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The Northern Reaches, Act I

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Having become smarter after defeating the wizard, Lars is going to take another crack at picking the lock on the door on the second floor.
You head downstairs to the locked door, with the rest of the party lagging behind you. Lars heads to the storeroom while you sort through your lockpicks.


The lock did not open. (Open Locks DC 25).

Lars et al, you find the following goods:
[SBLOCK=Barrels and Crates]
3 empty barrels
4 empty baskets
2 bedrolls, waterlogged but still useful
4 sets of block and tackle
6 bottles of wine (2gp each)
2 casks of aged mead (50 gp each, weighs 50 lbs each)
1 box of candles (12)
10' length of chain, rusted but otherwise fine
2 clay jugs
1 10' ladder
100' of hemp rope
1 cask of whale oil (100 gp, weighs 50 lbs.)

In addition, you find a locked iron strongbox. It appears to have been undisturbed for quite some time; the padlock is so corroded that it breaks off when you tug on it. Inside, you find seven clay bottles, each carefully packed in cloth.[/SBLOCK]
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The goblin snatches it eagerly from you, and studies the surface carefully. Satisfied, he nods curtly at you. "Well done, elf. You might prove worthy of your race after all." Nessedrik leans on the spear handle as if it were a crutch. He studies you for a moment, then his eyes turn to the dead body of the wizard. "You should know that the human you have slain here today was an important man, at least in the city you call Norrvik. The Thane will be quite upset with you, when he discovers you have killed his brother." The goblin then turns away from you and walks down the stairs, chuckling as he goes.

GM: Nessedrik has a limited inventory of alchemical preparations for sale. You may buy any of the alchemist items in the SRD with a value of 50 gp or less (acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, holy water, smokesticks, sunrod, tanglefoot bag, thunderstone, tindertwig), and the following poisons: small centipede poison, greenblood oil, blue whinnis, and medium spider venom.

XP award: 50 each.

Lars will purchase a vial each of greenblood oil and blue whinnis from Nessedrik.


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I'll use our fallen brethern's war hammer to smash the door down.
GM: I kinda thought you guys would do that. I'll assume you're taking 20 on the check.

After much pain and difficulty, you manage to smash your way past the door.

The room beyond is dusty and cluttered with trash, and appears to have been undisturbed for several years. Apparently the goblins weren't able to get the door open either, and chose to ignore the room altogether.

As your eyes become adjusted to the dim light, you notice a desk and chair in the opposite wall, near a narrow, glass-paned window. A stack of moldy, ruined books (too rotted and molded to read) rests atop the desk. Opposite of the door and adjacent to the desk is a heavy wooden bookshelf, upon which is a heavy iron candle holder and a clay jewelry box.

[SBLOCK=Clay jewelry box]Inside, you find the following treasure:

22 gold coins
a silver hat pin
a plain silver ring
a silver bracelet
a gold and whale bone necklace[/SBLOCK]

The group returns from the storeroom, presumably to check out the noise from the doorway demolition. You had barely begun to discuss your findings when you begin to smell smoke.

"Oh great," Sigurd mutters. "That goblin bastard set the building on fire."

You make your way to the stairway, and are only slightly surprised to see it wreathed in flames...the telltale red and green flames of alchemist fire. With unnatural speed, the magical flames spread among the shipwreck debris that had been piled throughout the room, and lick upward at the wooden beams supporting the floors above. The room is quickly filling with hot, choking smoke.

"We have to make a run for it," Lars shouts, pointing across the field of burning chemicals and debris to the 10' wide doorway. A wooden support joist falls somewhere beyond the stairway, and the whole lighthouse shudders and groans.

GM: There is a 20' long field of burning debris between you and the nearest exit. It is impossible to charge through the flames because of all of the random crap that Nessedrik dragged into the room, so you will need to make two Reflex save throws. The first is to see whether or not you take fire damage, the second is to see whether you make it out of the building before the floor collapses onto your head. Let's see those rolls, and may the force be with you!

Voidrunner's Codex

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