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D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - A Renaissance Story

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From her perch at the corner of the alleyway, Jilliana watched the afflicted mages disappear- she could see some faint disturbance, but trying to follow them would be a fool's errand, especially once they reached the chaos of the marketplace. Besides, there were larger, if less immediate problems to worry about...

She stepped around the corner into clear view and called out cheerfully. "Nicolo, signora paladina, we must get off the streets. Surely the watch will be out in force, and we all know they won't be in a friendly mood- and they hardly have the knowledge needed to understand well, whatever it was that was happening here. Do any of you know someplace we might repair to, so that we can compare notes, to figure out what in the Maker's name is going on?"

The speaker, to those who looked up, was a gnome dressed in respectable tradeswoman's clothes and carrying an overlarge satchel.

Lucien watches as the muscles along Iacopo's arms and face begin to twitch and spasm. He grins knowing the magic had taken hold freezing the man in place. He walks towards the man.

"Iacopo what to do with you?" Lucien slaps his cheek. "That was mighty stupid. I asked nicely to give me Giovanni but you had to refuse. I should just kill you. But I don't want to be hasty"

Lucien looks over to Rossa.

"How is Giovanni?"

As Lucien speaks he cuts strips from one of the unconscious thugs clothes and begins to bound and gag Iacopo. When he is complete he drags the man towards the now empty chest.

"Help me get him in here. He might be useful as a bargaining chip."

He turns at the new voice staring at the gnome. He then looks over at the girl who hired him earlier today. The mages were after the girl and now he is mired in it as well. The gnome knew the monk and she had a point about getting out of here. The guard or worse would be here after the commotion they just had. He turns to the dwarf.

"Help me with this thing." Lucien kicks the chest. He turns towards Nicolo. "Anything is better than staying here and getting nicked. Lead the way."


First Post
Arcata gets to her feet, her cheeks flushing furiously red as she realizes she fell prey to a spell. Stupid...she should have seen that coming. If she hadn't had anyone with her...

That's when it hits her, how many people are in the alleyway.

"Maker's breath...why are...why is everyone here? What is happening here?"

Nicolo's practicality convinces her to let that go for the moment. Arcata nods. "All right...yes, we should go. All this commotion...definitely should go." She looks at Nicolo, ready to follow him.


First Post
That's when it hits her, how many people are in the alleyway.

"Maker's breath...why are...why is everyone here? What is happening here?"

Nicolo's practicality convinces her to let that go for the moment. Arcata nods. "All right...yes, we should go. All this commotion...definitely should go." She looks at Nicolo, ready to follow him.

"Why all of us are here is, I think, certainly the most important discussion we must have- and one we should have SOON," the gnome said as she clambered down to the street. Turning back to Nicolo, she continued. "And in this case, I think a small place that is close by would be better than a larger one that is farther away. Small isn't much of a problem for me, certainly. Lead on!"


Iacopo manages to break away from Fedrigo and begins to turn tail when a strange force paralyzes him in place. With Iacopo out of the fight Fedrigo needed a new target for his rage. Cries to free Giovanni catch his attention and he makes his way to the crate and with as much force as he can muster he attempts to free giovanni.

OOC: Strength check with advantage due to rage_: 1D20+4 = [5]+4 = 9
1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24



Fossice/Central Market/Alley
Late morning
Round 0

Magdalena readied her greatsword for another swing, but the tide of battle seemed to have turned. A flash of arcane energy from around the corner indicated a conjuration, and suddenly a slippery substance caused the enemy magi to lose their balance and clatter to the cobblestones. Magdalena saw the flash of an illusion spell and then they disappeared. Invisibility, obviously. After uttering an ominous threat, the lead mage turned her wand on herself and crumpled to the ground.

"A spell! I...oh...Did I kill anyone?" Arcata asked the monk, her hand stealing towards her mouth. "I remember...I tried not to."

“No, you slept through most of it,” Magdalena said, only somewhat sarcastically. “Only one died, and that by my hand.” She knelt down next to the dead mage, riffling through his robes, looking for any indication of who he was and who had sent him.

Investigation: 1D20 = [18] = 18

"Nicolo, signora paladina, we must get off the streets. Surely the watch will be out in force, and we all know they won't be in a friendly mood. And they hardly have the knowledge needed to understand, well, whatever it was that was happening here. Do any of you know someplace we might repair to, so that we can compare notes to figure out what in the Maker's name is going on?"

Magdalena looked up to see a gnome in trade clothes with a large satchel. “We should report the unauthorized attack to the Witchguard,” the paladin said with a frown.

"My flat is close," the monk said. "But...small. It will do to regroup, though."

"Maker's breath! Why are...why is everyone here? What is happening here?" Arcata asked.

Magdalena shook her head. “You tell us,” she said. “Everyone seems to be interested in you,” the paladin pointed out.

Everyone seemed to be moving out of the alley. Magdalena frowned, uncertain what to do. She did not have paper to leave a note. Finally she knelt down next to the dead body of the mage. Dabbing her fingers in the man’s blood, she marked the sign of the Maker on his forehead, adding her own personal glyph to mark it as her responsibility. The Witchguard wouldn’t recognize it, but they would certainly recognize the mark of the Church. If they made inquiries and showed the glyph, word would reach her and she could arrange a time to explain what had happened.

Wiping her fingers clean of blood on the mage’s robes, Magdalena stood and followed after the others.

Bonus Action:
Concentration: Detect Magic (9/10 minutes)

Inspirations: 1
AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 21/28 HD: 3/3d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 15/15
Channel Divinity (1/R)
Abjure Enemy
Vow of Enmity
Prepared Spells:
1st: (Bane, Hunter’s Mark), Command, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Shield of Faith

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 1/4


Just as quickly as the fighting began, it stopped with an eerie suddenness over the alley. The sounds of Fossice still rang in the distance, but it would not be long before this scuffle caused a burst of energy from the local guards.

Lucien looks over to Rossa.

" How is Giovanni?"

" You tell me," she replied, still struggling with the crowbar and the lid of the crate, " They might as well have sealed this with something those Arcanists came up with!"

The Half-Elf applied force again in an attempt to pry the lid off, and had her hand slip, nearly smacking her face into the crowbar. She swore heavily in a mix of cockney dock-slang and even hints of Magnanimo before Federigo suddenly grabbed the top of the box itself and simply ripped it off, nearly shattering the wood in the process.

" ... That'll work," Rossa gulped, flashing the dwarf a sharp smile, " Forgot what a boon it was working with you, Fedino."

Inside the box was a rather handsome man who was clearly looking worse for wear: his beautiful face was marred by a large bruise on his cheekbone, his perfectly-trimmed goatee matted in dry blood. The clothes he wore were those of a rakish sort: a silken shirt and embroidered vest, and breeches that were far more about fashion than comfort.

" That's him alright," the Half-Elf identified Giovanni with a hint of a wistful sigh, " Looks like they did a number on him, but he should shape up alright."

Rossa moved on to instead search the thugs that had been knocked out by Lucien's spell, rifling through their pockets for the unmistakable jingle of coin and procuring it for herself.

" Easiest payday yet. I should hang around sailors more often," she chuckled to herself.

The rest of the assembled gathered themselves and what looked prominent to them before moving on from the alley, towards the humble abode of Nicolo The Monk.

[sblock=The Magdalena's Investigations]What lay within the dead mage's robes was typical for any member of a spellcasting community: reagents and components needed to work The Maker's Wonders, a few scrolls filled with notes on various bits of mostly superfluous subjects, a small, leather-bound book that a quick thumb-through revealed to be nothing more than a pocket guide to Fossice itself (curious), but the most damning piece of evidence was stuffed inside the book itself: a letter written in Magnanimo.


The Guard is most displeased with your lack of security around The Experiment. Did it truly behoove you to think mere men with swords would be enough to restrain her? I called you here specifically to avoid another incident like in Torisco, and I see where my forgiveness has landed me. Already she has fled The Sanctuary, and should her family or her take this to The Senate, I would be bereft of the power necessary to continue dealing with them or the ArchGuildsmen. Our research is on the cusp of a true, arcane breakthrough, and you are one foul-up away from bringing about another Harrowing upon myself and The Guard! The Guild would expunge our records and throw us on the 'mercy' of the Witchguard: all of it would have been for nothing!

Mark my words well and bring the Experiment back to The Sanctuary with haste and subtlety. If discovered, you know what you must do. Do not fail us again: the future of D'Argenta depends upon it.

- V

Voidrunner's Codex

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