid you, and swings and thrusts to fumble. Your AC is 13 + your dexterity modifier, which you may use instead of the AC of the armor you're wearing should it be lower. You still gain the benefit of a shield with this trait. This replaces Anarchic Resistance.

Psychic Shock - You can inflict 1d4 psychic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can cause the next attack on the target to have advantage until the end of your next turn. This ability replace Anarchic Legacy.

Resonating Touch - You can inflict 1d4 thunder damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to the next attack against the target does an additional 2 points of damage until the end of your next turn. This ability replace Anarchic Legacy.

Anarchic Empowerment

Requirements: Anarchic legacy
-You may increase your charisma, constitution or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a 1st-level or higher spell you know from your Anarchic Legacy trait an aura of chaotic potential surrounds you, where alternate possibilities become more likely. Until your the start of your next turn, for each level of the spell slot used, you may grant single reroll to a saving throw or ability check, to yourself or your allies within 30 feet.

Improved Anarchic Legacy
Requirements: Anarchic legacy
-You may increase your charisma, constitution or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Bard or Sorcerer spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

The Liminaires come from various places in between planes and the edges of creation. Thought to be the least common of the different Planetouched lineages their origins might be from planes such as the Ethereal, Shadowfell, Feywild, Astral and other mysterious places. Some Liminaires are thought to be linked to the creatures such as Nymphs, Dryads, Formorians, Sorrowsworn, Skulks, Ethergaunts, Keepers, Shades, Psurlons, Astral Dreadnoughts and more. The Liminaire known by many names often dependent on their origins, such as Feytouched for Feywild, Shadowswyfts or Gloaming for Shadowfell, and Shyfts for those with origins from the Ethereal or Astral.

Some stories claim that a resident of a Dreamscape solidified into something more real might become a Liminaire, or that they were shaped into existence from protomatter, or spirits that merged with a mortal, or switched at birth with a mortal child. With their origins being ambiguous, most Liminaires feel the need to be in the now and here.

Liminaire rarely feel a need to fit in or belong to society, but they do tend to find company with others of their kind or among clans of various Planetouched. As the children of border worlds, they often put their talents to work as scouts or couriers. Liminaire can sometimes be found among the courts of powerful beings such as the Seelie and Unseelie Courts or the domains of dark powers, entrusted as their trusted agents and spies fully embracing the intrigue that comes along with it.

Liminaire tend to be more nomadic than other Planetouched often travelling between worlds. The border planes contain potential in unformed essences and proto-matter, and places in such planes often come such essences held together by will. While in other places in the border planes, exist as a reflection of something somewhere else, what happens in one plane may affect the other. Because of this, rarely anything feels stable to them: it often results in a sense of wanderlust, but for others there's a need create and shape things around them. The border planes are often affected by emotions, dreams and psychic energy, which the Liminaire tend to be sensitive to. Some of them feed off of such things, and are prone to strong emotions and intense dreams. A few Liminaire have spotaneously willed companions of their own into existence through dreams, and strong emotions.

Liminaire are often drawn to places of planar energies and crossings between worlds. Those of Shadowy origins are often intimately familiar with the labyrinthine passages the various Underdarks which form a network between worlds. The Liminaire of Fey origins are often drawn to Fey Glades and places of magic. While other Liminaire find themselves in places thought to haunted, often being mistaken for spirits of the haunting themselves.
Liminaires can come in many forms much like the other varieties of Planetouched. Some have misshapen and horrific forms, especially those who may be linked to Formorians and Sorrowsworn. While other Liminaire may have more beautiful forms such as those from dreams or the fairer varieties of Fey. Many Liminaires are slightly translucent or have the colors faded from them, often resulting in them being mistaken for spirits. Depending on their possible planar origins here are some examples, Liminaire of more ambiguous origins combine features from the different categories.

-A lithe elven like appearance
-Body covered in warts, with swelling on face and uneven arms
-Long and pointed ears
-A long hooked nose
-Antlers or horns on head
-Insect-like wings
-Insect-like eyes
-Hair grows leaves, twigs or flowers
-All teeth are sharp
-Shimmering pixie dust comes off of skin
-Skin color changes with the seasons
-Appearance changes to reflect a fair or foul mood

-Shriveled skin and sunken features
-A really light complexion that glows
-A really dark complexion that obscures features
-Inky black eyes
-Eyes glow with an ominous color
-Has additional arms that are misshapen and vestigial
-Long fingers that come to sharp points
-Moth-like or fur-covered wings
-Hair is writhing semi-solid shadow-stuff
-Has spines protruding from head
-All teeth are sharp and mouth can open really wide
-Voice echos with whispers
-Colors are muted or darker in immediate presence

Ethereal and Astral
-Slightly translucent
-Emits a constant cloud of mist
-Colors are de-saturated in immediate presence
-Hair is wisps of a semi-solid vapor
-Skin has a slight prismatic sheen
-Has multiple rows of teeth
-Eyes are a shifting pool of colors
-Voice always sounds distant
-Long spindly limbs
-Writhing tendrils for hair
-Has a single large additional eye on forehead
-Slight changes in appearance with mood
Liminaire Characters
Ability scores & classes: Many Liminaire are sensitive to emotional energies, dreams and resonances, which they've learned to project themselves. While others tend to move with unnaturally quick but sometime jerky motions. So most Liminaires put their ability bonuses into Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom or Dexterity.

Many Liminaires are naturally adept at magic, they often become Sorcerers drawing from varied mysterious sources in their bloodline. To other Liminaire with talents at shaping proto-matter, they fully embrace the inventiveness of becoming Artficers. As nomadic travellers walking between worlds and border worlds, many Liminaire become Rangers. And those with an understanding of emotions and dreams, often Bards.

Most Liminaire age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Liminaire might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Liminaire are medium size. Some Liminaire are small size.

Liminaire have a walking speed of 30 feet

Liminaire are Humanoid

Liminaire understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Sylvan or Undercommon.

Liminaire have Darkvision of 60 feet

Liminal Legacy (Legacy trait)
Liminares have a variety of different powers, often learning or inheriting their talents from different places among the border planes. They tend to describe their powers as Shaping from Immateria, where pull a bit of proto-matter and emotional energy together to form something magical. When using such powers mist often manifests in a mixture of colors. A Liminaire picks from one of these Legacy options below, Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell a Liminares can cast through the Liminal Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for a Liminare spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Bard or Sorcerer spell list.

Legacy of the Fair - Your powers come from a connection to the Seelie Court or of delightful dreams, and carries a weight of awe and majesty. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Prestidigitation, at 3rd level Sanctuary cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Enthrall cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Prestidigitation with Friends and/or replace Enthrall with Hold Person.

Legacy of the Foul - Your powers come from a connection to the Unseelie Court or nightmares, and carries a weight of fear and dread. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Cause Fear (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Phantasmal Force cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Cause Fear with Bane.

Legacy of Shadows - You draw and shape shadowstuff from Shadowfell, which seeks to drain emotions and vitality. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Chill Touch, at 3rd level Arms of Hadar cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Darkness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Chill Touch with Toll the Dead (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or replace Darkness with Blindness/Deafness.

Legacy of Shaping - You are adept at shaping a variety of proto-matter making the imagined real in some ways. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Minor Illusion, at 3rd level Find Familiar which you can cast with a casting time of 1 action once before requiring a long rest or as a ritual, and at 5th level Spiritual Weapon cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Minor Illusion with Mending and/or replace Spiritual Weapon with Summon Beast (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything).

Legacy of the Traveler- Your command of shaping makes you adept at finding the spaces between the planes which you can momentary slip or stomp through. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Dimension Hop (see below), at 3rd level Longstrider cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Misty Step cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Longstrider with Expeditious Retreat.
Dimension Hop
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
In a blink you teleport instantly to an unoccupied space that you can see within 15 feet. If it's obstructed and you'd teleport into a solid object, then you can't teleport there.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the cleric or wizard spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Liminal Resistance (Essence trait)
A Liminaire's nature often makes them resistant to the affects of certain maladies and elements. Pick one from among one of the following:
-Psychic resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being charmed
-Force resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being moved or teleported
-Necrotic resistance, with an advantages to saving throws against being frightened
-Radiant resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being blinded
-Poison resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being poisoned

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Liminal Legacy or Liminal Resistance options.

Magic Resistance - As a being tied to planes of magical engeries which you often can perceive, you can resist magic better, with an advantage to saving throws against spells and magical effects. This ability replaces Liminal Resistance.

Psychic Shock - You can inflict 1d4 psychic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can cause the next attack on the target to have advantage until the end of your next turn. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.

Corrupting Touch: You can inflict 1d4 necrotic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to the next attack against the target does an additional 2 points of damage until the end of your next turn. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.

Liminal Alacrity - You can move unnaturally fast, often in a flurry of motions that's stuttered between blurred movements and momentary stillness. Your walking speed is 40 feet, and you can dash or disengage on your turn as a bonus action. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.

Liminal Wings - You have a working pair of wings which might be multicolored butterfly wings, or something resembling furry moth wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.
Alternate rule for Liminal Wings - You gain the ability to glide, subtract 100 feet from a fall when determining damage taken, and you can move 2 feet horizontally for every foot you have fallen. At 5th level you can fly with speed of 30 feet.
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If might be useful to just have a list of abilities (each with an evocative name that indicates the heritage) and allow people to pick at will, rather than have Tiefling abilities, Aasimar abilities, etc. I would also have pre-made packages of spells--cantrip and either or both of a 1st and 2nd level spell--because it would be too easy to minmax what spells you want.

For simplicity's sake, say each type of Planetouched has one resistance
one package of spells or one spell and one additional resistance and or extra ability
One extra ability, which is wings, horns, healing hands, not having to breathe, etc.

For spells, it's pretty easy:

Fiery damage
Poison and acid damage
Cold damage
Fear, confusion, or charm, or detect thoughts.
Dimension door, teleportation, or levitation
Shapechanging or disguise spells.
Bless, cure wounds, or lesser restoration.
Phantasmal force or invisibility

Of which there are many low-level options. This covers fiends and slaadi, although I'd add chaos bolt and calm emotions as Limbo and Mechanus spells. Unfortunately, celestial spells tend to be high-level wrath o' god type stuff, but guidance and resistance might be good options to grant, if you wanted to move away from light.


Very interesting ideas. @Kobold Avenger do you see Eladrin & Shadar-kai as Planetouched?

Being Planetouched by the Upper or Lower planes seems intuitive, but how about the planes of Law (Arcadia, Mechanus, Archeron) or Chaos (Ysgard, Limbo, Pandemonium)? I have no idea what they would be like.

I quickly compiled together some of the presented variants abilities of Tieflings across sources for reference.

Tome of Foes
Standard (Asmodeus) - Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, Darkness
Baalzebul - Thaumaturgy, Ray of Sickness, Crown of Madness
Dispater - Thaumaturgy, Disguise, Detect Thoughts
Fierna - Friends, Charm Person, Suggestion
Glasya - Minor Illusion, Disguise Self, Invisibility
Levistus - Ray of Frost, Armor of Agathys, Darkness
Mammon - Mage Hand, Tenser's Floating Disk (short rest), Arcane Lock
Mephistopheles - Mage Hand, Burning Hands, Flame Blade
Zariel - Thaumaturgy, Searing Smite, Branding Smite

Sword Coast
Devil's Tongue - Vicious Mockery, Charm Person, Enthrall
Hellfire - Replace Hellish Rebuke with Burning Hands
Feral (now irrelevant)

UA That Old Black Magic
Dancing Lights, True Strike, Light, Message, Spare the Dying, Prestidigitation
Burning Hands, Charm Person, Magic Missile, Cure Wounds, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Thunderwave
Alter Self, Darkness, Invisibility, Levitate, Mirror Image, Spider Climb
Abyssal Fortitude (+ half level HP)

Planewalkers Handbook (2nd edition)
Spell-like abilities (Most were 1/day, weaker ones were 3/day, powerful ones were 1/week): Blur, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages, Darkness, Detect Good/Evil, Detect Magic, ESP, Invisibility, Know Alignment, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Pyrotechnics, Suggestion, Summon Swarm, Vampiric Touch, Whispering Wind
Half Fire, Half Cold, Half Electricity, Half Acid
Infravision (2e Darkvision)
+2 saves vs: fire, electricity, poison, cold, acid, petrification/polymorph/paralysis (2e save type), rod/staff/wand (2e save type), spell (2e save type)
Claws, Hot Touch, Cold Touch in traits outside the abilities table.

Dragon 235 Skills & Powers
I won't include all, but some highlights
Baatorian Bloodline (Fire Immunity), Spells beyond 2nd level like: Fireball, Wind Walk and Vampiric Touch, Bladeling Flesh AC bonus (and Heat Metal vulnerability), Darkform (Wraithform), Fiendish Wings, Fiendish Hide (Non-magical weapon immunity), Hordeling Bloodline (Random magic resistance), Howl of Pandemonium (Chaos), Lower Planar Regeneration, Styx Resistance, Tanaric Bloodline (Electrical Immunity), Telepathy, Teleport Without Error, Undetectable Lie, Yugoloth Bloodline (Acid immunity).

Some takeaways from this are the 5e sources are of course more balanced. For Legacies which I'm calling the spell packages, I would definitely adhere to the Cantrip, 1st level spell in 2nd level slot at 3rd level, 2nd level spell at 5th level pattern.

The 2e sources of course refer to removed or renamed spells and I would drop spells beyond 2nd level, definitely not use 1/week.
There could be a justification for an Enhanced Legacy feat to get things like elemental immunity or higher level spells.
Resistance to non-magical weapons would be too powerful for a starting character, but less useful for a higher level character, maybe best available as a feat if included at all.


I kind of like current Tieflings as-is.

Asamar though.. they need wings. They don't need to be functional or even big enough to look right, but like dragonborn need tails (and wings), Asamar need wings and maybe a halo.


The 3e Fiend Folio gave us the Maeluths (devilish planetouched dwarves) and Mechantrixes (Mechanus clockwork planetouched). Maeluths could make weapons temporarily unholy and Mechantrixes had shocking grasp touches and were healed by lightning. It also showed Shyfts who were ethereal planetouched who could ethereal jaunt, and wisplings who were demonic halfling planetouched who could change self.

What should the "default" legacy of the Tiefling, the one with Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke and Darkness, be called?

I was going to go with either "Legacy of the Foreboding" or "Legacy of Dread". I might lean on Foreboding since it's a less commonly used word.


More from 3.0

Monster Manual II gives Chaond who are chaos infused Slaadi planetouched who can use shatter, and Zenythri who are law infused planetouched (specifics mysteriously unknown) who get true strike.

Monsters of Faerun provides two types of demon tieflings, Elven/Succubus/Incubus Fey'ri who have tails and wings and get multiple magical abilities from a list, and Tanarukk orc planetouched who get control flame (and a bunch of HD).

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