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D&D 5E The New World [Volo Monsters]

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Looks like we need a frontliner/tank and/or a healer, depending on how the druid builds (moon or land?). Druid and Ranger have heals, if they want to build that way. I'm thinking Fighter or War Cleric?


Looks like we need a frontliner/tank and/or a healer, depending on how the druid builds (moon or land?). Druid and Ranger have heals, if they want to build that way. I'm thinking Fighter or War Cleric?
Ooooh, a big tough hobgoblin fighter for my goblin archer to hide behind. 😃

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Drutha Keldret, Hobgoblin Fighter

Drutha had always chafed against the traditional strictures of hobgoblin life. As a girl, she was trained by her mother in the basic fighting arts all hobgoblin females learned, but her training ceased at her flowering and she was forced to learn how to serve the males as a good female should. But what she really longed for was to join the legion.

Drutha used her feminine wiles to seduce a male her age. She convinced him to continue to teach her what he knew. She trained hard and eventually surpassed her teacher, so she killed him. She took his armor and his weapons, styled her hair in a masculine way, and joined the legion as her lover, claiming Drutha had been killed by an owlbear while gathering firewood.

Drutha served with distinction in the legion and earned the rank of Fist. But her secret could not last long as she was eventually caught bathing. Exposed and humiliated, her warlord stripped her naked and dragged her to the center of the camp, stringing her up on poles, stretched out and exposed to the elements to await cruel justice.

Drutha would have died had the invaders not come. Strange creatures called humans, elves, and dwarves caught the camp while most of the legion was out warring with the local orcs. An elven male saw the suffering female and cut her down. Drutha rewarded him by running him through with his own sword.

Rallying the females, children, and elderly left in the camp, Drutha roused a defense. The attackers were taken aback by such brutal fighting from what they had considered noncombatants, all of whom proved adept in weapon skills. Through it all Drutha's naked body was a beacon in the firelight as she called out orders and organized the people.

When the legion returned, the warlord was concerned. This female had saved the tribe, but she could not be a legionnaire! She was female! What if she gave the other females ideas?

His dilemma was solved when representatives arrived from the Yuan-ti about a possible alliance against these new invaders. Wary of such an alliance, but smart enough to see that it might be useful, the warlord sent the problem woman away. She was given a pack of basic supplies and armor and weapons stripped from the invaders and sent on her way.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ripnek Ratkiller

NE bugbear rogue 1

[sblock=Basic information]
Name: Ripnek Ratkiller
Sex: Male
Race: Bugbear
Class/Level: Rogue 1
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (goblinoid)
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +3
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 15 (Darkvision 60ft)

AC: 14
Maximum HP: 10
Current HP: 10
Saves: Dexterity, Intelligence

Melee: Shortsword +5 (1d6+3 piercing; finesse, light)
Ranged: Shortbow +5 (1d6+3 piercing; range 80/320, two-handed)

Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
[/sblock][sblock=Features & proficiencies]
Ability scores: Strength +2, Dexterity +1
Darkvision: 60 ft.
Longlimbed: Reach +5 feet for melee attacks
Powerful Build: Counts as Large for weight to carry, push, lift and drag
Proficiencies: Stealth
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc (background), Thieves' Cant (class)

Outlander (tribal marauder)
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Musical instrument: Drums
Extra Language: Orc
Wanderer: Excellent memory for maps and geography. Can always recall general layout of terrain and features. Can find food and fresh water for self and up to five creatures.

Armor Proficiencies: Light armor
Weapons Proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools Proficiencies: Thieves' tools
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Deception, Perception, Sleight of Hand
Expertise: Double proficiency bonus on two skills: Stealth, Perception
Sneak Attack: 1d6
Thieves' Cant: Knows the language Thieves' Cant

SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+1 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+4 (str) Athletics
+1 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+1 (wis) Insight
-1 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+1 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+5 (wis) Perception (expertise)
-1 (cha) Performance
-1 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+5 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+7 (dex) Stealth (expertise)
+3 (wis) Survival
Dagger x2
Arrow x20
Leather armor

Thieves’ tools
Hunting trap
Trophy from killed animal: Antlers
Traveller’s clothes
Belt pouch
Explorer’s pack:
. backpack
. bedroll
. mess kit
. tinderbox
. torch x10
. rations x10
. waterskin
. hempen rope 50ft

10 gp
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]
Ripnek looks like an average bugbear; mottled brown fur, sharp teeth. He is, however, slightly smaller and less muscular than the typical member of his species, which is a constant source of shame for him and a reason to bully him for others of his race. Ripnek usually wears his worn leather armor and carries a shortsword and a bow, although he prefers to sneak up on his foes and kill them up close rather than from a distance.

Personality Traits: I have a hard time trusting others because of the multiple betrayals I've faced. Also, I try not to show any weakness but be as ruthless as possible.
Ideal: I must earn glory in battle, for myself and for Hruggek and Grankhul.
Bond: One day I will return to my father and kill him for all he's done to me, and be the Greenkil Gang's new leader.
Flaw: I am more frail and inexperienced than the other bugbears, but I hide this by being overly violent even in situations that call for diplomacy.

Ripnek Ratkiller used to be a frail young bugbear. His father Kleaf, a big brute and second warrior of the large Greenkil Gang, was certain his offspring was cursed by Hruggek to be cowardly and weak, and it was a test of his own strength. Without thinking twice, his father left Ripnek in the forest when the Gang moved on to new hunting grounds.

Deserted, Ripnek wandered the wilds for days. Eventually he encountered a goblin tribe, but uncertain how they would respond to his presence, Ripnek made sure to remain undetected, stealing food and the occasional trinket before vanishing in the night. After two weeks, the goblins were convinced the place was haunted and prepared to move away. At that moment, a group of bugbears appeared out of nowhere, capturing a score of goblins, killing several more and taking the severed head of the goblin chief with them.

A strong but attractive female bugbear found Ripnek, chewing on a dead rat he had stolen. She disdainfully named him Ratkiller and after a very short fight, she effortlessly threw him over her shoulder and carried him away, claiming him as her trophy. She was Clobr, daughter of the Crowbeak Gang leader from the foot of the mountains, and besides using Ripnek as a plaything, she taught him the ways of Grankhul’s stealth and wit. Not as a substitute for the ferocity of Hruggek, but as an addition to it, an ability to sneak up on your enemy and then rip them apart.

Despite his progress and the growth of his muscles, Ripnek was still considered to be weaker than the other bugbears of the Crowbeak Gang, and was bullied remorselessly. His skill at hiding turned into a survival skill, and what he lacked in strength he compensated in brutality in battle.

On one fateful day, the Crowbeak Gang ran into the more powerful Greenkil Gang. Ripnek’s father had become the leader of his gang and when Clobr saw him, she was overcome with desire. Ripnek watched helplessly, filled with hatred and jealousy, as his father and his former lover began their violent and wild courtship in front of the two collected Gangs.

Ripnek could not take it anymore. He waited until dark before creeping to the place where Kleaf and Clobr slept, grabbing a shortsword and standing over the sleeping bullies. In his mind’s eye, years of being beaten and humiliated by his father, his old gang and the new, all transformed into a burning anger at the ones lying at his feet. Hesitating for only a moment, Ripnek thrusted the blade into his father…

…and failed to kill him.

Clobr lashed out at Ripnek, sweeping his feet beneath him and making him fall awkwardly. Kleaf howled, blood gushing out of his left eye where the blade still stuck, mauling around helplessly. The other Gang members quickly came to the aid of their leader and tied Ripnek up to await judgement.

It just so happened that Kleaf, as the leader of the most powerful Gang of bugbears around, had received word that Maglubiyet required an emissary for a mission to confront the newcomers from beyond the sea. Like any bugbear, Kleaf thought this required him to be active for far too long, and he was pondering how to solve this problem without wasting one of his fine warriors. The answer to his question, however, was clear: His wayward son, who tried to kill him but failed, would be sent away on this quest.

Kleaf would not kill his own blood, but he would do the next best thing: Remove Ripnek from his sight. Again. [/sblock]
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First Post
Neutral Evil(?) Yuan Ti Pureblood Warlock 1
Background: Criminal - Spy
- Yuan Ti Spy Contacts

Str 8 (0)
Dex 15 (9)
Con 12 (4)
Int 12 (3)
Wis 10 (2)
Cha 17 (9)

HP 9
AC 13 (10 + 2 dex + 1 armor)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +2
Exp: 0

Yuan Ti Pureblood
- +2 Cha, +1 Int
- Immune to Poison
- Magic Resistance (adv on saves vs spells)
- Animal Friendship (Snakes only; permanent)
- Poison Spray cantrip (charisma)

Otherworldly Patron (Great Old One)
Pact Magic

Weapons: Simple
Armor: Light
Tools: Thief's tools, Gaming set (cards)
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma


- Deception +5
- Investigation +3
- Persuasion +5
- Stealth +4

Common, Abyssal, Draconic

Spell attack +5, Difficulty 13

Spell Slots:
1 - 1/1

Spells Known
Cantrips - Eldritch Blast, Friends, Poison Spray
1 - Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar (Str save)

Cash: 10gp

Staff, +1, 1d6-1
2 Dagger +4, 1d4+2
Light Crossbow, +4, 1d8+2

Eldritch Blast, +5, 1d10

Leather Armor

Scholar Pack
* Backpack
* Book of Lore
* Ink
* Inkpen
* 10 parchment
* Bag of sand
* Tiny knife
Orb (arcane focus)
Forged identity papers
Scroll case, 1gp
2 bags of caltrops, 2gp
Manacles, 2gp
Waterskin, 2sp[/sblock]

[sblock=Traits, Ideals, Bonds, Flaws]Trait: While mostly human in appearance, I have small fangs that show when I smile too widely.
Trait: I am not as smart as I pretend to be, but will never admit it.
Ideal: Truth must be an ever-evolving concept, as new facts are learned, or the world will pass you by.
Bond: Though loyal to my people, I am also very curious about the world outside the yuan ti citadels.
Flaw: I sometimes feel emotions like lesser beings; a source of secret shame for me.[/sblock]
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OK, I've looked everything over and here's where I think we stand:

Moon Moon -- ready
Drutha Keldret -- ready
Nert Muckshredder -- ready
Ripnek Ratkiller -- needs personality selections
Saashala -- It seems like you've picked a Disguise Kit but the gaming set for Spy needs to be an actual gaming set (dice, cards, dragonchess, three-dragon ante). You can do Disguise Kit instead of Thieves' Tools if you like, but not both. And still some personality selections needed.
Karok the Crow -- personality selections needed. Need to select component pouch or arcane focus, and dungeoneer's pack or explorer's pack.

We're so close! Work on those personality selections. :)
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Yes, I'll stick with poisoner kit, I'm not losing anything there vs tools/instrument, I'll just have to grumble and moan about the poison rules in the game :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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