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D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - Dramatis Personae



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Discussion Thread
Story Thread

In the land of D'Argenta, a Rebirth is happening. Through the midst of political intrigues, the social pressures of the newly rich and the old nobility, the clash of steel on battlefields and the whispers of secrets and knives in dark alleys, there is a cultural blossoming of brilliant luminescence. A war is waged in the arts, with buildings rising higher and the idea of expressionism being pushed to its boundaries. Philosophers debate the very nature of god and the concept of higher government even as revolts break out amidst the serfs and the bourgeoisie pay for the privilege of such chaos to give them room to ascend. Magic is categorized, studied, and feared, even as the sciences create substances that can destroy buildings, cure grievous injuries, and create esoteric effects when combined with other chemicals.

The shadows of the past continue to recede under the Light of Civilization, but even this Renaissance cannot fully absolve the guilts of old, even as she births new darkness into the world ...

Please list your character sheets below.

This thread will also be used to record important NPCs as they come up.
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River Song


Name: Giovanni Bellini Antonello da Messina
Sex: Male
Race: Human (Fossice)
Class/Level: Fighter 3 (Battle Master)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium
Init: +3
Senses: Normal Human
Passive Perception: 9
Speed : 30

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 28 (3d10)
Saves: Str & Con

Attacks: 1
Weapons Attack Damage Type Range Property
Rapier +5 1d8+3 P - Finesse
Scimitar +5 1d6+3 S - Finesse, light
Dagger +5 1d4+3 P 20/60 Finesse, light, thrown

Martial Adept – Two extra Manoeuvres and 1 extra Superiority Dice

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 14

SKILLS Proficiencies with *

+3 (dex) Acrobatics
-1 (wis) Animal Handling
+1 (int) Arcana
+0 (str) Athletics
*+4 (cha) Deception
*+3 (int) History
-1 (wis) Insight
*+4 (cha) Intimidation
+1 (int) Investigation
-1 (wis) Medicine
+1 (int) Nature
-1 (wis) Perception
*+4 (cha) Performance
*+4 (cha) Persuasion
+1 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 (dex) Stealth
-1 (wis) Survival

TOOL PROFICIENCIES: Painter’s Supplies,
LANGUAGES: Abituale, Magnanimo, Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling

Extra Feat
Extra Skill

Feature: Court Functionary
- Your knowledge of how bureaucracies function lets you gain access to the records and inner workings of any noble court or government you encounter. You know who the movers and shakers are, whom to go to for favours, and what the current intrigues of interest are.

Fighting Style: Two Weapon Fighter
Second Wind: 1d10+3, BA 1/SR/LR
Archetype: Battle Master – Parry, Disarming Strike, Riposte, Trip Attack, Rally
Superiority Dice: 5d8
Maneuver DC: 14
Action Surge: 1 SR/LR


Studded Leather
2 Bandoleers with 3 daggers each
Explorers Pack
Painting supplies
Travellers clothes

Money: =15 gp[/sblock]

Personality Trait: I’m a snob who looks down on those who can’t appreciate fine art.
Ideal: Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue their own livelihood..
Bond: One day I will return to my guild and prove that I am the greatest artisan of them all.
Flaw: I’m never satisfied with what I have – I always want more.

Physical Appearance:
Giovanni is a handsome preener of the greatest order; he likes to keep up with the fashions and works hard to maintain his lithe physique. He has smooth olive skin, warm sultry brown eyes and curled lustrous dark hair. He describes his height as perfect; for it allows his dance partner to rest her head on his shoulder rather than stick it in his armpit. Due to his colouring he favours hues of red in his attire and is very fond of cream silk shirts. Most of his present clothing and adornments are as a result of gifts from various ladies.

Giovanni Bellini Antonello da Messina is the son of a whore, apart from the gift of live (for which he is sure the world is blessed) she also gave him the desire to better himself and he constantly reinvented himself. Indeed, he does even let himself remember his humble origins, that person simply does not exist. He studied his mother’s patrons well, learned how they talk and move and quickly came to the attention of the madam, Aelia Domitia Paulina, at fourteen and seeing the potential in the handsome young man (to make money of course) she embarked on giving him an excellent education.
He was tutored in history, conversation, the arts, dance and the intrigues of courtly life. After two years, he was reinvented and ladies paid handsomely for a night with him. Though his entire skill-set was tailored to provide ladies the illusion of a cultured nobleman; Giovanni found he did have a natural talent and love for painting; especially female nudes.
Once his contract with Madam Paulina was over, he worked in the courts as a commissioned painter of portraits and using his well honed skills he also seduced many of the ladies at court. This lead to a few duels with outraged husbands, brothers or any other male relative that chose to take offence but Paulina had also made sure he received instruction from the finest swordsmen. The duels are simply another tool for Giovanni to use to further himself, never satisfied with the status quo. The one thing that irks him most though was the lack of recognition for his work by the stuffy old men of the Guild of Painters. One day he would force them to acknowledge his talent.


First Post
Neutral Human Sorceror 3


Str 8
Dex 16
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 16

HP 17
AC 13
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Variant Human
+1 Dex, +1 Cha
Size: Medium
Bonus Feat
Bonus skill prof

Font of Magic
- Sorcery Points: 6
- Twin Spell
- Subtle Spell
Sorcerous Origin: Arcane
- Made of Magic (ignore costless material components, gain 2 sorc pts at 1st level, gain 2 sorc pts when normally gain 1)
- - Use Sorc pts to cast spells not known from sorc list; as buying slot but still spending slot.

Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Staves, Light Crossbows
Tools: NOne
Saves: Con, Cha, Dex

- Skills: History, Persuasion (already had)
- Tool Prof: Gaming set
- Languages: Any one
- Position of Privilege
Personality Trait:

Ideal: Noble Obligation; It is my duty to protect and care for those beneath me.

Bond: I must restore my family to its former glory.

Flaw: The strange power I have been afflicted with makes me the target of forces beyond my knowledge or control.

Deception +5
History +2
Insight +3
Persuasion +5
Stealth +5

Common, Elvish, Halfling

Resilient: Dexterity

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 4, 2 - 2
- Fire Bolt
- Shocking Grasp
- Light
- Mage Hand

Known (4)
1 - Magic Missile, Shield, Thunderwave
2 - Misty Step

Cash: 25

Light Crossbow, +5, 1d8+3
- 20 bolts
Dagger (x2), +5 atk, 1d4+3 piercing


Explorer pack
Fine Clothes
Signet Ring
Scroll of pedigree
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Name: Lucien Sharp the Stormborn
Race: Human
Class: Tempest Cleric 3
Diety: Nodens (Old God)
Background: Pirate
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Experience: 900

Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 9 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 10 (0)

AC: 17 (Chain Shirt w/ Shield)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
HP: 24
Hit Dice: 3 d8+2
Proficiency Bonus: +2

Attack Range To Hit Damage Special
Warhammer Melee +3 1d8+1 Versatile (1d10)
Club Melee +3 1d4+1 Light
Sacred Flame 60 ft - 1d8 Dex save, no bonus from cover, succes – no
damage; 1 creature (PHB 272)
Light Crossbow 80/320ft +4 1d8+2 Ammunition, loading, two-handed

Wisdom, Charisma


Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: +0
Arcana: -1
*Athletics: +3
*Deception: +2
History: -1
Insight: +3
Intimidation: +0
Investigation: -1
*Medicine: +5
Nature: -1
*Perception: +5
Performance: +0
Persuasion: +0
*Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: +3

Passive Perception: 15

Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Britannic, Maritime Pidgin
Armor: All Armor
Weapons: Simple and Martial Weapons
Tools: Navigator’s Tools, Vehicles (water)



Human (+1 to two different ability scores of my choice)
I gain proficiency in one skill of my choice.

I gain one feat of my choice.

Feature: Bad Reputation
No matter where I go, people are afraid of me due to my reputation. When I am in a civilized settlement, I can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report my activity to the authorities.

Cleric (Tempest Domain), level 3:
- Spellcasting (Cleric 1, PHB 58) [3 cantrips known]
I can cast prepared cleric cantrips/spells, using Wisdom as my spellcasting ability
I can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus
I can cast my prepared cleric spells as rituals if they have the ritual tag
- Bonus Proficiency (Tempest Domain 1, PHB 62)
I gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor
- Wrath of the Storm (Tempest Domain 1, PHB 62) [Wisdom modifier per long rest]
When a creature within 5 ft attacks me and I can see it, I can thunderously rebuke
As a reaction, it takes 2d8 lightning or thunder damage that a Dex save can halve
- Channel Divinity (Cleric 2, PHB 58) [1× per short rest]
I can channel divine energy to cause an effect; the save for this is my cleric spell DC
- Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (Cleric 2, PHB 59)
As an action, all undead within 30 ft that can see/hear me must make a Wisdom save
If an undead fails this save, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage
Turned: move away, never within 30 ft of me, no reactions or actions other than Dash
Turned: may Dodge instead of Dash when nowhere to move and unable to escape bonds
- Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath (Tempest Domain 2, PHB 62)
Instead of rolling, I can do maximum damage when I do lightning or thunder damage [/sblock]

I can ably create written ciphers that others can't decipher unless I teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check DC 11 (Intelligence score + proficiency bonus), or they use magic to decipher it. I learn three languages of my choice. [+1 Intelligence] [/sblock]

Backpack, with:
- Winter blanket
- Herbalism kit
- Bedroll
- Mess kit
- Tinderbox
- Torches x 10
- Rations, 10 days
- Waterskin
- Silk rope, 50 feet
Common clothes
Belaying pin (club)
Lucky Charm
Amulet Holy Symbol (Exemplar)
Pouch w/ 10 gp
Chain Shirt

Age: 25
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Blue Grey
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Auburn

Cantrips: (Save DC: 14)
Sacred Flame

Spells Prepared: (Save DC: 14)
Slots: 1st: 4, 2nd: 2

1st Level:
Fog Cloud
Healing Word
Shield of Faith

2nd Level:
Gust of Wind
Hold Person
Prayer of Healing
Spiritual Weapon

Personality Traits: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.
I never pass up a friendly wager.

Ideals: Freedom: The sea is freedom― the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. (Chaotic)

Bonds: I'll always remember my first ship.

Flaws: My pride will probably lead to my destruction.

Lucien grew up in a small fishing village on the cost of Britannia. His father captained a small fishing boat and Lucien practically grew up on the seas. His father taught him to sail and to follow the old gods. Especially Nodens the god of the sea who was their patron. As time went on Lucien knew he was not cutout to be a fisherman. He signed on as a deckhand of a trading ship and left home.

Though not the most devout of men he kept his traditions. Giving an offering to Nodens before leaving shore or when the winds died. On his father’s ship this was expected. When it was found out that he followed Nodens on his new ship he was whipped. The small offering he had been making burnt and thrown overboard along with his symbol of faith. The Captain was a devout follower of the Maker and would have no pagans on his ship. Lucien was told he would be left at the next port. The ship never made land fall. That night a squall blew. As the storm raged Lucien swore he saw Nodens avatar in the waves. The storm raged for days No ship could survive such fury. One dawn the storm just vanished the ship was gone and Lucien was the only living person among the wreckage. Lucien has never said how long he was floating on the makeshift raft he lashed together from the wreckage, nor how he survived for so long on the open seas. He was pulled from the seas by a pirate ship ‘The Leviathans Wake’, the crew of the vessel named him Stormborn for they had seen the storm rage and where amazed that he would appear from the center of such a monster. It was a fitting moniker as he was now blessed by Nodens and granted domain over the storm and the seas.

The captain gave him the option to sign on with the crew or be dropped at the first port they entered. Lucien decided to stay on instead of risk another captain like the last. He took to the life of the pirate instantly. Most of the crew where not devout men with any faith so Lucien’s new found religion was not a problem. He was a skilled sailor and eventually rose through the ranks to become sail master and first-mate. The captain planned to pass the ship to Lucien when next they made port but the Quartermaster had different plans. The man, Giacomo Esposito, promised the crew riches in exchange for backing him in a mutiny. The crew took the ship and killed the captain. Fearing the wrath of Nodens they decided to leave Lucien on a deserted island instead of killing him out right. That was a mistake, he got off the island and found his way to Fossice the closest port. He would find Esposito and get back his ship.[/sblock]
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Name: Nicolo (Monks lose their surnames when admitted to the monastery)

Race: Human
Class: Elemental Monk 3
Diety: The Maker
Background: Acolyte
Alignment: Lawful Good
Experience: 900

Age: 22
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: Icy blue
Skin: Caucasian
Hair: Black

Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 9 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 10 (0)

AC: 16 (Unarmored Defense)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft
HP: 19
Hit Dice: 3 d8+1
Proficiency Bonus: +2

(Weapon Attack bonus/Damage Special
Martial Arts +5/1d4+3
Quarterstaff +5/1d8+3 (two handed) Versatile


Acrobatics (+5)
Stealth (+5)
Insight (+5)
Perception (+5)
Religion (+1)

Magic Initiate (Human Variant Feat)
Martial Adept (d6, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack)

Shape Water (Four Elements Discipline)
Produce Flame (Magic Initiate)
Frostbite (Magic Initiate)

Create or Destroy Water (Magic Initiate)

Elemental Disciplines:
Fangs of the Fire Snake (Change my unarmed strikes from bludgeoning to fire damage, increase distance +5 feet, and if I spend a Ki point, add 1d10 fire damage. Does not have to spend Ki point for extra range and changing damage type)

Fang of Frost Wolf (Spend 1 Ki point to cast Ice Knife).

Primordial (Due to his connection with the elements)

Simple weapons
Short Swords

Holy Symbol (the symbol of the church, in the form of a pendant around my neck.)
Prayer Book
Sick of Incense (5)
Common clothes
Belt puch
10 Darts
Explorer's Pack

Acolyte: Gain free healing and services at temples to The Maker. Can perform some religious ceremonies. Can be supported by the temple for modest living conditions.


I see the good in people, at all times. I will trust them even when they have proven untrustworthy. I will protect myself if needed, but will not strike necessarily, and will aim to disable first, and only kill if no other choice is met, or to protect those weaker who cannot protect themselves.

Nicole does not know his family name, as it was forgotten the moment he was given over to the monks at the Shining Light Monastery at the age of 2. He grew up in the monastery, venturing out only when duty called for it. He progressed quickly in his studies, and at the age of 15, began to channel his inner Ki. Only, he found that instead of gaining an understanding of himself, he found he was gaining a powerful connection to the outside world, and could manipulate the elements themselves by touching them with his Ki.

This practice was forbidden by the other monks. Time and again, he was caught practicing moving water in the air with the motions of his hand, or holding a fire in the palm of his hand. Every time, he was forced to whip himself, to rid himself of the sin of practicing strange magics. But this did not deter him. Finally, at the age of 21, he was given a choice: Forgo his strange magics, or leave the monastery.

In the hardest decision of his life, he bid farewell to those who raised him and showed him every kindness, who taught him all he had learned about life. But he could not deny who he was. He wanted to find out why he had this connection to the elements, and see if there were new truths he could discover. He now wonders the world, in search of these answers, both within himself and in the world around him. He has become rather adept at manipulating Water and Fire, though he does feel the call of the Air and the Earth as well.
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First Post
AKA "Holtzmann”

Jilliana ("Sparksie") del Holtzinn

>Race/Gender: Rock Gnome; Female
>Class/Level: Rogue 1/Cleric 1 (knowledge)/Wizard 1 (Artificer)
(Total level= 3)(d8; d8; d6)
XP Total:
Background: Guild artisan (Alchemist)(+Sage)
Alignment: NG (tending CG)
Type (subtype): Humanoid (gnome)
Size: Small
Initiative: +2
Speed: 25 feet
Senses: Darkvision 60’
Passive Perception: 16

[sblock= CRUNCH]
>Hit points: 20 (8+5+4, +3 CON)

>AC: 13 (11/leather, DEX +2)(15 with Mage Armor)

>Saves: DEX, INT

>Melee: Dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing (finesse)
>Ranged: Thrown dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing
>Spell: Fire bolt +5; 1d10 fire (ranged spell attack, 120’)
>Spell: Shocking grasp +5; 1d8 lightning +target can’t take reactions until next turn (touch spell attack, Advantage if target is in metal armor)

STR 8 (-1)/Save -1
CON 13 (+1)/Save +1
DEX 14 (+2)/Save +4
INT 17 (+3)/Save +5 (14 base, +2 race, +1 Keen mind)
WIS 14 (+2)/Save +2
CHA 10 (+0)/Save +0

>Trait: I’m horribly, horribly awkward in social situations
>Trait: I like to take things apart to figure out how they work. SOMETIMES I even manage to put them back together afterwards…
>Extra trait: Uses alchemical ‘tricks’ when casting Wizard spells (may be simply an awareness of the opinions about arcane magic, may be an actual limitation/mental block)
>Ideal: Free thinking; Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress (Chaotic)
>Bond: My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore (The Standardized Method of Arcane magic)
>Flaw: I would risk too much to uncover a bit of lost knowledge

Skills and Languages: (*= proficient; x= expertise)
Acrobatics +2
Animal handling +2
*Arcana +7x
*Athletics +1
*Deception +2
*History +5
Insight +2
Intimidation +0
*Investigation +7x
Medicine +3
Nature +3
*Perception +6x
Performance +0
Persuasion +0
*Religion +5
Sleight of hand +2
Stealth +2
Survival +2
*Science +7x

>Languages: Common, Gnomish, +High Common, +Dwarven, +Draconic, +Thieves cant

>Tool proficiencies: Thieves tools, Tinkers tools, Alchemists tools

1. Campaign bonus (12/25/16): Keen mind

Racial features (Rock gnome):
>Size: Small; Base speed 25 feet
>Languages: Common, Gnomish
>Ability score increase: +2 INT, +1 CON
>Darkvision 60’
>Gnome’s cunning: has Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws against magic effects
>Artificer’s lore: use double proficiency bonus for INT (history) checks on magic items, alchemical items, and technological devices
>Tinker: gain proficiency in tinkers tools, can produce minor clockwork devices

Class features (Rogue):
>Hit die: d8
>Proficiencies: Light armor; simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword; thieves tools; DEX and INT saves; 4 skills from class list
>Expertise: two chosen skills from list (Investigation, Perception)
>Sneak attack: +1d6 damage in appropriate situations
>Thieves cant: language proficiency

Class features (Cleric mc):
>Hit die: d8
>Added Proficiencies: Light armor, medium armor, shields
>Spellcasting: includes ritual casting; see below for spells
>Divine domain: Knowledge (Two bonus languages; proficiency and expertise in two skills from list- Arcana and Science; domain spells; domain features/channel divinity)

Class features (Wizard mc):
>Hit die: d6
>Added Proficiencies: None
>Spellcasting: includes ritual casting; see below for spells
>Arcane recovery: 1 spell level; once per day after short rest
>Arcane tradition: Artificer (at W2)

Spellcasting (Cleric):
>Spell attack: +4
>Spell save DC: 12
>Cantrips (3): Guidance, Light, Mending
>Spells prepared (2+1= 3): Create water, Detect magic/r, Heal wounds
(+D: Command, Identify/r)

Spellcasting (Wizard):
>Spell attack: +5
>Spell save DC: 13
>Cantrips: Firebolt, Prestidigitation, Shocking grasp
>Spells known: (Level 1) Comprehend languages/r, Fog cloud, Grease, Mage armor, Tenser’s floating disk/r, Unseen servant/r
>Spells prepared: (4) Comprehend languages, Mage armor, Grease, Unseen servant

Spellcasting (combined):
>Total caster level= 2
>Level 1 slots/day= 3
>Level 2 slots/day= 0

Background features (Guild artisan, +Sage):
>Bonus language: Dwarven
>Bonus tool proficiency: Alchemists kit
>Bonus skill proficiencies: History, Religion
>Feature: Researcher (as Sage)

-Leather armor
-Wizard’s spellbook
-Thieves tools
-Alchemists kit
-Holy symbol (The Maker)
-Spell component pouch
-Travelers clothes (x2)
-Dagger (x2)
-Scholar's pack
-10 gp

[sblock= FLUFF]

>Description: Jilliana is of average height for a gnome, witha comparatively stocky build. She has tan skin, like many gnomes, and brown/blond hair (which she typically keeps trimmed rather short). Her bangs are often pushed upward from her forehead, which combined with her large green eyes, gives her a perpetually surprised appearance. She tends to dress in sensible working clothes- low laced boots, sturdy plain trousers, and a lightweight shirt under a leather vest covered with pockets. She usually wears a knee-length coat when out of doors- it is of lightweight leather, and also full of pockets. She usually has a pair of protective goggles and several different sets of gloves, as well as a satchel, which contains both alchemical supplies and notebooks. Her spellbook is a very utilitarian volume, looking more like an accountants ledger (though it is often stuffed with scraps of notepaper at critical pages). She wears one of the Maker's common talismans (a draftsman's triangle) on her vest at all times- and her pockets contain a surprising variety of tools and alchemical paraphenalia. Other than a work knife or two in her pile of gear, she does not seem to carry a weapon- but not many are desperate enough to mug an alchemist...

>History: When human society began to recover after the Harrowing, several gnome clans played an integral part in the process. While the loss of magic did the small folk no favors, they did manage to retain some of the knowledge of alchemy and mechanics. While they could not match the engineering and metallurgy of the dwarves, the gnomes were both more numerous and more gregarious. In time, the gnomes integrated into human society, helping to spread what knowledge they had held on to, and to develop new technologies. In general, the gnome tended to settle in the cities of the world- the resources tended to be plentiful, and the larger population tended to suit their gregarious nature. Most cities ended up hosting one or two large extended clans of gnomes, and the small folk tended to dwell within neighborhoods built to their scale- it should come as no surprise that such areas tended to be close to centers of commerce, manufacturing, or if possible education.

The del Holzinn clan of gnomes has been a fixture in Fossice for hundreds of years now- each gnomish clan is more like a large extended family than the traditional human household; within the clan there are often dozens of actual families which share the same affiliation. Children of one generation are often raised communally, and gnomes tend to cluster in neighborhoods built to their scale. Jilliana was a bit of an oddity- there weren't a lot of other gnomish children close to her age, and she was always a bit brighter than most of her peers (and by gnomish standards she was remarkably studious and self-disciplined). She spent most of her childhood in various gnomish-run workshops and stores- from an early age she was fascinated by clockwork and spring-loaded mechanisms. She quickly demonstrated a degree of mechanical talent, and started an apprenticeship. Her "uncle" Wiley was primarily an alchemist, but he also had a fascination for clockwork and similar devices- in his case, particularly 'locks and traps'. As one might expect, his clientele tended to be a bit 'eccentric'- one of them even claimed to be a wizard. Some of them were certainly criminals, by most laws, and some of them were *gasp* dwarves- and nearly everyone who entered Wiley's shop grew to think of Jilliana as a cute little mascot, of sorts. She certainly had some interesting field trips...

Meanwhile, though, she also took advantage of the free education offered by the Church of the Maker, along with most of the other children (human or not) from her neighborhood. As she was very bright and studious, she typically spent morning at the Church school, and afternoons at her uncle's shop. Under normal circumstances, she would have gone on to a normal trade as an alchemist- perhaps one with some unusual hobbies, but still a respectable tradeswoman like her parents wanted. But one of the common tests administered by the Church was designed to see who could potentially channel the raw energy of the Maker's blessing- in common terms, who could wield clerical magic. Few students passed this test, and most didn't even realize that they WERE being tested- and the Church certainly didn't publicize it. For those who DID pass the test, the Church extended the offer of further training, and potential admission to the clergy, with all of the privileges and duties appropriate to that station. Jilliana, as it happened, was one of those rare few who were able to direct the Maker's Blessings- and since the offer of clerical initiation included access to a great deal of otherwise restricted material, she happily agreed to sign up. Most gnomes, after all, felt a strong affection for the Maker- and given their long lifespans, Jilliana knew she would still have the time to continue her studies in alchemy. In short order, Jilliana was initisted into the priesthood as an acolyte. Like all new members of the clergy, she was tested to see where her skills and interests might be put to their best use- and that was how she first began to learn about arcane magic. Even within the Church, there were very few serious students of the arcane- most of them were affliated with the Sacred Order of Arcane Vigilance (or as the common folk called them, the Witchguard), and they usually only learned enough about the arcane arts to recognize them (and, if needed, to combat arcane threats); few indeed made a serious study of arcane history and theory. Over the course of a couple of years, Jilliana learned enough to be come fascinated by arcane magic, especially by its use in crafting objects and devices. She also began to be a bit disillusioned by the Church, especially in how it handled arcane matters. She could see that such powers were dangerous- any student of history could tell that. But to her mind, simply hiding such things was equally dangerous, if not more so. If they didn't really understand magic, they couldn't analyze it fully, nor could they really fight against it. With the assistance of one of her uncle's old friends, she reached out to the Guild Arcane for further instruction- most of their discussion and teaching was purely theoretical, but it was better than nothing. Shortly thereafter, Jilliana did something she had never done before- she failed out of her studies as a priestess. Perhaps someone in the Church realized that this failure was intentional. Her continuing study of arcane magic had come to occupy to much of her mind- and her time. She returned to her uncle's shop, theoretically "in disgrace", and went back to her apprentice duties. But now her nights and weekends were full of more unusual studies. With her academic background, she began to work on a new theory- that by applying modern scientific and academic principles, one could develop arcane magic that wasn't so dangerous. What a marvel that would be... Of course it would take years of work- but gnomes live a very long time, after all...


[sblock= Advancement]
>Initial: Level 3 (Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Wizard 1); 900 xp
>Added campaign bonus feat: Keen mind
>Next level: Wizard 2 (total level 4)

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First Post
Jilliana del Holtzinn (Artificer version)

AKA "Holtzmann”

Jilliana ("Sparksie") del Holtzinn

>Race/Gender: Rock Gnome; Female
>Class/Level: Rogue 1/Cleric 1 (knowledge)/Artificer 1 (Alchemist)
(Total level= 3)(d8; d8; d8)
XP Total:
Background: Guild artisan (Alchemist)(+Sage)
Alignment: NG (tending CG)
Type (subtype): Humanoid (gnome)
Size: Small
Initiative: +2
Speed: 25 feet
Senses: Darkvision 60’
Passive Perception: 16

[sblock= CRUNCH]
>Hit points: 21 (8+5+5, +3 CON)

>AC: 13 (11/leather, DEX +2)

>Saves: DEX, INT

>Melee: Dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing (finesse)
>Ranged: Thrown dagger +4; 1d4+2 piercing
>Alchemical fire: DEX save 13 or take 1d6 fire; 5' radius, 30' range
>Alchemical acid: DEX save 13 or take 1d6 acid; 30' range (objects get no save, maximum damage)
>Tanglefoot bag: 5' radius, 30' range; area is difficult terrain, anyone starting turn in the area has half speed for the turn
>Spell- Shocking grasp: Melee spell attack +5 (advantage if target is wearing metall armor); 1d8 lightning and target cannot take reactions for next round

STR 8 (-1)/Save -1
CON 13 (+1)/Save +1
DEX 14 (+2)/Save +4
INT 16 (+3)/Save +5 (14 base, +2 race)
WIS 14 (+2)/Save +2
CHA 10 (+0)/Save +0

>Trait: I’m horribly, horribly awkward in social situations
>Trait: I like to take things apart to figure out how they work. SOMETIMES I even manage to put them back together afterwards…
>Ideal: Free thinking; Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress (Chaotic)
>Bond: My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore ("Arcane power stabilized in an alchemical matrix")
>Flaw: I would risk too much to uncover a bit of lost knowledge

Skills and Languages: (*= proficient; x= expertise)
Acrobatics +2
Animal handling +2
*Arcana +7x
*Athletics +1
*Deception +2
*History +5
Insight +2
Intimidation +0
*Investigation +7x
*Medicine +5
Nature +3
*Perception +6x
Performance +0
Persuasion +0
*Religion +5
Sleight of hand +2
Stealth +2
Survival +2
*Science +7x

>Languages: Common, Gnomish, +High Common, +Dwarven, +Draconic, +Thieves cant

>Tool proficiencies: Thieves tools, Tinkers tools, +Herbalist kit, +Alchemists tools

1. Campaign bonus (12/25/16): Magic initiate (Wizard)(Prestidigitation, Shocking grasp; +Find familiar)

Racial features (Rock gnome):
>Size: Small; Base speed 25 feet
>Languages: Common, Gnomish
>Ability score increase: +2 INT, +1 CON
>Darkvision 60’
>Gnome’s cunning: has Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws against magic effects
>Artificer’s lore: use double proficiency bonus for INT (history) checks on magic items, alchemical items, and technological devices
>Tinker: gain proficiency in tinkers tools, can produce minor clockwork devices

Class features (Rogue):
>Hit die: d8
>Proficiencies: Light armor; simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword; thieves tools; DEX and INT saves; 4 skills from class list
>Expertise: two chosen skills from list (Investigation, Perception)
>Sneak attack: +1d6 damage in appropriate situations
>Thieves cant: language proficiency

Class features (Cleric mc):
>Hit die: d8
>Added Proficiencies: Light armor, medium armor, shields
>Spellcasting: includes ritual casting; see below for spells
>Divine domain: Knowledge (Two bonus languages; proficiency and expertise in two skills from list- Arcana and Science; domain spells; domain features/channel divinity)

Class features (Artificer mc):
>Hit die: d8
>Added Proficiencies: 1 tool proficiency (Alchemists tools), 1 skill from class list (Medicine)
>Magic item analysis: Cast Detect Magic and Identify as rituals (no component needed for Identify)
>Spellcasting: none yet
>Artificer specialization: Alchemist
>Alchemist's satchel
>Alchemical formulas: (3)

Spellcasting (Cleric):
>Spell attack: +4
>Spell save DC: 12
>Cantrips (3): Guidance, Light, Mending
>Spells prepared (2+1= 3): Create water, Detect magic/r, Heal wounds
(+D: Command, Identify/r)

Artificer abilities (Artificer 1/Alchemist):
>Formulas known: (3) Alchemical fire, Alchemical acid, Tanglefoot bag

Spellcasting (combined):
>Total caster level= 1
>Level 1 slots/day= 2
>Level 2 slots/day= 0

Background features (Guild artisan, +Sage):
>Bonus language: Dwarven
>Bonus tool proficiency: Herbalists kit
>Bonus skill proficiencies: History, Religion
>Feature: Researcher (as Sage)

-Leather armor
-Thieves tools
-Alchemists kit
-Holy symbol (The Maker)
-Travelers clothes (x2)
-Dagger (x2)
-Scholar's pack
-10 gp
+Alchemists satchel (Class feature)
+Familiar: Alchemically-powered clockwork owl ('Boris')(Currently 'dismissed' or rather folded up in her satchel)

[sblock= FLUFF]

>Description: Jilliana is of average height for a gnome, witha comparatively stocky build. She has tan skin, like many gnomes, and brown/blond hair (which she typically keeps trimmed rather short). Her bangs are often pushed upward from her forehead, which combined with her large green eyes, gives her a perpetually surprised appearance. She tends to dress in sensible working clothes- low laced boots, sturdy plain trousers, and a lightweight shirt under a leather vest covered with pockets. She usually wears a knee-length coat when out of doors- it is of lightweight leather, and also full of pockets. She usually has a pair of protective goggles and several different sets of gloves, as well as a satchel, which contains both alchemical supplies and notebooks. Her spellbook is a very utilitarian volume, looking more like an accountants ledger (though it is often stuffed with scraps of notepaper at critical pages). She wears one of the Maker's common talismans (a draftsman's triangle) on her vest at all times- and her pockets contain a surprising variety of tools and alchemical paraphenalia. Other than a work knife or two in her pile of gear, she does not seem to carry a weapon- but not many are desperate enough to mug an alchemist...

>History: When human society began to recover after the Harrowing, several gnome clans played an integral part in the process. While the loss of magic did the small folk no favors, they did manage to retain some of the knowledge of alchemy and mechanics. While they could not match the engineering and metallurgy of the dwarves, the gnomes were both more numerous and more gregarious. In time, the gnomes integrated into human society, helping to spread what knowledge they had held on to, and to develop new technologies. In general, the gnome tended to settle in the cities of the world- the resources tended to be plentiful, and the larger population tended to suit their gregarious nature. Most cities ended up hosting one or two large extended clans of gnomes, and the small folk tended to dwell within neighborhoods built to their scale- it should come as no surprise that such areas tended to be close to centers of commerce, manufacturing, or if possible education.

The del Holzinn clan of gnomes has been a fixture in Fossice for hundreds of years now- each gnomish clan is more like a large extended family than the traditional human household; within the clan there are often dozens of actual families which share the same affiliation. Children of one generation are often raised communally, and gnomes tend to cluster in neighborhoods built to their scale. Jilliana was a bit of an oddity- there weren't a lot of other gnomish children close to her age, and she was always a bit brighter than most of her peers (and by gnomish standards she was remarkably studious and self-disciplined). She spent most of her childhood in various gnomish-run workshops and stores- from an early age she was fascinated by clockwork and spring-loaded mechanisms. She quickly demonstrated a degree of mechanical talent, and started an apprenticeship. Her "uncle" Wiley was primarily an alchemist, but he also had a fascination for clockwork and similar devices- in his case, particularly 'locks and traps'. As one might expect, his clientele tended to be a bit 'eccentric'- one of them even claimed to be a wizard. Some of them were certainly criminals, by most laws, and some of them were *gasp* dwarves- and nearly everyone who entered Wiley's shop grew to think of Jilliana as a cute little mascot, of sorts. She certainly had some interesting field trips...

Meanwhile, though, she also took advantage of the free education offered by the Church of the Maker, along with most of the other children (human or not) from her neighborhood. As she was very bright and studious, she typically spent morning at the Church school, and afternoons at her uncle's shop. Under normal circumstances, she would have gone on to a normal trade as an alchemist- perhaps one with some unusual hobbies, but still a respectable tradeswoman like her parents wanted. But one of the common tests administered by the Church was designed to see who could potentially channel the raw energy of the Maker's blessing- in common terms, who could wield clerical magic. Few students passed this test, and most didn't even realize that they WERE being tested- and the Church certainly didn't publicize it. For those who DID pass the test, the Church extended the offer of further training, and potential admission to the clergy, with all of the privileges and duties appropriate to that station. Jilliana, as it happened, was one of those rare few who were able to direct the Maker's Blessings- and since the offer of clerical initiation included access to a great deal of otherwise restricted material, she happily agreed to sign up. Most gnomes, after all, felt a strong affection for the Maker- and given their long lifespans, Jilliana knew she would still have the time to continue her studies in alchemy. In short order, Jilliana was initisted into the priesthood as an acolyte. Like all new members of the clergy, she was tested to see where her skills and interests might be put to their best use- and that was how she first began to learn about arcane magic. Even within the Church, there were very few serious students of the arcane- most of them were affliated with the Sacred Order of Arcane Vigilance (or as the common folk called them, the Witchguard), and they usually only learned enough about the arcane arts to recognize them (and, if needed, to combat arcane threats); few indeed made a serious study of arcane history and theory. Over the course of a couple of years, Jilliana learned enough to be come fascinated by arcane magic, especially by its use in crafting objects and devices. She also began to be a bit disillusioned by the Church, especially in how it handled arcane matters. She could see that such powers were dangerous- any student of history could tell that. But to her mind, simply hiding such things was equally dangerous, if not more so. If they didn't really understand magic, they couldn't analyze it fully, nor could they really fight against it. With the assistance of one of her uncle's old friends, she reached out to the Guild Arcane for further instruction- most of their discussion and teaching was purely theoretical, but it was better than nothing. Shortly thereafter, Jilliana did something she had never done before- she failed out of her studies as a priestess. Perhaps someone in the Church realized that this failure was intentional. Her continuing study of arcane magic had come to occupy to much of her mind- and her time. She returned to her uncle's shop, theoretically "in disgrace", and went back to her apprentice duties. But now her nights and weekends were full of more unusual studies. With her academic background, she began to work on a new theory- that by applying modern scientific and academic principles (And specifically, by using an alchemical matrix to 'set' the magic), one could develop arcane magic that wasn't so dangerous. What a marvel that would be... Of course it would take years of work- but gnomes live a very long time, after all...


[sblock= Advancement]
>Initial: Level 3 (Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Artificer 1); 900 xp
>Added campaign bonus feat: Magic Initiate (wizard)
>Next level: Artificer 2 (total level 4)

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