• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Kordovian Adventurers Guild



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 11
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 11
Darrien, half-elf ranger 11
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 11
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 11​

NPC Roster:
Chik'tak, rastipede sorcerer 2/expert 4
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 10 (Moradin)​

Game Session Date: 13 May 2017

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The next week was a particularly boring one for the adventurers, as their services as slave-pirates were not needed and they were left in their cells. The neogi were busy during that time, though - they managed to find buyers for both the Star Beetle and the damaged Fishgulper.

The new dohwar slaves were a source of much-needed entertainment. They were full of stories from their travels and were more than happy to relate them - for a price. (Pretty much everything a dohwar did came with a price; they were merchants down to the bone.) Of course, as the adventurers were currently as poor as the dohwar, the penguinfolk took stories of the adventurers' exploits as payment. If nothing else, it helped to pass the time.

The dohwar ship's captain, Dorpp, had a unique perspective about his captivity. "Life is filled with ups and downs," he opined. "The good thing about our present situation is that things can only go up from here. And being a slave isn't all that bad. In fact, in many cultures, slaves are allowed to have slaves themselves. Hey, that gives me an idea: do any of you want to become my sub-slave?" He got no immediate takers.

"Seriously," continued Dorpp. "I will pay any of you your own weight in gold if you become my sub-slave for the duration of my own slavery."

This intrigued Castillan enough to play along. "And where are you going to get this gold?" he asked. "Everything of value aboard your ship was taken by the neogi."

"Oh, I have my ways," said Dorpp in his most mysterious voice.

"Okay," said Castillan, curious as to how this would play out. "I'll be your sub-slave - but only once I get my gold."

Dorpp immediately stuck his head between the bars of his cell and looked at his former crewmates. "Witnessed?" he asked.

"Witnessed," agreed the dohwar helmsman, Pip, from the cell on the left.

"Witnessed?" asked Dorpp again, this time swiveling his head top the other side of his cage.

"Witnessed," agreed the dohwar head administrator, Chit, from the cell on the right.

"So when do I get my gold?" asked Castillan.

"I will have your gold for you the next time we leave this ship," promised Dorpp. "At which point you will become my sub-slave." The dohwar's confident attitude gave Castillan pause, but as he turned the whole concept around in his head he couldn't see the dohwar's angle. He only regretted their present diet, which had each of the slave-pirates losing a few pounds. If he was going to get his whole weight in gold, then every pound counted!

Castillan only had to wait less than a day before being paid in full, for the following morning Slavemaster Scrotish unlocked the slave cells and led the group to the hold where their equipment was scattered on the floor. "Gear up!" commanded the slavemaster. "You have a mission!" As the adventurers put on their armor and gathered up their weapons, Castillan looked expectantly at the dohwar, who had no equipment to gather save for a single weega each - the distinctive beak-mounted dohwar sword used by the Deathsquealers. The dohwar cavalry force had been slain and neither of the current dohwar slave-pirates was particularly skilled in the use of the weapon, but their flippers prevented them from gripping a sword in the normal fashion and neither wanted to go into battle without some sort of weapon.

Castillan sidled up to the dohwar captain. "You got an extradimensional space filled with gold in that sword of yours or something?" he asked. "Because we're about to head out of the ship."

"I am aware," promised Dorpp. "Your payment is forthcoming."

"Quit the chattering!" commanded Slavemaster Scrotish. Then, seeing everyone was geared up, he ordered them to assemble on the battle deck, the uppermost part of the neogi deathspider. To do so, each slave-pirate had to slip through a hexagonal hole in the floor and scramble to right themselves once on the other side, for passing through the hole involved reorienting oneself to the opposite gravity plane. Binkadink went first, flipping himself over fairly easily; they'd had to pass through the switching gravity plane several times now and it was getting to be old hat. Finoula and Darrien followed, and Castillan was about to go next when Dorpp shoved him aside. "I'll go next," he said, dropping through the hole in what seemed to be the floor of the lower deck and popping through the other side, rising up past what was now the floor of the middle deck, then scrambling to reorient himself. He then looked expectantly at Castillan, who from his orientation was now upside-down.

As the bounder slipped through the hole in a practiced movement, Dorpp cried out "Paid in full!" while Castillan got his bearings on the other side. "What?" asked the elf, moving aside to allow Ingebold to come up behind him.

"During the transition between gravity planes, there was a moment when you were completely weightless," explained Dorpp. "At that moment, I paid you in full your weight in gold. You are now my sub-slave."

"Cute," snorted Castillan in disbelief.

"You mean, 'Cute, Master'!" corrected Dorpp. "I won't have my sub-slave failing to give me the proper respect!" Castillan just rolled his eyes.

Once everyone had climbed up to the battle deck, Slavemaster Scrotish and the slave-pirates were joined by a pair of neogi. "I am Taskleader Spung," announced one of the neogi. "I will be leading this expedition." As he briefed the slaves, the top of the deathspider rolled back, giving the adventurers their first view of the outside world in over a week. Surprisingly, the neogi vessel had landed on solid ground, with four of its spidery legs supporting the weight of the vessel. The world they were on was a small planetoid, judging from the curvature of the rock in the distance: the whole planetoid was probably only a few miles in diameter.

"We are here to investigate one of our umber hulk breeding facilities," announced Taskleader Spung. "We lost contact with the facility three weeks ago. We are going to enter the underground tunnels and find out what happened." As he spoke, he crawled up onto Chik'tak's broad back. "As we currently have no umber hulk slaves" - and here he glared in anger at the adventurers - "we will also take this opportunity to restock. In the meantime, we will be forced to resort to substandard riding mounts."

The second neogi scanned the remaining slave-pirates, looking over his options. "You! Fat human!" he said, looking at Gilbert Fung. "Bend down so I can easily mount you." While a few of his friends stifled giggles, Gilbert bent at the knees and allowed the second neogi to crawl up onto his back. It was unnerving having eight spidery legs clutching his shoulders, back, and sides, but Gilbert knew the alternate to compliance was instant pain from the agony gems.

As if reading his thoughts, Taskleader Spung added, "Your agony gems have had a longer time to attune themselves to your bodies," he said. "Any disobedience will be dealt with immediately, in a crippling - or possibly fatal - manner. Remember this at all times." Then, the neogi both suitably mounted, the task force left the deathspider and stepped foot on the small planetoid.

There was a large crater ahead of them, although upon closer inspection it wasn't so much a crater as the opening to a vertical shaft, some 10 feet wide and an equal distant down. Binkadink held onto his glaive and was lowered down into the shaft by Gilbert and Darrien holding onto its other end. Once down on solid ground, the gnome fighter looked around and saw no impending danger. "It's safe!" he called up to the others.

One by one, the others made their way down the shaft - all but the neogi who had been perched upon Gilbert's back. He held his crossbow at the ready, guarding the tunnel entrance from anybody who might try to follow the task force - or any task force members foolish enough to think they could break away from Taskleader Spung and escape back this way. Gilbert didn't care; he was just glad to have the creepy spider-eel off his back.

Now that the task force was all in place in the subterranean tunnels, Binkadink saw an opportunity for some petty revenge. Summoning forth his innate prestidigitation ability, he caused the hair on Taskleader Spung's body to alter coloration to a vibrant purple. Given the neogi's build, with an eel-like head and neck grafted onto the front of a spider's body, the little gnome was gambling that the taskleader wouldn't even have his own spidery-fur in view for the next hour or so, when the effect would wear off.

Getting back to business, Binkadink discovered several side tunnels forming a twisty sort of maze. Taskleader Spung - unaware of his new, jaunty coloration - said this was the habitation area and expressed confusion as to why they hadn't encountered any umber hulks by now. "They usually approach once we enter their habitation area," he said, puzzled.

But it wasn't long before the first umber hulk made its appearance. It came up from behind the group, its massive body pounding the ground as it raced toward the assembled group. Given a heads-up from the sound of its pounding feet upon the solid rock, Finoula spun around a corner and held her longsword Tahlmalaera at the ready to strike out once it got within range. Likewise, Darrien stepped next to the elf ranger and nocked an arrow into his Arachnibow, ready to let fly once the umber hulk came into view.

It turned the corner with amazing speed, swiping at Finoula with a massive set of claws as if already knowing exactly where she was. The swordswoman managed to swing her blade into the insectoid creature, but in doing so she got a good look at its double set of eyes, and she felt her mind wander off in all sorts of conflicting directions. Darrien managed to fire his arrow without succumbing to the umber hulk's confusion gaze as Finoula had, but then Taskmaster Spung called out, "Do not harm it! I want it taken alive!"

Ingebold spoke the words to a quick prayer to Moradin, and a magic circle against evil sprang into being around her. She moved over close to Finoula, to encompass her in the spell's effect; immediately upon doing so, the ranger felt her wandering, confused mind snap back into order. I'll need to stay close to Ingebold until this effect wears off, she thought to herself.

In the close quarters of the ten-foot-wide tunnels, Castillan bounded up the side of a wall, jumped to the opposite wall, and leaped directly over the umber hulk's broad shoulder. He landed lightly on his feet, pivoted in place, and struck out at it with his short sword, managing to surprise the creature completely and strike it deep for extra damage. A fatal amount of damage, as he soon found out, for after stabbing his sword into the beast all the way to the hilt, it fell over when he retracted his blade.

Taskleader Spung, horrified, called out "Slave 7: activate!" in his own sibilant tongue, and Castillan's head exploded in agony. He immediately dropped his sword and fell to his knees, crying out in pain.

"What the Hell?" demanded Castillan, once the pain in his head had a moment to subside. "How are we supposed to work for you if you kill us?"

"Disobedient slaves of are no use to the neogi," responded Taskleader Spung. "If you will not obey, immediately and without question, you will be slain and replaced by another more willing to obey." He had Chik'tak, still serving as his riding mount, approach the bounder so he could put his eel-like face directly into Castillan's. "You will not survive another such punishment," Taskleader Spung snarled. "I suggest you keep that in mind the next time you are given an order. You are easily replaceable; the umber hulks are not. Do not kill them!"

"But it was trying to kill us!" sputtered Finoula.

"Unusual, but irrelevant. Your lives are not worth that of an umber hulk."

"Here comes another one!" pointed out Binkadink, looking at the tunnels before them, where a second umber hulk was fast approaching. The gnome rushed forward, holding the blade of his glaive before him and making sure he didn't stray too far from Ingebold, whose magic circle against evil was the only sure thing keeping them safe from the hulks' confusing gaze. When it got within range, Binkadink slapped it hard with the flat of his blade, hoping to knock it out rather than deal it any lasting harm. Behind him, Taskleader Spung called out in his own language - one understood by the umber hulks in the breeding colony here - demanding the umber hulk stop its attack and wait to receive further orders. Neogi normally enjoyed a complete mastery over their umber hulks; they didn't need to use their inherent powers of mental domination over them the way they needed to do so with other creatures. The fact that this one was disobeying was a major concern to the taskleader.

In the meantime, Gilbert took the time to cast a mage armor spell on himself. Chik'tak, close to the rampaging umber hulk, spun his longspear around and struck at the beast with its blunt end, copying Binkadink's subdual tactics. With the beast's heavy chitinous armor, though, it was difficult to say if they were having any effect.

Darrien took a chance by sending another arrow flying at the umber hulk; he knew he'd be causing the hulk damage if he hit, but was counting on the fact that he wasn't likely to kill it with one shot. Judging from the tone of his voice, Taskmaster Spung was furious, but fortunately his wrath was focused on the umber hulk which refused to obey his orders rather than Darrien attacking it with potentially lethal arrows. The hulk, in the meantime, continued attacking Binkadink as the little gnome stood directly in front of it; its wicked claws slashed across the front of the fighter's armor and it seemed puzzled that its confusing gaze was having no effect on any of its enemies.

"Crap!" called out Gilbert Fung from the rear of the formation. "Here come another one!" Sure enough, another umber hulk was approaching from a side tunnel behind the group. Finoula stepped up to intercept it with her blade, hoping the fact the neogi was concentrating on the hulk Binkadink was fighting would prevent him from noticing her lethal attacks. Gilbert likewise shot a barrage of magic missiles at the hulk coming up behind them; that spell could be cast in such a way as to not leave any telltale marks on the body struck, and Gilbert got a wicked thrill out of successfully ignoring Taskleader Spung's orders.

Binkadink struck several times with the flat of his blade, then, seeing the creature starting to stagger on its feet, stepped back to let the others finish this one off while he helped go deal with the other one fighting Finoula and Gilbert. The dohwar waddled up behind Chik'tak and waved their weegas around, confident in the fact that Chik'tak was in their way to keep them from actually getting within reach of the staggering umber hulk's insectoid arms and claws.

Ingebold, trying to stay between the two groups and keep them both within range of her magic circle against evil spell, stepped forward to cast a restoration spell on Castillan, who had been severely wounded by the activation of his agony gem. Revived to full strength by her spell, Castillan stepped forward and attacked the southern hulk with the flat of his blade; Taskleader Spung might be over by the other umber hulk, but the bounder wasn't taking any chances on disobeying him, just in case.

Darrien cautiously shot another arrow into the northern umber hulk, targeting it to deal the maximum amount of pain with the minimum amount of actual harm. The umber hulk roared out in pain and collapsed on the ground. Darrien winced, but Taskleader Spung seemed glad to see the creature's chest rising and falling as it lay on the ground, unmoving. "It's still alive!" he said, pleased with the slaves' efforts this time around. Then he had Chik'tak spin around and oversee the fight against the other umber hulk. They arrived just as Finoula and Binkadink knocked it unconscious.

"Something is terribly wrong with the colony," observed Taskleader Spung. "Not only have the neogi overseers failed to reply to normal communications, but the umber hulks are not obeying me as they should."

"That serious indeed," agreed Gilbert. "Maybe we leave colony, get new hulks somewhere else."

"No. We will investigate the cause of these occurrences," replied Taskleader Spung. "Slave Six: follow that tunnel!"

Binkadink hurried to comply. Going the way the neogi had indicated, the gnome exited the crisscrossing tunnels and ended up in a large chamber with a boulder in one corner. Taskleader Spung demanded the slaves move the boulder out of the way, and after a few moments of heavy labor Gilbert, Chik'tak, and Binkadink managed to do just that. Behind where the boulder had been was a sloping tunnel leading down into darkness. "The hunting levels are down there," explained the neogi, "as well as the facility headquarters, where the neogi in charge live."

Binkadink looked at the slope of the tunnel - round in cross-section and slightly larger that the diameter of the boulder, leading him to believe the rock could be pushed down the tunnel at any enemies coming up from below - and judged it to be safe to slide down. So, gripping his glaive in both hands, he did just that. There was a slight turn at the very end of the slope and Binkadink had just enough time to notice the pool of water at the tunnel's end to slam his glaive out sideways, catching a side wall of the tunnel with each end and stopping his descent before he plunged into the pool. He called back to the others, warning them about the water, and stayed there to help slow their descent as they slid down one at a time. (All but Chik'tak, who simply walked down the tunnel with still-bright-purple Taskleader Spung perched on his back.)

Once everyone was at the bottom of the slope, Darrien used his Arachnibow to shoot a strand of spider-web back up the slope, adhering the end at the top of the tunnel. "We might want that to help us get back up," he told the others.

"Good thinking," said Gilbert, slapping the half-elf on the shoulder. It was a rare moment of praise from the grumpy wizard.

"I will climb up the side of the cliff wall on my mount," announced Taskleader Spung. "The rest of you slaves go underwater. You will find a tunnel leading up to the top of the cliff. Do not tarry; any stragglers will have their agony gems activated." And with that he had Chik'tak climb up the side of the wall. The three dohwar, with their penguinlike build, dashed off into the water in a shot and swam around, looking for the underwater tunnel. It was easy to find, and they led the way up the tunnel's slope with the other slave-pirates behind them.

Meeting back up with the neogi taskleader at the top, they found him twisting his eel-like neck back and forth in irritation. "There should be umber hulks up here at the cliff top at all times," he said, annoyance in his voice that this wasn't the case. "Come!"

There were two passages from the cliff-top. Gilbert and the dohwar were sent west to investigate the egg chamber, which they reported when they got back was completely empty. To the south was the camp headquarters of the neogi in charge of running the facility. It too was empty; Taskleader Spung was scanning through a log book written in the neogi script. "The last entry was three weeks ago," he griped, "and there's nothing here explaining what happened to the missing umber hulks! Were they taken by an enemy force? Who would dare intrude upon a neogi facility with thoughts of theft?"

The taskleader was furious at this turn of events but he was also afraid, for this base camp represented the limit as to how far he'd ever gone into the umber hulk breeding colony before - everything else was as unknown to him as it was to his slaves. "Come!" he called. "We go deeper into the colony!" There was a single tunnel leading down to lower depths of the planetoid and he sent two-thirds of his slaves down before him, with the rest covering behind him.

The tunnel sloped down at a gentle angle for a good half-mile or so before leveling out again. A side passage opened into an empty chamber filled with rocks and gravel at one end; Binkadink was sent in to investigate. As he approached the rocks, more started spilling from the ceiling, erupting into a small avalanche that preceded the arrival of an ankheg, who dropped to the floor and advanced in a frenzy. Binkadink altered his stance and readied his weapon, ready to carve into the creature's chitin with the blade of his glaive. Beside him, Darrien stepped up and shot an arrow at the approaching insectoid. But then the ankheg opened its mouth wide and spat out a wide stream of acid, covering not only the two combatants before it but Castillan and Finoula behind them as well. It was the ankheg's only chance at grabbing a quick meal and at that it failed, for although the acid burned all four of those whom it had touched, Binkadink ran up to the ankheg and slew it with his glaive in mere moments, before it had an opportunity to do much else.

There was a pool of water in a nearby cavern which the dohwar explored quickly and efficiently and which proved handy to wash off the worst of the ankheg's acid. Nearby were caverns of fungal gardens and another long passageway which had recently experienced a cave-in from the ceiling, for that way - believed by Taskleader Spung to lead to further hunting grounds for the umber hulks - was impassable at present. Before resorting to having his slaves try to clear the blocked passageway, which would likely take hours, there was another passageway to the south to explore. The group moved in that direction.

The first thing Binkadink noticed were the red rocks imbedded in the walls of this southern passageway. They glowed softly in the illumination of the everburning torches tied to the antlers of his helmet, not as red as rubies - they were a stone outside his personal knowledge.

As the group continued on, Finoula opted to cast a protective spell upon herself. The only one at hand was a protection from energy spell, but it seemed like a safe time to cast it. Running through her options, she decided upon protecting herself from the ravages of flame - and was amazed when, upon casting the spell, nothing happened. "Are we in an anti-magic zone?" she asked, looking up at the red rocks scattered throughout the walls.

Castillan was the first to grasp what that might mean, if it were true. He deftly picked at the agony gem on his forehead, feeling no resistance as his fingernails got a good grasp and he pulled it from his flesh. "Guys!" he called. "It's safe to get rid of your agony gems!!" And he held up his own to show them all the truth of his statement.

Everyone immediately began ripping off their agony gems - all but the dohwar, whose flippers weren't up to such fine manipulation. (Fortunately, Dorpp had a sub-slave to assist them!) While this was going on, Taskleader Spung tried in vain to activate the suddenly-dormant pain gems, realizing that he was a lone neogi in the presence of ten slaves he no longer had any hold over.

Castillan realized it, too: his short sword ran straight into Taskleader Spung's abdomen, just below the eel-like neck, all the way to the hilt. The bounder didn't know a whole lot about neogi anatomy but his deep blade-thrust did the job, killing the taskleader immediately; there must have been some important internal organs in there, getting carved up!

"Sub-slave!" called out Dorpp. "Gather up the agony gems! They may yet prove to be valuable!" Castillan pulled the sword from the slain neogi's body, a smile on his face not only for having killed their hated oppressor but also at the fact that his spider-fur was still a vibrant purple.

But while Castillan was gathering up the agony gems, Gilbert was examining the nearest of the red gemstones embedded in the stone cavern walls and Finoula strained her elven ears. "Did you hear that?" she asked.

"Hear what?" asked Gilbert, going back to his examination. "I don't think these stones cause anti-magic field." But now even he could hear what the sharp-eared ranger had heard: the unmistakable sound of claws on a stone floor. Many claws, as a matter of fact.

The reason for the sound soon became apparent, as an enormous creature skittered into the torchlight. The beast was truly hideous: it had a bloated, grublike body with flesh the color of pus; numerous claws like oversize scythes; and dozens if not scores of eyes of various sizes scattered above a gaping maw filled with needlelike teeth and dripping nasty fluids of unknown composition. The very sight of the thing caused screams of horror and shock from even the seasoned adventurers - this was like nothing they'd ever seen before!

Gilbert's magically-enhanced vision practically exploded in his head as he glanced at the ulgurstasta - it was not only undead, but an extremely powerful form of undead. "It undead!" he cried to the others, as the dohwar scrambled backwards away from the massive grub-beast.

Binkadink didn't back off; he steadied his grip on his glaive and prepared for its approach. Darrien, his face holding an expression of extreme disgust, peppered it with arrows, but several of these were deflected by wildly-swinging hairs that writhed along the length of the ulgurstasta's hide.

And then, in a grotesque repetition of the ahkheg's attack earlier, the ulgurstasta opened wide its fang-ringed mouth and a gush of fluids exploded outwards, engulfing the heroes before it. Expelled with the acidic fluids were four skeletal bodies, which plopped on the stone floor and scrambled to gain their footing.

But the heroes had no time to worry about that now, for they were suffering from the effects of the vile breath weapon - the acidic fluid also had a life-leeching necromantic component which drained the very life force of those it touched. Chik'tak and the three dohwar were instantly overcome, the massive rastipede and the smaller penguinoids collapsing into steaming piles of flesh on the cavern floor. Gilbert and Binkadink were seriously wounded, acid burns covering their exposed flesh, yet neither allowed himself to collapse. Finoula, Ingebold, Darrien, and Castillan had also been within the range of the acidic spew, but far enough back that the effects had been lessened.

Movement among the disgorged skeletons attracted the heroes' attention as they animated and stood upright, slowly advancing to attack. The slain dohwar followed suit, flesh sloughing off their bodies as they did so. To their side, Chik'tak's animated corpse did likewise, although he had trouble standing despite his many insectoid legs; lacking a skeleton, the rastipede's external exoskeleton had been partially burned away by the acid, giving his shambling corpse a weaker foundation for undead animation.

"Out of here!" called Castillan, realizing the horrors facing them were likely more than they could handle. He raced back to the northern tunnel, grabbing an item from a belt pouch and hurling it to the ground behind him as he fled. "Attack the undead monsters!" he commanded, and the fire elemental rising up from the remains of his shattered elemental gem moved to comply. As Chik'tak's shambling corpse was the closest at hand, the elemental being struck out at the staggering exoskeleton with a burning fist.

Gilbert cast a magic missile at the ulgurstasta before turning and running as fast as his bulk would allow. He was disheartened to note his spell fizzling as it was cast; had he been wrong about the anti-magic properties of the red gemstones in the walls? "Run!" he echoed.

Nobody else needed much more prompting, seeing the ulgurstasta crawling after them on its scythe-claws, the four humanoid skeletons and three dohwar skeletons advancing before it, pitted metal weegas still strapped to their beaks. From the front of the retreating line of heroes, Gilbert took a moment to cast a scorching ray spell at the ulgurstasta and this time was pleased to see the burning streams of fire cross the distance between them and strike the massive grub. But upon hitting the undead beast the flames fizzled out. Gilbert noted two things: there were none of those red gemstones in the stone walls of this section of tunnel, and past experience allowed him to recognize the effects of a natural spell resistance when he saw it. He still wasn't sure what the red gemstones were all about, but he was reasonably sure they hadn't dampened the attack on the rampaging grub-thing so much as its own natural (or unnatural) resistance to such things.

Darrien turned and shot several arrows at the ulgurstasta before turning again and resuming his flight away from the beast. The fire elemental was attacking the dohwar skeletons with great success; the animated undead forms of the merchants weren't much better fighters than they had been in life. But the ulgurstasta continued on in its pursuit, catching up to Binkadink with its snapping teeth and fortunately missing. The gnome spun, struck out at one of the humanoid skeletons that was likewise pursuing him, and sliced through the creature's spine with a single stroke. He allowed the swing to continue on into the hide of the grub-beast, carving deep into its putrescent flesh.

Out of the southern cavern, Ingebold turned and cast a searing light spell at the ulgurstasta, burning sizzling flesh from its massive form that splattered onto the stone floor. In response, the grub lowered its repulsive head and engulfed Binkadink in a circle of slashing teeth, swallowing the little gnome whole. Binkadink's body was pulled deeper into its gullet, acid dripping from its insides and burning the fighter.

But that turned out to have been a poor strategy for the undead beast, for Binkadink suffered far less damage from the acid inside the creature's stomach than he might have taken by its gnashing teeth. Sheltered inside its body, he was free to slash out time and again with his enchanted glaive, slicing deep grooves through its undead flesh. While Darrien's arrows and Gilbert and Ingebold's spells assaulted it from the outside, the gnome continued his frenzied attack from the inside. Eventually, the ulgurstasta rolled over onto its side and stopped moving, and Binkadink's glaive-blade poked out of the creature's underside, followed by the stumbling gnome himself. Ingebold rushed up and applied healing spells to the acid-burned gnome, then followed suit with those who needed similar attention.

"We want to go back there?" asked Gilbert, concerned that there may be more of the grub-beasts around.

"Might as well," argued Darrien. "If we go back the way we came, there's a guard and a ship full of neogi ready to put us back into slavery."

"I dinnae think there'd be more of those beasties about," added Ingebold hopefully.

"But that's probably what's been eating the umber hulks," reasoned Finoula. "I wonder how it even got here?"

"Let's find out," offered Binkadink, leading the way back into the southern cavern. By then, the fire elemental had taken care of the animated skeletons that had been disgorged with the ulgurstasta's "necrobarf" (as Darrien called it) or transformed into undead by the same substance. "Poor Chik'tak," Finoula said, passing by the rastipede's steaming exoskeleton.

"You not kidding," replied Gilbert Fung. "That bug the only one who knows the way back home."

With that grim thought in the back of their minds, the group went deeper into the southern cavern. They found several places of note: a necromantic circle carved into the floor large enough to have encircled the ulgurstasta (and which according to Gilbert was probably where the grub-beast had been brought to unholy life) and a campsite where four people - judging by the number of blankets - had stayed for several weeks. Among the remains of their equipment, the group found a tome detailing the ritual for creating the ulgurstasta. By mutual agreement, this was burned by the fire elemental before it left Castillan's service, returning to its own fiery plane. There was little in the way of loot to be had, although the remaining food and small barrels of water would likely prove to be useful.

But best of all was the back tunnel Finoula found, with a slight slope leading upwards. "With any luck," she said, "this will lead back up to the surface. And the necromancers had to have gotten here somehow...." Before they left, though, they went back and Ingebold cast a gentle repose spell upon Chik'tak's ruined body, and the others helped her tug it into her portable hole for temporary storage. "I c'n try t' raise him tomorrow," she said.

The tunnel proved to lead to the surface, where Darrien made a lucky discovery: a camouflage net draped over a large item. Removing the net took some doing, but beneath it was a wooden vessel in the shape of a dragonfly. "Woo hoo!" whooped Castillan. "We've got ourselves a spelljamming vessel!"

"True," agreed Gilbert, climbing inside. "But we still don't know way home."

"True," agreed Finoula. "But at least we now have the means to get there, once we figure out where 'there' is."

Climbing aboard the dragonfly ship, the group found it to be somewhat cramped for four necromancers and even more so for six adventurers. But the seat at the front of the ship, nestled between the two large portals that comprised the dragonfly's eyes, turned out to be a spelljamming helm. Plopping into the comfortable seat, Gilbert closed his eyes and let his senses expand all around the ship. He felt a strange buzzing in his head and instinctively realized he wouldn't be able to cast any of the spells he currently still had prepared; such was the price of powering a spelljamming helm. "Everybody ready?" he asked, and without waiting for a response caused the dragonfly to raise straight up from the planetoid's surface.

Cautiously skirting along to the other side of the planetoid, the group - watching out of the forward portals - saw that the Apex Predator had left the surface as well. And for good reason, as it was in battle with a ship that looked like it could have been plucked off any of the seas of Oerth: a seagoing galleon, by the look of it. Reaching out with the magical senses afforded him by the spelljamming helm, Gilbert focused on the new vessel and saw the words "Star Skunk" etched on the ship's side.

"It Captain Skunkbeard!" he called to his friends. "He must have tracked Chik'tak!"

"That bodes well," reasoned Finoula. "It demonstrates loyalty, in any case."

"Yeah, but how glad is he going to be when he sees Chik'tak's current condition?" asked Castillan.

"What should we do?" asked Ingebold.

"Go into battle!" advised Darrien. "We should help Skunkbeard take down the neogi ship!"

"Maybe not so fast," replied Gilbert, frowning.

"Why not?" asked Finoula.

"Two reasons," replied Gilbert. "One, the neogi turning away. Skunkbeard don't need our help."

"Well, that's good," reasoned the elven ranger. "And the other reason?"

Gilbert pulled his vision away from the helm-provided view of wildspace all around the ship so he could look his compatriots in the eye. "I get good look at Skunkbeard's crew," he said. "He look fine, but most of his crew skeletons! Star Skunk manned mostly by undead!"

Castillan thought about this. "But really, we're going to have to deal with him, undead or not. He's our only way home!" he argued.

"I know," Gilbert replied. "Don't like it, though."

"Nor I," agreed Ingebold. "But what choice d'we have?"

In the end, they decided to trail Skunkbeard's ship for a day, remaining out of sight. The next day they'd have Ingebold return Chik'tak to life and go plead their case with Captain Skunkbeard.

- - -

And so the adventure ended with a dilemma: do the PCs trust Skunkbeard? On the one hand, his message to them in the book at the receiving station made him seem like a pleasant sort, yet now they know he has a mostly undead crew. There's the fact that they stole his treasure back on Skunkbeard's Island, and the fact that they got Chik'tak killed in this adventure as further strikes against them. But even Dan, running Gilbert, realized that they don't have a whole lot of choice but to try to negotiate with Captain Skunkbeard. Otherwise, they have absolutely no idea how to get back to Oerth.

On the plus side, they got a dragonfly spelljamming vessel out of this adventure, and I made up a full-scale map out of construction paper for them to use as I expect they'll want to keep it as their main means of transportation for the rest of the campaign. (So long, Vistani wagon!)

The red stones were fluxstone, which has numerous magic-warping properties. I just happened to keep rolling "spell fails" on the chart I had made up.

But boy, did they hate that ulgurstasta! And that was after I toned it down a bit; the original description calls for its waving hairs (that provide it a measure of protection against arrows and other ranged weapons) to be a full 40 feet long - I thought that was kind of ridiculous. But I don't think any of the players want their PCs to face an ulgurstasta again anytime soon!

A final word: there was a story arc in several issues of The Incredible Hulk some years back called "Planet Hulk," which is where I got the title for this adventure, once suitably tweaked.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My TSR Silver Anniversary T-shirt, because it contained an umber hulk.

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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 11
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 11
Darrien, half-elf ranger 11
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 11
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 11​

NPC Roster:
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 11 (Moradin)​

Game Session Date: 24 June 2017

- - -

Aboard their dragonfly spelljamming vessel, the group watched as the Star Skunk battled the Apex Predator. It wasn't a long fight; the neogi had started with their standard maneuver, shooting ballista bolts connected to chains at their enemy vessel to link the two together so their prey couldn't flee. This time, however, their prey had no intention of fleeing. Almost immediately, skeletal pirates led by Captain Skunkbeard swarmed from the Star Skunk and climbed the chains, bringing the fight to the neogi deathspider. And since the Kordovians had already killed off the ship's umber hulks and much of their neogi fighting force, plus rid the ship of their current contingent of slaves, there were only the standard neogi crewmen to defend the ship. Against Captain Skunkbeard and his skeletal legions, they didn't stand much of a chance. Before long, the skeletal pirates were climbing back along the grappling-chains to the Star Skunk, this time loaded down with loot from their captured vessel.

"See?" said Gilbert Fung, sitting at the helm of the dragonfly ship. "I told you they no need our help."

The group watched as the neogi deathspider - their prison for the past several weeks - suddenly started burning from several locations. At long last, Captain Skunkbeard returned to his own vessel, giving orders for the grappling-chains to be removed from his ship. He laughed heartily as the neogi deathspider was consumed by flames.

"So now what?" asked Ingebold. "Are we still gonna just follow th' ship for th' next day, so we c'n try ta raise Chik'tak back t' life before we approach the vessel?"

"No choice," repeated Gilbert. "We can't let them out of our sight - they the only ones know the way home."

"Problem," pointed out Castillan.

"What problem? No problem!" retorted Gilbert. "It simple plan!"

"Problem," repeated Castillan, pointing out the window - one of the "eyes" at the front of the dragonfly-shaped ship. "The Star Skunk's headed our way."

It was true. Upon being released from the chains binding it to the burning deathspider, the pirate vessel had turned and was now heading directly toward the dragonfly vessel, currently half-hiding behind the planetoid holding the umber hulk breeding colony.

"Okay, problem," admitted Gilbert. "If we try to run, we look guilty. Plus, not sure how fast we go, or how fast they go - maybe we too slow to run." He rubbed a hand over his bearded chin for a moment, then made a decision. "We go meet them," he said, concentrating on moving the dragonfly ship forward.

Binkadink and Finoula had been standing on top of the ship when they noticed they were moving toward the Star Skunk - with its crew of animated skeletons. "I hope Gilbert knows what he's doing!" Finoula said.

"Me too!" agreed Binkadink. "But where's Castillan? He should be up here - otherwise, we're stuck being the ambassadors!"

He was correct. "Um, hello!" he called out as the ships got within hailing distance, close enough for their respective air envelopes to overlap and merge - bringing with it a foul odor. "Captain Skunkbeard, I presume? We read your notes back at the receiving station - they were very helpful!"

"I knew it!" called out the pirate Captain. "You're part of the crew that got teleported from Oerth when you got tangled up in my trap, trying to take my riches!" Fortunately, the captain's tone was more jovial than accusatory. "Where's Chik'tak? We've been tracking him, and indications are he's aboard your vessel."

"He is," confirmed Binkadink. "That is...his body is. I'm afraid he was slain, down on the planetoid below. I'm terribly sorry."

"Nothing that can't be fixed!" scoffed Skunkbeard. "Come aboard - we have much to talk over!"

Finoula went to fetch the others, only to find them already traipsing up the stairs to the upper deck. One at a time, they stepped over to the Star Skunk, where they were met by one of the few still-living members of Captain Skunkbeard's crew, a buxom young thing named Melony Sal. She had a pouch at her belt, from which she pulled out and distributed nose plugs to the guests. "The captain won't be offended," she said. "His stench is a great asset on the battlefield, but he makes provisions for the few times he has social engagements." She went on to explain how he had been injured early in life, completely shutting off his sense of smell, and how he had stopped bathing immediately thereafter. Furthermore, he had two skunks on board, which he used to douse himself in skunk-spray right before combat. The captain generally fought with an advantage, as all of his living foes were trying not to retch from the stench while he - and his undead crew - were completely unaffected.

"And those of you still alive?" asked Finoula, waving off the proffered nose plugs, not knowing up whose nostrils they might have been previously. She willed herself to ignore the stench, a vile mixture of skunk-spray and accumulated years of body odor.

"Tend to ignore it, after awhile," replied Melony Sal. "One gets used to anything, over time."

Binkadink, Darrien, Ingebold, and Castillan had accepted the nose plugs and were putting them in place, the elven bounder taking his time accepting them from the good-looking first mate, flashing her his best smile. Gilbert, the last in line, opted to do without nose plugs when his enhanced vision, magically altered to allow him to detect undead at will, helped him pierce through the illusion covering Melony Sal and revealing her true form: the ship's mate might once have looked like the others were likely perceiving her, but she was now pretty much just a skeleton herself - although she had apparently taken steps to ensure her breasts remained as firm and round as they had been in life. "I be fine," he told her, waving away the nose plugs, his face impassive but his mind wanting to explode in panic as the adventurers were literally surrounded by undead forces.

Gilbert allowed Castillan, their most charismatic member, to do most of the explaining of what had befallen the group since their arrival at the wildspace receiving station months ago. Captain Skunkbeard listened impassively, although Melony Sal interrupted several times when the bounder got to the most recent bit, especially when describing the ulgurstasta. She wanted to know how it had been created, whether there were any more in the planetoid below, and whether the necromancers had left any books or tomes behind describing the creation process. They had left such a tome behind, but Gilbert Fung had already transferred its contents into his Omnibook, choosing to do so in a manner that removed the writing from the original book rather than just copying it. After all, the original tome had a cover made of human flesh - no sense in leaving that around for others to put to no good use.

"They destroyed, along with necromancers who created it," Gilbert supplied, the first he'd spoken since Castillan began the tale of their exploits in wildspace.

"That's a great pity," Melony Sal said, pouting. "I would have been interested in seeing the process."

"There's still a magic circle carved in the caverns below," offered up Castillan, eager to please the good-looking woman, and still oblivious to the fact she was a lich. Gilbert just winced, not at all eager to pass on any information that might help Melony Sal - a necromancer, no doubt - to recreate the process of creating ulgurstastas.

Once Castillan's tale caught up to the meeting of the two ships, Ingebold unfolded her portable hole and some of the others helped her drag Chik'tak's corpse out. "Aw," said Captain Skunkbeard, looking down at the body of one of his most loyal crewmen. He looked over to Melony Sal. "What do you think?" he asked.

Melony Sal looked down at the rastipede corpse. "You say he was killed by the ulgurstasta's necromantic fluid, and automatically animated as a skeleton?" she asked. "Or, in his case, exoskeleton?" Upon hearing confirmation by the heroes, she shook her head sadly. "I can raise him," she proffered to her captain, "but he'll never be the same. He won't have his intellect, that's for sure - he'd just be a mindless undead."

"Aw, that's a damn shame," said Skunkbeard, scratching his two-tone beard in thought. "Well, I suppose he can guard the hold," he decided.

"Aye," agreed Melony Sal. "I suppose he could at that. I'll see about it in the morning."

"So, that leads us to you folks," said Captain Skunkbeard, looking at the heroes. "I suppose I should be angered by your attempts to plunder my treasure back on Oerth" - and all six heroes' faces instantly froze up, nobody wanting to give away the fact that they hadn't so much attempted to plunder his loot as successfully plundered seven of eight treasure chests, activating the teleport trap that sent them to wildspace only after all of that loot had been poured into the portable hole Ingebold was just now rolling back up to stow into her belt - "but I can't really hold that against you. Hell, I'd do the same myself. And although that loot was originally intended to be my retirement fund, as it were, I currently have no intentions of ever returning to Oerth, so it's not likely I'd ever go back for that money anyway. No, I've found I prefer life out here in wildspace more than life back on Oerth.

"Back in my pirating days," he continued, "it was all about the gold - who had it and how I could get it. That was pretty much it; a pirate's life is a pretty simple one, I suppose. But out here, in wildspace, there's so much more to my life! Sure, there's still plenty of looting and plunder to be had, but I also have the opportunity to take on scum like those neogi slavers when they cross my path. And I've you to thank for that, by the way - so I figure we're even on that score. But there are always new systems to explore, new races to meet up with, new enemies to fight. My life has expanded so much since my days traveling the oceans of Oerth. I'd like to offer the same life to you. So, what do you say? Would you like to join my crew?"

Castillan looked over to the others before answering. "Captain Skunkbeard," he said, "we thank you for your generous offer, but we have obligations back on Oerth and would really prefer getting back there as soon as possible. If you could possibly show us the way back home, we'd be eternally grateful."

The captain stared at the bounder for a moment before answering. "Well, so be it!" he replied. "Melony Sal, show these folks the way back home, if you'd be so kind!"

"Aye-aye, captain," she said, looking at the heroes. "Shall we?" she asked, waving a hand in the direction of their vessel. Gilbert, for one, made a beeline to the dragonfly ship, eager to be off the ship crewed by undead monstrosities.

One of the two main rooms in the dragonfly vessel - both of which doubled as crew quarters - contained various star charts, but so far the Kordovians had not been able to make head nor tail of them. Not only were they written in a language unknown to them, but the heroes were unfamiliar with even the most basic notations common to the field of astronavigation. Gilbert doubted the lich would be able to sufficiently explain how they worked in less than a day.

Fortunately, she had no intention of trying to explain how astronavigation worked to a bunch of "breathers" who had barely even taken the first few steps away from their own planet. Flipping through the charts, she finally said, Ah!" and circled one particular star with an ink pen. "Here it is. And here's your present location." Gilbert looked at the two annotations, frowning as he tried imagining the vast distances involved.

Melony Sal pointed at a star through one of the dragonfly's "eyes." "See that bright star, just below the three arranged in an arc above it? That's where you want to go. Just aim for that star and you'll be fine."

"That all there is to it?" Gilbert asked.

"Well, I can try to get into the finer points of the phlogiston flows, and stellar drift, but I really think it's best if you just point your ship at the right star and keep going. After all, you're just planning on getting back to this Oerth of yours and then using your dragonfly ship to flit about the planet, aren't you? Yes? Well, then there's no point in going over a bunch of stiff that will just confuse you. Any questions?"

"I have one," said Castillan, stepping up to the attractive woman. "Your name is rather unusual. What are its origins?"

"I've been 'Sal' - short for 'Sally' - since I was born," she said, smiling at the handsome elf. "And I've been 'melony' since I was about fourteen." Her smile brightened as Castillan caught on, and as she caught him taking a quick peek at her ample cleavage. She arched her back to give him a better view; unnoticed, Gilbert winced even harder.

"I have question," added Gilbert, his voice somewhat accusatory. "You the one responsible for the skeletons and zombies on board your ship?"

"I am indeed," replied Melony Sal. "I raised them to their present state."

"Raised?" squeaked Gilbert. "Lowered them, you mean."

"No, I generally say exactly what I mean," corrected Melony Sal. "Why? Do you have a problem with free-willed undead?"

"Are they free-willed?" asked Finoula. "Not mindless?"

"Absolutely. Each of them agreed to the transformation ahead of time. And the Captain knows each of them by name. They were part of his crew when they were alive, and they continue on now that they're undead."

"That terrible!" retorted Gilbert.

"Not at all!" countered Melony Sal. "As undead, they offer many advantages. They don't breathe, so they don't use up the air in the ship's envelope. They don't eat, so we only need to store provisions for the few living members of the crew. They don't need sleep, so they can be on duty at all times. They're not discomfited by the Captain's rank odor. And they're living the lives they want, that they themselves chose."

"That not living!" countered Gilbert.

"They may not be technically alive, but they're certainly living!" countered Melony Sal. "And they will continue on living their undead lives long after fools like you - who spurn the very thought of undeath - lie in their graves! Face it, Gilbert: free-willed undeath is the next logical step for those of mortal flesh - to deny it is to be a caterpillar disparaging the existence of butterflies!"

"Ye've certainly given us somethin' t' think upon," put in Ingebold, not swayed in the least by the lich's arguments but somewhat appeased at the thought that these particular skeletons and zombies - if Melony Sal was to be believed - had at least signed up for their fate. Plus, she wanted to separate the first mate and Gilbert before they came to blows.

"Yes, well, I certainly recommend it for those willing to take the step," Melony Sal said, heading back up to the top deck of the ship so she could return to the Star Skunk. "Look me up if you ever change your minds - I'd be more than happy to give you a helping hand into undeath." Then, getting back to the business at hand, she said, "You can follow us out of this crystal sphere if you like - it'll take about two days. Then we'll be in the phlogiston, and we'll go our separate ways. It should take about a week's travel for you to get to where you're going."

"Fair enough," said Gilbert, plopping himself into the ship's helm and calming his mind, expanding his senses to encompass all directions around the dragonfly vessel as Melony Sal returned to the pirate vessel. As soon as he saw the Star Skunk heading off, he hurried to send his own ship in its wake.

True to her word, the trip to the edge of the crystal sphere took about two days, and it was another week of sailing through the phlogiston before their destination crystal sphere loomed ahead of them. Gilbert did some maneuvering to find a tunnel entrance into the crystal sphere, and then they were out of the phlogiston flow and once more into the more comfortable embrace of wildspace.

But some thing seemed wrong almost immediately. Ahead of them was a vast expanse of tumbling rocks, an asteroid field that encompassed the entire system. It was at this point in time that a pair of wooden lips extended from the wall between the dragonfly's two "eye" portals and began speaking in a most recognizable voice.

"Well, Gilbert," said the voice of Melony Sal, "Good luck finding your way home, because this system surely isn't it. I figured I'd give you a good reason to hate undead." and after fashioning into a mocking smirk, the lips faded back into the wood of the ship's wall.

"That bitch!" cried Gilbert. "I kill her!"

"That was a magic mouth spell," observed Binkadink, not at all helpfully. "My stupid cousin Jinkadoodle uses those all the time."

"Yeah, well, you probably never see him again! We have no idea which way home now!"

"Maybe there's a clue in the star charts?" suggested Finoula. Gilbert turned his attention to the elven ranger to berate her idea when his attention was suddenly diverted. "Another ship!" he cried, sensing a foreign vessel at the edge of his magically-enhanced awareness. Mentally, he maneuvered the dragonfly ship to face this new threat.

But it turned out to be no threat at all. Rather, it was a most unusual vessel: there was what looked to be a small sailing ship somewhere at the center of it, but there were numerous add-ons, like the bathtub mounted to the rear, the gigantic hamster wheel on the left side (currently occupied by what looked like nothing so much as a horse-sized hamster), and what could only be a pipe organ off to one side. An oversized umbrella served as the vessel's only attempt at any sort of a roof.

"Ahoy there!" cried a voice form the ship, and popping up over the side of the hodgepodge vessel was the ruddy face of a gnome. "Good day to you all! I wonder if you could provide a wee bit of assistance to a fellow traveler in need?"

The gnome introduced himself as Pendiculous Tatterjammies, but insisted his friends all called him "Captain Frothy". The problem lie in his ship's propulsion unit: a metal slat had broken off the hamster wheel, causing his giant space hamster, Space Admiral Cheekiweeks, to sprain a paw. The creature's paw was healed by means of a cure light wounds spell on the part of Ingebold, and a few moments of rummaging around in the dragonfly vessel's cargo holds unearthed a suitable replacement for the missing slat. Within minutes, Captain Frothy's sidewinder vessel, the Gold Standard (for he was prospecting among the asteroids for standard gold) was back to full working order.

In return for their help, Captain Frothy led them to a trading post covering a decent-sized asteroid, where the group was amazed to see all manners of beings walking about - humans, elves, and dwarves, to be sure, but also stranger creatures like humanoid hippos, intelligent apes with glider wings, and human-sized, elaborately-tattooed praying mantises, to say nothing of beholders and mind flayers mingling with the other races as if they did so on a regular basis. Finoula stopped into a magic shop but was appalled at the prices they were charging. Apparently it was a seller's market out here among the asteroids!

"We need to find somebody who knows the way to Oerth," said Castillan. "Maybe we can just hire a pilot to fly us home." They had already made such inquiries of Captain Frothy, but while he'd heard stories of Oerth he had no idea where it might be found. He also supplied the rather disappointing news that among the spelljamming races, Oerth was considered a backwater world - a bit far off the major trade routes, and offering nothing of value that couldn't be obtained elsewhere at less expense and trouble.

Still, deciding they'd never find their way home if they didn't try to find somebody to help them, the heroes asked around at the docks, the shops, and of various passersby. For the most part, the answers were the same: either "I've never heard of Oerth" or "Why would you want to go all the way there?" There was talk of a hammership - whatever that was - due in about a week or so that would have passed somewhat close by Oerth, but that didn't fill the heroes with much hope.

And then they hit paydirt - of a sort. "Oerth?" asked a shopkeeper. "I had a grell in here an hour or so back, picking up for provisions for a trip to Oerth. It sounded like they were planning on leaving fairly soon, though, so you'd best hurry if you're gonna catch them!"

Upon getting a good description of a grell - a floating brain with a parrot's beak and ten dangling tentacles - some of the heroes were somewhat hesitant to travel with a bunch of grell. "It not like we have much choice!" pointed out Gilbert Fung. "We find these grell, see if they help us!"

Fortunately, the grell were fairly distinctive, even among the many disparate races on the asteroid-sized trading post. With twenty minutes or so Castillan had tracked one down as it was floating out of another shop. Disturbingly, this one had a rune-covered human skull cupped in the end of one tentacle.

"Excuse me, sir," began Castillan, unsure of how to properly address a brain/parrot/octopus thing, "we understand you are preparing for a voyage to Oerth?"

The grell hovered motionless for a moment, then used the tip of another tentacle to tap a beat on the top of the rune-covered skull. As he did so, the skull's jaw unhinged and it began translating in the Common tongue the Kordovians spoke. "Your statement is correct," said the skull.

"Excellent!" replied Castillan. "I was wondering if you would allow us to follow you in our own vessel?"

Again, the tapping followed by a skull-provided translation: "Impossible. Our vessel does not travel in the standard fashion. You would be unable to follow."

"Oh, I see," replied Castillan. "Could one of your crew maybe pilot our vessel then, maybe, and meet you there?"

"Also impossible. We are unable to use helms configured for the humanoid form. However," amended the grell through his translation device, "it would be possible for you to travel with us on our vessel, if we towed your vessel behind us."

"Really?" asked the bounder.

"You would need to work for your passage. We have available positions in the food service industry. You would need to prepare two meals for us during the voyage."

"That's it?" asked Castillan. "That's reasonable!" he said to his friends.

"Hold on," interjected Gilbert Fung, always looking for the way someone was trying to screw him over. "How about we just pay you money for passage?"

"We have no need of further money," was the skull's reply. "We do have need of cooks."

"What exactly we have to cook?" demanded Gilbert. "We not experts in grell cuisine."

"Would we be required to kill the animals you'd be eating?" asked Finoula.

"The menu is simple enough. All will be explained at the appropriate time."

"I no like this," asserted Gilbert to his companions. To the grell, he said, "We maybe cook for you, but we prefer not to be on menu!"

"Your preferences have been noted," responded the translator skull. "There are further conditions to your signing aboard our vessel, however. You must spend the entirety of the voyage aboard our ship. You must leave all armor, weapons, and personal possessions either aboard your own vessel or aboard ours, stowed away in containers. All of your possessions will be returned to you at the end of the voyage. We will loan each of you a ring of sustenance during the two weeks of travel, as we have learned that is an easier solution than determining individual dietary needs for different races. The rings will be returned to us at the end of the voyage. We guarantee your safe arrival to Oerth, but once we arrive there you will be left to find your own way home. We are familiar only with the section of Oerth that we have dealings with; we are not familiar with your kingdoms or cities."

"What do you think, Gilbert?" asked Finoula.

The heavyset mage let out a sigh. "I suppose beggars best not choosers," he said.

More tapping on the skull resulted in a final statement: "If you agree to these terms, state your name and say, 'I agree to the terms as explained to me.'" Then the grell presented the skull to each of the Kordovians in turn, starting with Binkadink. "I, Binkadink Dundernoggin, agree to the terms as explained to me," he said after looking at the rest of his group and getting nods of agreement. Each hero made his or her similar statement, and then they were instructed to return to their own ship and hover directly above the asteroid, beyond its air envelope. They were to be met by the grell ship, which was described to them as looking like a giant jellyfish.

The description was particularly apt, for as Finoula piloted the ship as instructed, an enormous, living jellyfish approached them. Its head section was easily 100 feet in diameter, with dozens - perhaps scores - of tentacles reaching easily 500 feet. One of these tentacles stretched out towards the dragonfly vessel, and along its length floated the grell with the skull translator, followed by five more of his kind.

The Kordovians had decided they'd bring all of their gear aboard the grell vessel, so at least it would be close at hand if it was needed. After explaining it to their translator, each hero was grasped in the tentacles of a grell, hoisted into the air, and then floated back toward the jellyfish's head, where they entered the great beast's interior sections. They were lowered back onto the "floor" of a room filled with gauzy, semi-translucent walls made up of the jellyfish's skin. Using the skull translator, the grell instructed Binkadink to remove his armor, weapons, and personal possessions, while the grell used the sharp tip of a tentacle to rip open a slit in the nearest wall. Binkadink removed his helmet and dropped it into the slit, where it fell to the bottom of a bag of sorts. He placed his glaive in there as well, followed by his backpack and armor, piece by piece, including his stilt-boots. Finally, he stood in his under-armor, considering his part completed.

Tap-tap-tap went the grell's tentacle on the skull, and the skull replied, "Continue."

"What?" asked Binkadink. "You mean this?" He pulled on the undergarment covering his chest and stuck one foot out, waggling it to indicate his sock.

"All personal possessions," insisted the grell through its translation device.

"Are we really--?" spluttered Binkadink, looking back at the others. They all looked at each other, then at Gilbert, their more-or-less leader. He just shrugged in a "what-are-you-going-to-do?" gesture.

"Fine!" snorted Binkadink, removing the rest of his clothing until he stood naked before the grell and his companions. The grell, satisfied, did something to the wall-slit that sealed it back up, then spun in place and indicated Finoula. "Next," it indicated, opening another slit in the wall for her own items.

"You really need us to travel naked in your ship?" she asked the grell while she stowed her weapons and removed her armor.

"The interior of the gossamer noble is within temperature norms," translated the rune-skull as the grell tapped upon its cranium. "There is no weather present within the creature," it continued. "And grell live their entire lives without 'clothing.' If your species has modesty issues, we can provide a membrane of the gossamer noble's interior skin for you to wrap around you as a blanket." Finoula frowned at the thought of snuggling up to a piece of jellyfish skin for the next two weeks, and declined. "I'll be fine," she said.

One by one, the other heroes followed suit. The only concession to their nakedness Ingebold made was to unbraid her hair and let it hang over her chest, while Darrien took the grell up on their offer of a "jellyfish-skin blanket." But once all of their gear had been stored in individual pockets, the heroes were each lifted by a grell and levitated through a hole in the ceiling. They passed through gauzy passageways before being plunked down into a kidney-shaped room whose only entrance was an irising hole in the ceiling, some 25 feet above the spongy floor. The room was at least lit with some sort of murky bio-luminescence, but there was nothing in the way of amenities besides a small side room where the translator grell said any wastes could be collected. An irising hole in the floor apparently served as a simple toilet, although considering that they each had a magic ring to sustain them instead of actually eating and drinking it was unlikely they'd need to use these facilities.

"So what are we going to do now?" asked Castillan, plopping himself down onto the soft floor. He gave the walls and ceiling a hard look, frowning at the realization that even his bounding skills wouldn't allow him to run up a gauzy wall with the consistency of a hung blanket, nor would he be able to make it to the hole in the ceiling.

"I not sure about you, but I deleting all my prepared spells that need material components," replied Gilbert Fung. Like all of his other possessions, his pouch of material spell components was sealed up in a wall of the gossamer noble several "rooms" away.

"And do what?" asked Darrien. "Your Omnibook is up in one of those jellyfish wall-pockets," reminded Darrien.

"Pfft!" scoffed the heavyset mage. "I have a few spells I prepare without spellbook! I filling up on magic missiles!"

"D'ye think it'd be wise t' attack th' grell?" asked Ingebold, sitting by Finoula's side at one side of the kidney-shaped room. By unspoken convention, the men had arranged themselves on one side of the room and the women on the other, and they sat with their backs turned for as much privacy as could be arranged. "They're th' only way we're likely t'be gettin' out of this room, 'less one've ye've learned t' fly."

"You never know," replied Gilbert, mentally visualizing the spell energy required for a use of the magic missile spell and filling an empty slot in his spell inventory.

The days - and nights, although it was difficult to tell the difference between them in the belly of a gossamer noble flitting in and out of wildspace - passed slowly. But five days after their entry into the kidney-shaped room, the iris on the ceiling opened and six grell floated down into the room. One of them carried the rune-skull, and through it the grell announced that it was time for the passengers to earn their keep by preparing the first of the two meals required during the voyage.

"Sure!" enthused Castillan. After five days with nothing but talking to amuse themselves - the grell hadn't even let the bounder bring a deck of cards into the room with him - the thought of something as mundane as food preparation would be a welcome change of pace.

The grell hung motionlessly in the air, talking telepathically among themselves. Then, by an unspoken signal, each of them sped to one of the heroes and wrapped them up in a barbed-tentacle embrace. The barbs injected a paralytic poison into the veins of the heroes, but the hungry grell didn't wait for it to take effect - as one, they each levitated to the top of the chamber with their meals and began eating. Sharp parrot beaks bit into the flesh of an arm here, a leg there; Binkadink's belly was torn open and his intestines gobbled up like a string of sausages. A few of the grell passed their paralyzed victims among each other, sampling the differences between soft female elf flesh and the hardened muscles of a battle-hardened male gnome. At the end of their feast, they dropped their chewed-over victims to the floor of the chamber, where over the course of the next several minutes torn flesh knitted back together, devoured organs regrew in place, and the heroes' bodies were restored to their original forms. By the time the paralyzation wore off, the blood and viscera that had dripped from their bodies in mid-air had already been reabsorbed through the floor of the chamber, the gossamer noble making do with these cast-off fluids.

"What...what the Hell?" asked Castillan once he could talk again.

"The rings," answered Gilbert Fung. "They not just rings of sustenance, they rings of regeneration as well."

"Why didn't you attack them with your magic missiles?" demanded Darrien.

"That a fight we not win," replied the mage. "And they our only way home."

"So we just put up with it?" demanded Finoula, incensed at the betrayal. "We said we'd cook food for them, but that we wouldn't be on the menu! You specifically said that!"

"I said, 'We prefer not to be on menu,'" replied Gilbert, belatedly realizing his mistake. "They took me at my word - that just a preference, not a demand."

"The worst part," said Binkadink, "is that we still have to go through that one more time before getting home." As he spoke, he tried unsuccessfully to rub off the dried blood from his body, since the rings did nothing to clean up the wounds, merely healed them up. Eventually, he used his innate ability of prestidigitation to clean himself up, then looked guiltily at the others after realizing he couldn't do the same for them.

"We get through it now, we get through it then," replied Gilbert. "For now, maybe we get some sleep." But sleep didn't come easily to the heroes, and when it did it was frequently broken by nightmares.

- - -

Over a week later, days after the second grell feast had occurred, six grell appeared once again before the Kordovians. They each gripped one of the heroes, but this time instead of biting into their flesh they returned them to the entry area where their gear had been stored. Using the translator skull, the grell spokesman informed the passengers that the gossamer noble was in orbit around Oerth and they could depart. The heroes were asked for their loaned rings, and then, still naked, they were flown along an outstretched tentacle back to the dragonfly vessel, where they were deposited on the upper deck. There on the floor before them was all of their gear; apparently the grell weren't willing to provide the humanoids with their armor and weapons on the gossamer noble, where they could do a considerable bit of damage.

"The agreed-upon contracts have been fulfilled," announced the rune-skull in the lead grell's tentacles. "You have been returned safely to your home planet, and you in turn have provided the two required meals during the voyage. You are free to go about your business, as we go about ours."

"And just what your business?" asked Gilbert Fung.

"We will pick up the young that have hatched in the decade since our last visit and enter them into grell society," replied the grell spokesman. "Oh, and one final thing," it said, pivoting in mid-air to face Finoula. "[Untranslatable name] asked me to inform you that you were especially delicious." Finoula just grimaced, creeped out by the "compliment," and climbed down the stairs to the lower level of the ship. The others followed her, as the six grell returned to their living gossamer noble ship.

The elven ranger sat down in the helm. "Shall we go?" she asked.

"Just back us up out of range," said Gilbert. "Keep jellyfish in view."

"What's up?" asked Darrien.

"I want to see what they do."

After about six minutes of inactivity aboard the giant jellyfish, four grell exited the gossamer noble and began levitating straight down toward the planet. After making sure that these four were the only ones leaving the living ship, Gilbert directed Finoula to pilot their own ship after them. "Stay far back," he commanded. "They blind, but they probably sense things close to them. We stay far enough back they don't sense us, we see where they going - and then we kill them!"

"All right!" agreed Finoula, pumping her fist in the air. The others were similarly buoyed by this announcement; even Ingebold, a devout cleric of Moradin who had never originally envisioned a career as an adventurer, seeing herself as a healer above all else, was eager for some payback against these vicious beasts. After all, for all they knew, part of the grell "business" on Oerth was picking up new victims for them to eat on the way back to their homes in wildspace. Having been a grell meal twice now, Ingebold didn't want anyone to ever have to share that fate.

The descent was at a graceful speed; nobody really even noticed when the ship's air envelope was encompassed by the planet's normal atmosphere. But the grell knew exactly where they were going; they headed straight for a small island without any hesitation or course adjustments. As they lowered almost to the point where their drooping tentacles could touch the waters of the ocean below them, they curled up these barbed appendages and floated into a cave opening in the side of the cliff face of the small island. Finoula's enhanced ship senses allowed her to spot a flat area at the top of the island where she could park the dragonfly ship, apparently the grell had entered a cave in the rocks beneath them. The heroes emerged from the ship and clambered down the slope, eager to follow their levitating prey.

"Wait," said Gilbert as the group waded into the knee-deep water outside the cave. "Need to do something before we go in." Then, raising the necklace he'd taken from the sea hag in Lake Quag, he concentrated on his familiar, still waiting patiently on Skunkbeard's Island - wherever that may be from their present location. Mudpie! the wizard mentally called out. We back! We taking care of some business, then we come get you!

Gilbert sweated for a few moments of mental silence, before he finally got a response. I've been waiting here, just outside the treasure room, came the mental voice of his earth elemental familiar. I'll be here when you arrive.

"Okay!" said Gilbert to the rest of the team. "Let's go in, get these buggers!"

Finoula was the first to enter the cave opening, followed by Binkadink. It was completely pitch black inside the cave's interior; only the gnome's everburning torches on his antlered helmet provided any illumination. Wading through the water, which rose to her waist, the ranger was surprised when not one but two smooth-shelled creatures rose up from beneath the dark water on either side of her. Each chuul snapped out with a pair of wicked claws and Finoula soon found herself gripped in a two-pincer hold at one shoulder and a single pincer at the other. Neither chuul was willing to give up its prize, and as a result a bizarre tug-of-war over the elf ranger began in earnest. Not surprisingly, the chuul with the two-pincer grip won this brief contest, and it transferred its prize into its wriggling face-tendrils, covered in a paralyzing fluid.

Spotting the two spurts of blood rushing down her Battle-Sister's shoulders, Ingebold used her mace of healing to send a curative spell to Finoula which closed up her wounds. In the meantime, Binkadink stumbled up on his gnomish stilt-boots, glaive in hand to stab out at the crustacean on the right, which had his friend in its tentacled embrace.

Behind the gnome, Castillan ran forward in a burst of speed, vaulted up out of the water, and used the gnome's back as a springboard to tumble over Finoula and her captor, landing with a splash on the other side of the surprised chuul. The bounder stabbed out with his short sword, sinking it to the hilt in the monster's side, the blade slipping between overlapping plates of carapace.

Recalling the tactics that had worked so well during their last battle with chuuls, Ingebold cast a freedom of movement spell on Finoula. But the cleric hadn't factored in the fact that the last time they'd done battle with chuuls - in the waters of Lake Quag - the spell had been applied to the heroes before combat, to prevent the snapping pincers from getting a hold on the heroes. This time, Finoula was already paralyzed and in the clutches of the chuul's face-tendrils; once the spell had been cast on her, these gripping appendages lost their hold on the elf and she slipped below the surface of the water, still paralyzed and unable to move. With a gasp of horror, Ingebold realized her attempts to help may well have cost her Battle-Sister her life!

Darrien shot several arrows into the rightmost chuul, hoping to bring it down quickly so they could rescue Finoula. His arrows struck true, and the wounded chuul opted to attempt to flee back into the deeper water at the back of the cave network. But to do so it had to pass by both Binkadink and Castillan; each struck with their blades and it was impossible to determine which strike had been the killing blow. Not worrying about the credit, the gnome fighter turned to face the remaining chuul, realizing it would be looking for a new victim. He stepped forward to make himself the obvious choice.

Castillan bent down and grabbed at Finoula, catching her by the arm and pulling her head back up above the water level. Seeing Finoula safe, Ingebold backed away from the current combat between Binkadink and the other chuul, realizing her best offense was her spells, which for the most part could be used at range. The bounder pulled Finoula away from the chuul, then grabbed up a potion of remove paralysis from his belt, unstoppered it, and poured its contents down his fellow elf's throat. Unfortunately, this was a "Winkidew Special," made with numerous cost-saving shortcuts, and as a result an awful stench equivalent to that of a dreaded ghast started emanating from Finoula's pores. Castillan almost dropped her as the stench hit him but he managed to keep her head above water until the potion took effect and she could once again stand on her own two feet.

Ingebold cast a flame strike spell down on the chuul, wounding it horrendously and allowing Binkadink's next glaive strike to be the killing blow. Then, seeing no further immediate danger, Ingebold stepped forward and applied healing spells to those in need.

There was a small island of sorts ahead, a large rock jutting up from the water in the back of the wide central cave. Trusting in his newly-discovered aquatic elf heritage, Darrien ducked his head under the water and was amazed as the gill-slits at his neck opened up at the touch of the seawater and he found himself breathing effortlessly. Furthermore, although his half-elf heritage allowed him to see better than a human in low-light conditions, he found that his vision was even better underwater. Without surfacing, he swam over to the rock island. Upon arrival he surfaced and climbed up one side, pulling himself up onto the rock's top. Perched on top of the rock was a human skull - this one bleached with age but not covered in runes; it was apparently just some unfortunate person's decapitated skull, not a grell translation device. Failing to look directly above him, Darrien missed the trio of grell hovering near the cavern ceiling, their barbed tentacles still curled up to prevent them from being targets to a snapping chuul's pincers. But he did see the chuul hidden in the water on the other side of the rock island, apparently deciding if it was safe to approach the skull and claim it for its own treasure hoard. The half-elf warned the others of the submerged chuul and gave its general location.

Both Finoula and Binkadink came up with a simple solution to fighting aquatic creatures in their home environment; each pulled a potion of water walking from their respective belts and chugged down the contents, immediately bobbing to the top of the water like a pair of corks. Castillan, in the meantime, had waded over to the island and had pulled himself up beside Darrien.

As one, the three grell dropped down on the two adventurers, two grappling with Darrien and the other concentrating on Castillan. Gilbert cast a magic missile spell - he had plenty prepared! - at the one menacing Castillan, seeing the bounder as an easier target to free. The spell didn't immediately kill the grell, but Binkadink's glaive did a moment later as he ran across the water and hopped up on the rock island with the others.

When Finoula approached, one of the two remaining grell had gotten a good grip on Darrien while the other faced him. The whip of thorns snaked out and struck at this unencumbered grell, slicing deep gashes across its brainlike structure. At his side, Castillan stabbed out at the same grell with his short sword, while at the same time Ingebold cast a searing light spell on both grell. The one that had been wounded fell at the onslaught of her spell, but the other wound its tentacles tighter around Darrien and prepared to levitate him toward the ceiling. And in the meantime, the chuul swam unnoticed around the rock island, approaching the cleric with its pincers ready to strike.

Fortunately, Binkadink could see the chuul's shape in the water and stabbed down at it with his glaive from up on the rock. Then he spun, and in a surprise move slew the grell fighting Darrien, then returned his attention to the chuul and stabbed at it again. His second strike was particularly well-placed, nearly severing the crustacean's armored head from its body. Despite the lack of an actual beheading, the chuul died in the water, blood gushing from its wounds.

But all of this slaying was noisy, and it brought the remaining grell - one more from the gossamer noble still in orbit above the planet, who had come down here with the other three pregnant grell to lay their eggs in the recesses of the cave, and the four young adults who had lived in this cave network their whole lives - flying over to investigate. Three came from the northwest, over from the side of the large rock island, while the remaining two came from the southeast. Gilbert, facing the southernmost, divided the missiles from another magic missile spell between those two, the bolts hitting unerringly against the sides of the levitating beasts.

Ingebold cast another searing light spell - her last - at two of the grell approaching from the north. Castillan switched weapons, loading his crossbow to hit one of the grell approaching from the north, while Darrien managed to fire four arrows into the side of the same grell, slaying it outright.

Not to be outdone, Finoula ran across the water over to the stretch of solid land beneath another of the northernmost grell, lashing out with her whip of thorns to score grooves into the brainlike structure making up its body. Likewise, Binkadink skipped over the water in his gnomish stilt-boots to stab at the same grell with his glaive, killing it. Gilbert Fung moved on to a more powerful spell than his numerous magic missiles, firing off a scorching ray that sent four burning streams of fire at the two he had previously hit. That was enough to slay one of the two, its body crashing into the water and sinking.

That left only two grell, and neither survived for long. Binkadink stabbed the one remaining to the north, skewering it on his blade like a shish-kabob, while Gilbert took out the one from the south. They were a bit disappointed that the rune-skull-carrying grell was not among their number, for they knew the skull translated what they said into whatever sort of language the grell used among themselves, and Gilbert for one would have loved to taunt the vicious hunters as they lay dying and know his words were understood. But such was not to be; they had to settle merely for the deaths of those who had made it down to the cave network, and those who would never now levitate up to join the remaining grell in the gossamer noble.

"What about those still in the jellyfish?" asked Finoula. "We know there has to be at least two more of them up there, since only four came down here."

"We have to make do with those we already kill," replied Gilbert Fung. "It not safe to take on giant jellyfish - it easily crush our ship. And it too fragile to enter atmosphere, were its body get crushed. And I doubt other grell come down to see why their buddies not return. I imagine they just pack up and go, once it apparent others not coming back. With any luck, they abandon Oerth colony altogether."

"Well, good riddance if they do!" agreed Finoula.

A quick search of the cave network revealed the headless body that went with the skull on the rock island, apparently from a pirate who had washed ashore some time ago. He carried a mere 15 gold pieces in a pouch at his belt and a jade carving of a sea turtle that Castillan appraised at several hundred gold pieces. Gathering them up, the heroes returned to the dragonfly vessel at the top of the small island. By then it was starting to get dark, and they opted to camp out in the ship for the evening. Pulling out Delphyne's ring gates, Ingebold wrote a quick note to King Galrich - "We're back from our treasure hunt and should return to Kordovia within the next day or so" - and stuffed it through the magical metal ring, along with half of the treasure they had accumulated from the Skunkbeard's Island treasure hoard.

The next morning, Finoula flew the ship high enough for them to spot a continental coastline which they made out to be the eastern edge of Hepmonaland; heading there, they found Thunder Bay easily enough and from there it wasn't too difficult to head out in the same direction and general heading that Captain McGraff had taken them aboard his vessel those many months ago. By zigzagging back and forth as they traveled over the ocean on a rough bearing, they were able to rediscover Skunkbeard's Island without too much trouble. Of course, the Celestial Avatar had long since departed, Captain McGraff not wanting his ship to be sunk by Darrien's father and his band of sea elves; for all they knew the ship had been back at Thunder Bay when they skimmed over that way earlier that morning. But Finoula flew the dragonfly vessel over to the bear cave, where Darrien hunted up the dire bear cub he'd planned on adopting (he named him "Grumps Jr." for reasons that no doubt made sense to him), the group "redified the mirror pool" in accordance with the treasure map instructions, and they made their way back to the underground treasure chamber that had months ago shunted them across the crystal sphere to the wildspace receiving station that had set them on their spelljamming adventures. Mudpie was waiting there to greet his master, and together the group gathered up the contents of the as-yet-untouched ninth chest (gathering up tens of thousands of gold coins' worth of expensive jewelry, half of which Ingebold poured through the ring gate into the castle vault back in Kordovia).

Then the group opted to spend the rest of the day on the tropical island, gathering exotic fruits and just unwinding before returning back to Kordovia the following day. Wildspace had worn them out - they figured they deserved a day of relaxation!

- - -

And thus came to a close our little side excursion using a modified version of the Spelljammer rules. I had done something similar in Logan and Stuart's original 3E campaign and they had enjoyed it, so I thought this group would enjoy it as well. Hopefully, they all got a taste of the Spelljammer universe without it completely altering the flow of our own Kordovia-based campaign. Of course, they're all 11th-level now so we're going into the last half of the campaign, but I figure the dragonfly spelljamming vessel will just be a useful transportation device, getting them quickly from one adventure location to another. I get the feeling the heroes won't have a whole lot of use for their Vistani wagon or Aerik's old mule-driven wagon in future adventures!

In real life, Joey had recently found a wounded bird in his back yard (we had a big storm several weeks back) and has been nursing him back to health. He named the bird (a starling, I think Dan said) "Grumps," so the in-game dire bear cub is named in honor of a real-life wounded bird. I'm giving Grumps Jr. the stats of a standard black bear and we're using him as a late-addition ranger's animal companion.

As an aside, I usually play music in the background while we play and more times than not it's various episodes of "Music from the Hearts of Space." Since I had them on hand, I started the session with "Spectral Ships" playing (appropriate for while the PCs were dealing with Captain Skunkbeard and his crew of undead minions) and then later segued into the Hearts of Space episodes "A Journey Home," its sequel "A Journey Home 2," and "The Way Home" since they were so thematically appropriate.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: I wore one of my two different TARDIS shirts; since the TARDIS can go anywhere in space and time, I thought it appropriate to demonstrate that the PCs had all of space open to them (and that their home planet could literally be anywhere, in any direction - which became a real problem after Melony Sal's betrayal.) As an added twist, Logan has a shirt covered in jellyfish; I suggested that he should wear that shirt for this session for reasons that would be apparent later. (Of course, he mentally jumped immediately to "space jellyfish" but had no idea how that would play out.) And now, best of all, my other players will no longer know whether the "clue" about the current game session will be hinted at by my T-shirt, Logan's T-shirt, or both.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 11​
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 11​
Darrien, half-elf ranger 11​
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 11​
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 11​
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 11​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3​
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 11 (Moradin)​

Game Session Date: 29 July 2017

- - -

Getting Mudpie on board the dragonfly vessel was easy: Gilbert had him step into the opened portable hole, closed it up, tucked it into his belt, climbed the rope ladder leading up to the upper deck, and then released him once there. Mudpie opted to climb down into the hold, where he wouldn't see air all around him - not a comfortable view for an earth elemental! - when they took off.

Getting Grumps Junior on board the dragonfly was significantly more difficult as the dire bear cub had no intention of walking into a big old magical hole. Plus, he had the intellect of a dire bear cub - it wasn't as if Darrien could reason with him. And there was no way he could climb up a rope ladder on his own, nor could anybody lift him and do the climbing for him, even had the bear allowed such a thing. In the end, it took Gilbert casting a fly spell on the bear and having Darrien climb the rope ladder with a tasty bit of fish in his hand to get Grumps Junior up on his hind legs, stretching to reach the morsel. Darrien kept it just out of reach, forcing the bear to jump up to try to snap the fish into his mouth. Without realizing it, Grumps Junior left the ground while chasing the bite of fish up a rope ladder; finally, when Darrien and his dire bear cub both made it up the ladder and onto the deck of the dragonfly vessel the ranger passed over the tasty morsel. "Here you go, Grumps," he said. "You earned it." The group fashioned a harness out of ropes and lowered the bear down into the hold, thinking it the safest place for the baby bruin during travel.

Finoula once again took the helm, reasoning it was better for one of the rangers to give up a day's worth of spellcasting rather than either Gilbert or Ingebold. And the decreased top speed of a secondary spellcaster compared to a primary spellcaster was minimal when inside a planet's atmosphere. Out there in wildspace or the phlogiston spellcasting ability made a much bigger difference in spelljamming speeds, but the group had pretty much decided this ship - one to which they really ought to give a name, one of these days! - was probably never going to experience wildspace again. Nobody wanted to take the chance of not being able to find their way home again.

Fortunately, finding their way back to Kordovia wasn't a major problem. They knew it lay on a continent to the west and they had recently discovered just how big Lake Quag really was. Finoula figured by flying high enough they could find Lake Quag and then Kordovia was south of it, below the Clatspur Mountains, following the Velverdyva River. Piece of cake!

The flight was mostly uneventful, with the exception of traveling over the massive Vesve Forest. About halfway across its length, Finoula's helm-enhanced senses picked up a shape rising up from the forest on an intercept course. Binkadink and Castillan were on the upper deck and the elven bounder spotted the figure approaching the ship on leathery wings. It was dragon, somewhat larger than a draft horse by the look of it, and in the fading sunlight Castillan thought he could make out a greenish tinge to the reptile's scales. "Green dragon!" he called to Binkadink, but the bounder's words were carried away by the winds; Binkadink remained facing the front of the vessel, oblivious to the dragon rapidly approaching from the ship's rear.

Castillan popped open the hatch to one of the loading doors and called down "Green dragon approaching!" to those below. Darrien pulled Grumps Junior to the back of the cargo bay, scooting around barrels and crates and odds bits of wood and canvas scraps scattered about. Mudpie moved back with them.

Inside the head of the dragonfly, Finoula called out a warning to the rest of the heroes and then raised the ship even higher, hoping to outrace the approaching dragon. No such luck; the green dragon's top speed was faster than that of the ship - Finoula's only hope was that she could outlast it, for the vessel ran on the power of spellcasting ability and could fly for the better part of a day, whereas the dragon's wings would (hopefully!) eventually get tired.

The dragon, however, dashed that hope by landing gracefully on the deck by Castillan. Binkadink whirled around, magical glaive at the ready, but the dragon didn't look particularly combat-ready; rather, it swung its head out around appreciatively. "Just what exactly is this?" in enquired, speaking in the Common tongue.

Castillan, who had been ready to reply in the Draconic language, gladly switched to Common. "It's a spelljamming vessel, capable of flight through wildspace," he offered.

"Amazing," replied the dragon. He'd followed the shape that flew over his self-proclaimed territory, thinking to chase off a competitor, but once he got closer he saw it was some sort of man-made flying vessel. The things these humanoids came up with!

"So, why are you in my territory?" asked the dragon.

"We...were not aware it was your territory," the bounder explained. "We offer our apologies for the transgression, but we are just passing through. Er, over, I guess."

"Apologies are more easily accepted with tribute," responded the dragon. "Give me a couple hundred gold and you can go about your way unharmed."

Castillan knew full well that the group wouldn't miss a few hundred gold pieces from all of the treasure they had amassed from Captain Skunkbeard's hoard, but he also knew fetching it from the portable hole would show the dragon just how much more treasure they had stored in there. Plus, the bounder didn't like giving away gold if he didn't have to, and while he wasn't willing to combat a dragon over a few hundred gold pieces he thought he had a way to avoid both combat and extortion.

"I say," he said, "You're quite a good-looking specimen of green dragonkind. You wouldn't happen to be related to our good friend Clauguthrax, would you?" Clauguthrax was the green dragon Princess Kaelanna had been secretly communicating with and who she had dragged the heroes along with to visit. "Friends" wasn't perhaps the most accurate term to describe the relationship between Clauguthrax and the Kordovian adventurers, but this dragon didn't have to know that - and the bounder had a very good poker face.

"Why yes - he's my cousin!" declared the green dragon. "You're friends of Clauguthrax, huh? Well, okay, I'll let you off with a warning this time. But next time, let me know when you want to fly over my territory."

"Will do," promised Castillan, giving the dragon a military salute as it leaped from the deck and flapped away. Binkadink just looked at the bounder and they both shrugged. Gilbert, stomping up the stairs to the upper deck to help deal with the dragon, was just in time to see it fly away. "We took care of it," Castillan called over the roaring wind.

An hour or so later, Finoula brought the dragonfly ship down in a clearing behind Battershield Keep. "It ought to be safe here," she said, and she was likely right - Battershield Keep was at the outskirts of Kordovia, one of the closest buildings to the Vesve Forest. The likelihood of anybody wandering around and discovering the ship was negligible. "I cannae wait t' see me folks," gushed Ingebold as she climbed down the rope ladder and the group made their way to the front of the stone keep. They'd been away, in wildspace, for the last four months or so and it was good to finally be back home.

Walking to the front of the keep, the heroes were surprised to see the drawbridge in the raised position. Normally, Aerik kept the bridge down, relying upon the iron portcullis to keep outsiders at bay; that was a much easier system for a keep not staffed by a large contingent of soldiers or functionaries. "Hey!" yelled Ingebold, cupping her hands around her mouth as she approached the moat around the keep. "It's us! We're back!" Her yells caused the goats inside to start bleating, and Wrath started howling at that ruckus. Before long, the heroes could hear the clomping of heavy boots walking along the battlements to the front of the keep. And shortly thereafter, in the moonlight, they could make out Aerik's familiar face looking down at them from the ramparts.

"What's goin' on down there?" he demanded.

"It us!" called back Gilbert Fung. "Open up, let us in!"

The dwarf shook his head. "Now's not a good time fer visitin'. Me wife's not feelin' up to visitors right about now. Why dinnae ye go visit yer own families fer a bit? Come back in a week or so – we'll be happy to entertain ye then."

Ingebold opened her mouth to respond but Gilbert cut her off. "Fair enough," he called back. "Maybe we go stay with Cousin Thorax. He still live in next keep over?"

"Never heard of him," replied Aerik, looking over his shoulder and making a shooing motion with his hand, urging everybody to leave. Gilbert took the hint, leading everyone back down the entry road to the keep, as if heading back to town.

"What was that all about?" demanded Ingebold. "Why wouldn't me father let us in?"

"Not sure," admitted Gilbert. "But I wanted to see if that your father or not. If it impostor, he probably agree we stay with Cousin Thorax."

"Who's Cousin Thorax?" asked Darrien.

"Nobody. I make him up."

"I still want t' know why he'd not let us in," replied Ingebold, looking worriedly back at the keep.

"Maybe I can help you," said a strange voice. The heroes spun around and saw a figure approaching from the trees at the side of the road. He wore a hooded robe and carried a tall staff; when he pulled back the hood he displayed a face that hinted rather strongly at orcish features. "My name is Hagan. I assume you are Ingebold Battershield and the rest of the guild?"

"Aye," replied the dwarf, looking suspiciously at the half-orc. There was a quick movement at his shoulder; it turned out to be a weasel, looking nervously back and forth at the assembled group of heavily-armed adventurers forming a half-circle around Hagan.

"It's okay, Wezhley," comforted Hagan to his familiar. "These are friends - or they will be, soon enough." He turned to the others. "I should tell you what's happened in your absence, while you were out hunting down pirate treasure."

Hagan told a strange story indeed. He had been walking through the Vesve Forest with his familiar, at night - his darkvision let him see perfectly fine during the night hours, and he was less likely to be bothered by those unwilling to give a good-natured half-orc the benefit of the doubt - when all of a sudden he was surrounded by a wave of orcs and goblins. They were heading to Kordovia to assault the kingdom and assumed he, Hagan, was one of their number separated from his normal squad. Hagan was herded along with a group of orcs and goblins that split off from the main army to attack Battershield Keep. Hagan went along with it, realizing he was vastly outnumbered, but once they got to their target and made it over the walls, he took it upon himself to take out as many of the invaders as he could. His presence was fortunate, as it turned out, for besides Aerik and Helga, the only other person there to help defend the keep was Aithanar Ivenheart, still bereft of normal speech and staying in his brother's room awaiting his return (although Obvious and Wrath both did their parts as well). Aerik was so pleased with Hagan's initiative he invited him to stay on, hoping to introduce him to the rest of the adventuring team upon their return and then petition King Galrich to allow him to join their ranks. In the meantime, he'd been allowed to stay in Ingebold's quarters.

"In me quarters?" piped up Ingebold. "Whyever mine?"

"I don't know, that's what your parents offered me," replied Hagan. "We've taken good care of the place during our stay." Ingebold narrowed her eyes, not sure if she liked the idea of a half-orc she didn't even know - and a weasel! - being allowed to sleep in her bed. She'd be talking to her mother about this, and definitely changing the sheets before she took up residency in the room once again.

"So why aren't you there now?" asked Castillan. "And why did Aerik give us the bum's rush?"

"I'm getting to that part," replied Hagan. "It only just happened about a week ago. I was outside the keep, cutting firewood, when a stranger landed in the middle of the courtyard, on a really weird riding mount. It was difficult to see - it kept sliding in and out of view - but whatever it was, it was big, with batlike wings.

"The rider - Aerik told me later his name was Burroc - was wounded, and he needed help in tending to his injuries. Just like that, he did something to make both Helga and Aithanar his mental slaves. He probably tried the same with Aerik, but he's a tough old guy."

"That he be," agreed Ingebold. "Is me ma okay?"

"As far as I know, yes. He hasn't done anything to them, just make them tend to his every need. Except - well, he had the two mules slaughtered, for food for him and the invisible flying mount." Looks of horror passed across the heroes' faces at the thought of the deaths of Franco and Tantrum, the mules who had dutifully pulled Aerik's wagon since the beginning of their adventuring careers. "And Aerik, he's been off to work at the castle every day, just like normal. I've gotten to speak with him a bit as he leaves the keep. He thinks Burroc can read minds, but he's done his best to keep knowledge of me buried deep whenever he's near Burroc. And he's had me camp nearby, outside the keep, awaiting your return, so I can let you know the situation. Aerik says he can't let anyone at the castle know; he's afraid they'll try an immediate rescue attempt and Burroc will kill Helga if anybody tries anything."

"So what does he want us to do?" asked Finoula.

"He trusts you guys to take out Burroc without letting anything happen to Helga," Hagan said. "And I'm willing to assist in any way I can."

"Sounds like we need to make sure this Burroc can't detect us," reasoned Castillan. "Gilbert, does your mom still have that ring of mind shielding?"

"Yes," Gilbert replied. They'd given it to her in case any of the Kozakuran assassins went scrying upon her to see if she'd been resurrected after being slain. Instead, she'd been reincarnated into an orc body - but a hat of disguise allowed her to look human, if not exactly her old self. "But what good that do? That only shield one person."

"I'm thinking we'll have one person sneak inside. The rest of you will be inside the portable hole."

"'The rest of us?'" repeated Darrien. "I take it you'll be the one wearing the ring?"

"I'm the sneakiest, and the one best suited to get across the moat and climb up over the walls, so yes, me."

"I go get ring," replied Gilbert, heading back towards where the dragonfly ship was parked.

"I'll fly you over there," offered Finoula. "My spellcasting's already shot. No sense in wiping out your abilities, too - we may need them before you have a chance to rest up."

While they took off on a low course towards the small village where Gilbert's parents lived, the others gathered around in the clearing and made plans. By the time the spelljamming vessel returned, Castillan had everything worked out to his satisfaction.

But not to Gilbert's satisfaction. He agreed about the multiple protection from evil and magic circle against evil spells to ensure everyone could be protected from mind control; he agreed that having Castillan ferry everyone over in the portable hole while he was not only wearing the ring of mind shielding but also covered in a greater invisibility spell was a good idea; he just drew the line at entering the portable hole himself. "I not going in there," he insisted. "What if you get taken out? Then everybody stuck inside hole. Guess what? There no air in there!"

"They can hold their breath," argued Castillan.

"They can - I not. I be outside, with fly spell active. I be distraction, so you sneak in easy."

"We can't both be wearing the ring," countered Castillan. "What good is a distraction whose thoughts can be read? Burroc will pick up 'I just a distraction - hope Burroc no find out about invisible guy sneaking in with portable hole full of assault team' right out of that oversized noggin of yours."

"Maybe I stay out of range."

"That would be great, if we knew what his range was."

"Guys," interjected Finoula. "Let's all get some sleep. None of this plan will work if we don't get a good night's sleep - especially the spellcasters. We have some specific spells we need prepared in the morning, if we're to have any chance of success at all."

"I'll take first guard shift," offered Binkadink.

"Me next," suggested Castillan. As he and the little gnome had no spellcasting power whatsoever, they were better suited to dealing with a lesser amount of rest.

"I'll take a shift, too," offered Hagan. At the surprised looks he got, he added, "I'm a sorcerer. No spell studying needed. I'm already set to go."

"We'll get up with the dawn," suggested Finoula. "So we're ready to go when they lower the drawbridge when Aerik heads off to the castle."

Dawn came, and the heroes made their preparations. Gilbert pored over the pages of his Omnibook, setting the sigils in his mind that would allow him to cast the spells he'd need in the upcoming day. Ingebold prayed to Moradin, not only asking for the spells she'd need but for the Dwarven Forgefather to guide the group's efforts to get her parents and Aithanar safely out from this Burroc's grasp. Finoula and Darrien prepared their own few spells and then the group left the dragonfly ship and once again approached the front of the keep, keeping to the edge of the trees to avoid being spotted by the invisible flying mount, which could in theory be anywhere nearby. Aerik should be lowering the drawbridge at any moment and Gilbert wanted to confer with him before they began the assault.

At the sounds of the drawbridge being lowered, the spellcasters began frantically casting spells on those designated to have them: Binkadink and Castillan were the targets of magic circle against evil spells, while Darrien and Gilbert each received a protection from evil spell; Hagan, Gilbert, and Mudpie each got a mage armor spell, while Finoula cast a barkskin spell on herself; finally, right as he followed the others (save Gilbert, of course) into the portable hole, Hagan cast a greater invisibility spell on Castillan. The bounder was already wearing the ring of mind shielding, so as he disappeared from visible sight he was already blocked from mental detection. And while he personally had no qualms about his ability to leap the moat and scale the walls of the keep, this was no time for overconfidence: the bounder gulped down the contents of a potion of spider climbing.

Aerik clomped over the wooden drawbridge, his face a worried scowl. Gilbert stepped forward, cleverly in the guise of a traveling potion salesman. "Good morning," he said cheerily to the dwarf. "Perhaps I interest you in purchase of fine potions?" When Aerik didn't reply, Gilbert walked at his side as the dwarf headed down the road in the direction of the castle. Once he deemed them safely out of earshot, he lowered his voice and asked, "Where Burroc holed up?"

"In me study," came the brusque reply. "He's got me Helga there with 'im, tendin' t' his wounds, an' actin' as a hostage to me good behavior."

"Study. Got it," said a disembodied voice nearby. Then the invisible bounder dashed back across the clearing, to land lightly on the now-rising drawbridge. He scampered down its length as his brother Aithanar cranked the mechanism to raise it back up to its fully upright position. Then, not wanting to risk detection, Castillan scampered quickly across the open courtyard - noticing dried bloodstains in the dirt, no doubt the remains of Franco and Tantrum - slid open the door to the main entry hall, and closed it quietly behind him. Aithanar's back was still turned, dealing with the drawbridge, so he didn't see the opening and closing of the door, seemingly by itself.

"You want to join us in attack?" Gilbert asked Aerik.

"I dinnae dare," replied Aerik. "I'm too much a known quantity t' 'im - I'm afraid he'd pick up me presence in a heartbeat. I'll tell ye what, though: once I git to' th' castle, I'll round up a bunch 'f th' guards and we'll hightail it back here. That way, if ye're not successful, we'll take 'im out. Just...just don't let 'im do anything t' me Helga." The look on the old dwarf's face expressed how much he wanted to come to her rescue, and how hard it was to realize her best bet lay in him staying away.

"We got this," promised Gilbert. Then, as the dwarf made his best speed down the road to the castle, the stout wizard cast a fly spell upon himself, ready to be a diversion. Mudpie was stashed away in the portable hole with the others and thus temporarily blocked from their shared empathic link, but Gilbert knew as soon as his familiar exited the extradimensional space, the link would be reestablished and he'd know they were in place.

Castillan saw the entry hall was empty, so he tiptoed down its length and listened at the door at the end, the one leading into the meeting hall. Hearing nothing, he opened the door, verified the room was empty, and closed the door behind him. He then did the same to the door across the room; on the other side, he could hear Helga's voice talking, but no audible response.

However, up on the top of the northeastern tower of Battershield Keep, Burroc's mount looked down in confusion. It had sensed a rapid movement in the courtyard below, something beyond the ability of its eyes to pick up. But the winged creature fully understood the concept of invisibility - it was, after all, one of its own greatest defensive and offensive abilities. Casting the full strength of its blindsense into the courtyard, it saw only the drone its master had ordered to close up the keep's entry upon the departure of the strong-minded one, but managed to note the closing of the door to the main entry hall. It hadn't been in time to catch with its blindsense whoever had opened and closed the door, but this was worth mentioning to Burroc. The dutiful mount gave its master a mental update of a possible invisible intruder upon the premises.

Then, twisting its armored body to look outside the confines of the keep, it saw the strong-minded one making a rapid departure down the road - and another figure standing in the road. Burroc had forbidden the mount from devouring any of the keep's inhabitants until they had been offered up (it hoped they'd be eating the jackalope next), but said nothing about those outside the keep. With a flap of its massive wings, the invisible beast leaped from the tower's roof and headed straight for this delicious-looking morsel.

Castillan knew he'd have to open the door to the study to gain entry, but he hoped he could do so without arousing too much suspicion - and quickly, too, for those inside the portable hole were all holding their breath in there. He backtracked and opened he door to the meeting hall, then returned to the study door and opened it slowly, as if it hadn't been latched properly. He got a surprise when he looked into the room: Burroc was standing, with a dagger placed at Helga's throat. Helga blinked rapidly as if awakening from a bad dream; the bounder realized she was now standing within range of his magic circle against evil spell and thus was no longer under Burroc's mental thrall. However, Helga was no fool; with a dagger at her throat, she stood perfectly still, afraid to move in the slightest.

However, it was Burroc that captured the bounder's immediate attention, for he was like nobody else the elf had even seen. He was completely bald, but there were tattoos or similar lines all over his skin, parallel lines going front to back and others going side to side, leaving the man's skin covered in geometric shapes. He wore dark leather armor, with a truncheon of some sort in his right hand and a see-through shield hanging off his left forearm. He held the dagger in his left hand, and it had a serrated blade that looked like it could easily slice through Helga's throat with but a flick of his wrist.

<Who's there?> demanded Burroc, and it took Castillan a moment to realize the bald man's mouth hadn't moved at all, but rather that he'd heard his question directly in his mind. The bounder didn't respond, but it spurred him into action; by now, the lack of air inside the portable hole might be causing some difficulties to those hidden within. Still under the effects of the spider climb potion, Castillan quietly crept up the wall, through the open doorway along its topmost section, across the ceiling, and back down behind Burroc. He slid the rolled-up portable hole from his belt and allowed it to adhere to the wall directly behind him. There was now a 10-foot-diameter hole in the wall, inside of which could be seen a handful of seasoned adventurers - and one earth elemental.

Gilbert's link to Mudpie popped back into existence and the wizard knew at once that his familiar was out of the portable hole, but at the moment he had other, more pressing concerns. Before he'd been able to fly up over the walls of Battershield Keep, he'd been slammed by an invisible force. Said invisible force then clamped down on his shoulder with a pair of invisible teeth, and then wrapped a flexible, invisible body around Gilbert's torso, pinning his arms to his sides and squeezing the life out of him. Unable to cast any spells in this configuration, he called out to his familiar for help.

Back in the keep, Mudpie heard the summons. He stepped out of the portable hole and sank through the floor, earth gliding through the ground in the direction of his master. Crossing below the courtyard, he could feel Aithanar above him at the stables, opening doors and releasing some of the animals kept within, but that wasn't the elemental's concern.

Gilbert, in the meantime, realized he still had a fly spell active even if he couldn't cast any further spells, and used it to its best effect. Whatever was constricting him had large, leathery wings keeping it aloft, but that didn't mean the wizard couldn't counteract its desired flight path. He brought the two of them back down to the ground and then dragged them over towards the keep, so Mudpie would have a quicker time catching up to them.

Finoula and Darrien were the two closest to the front of the portable hole's opening. They each readied their weapons - she wielding Tahlmalaera, he gripping his Arachnibow - but Burroc heard them, either audible or mentally. He turned his head in their direction - inadvertently looking straight at the still-invisible Castillan, without realizing it - and sent a mind blast in their direction. Everyone in the portable hole was within the area of effect, as was the unseen bounder. Fortunately, of the assembled heroes only Hagan and Darrien were affected. The half-elf ranger let his magical bow slip from his fingers as Burroc spun around to face this new threat from an unexpected direction. He backed up, taking Helga out of the range of Castillan's magic circle against evil spell without even intending to. She immediately snapped back to Burroc's mental domination - as was Aithanar, apparently, for he stepped up from the meeting hall with sword drawn and Burroc passed Helga over to him. The elven fighter put his sword against Helga's throat. <Kill her if anybody tries anything!> Burroc commanded, the telepathic words entering everyone's minds at once.

"Fight it, Aithanar!" called out Binkadink, pushing the still-stunned Darrien out of the way and rushing forward. Fortunately, although he couldn't see Castillan, the bounder was not standing directly in front of him so his way was unhindered. And despite holding his glaive at the ready, the gnome didn't even take a swing at Burroc (in fact, he didn't even dodge the slam of Burroc's truncheon as he got within range) - his only goal was to get close enough to Aithanar and Helga to encompass the two of them in the magic circle against evil spell currently active and centered upon his gnomish frame. Both blinked in confusion, and Aithanar hurriedly lowered the sword from Helga's throat.

Outside the keep, Mudpie suddenly popped up from the ground. There was his master, hovering just above the ground on his back, thrashing around furiously. Gilbert had tried pulling himself out of the grip of the invisible mount's coils, but to no avail. However, he did manage to get one hand close enough to a wand at his belt to pull it out. He could feel by the touch that it was his wand of burning hands, so he pushed it as far against the creature's body - and away from his own - as he could before activating it. Flames erupted from the wand, scorching the wizard' leg but doing substantially more damage to his invisible foe. And with his fly spell keeping the grappling opponents close to the ground, Mudpie was able to slam into the invisible beast's armored body.

Stepping from the portable hole, Ingebold intended to crush the bald man's skull with her warhammer now that her mother was out of harm's way. She, however, was standing directly behind the invisible Castillan without realizing it, and her momentum sent the unseen bounder crashing forward into Burroc, who had stepped closer to the foes he could see. The bald intruder was having a difficult time picking up individual thoughts from this mass of newcomers to the scene, getting instead a chaotic mess of conflicting plans and strategies. But it didn't matter in the end, for Castillan had instinctively reacted to being bumped by Ingebold, turning a jostling from behind into a sneak attack maneuver. Invisible to both sight and mental detection due to Hagan's greater invisibility and Harriet Fung's magic ring, Castillan sent his swords deep into Burroc's body without his victim having any sense whatsoever of the impending attacks. In a matter of a mere second or two, the man with the geometric markings lay dead upon the floor of Aerik's study.

Castillan immediately dropped the greater invisibility spell so his friends could see him. Ingebold ran forward and embraced her mother, the two bursting into instant tears upon their reunion. Binkadink went outside to the courtyard for his own reunion - and there, scampering in the courtyard, was Obvious, whom he hadn't seen for months. Finoula similarly reacquainted herself with Daisy and Wrath. Back in the study, Wezhley had crawled up onto Hagan's shoulder and nibbled carefully on his master's nose, eventually snapping the half-orc out of the stunning he'd received at Burroc's mental blast. They similarly helped Darrien back to full awareness, and then the joined the others in the courtyard.

"Hey, where's Gilbert and Mudpie?" asked Darrien, looking around. The others, caught up in their homecoming reunions with their loved ones, sheepishly looked around. Nobody wanted to admit they had lost track of Gilbert or failed to notice his absence, but there it was.... Fortunately, about that time Gilbert came flying up over the Keep and landed in the courtyard; shortly thereafter, Mudpie surfaced from the ground, having burrowed beneath the ground.

"Don't worry about me - I fine!" griped Gilbert. "I take care of invisible worm all by myself!" Once it had been slain, the invisible creature reverted to normal opacity, exposing itself as a segmented worm with leathery bat wings, a light bluish-white in color.

"Awesome diversion," commented Castillan.

They brought the wizard up to speed and everyone agreed they wanted more answers than were currently available. So, employing a gentle repose spell on Burroc's corpse, they planned to have Ingebold cast speak with dead on him in the morning. In addition, she promised Aithanar she'd cast heal on him, now that she was powerful enough to do so. "That should hopefully clear yer affliction," she said to the elf.

"Shombaddy cafloozle," replied Aithanar, casting a quick glance over at Finoula.

Shortly thereafter, Aerik returned with a dozen burly dwarven castle guards, and he was pleased to see that none of them were needed. "Praise be t' Moradin!" he cried, sweeping Helga into his arms. Then he embraced his daughter, who heartily embraced him back. Then, recalling what she'd learned, she asked, "What's this about havin' Hagan and his weasel stayin' in m' room?"

Binkadink offered that, as a gnome, he took up less room than the others and Hagan and Wezhley were welcome to bunk with him. The half-orc went to gather up his meager possessions from the campsite he'd made outside the keep, and Helga (as well as a shanghaied Ingebold, who for once didn't grumble about being pressed into kitchen duty by her ma) kept busy preparing a welcome home feast for the team. The rest of the day was devoted to settling back in to the team's headquarters, with stories shared about what had happened during the heroes' months-long absence from the kingdom - and, the others were shocked to learn, from the planet itself.

The next day, though, they were back to the business at hand. Ingebold cast her speak with dead spell upon Burroc, and a ghostly representation of the bald man with the geometric patterns on his skin materialized. His expression said he was there under duress, though, and they'd likely not get much from him in the way of helpful answers if he could prevent it.

The group having decided ahead of time on what questions to ask, Ingebold began with the first. "How'd ye get those scars ye first showed up with?" Upon first arriving at the keep, he'd had a long gash across one thigh and smaller gashes along his side.

<In battle> thought Burroc - even under the effects of the speak with dead spell, he didn't so much as speak as project his answers mentally, as was apparently his custom.

That wasn't very helpful! thought Ingebold, but pressed on with the next question. "What are your people commonly called?" None of the adventurers had ever seen or even heard of anybody like Burroc - even Gilbert came up empty after consulting his Omnibook; the closest possible match he could find were the hordelings of the lower planes, no two of which were said to be alike.

<Thought masters> replied Burroc's spirit, managing to tinge his mental reply with a level of noticeable disdain.

"Snobby sort," muttered Finoula.

"Where do your people come from?" was Ingebold's next question. Gilbert Fung leaned forward, eager to hear the response. He was willing to put money down that Burroc hailed from an outer plane, but he had no real idea which one was the likeliest candidate.

<The Queenslands> replied Burroc, and Gilbert sniffed in contempt - a likely technically correct answer that still left them in the dark.

Ingebold's final question was, "Why did ye not just ask me parents fer help when ye arrived, instead 'f dominatin' me ma and Aithanar?" The response surprised nobody: <They are lesser beings, suitable only as slaves.> "Well, that's all I have fer ye," responded Ingebold. "I hope ye rot in whatever Hell ye've earned." And with that, the spell was finished and Burroc's spirit dissipated away to nothingness, the smug look of superiority never once leaving his face.

Ingebold let out a sigh of exasperation, then turned to Aithanar. "Ye're next," she said. "Are ye ready?"

"Bonticky findaboodle!" the elf replied, an eager expression on his face. He looked over at his older brother, who nodded his encouragement at him. Castillan had full trust in Ingebold's healing abilities; she'd cured him of the affliction of lycanthropy in the past. He was sure her heal spell would work.

Ingebold said the words to the spell and Aithanar was suffused in a warm, golden light that rapidly dissipated; it lingered the longest around his head, covering him in a halo before winking out. The elf opened his mouth as if to speak, but then apparently changed his mind and closed it again. He smiled at Ingebold in gratitude and touched the side of her face in a simple gesture of friendship, but then turned and stood directly before Finoula.

"Finoula Cloudshadow," he said, taking her hands, "it has been unending torture to be this close to you for so long but be unable to speak my thoughts aloud in a coherent fashion. Now that I am finally able to do so, I wish to say what I’ve wanted to say to you since the moment I first lay eyes upon you. You are, without a doubt, the loveliest creature I've ever seen. Your eyes sparkle like sunlight on a running brook; your hair is like spun moonlight. And your battle-prowess with your sword is a true beauty to behold.

"I don't want you to feel obligated to respond in any particular way, but I desperately want you to know exactly how I feel, and how I've felt about you since we first met. And I will live with the hope that, perhaps someday, you might feel for me the way I feel for you.

"In the meantime, if there is ever anything I can do for you, you have only to ask. My answer will always be 'yes.'"

Finoula looked at the handsome elf who had diligently looked after her pony, Daisy, during their earlier adventures. "I...I don't know what to say," she replied.

"Hit him up for big loan," suggested Gilbert. "You already know he going to say yes!"

Finoula gave an exasperated look at the portly wizard. "Way to kill the mood!" she complained.

"No matter," said Aithanar, dropping the ranger's hands. "I've said what I wanted to; there's no need for an immediate response." And then he gave Finoula another smile before returning to Ingebold and belatedly thanking her for her help.

"Not to change the subject or anything," piped up Binkadink, "but if we're going to keep using the dragonfly ship, we really ought to have a designated pilot. Somebody who can cast spells, but who we won't mind losing out on their spellcasting abilities on a regular basis."

"You got name in mind, gnome?" asked Gilbert.

"Well, yeah - my cousin Jinkadoodle."

"Oh, exactly what needed - another gnome!"

"And a pranktastic one at that," pointed out Darrien. "You haven't forgotten that big fart he set off in your butt in front of the king, have you?"

"No," replied Binkadink through gritted teeth, never liking being reminded of the most humiliating moment of his life. "But one: he won't have any spells at hand with which to waste on pranks if he's constantly flying us around. And two: it will allow our normal spellcasters to keep their spells while we go off and do amazing things." He kept to himself his private and three: Jink'll always be ready at hand for me to prank him back.

"Makes sense," interjected Finoula. "Although I have to admit, flying the ship is pretty cool."

But although there were two rooms inside the dragonfly vessel set aside for bunkrooms, they were already pretty tight quarters. Adding Jinkadoodle and Hagan to the mix - to say nothing of Mudpie, Obvious, Wrath, Grumps Junior, Wezhley, and possibly even Daisy, as well as Aithanar (who had volunteered to accompany the group to continue his care of the group's animals, although it was quite transparent that the real reason for his eagerness had less to do with the animals and more to do with continued nearness to one Finoula Cloudshadow) - would put quite a strain on the bunking arrangements. Fortunately, there was a cargo hold in the back of the ship, along the lengthy tail section of the dragonfly's body. It was currently filled with junk from the previous owners, but if they cleared it out that was additional space that could be devoted to living quarters.

And so it was that a major cleanup of the cargo hold occurred. In doing so, Darrien's keen eyes picked up a detail they'd missed thus far: there were scratches on the boards of one of the wooden slats making up the floor, which, when viewed at the correct angle, formed a word: "MALVAER." Due to his recent tutoring in the Draconic language from Caliandra from the equally small kingdom to the south of Kordovia, the ranger recognized this as a word meaning "secret cave." "Guys!" he said, pointing to the floor. "Somebody carved 'MALVAER' on the floor!"

Upon utterance of the command word, a 5-foot-square section of the cargo deck floor disappeared. In its place was a set of stairs leading down. Those in the immediate vicinity could see they went on for about 15 feet, which they realized would normally have put them beyond the outer surface of the bottom of the ship. These stairs were apparently extradimensional in nature!

Castillan took the lead, his elven heritage allowing him to see in the murky darkness, although there seemed to be some low level of illumination at the bottom of the stairs, which opened up into a large room filled with comfortable-looking sofas and chairs. There were a few bookcases along the walls and black candles flickering in candelabra around the expansive room. There were eight doors along three of the walls, while the fourth - directly across from the stairs - had two open doorways, beyond which the bounder could see a long banquet table overflowing with food. "Come check this out!" he called eagerly to his companions.

Gilbert stepped hesitantly into the larger room, looking about in awe. "This is a Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion!" he declared. "And what looks to be a permanent effect, no less!" In his awe, he had failed to notice he'd slipped out of the pidgin-Common accent he normally affected. Then, he suddenly jumped back, surprised at the ghostly visage floating into existence directly in front of him. It was a dark, insubstantial shape, with the hint - at certain angles - of a skull in place of a face. Several of these beings floated here and there about the room. The wizard concentrated on his magically-enhanced eyesight, then breathed a sigh of relief once he noted the floating apparitions did not trigger his detect undead senses. "That a relief!" he stated, slipping back into his sing-song pidgin. "They just the unseen servants inside Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion."

"Oh yeah?" asked Castillan. "Hey! Servant! Fetch me a glass of wine!" Immediately, one of the forms went streaking across the room to the banquet hall, returning with a filled glass of wine - of a distinctly fine elven vintage, no less. "I like this!" the bounder enthused.

"Let's see what's behind all of these doors," suggested Finoula, opening the door in the northwestern corner. While she did so, Grumps Junior bounded across the room, following his nose to the tantalizing aromas of food on the banquet table. Darrien, who had been quite proud of himself for tricking his dire bear cub into backing up and falling into the open portable hole and then being dumped into the cargo hold once he'd brought it up there, suddenly regretted his actions when the hungry bruin knocked over a platter of carved roast to the floor and then bent over it and started gobbling it up. Wezhley followed suit, nibbling at fruits that had fallen from the table when Grumps Junior slapped the meat platter to the floor.

Four of the doors led to separate bedrooms, not surprisingly when the heroes recalled the ship's previous owners had been a quartet of necromancers. (That also explained the black everburning candles in the candelabra and the skull faces on the unseen servants.) One held a four-poster bed with a carved skull on each post; one of these was a defensive, floating skull that sent magic missiles blasting from its eye sockets at Hagan, who was the first to enter that particular room. He returned fire with attack spells of his own until the skull had been destroyed. Another room held an ornate rug on the floor; when Gilbert examined it with a detect magic spell it not only radiated fairly strong magic, but when he tentatively lifted a corner with his staff, a carving of the same design was on the floor immediately below it.

"That weird," the wizard mused. "And look, there a word woven into design: 'umerguth'." But saying the word had no apparent effect.

"Let me see that," suggested Binkadink, pulling the rug from the floor and plopping it onto the bed. Then he stood on the carved design on the floor and repeated, "umerguth." He immediately teleported over to the rug on the bed. "Umerguth," he said again, and was transported to the carving on the floor again.

"I think we find easy way to get animals onto and off of ship," declared Gilbert, but the gnome wasn't listening. Instead, he was repeating "umerguth" as fast as he could, teleporting back and forth between the two locations until Gilbert tipped over the carpet and sent the gnome flying to the floor when he reappeared on the rug. "You giving me headache!" Gilbert complained.

Another bedroom seemed pretty normal, although there was a shelf on the bottom of a nightstand that had an interesting property: anything placed there became invisible to all but the one who had placed it there. Hagan discovered this by accidentally knocking over the dagger of venom that had been hidden there by the room's former occupant. The fourth bedroom was nearly empty, save for a simple cot, a few pegs on the walls holding robes, and an elaborate wall-hanging of Vecna, God of Secrets. Castillan appraised the depiction as being worth several hundred pieces of gold to an interested buyer.

Other doors from the main room led to two privies and a bathing chamber, complete with unseen servants to scrub your back and dry you off upon completion of the bath. But it was Castillan who found the deadliest, and most disturbing, room yet.

Opening the easternmost door on the northern wall, the bounder saw a large room filled with dissecting tables and other tools of the necromantic trade - including a stitched-together form that served as both lab assistant and guardian against intruders. Expecting the creature to lurch in his direction, the bounder got quite a shock as it dashed in his direction, causing the elf to bleat in terror and slam the door shut. He held the knob, but the creature didn't follow, apparently set to fight off intruders but "reset" once no intruders were in sight.

Calling the others to him and briefing them on what was on the other side of the door, Castillan got ready to open the door a second time. This time, though, he had a small army of adventurers at his back. Swinging the door open and leaping inside and to the left, he was followed immediately by Binkadink's glaive, which was followed in turn by the rest of the gnome fighter. Swinging it around at the onrushing blaspheme, Binkadink got in a good slash - and then was shocked as the swift creature slid around his weapon and bit down hard on the side of the gnome's neck. The gnome froze up immediately, dazed, and Castillan decided discretion was the better part of valor, rushing back out of the room but dragging the gnome with him by the collar.

Finoula stepped into Castillan's place, swinging Tahlmalaera into the undead's side. Darrien sent a slew of arrows in past his fellow ranger, smiling grimly as they buried themselves up to the feathers in undead flesh. Calling for Finoula to fall back - which she did - Hagan and Gilbert sent a fireball and a set of scorching rays crashing in on the blaspheme. It took some doing, but eventually the undead beast fell.

There was another room off of the necromancy lab: 10 feet to a side, it radiated an unnatural cold. Gilbert surmised it was for the storage of dead flesh for the necromancers' experiments. He offered is as a cooler to keep their beverages cold, but the others weren't as eager to drink anything that had been stored in a room that once held corpses.

That left only the banquet room, which thus far had only been explored by Grumps Junior and Wezhley, who had expanded the mess on the floor by dint of sending more food crashing to easier reach. There were two obvious surprises in the room: the entire southern wall was a mirror, and along the northern wall was a large glass container holding a floating human brain. A sign above the brain-jar read:



"Timothy Amattox?" asked Darrien, and the others glared at him as it turned out to once again be a command word of sorts. Immediately, the fluids in the brain-jar began to bubble. "Stop saying command words out loud until we figure out what they might do!" chided Castillan.

<Ask thy questions> demanded a voice in the heads of the heroes - rather uncomfortably so, given their recent experience with Burroc. But Binkadink wasn't paying particular attention, he was more interested in the mirror and its placement on the south wall...and the fact that all of the letters in the sign over the brain-in-a-jar could be reflected along a vertical axis. Completely ignoring Castillan's recent complaint to Darrien, the gnome looked at the sign through the mirror and repeated what he saw reflected there: "wov a yawa timov!"

Immediately, the mirror shimmered in place and vanished, revealing a hidden room behind the mirror - and an animated hulking corpse standing as a barrier in front of the riches visible in what was apparently a treasure vault.

"Oh come on!" complained Castillan, looking back to see what trouble the curious gnome had gotten them into - and just after he had cautioned Darrien against such impulsiveness! He snapped his fingers, causing the weapons held in his gloves of storing to pop into his hands and turned to meet the towering undead threatening Binkadink.

Darrien, however, opted to take the brain in a jar up on his offer. "What's that creature back there?" he asked.

<A hulking corpse> responded the preserved brain of Timothy Amattox, a human sage once under the employ of the four necromancers who had previously owned the dragonfly ship.

"How do we best kill it?" Darrien inquired.

<The easiest method is to bludgeon it to death>

"Is there any way we can control it instead?"

<No> came the telepathic reply.

"Use bludgeoning weapons against it!" called Darrien to the others. Binkadink had been using his trusty magical glaive, and while the undead flesh seemed somewhat resistant to damage from the slashing blade, Binkadink's surprising strength did manage to do a fair amount of damage to the creature. Finoula had been slashing at it from a safe distance using her whip of thorns, but it lurched out at her and bit her with its ghastly teeth, grabbed her with its ragged claws, and then used its incredible strength to rend her armor and the flesh beneath it. She staggered out of its grasp and fell back, dazed and bleeding profusely. Ingebold stepped up immediately to heal her Battle-Sister.

"Hang on!" called out Gilbert Fung, casting a wall of force across the opening to the treasure vault once Binkadink managed to push the hulking corpse back with his glaive. The spell effect stretched from one side of the doorway to the other, leaving a gap at the top and the bottom for weapons and spells to reach in without allowing the hulking corpse room to attack back. As the wall of force was invisible, Gilbert had to explain to the others where its effects began and ended. Castillan dropped to his knees and stabbed at the undead brute's ankles below the invisible wall, causing a blackish ichor to leak out like blood.

Darrien came up with what he thought was another brilliant plan. Turning away from the floating brain, he addressed the unseen servants that hovered in the room next door. "Start removing the treasure from the vault and piling it out here in the banquet room!" he commanded. At once, a trio of gliding shapes floated over to the hulking corpse, slid down to the gap along the floor, and began ferrying out coins and gems. Darrien smiled at his own brilliance and helped get Grumps Junior away from the area of carnage, since the dire bear cub had ignored the undead form in one-way battle against the heroes while there was still food to be devoured from the banquet table. Hagan likewise scooped up Wezhley from his feast, depositing him on his shoulder before sending a fireball spell under the gap to explode around the undead vault guardian.

Unable to effectively fight back, it was merely a matter of time before the hulking corpse was destroyed. Castillan began the tedious (but not at all unpleasant) task of counting up the total value of the treasure the necromancers had been hoarding.

"Phew!" exclaimed Gilbert, holding his nose. "We going to have to air this place out!"

Despite his own even more powerful sense of smell, Grumps Junior gave no indication of agreeing. He had returned to the feast on the floor of the banquet room, chuffing in contentment.

- - -

This was my ten-year-old nephew Harry's first time playing with us. (Harry lives with us full time.) He'd been invited for the past several years, since both Jacob and Joey first joined our ranks when they were eight years old and he had turned eight two years earlier. But it wasn't until Logan started up a homebrew Skylanders D&D campaign for Harry and I that he fell in love with the concept of role-playing games, and then one day out of the blue decided he was ready to start playing "regular D&D" with us. Going through the options with him, he decided almost immediately on a half-orc sorcerer. He was originally going to name Hagan's familiar "Wesley," but he used his "cutesy" voice when having Hagan talk to his familiar and so "Wesley" soon officially became "Wezhley."

My wife worried that Harry's attention span wouldn't last for the full five-and-a-half hours that our game sessions usually span, as two hours (or just slightly over that) was the norm for our Skylanders D&D sessions - by design, since Logan had built them taking Harry's attention span into account. But he had no real problems, even though he had to sit through the whole dragon encounter with nothing to do. (I had told him he could roll the dice for the dragon's attacks, but then some quick thinking on Jacob's part turned my planned combat encounter into a diplomatic encounter instead.)

Still, I was pleased with the back story Harry and I had come up with to graft Hagan into the campaign; we were lucky in that Harry joined the group just as the PCs were returning from four months of wildspace adventuring. That made Hagan's entry into the campaign relatively easy, and it brought with it an implied "pre-approval" from Aerik.

I do still have a few concerns, though. We all had to cut back - significantly - on the bad language that normally occurs during our game sessions, caused either by bad dice rolls or lewd/crude side comments at the table. Fortunately, the few times a bad word got by us we instantly apologized, so we shouldn't be corrupting Harry's vocabulary. (Plus, he already chides me for using the word "crap," which he considers a bad word. I don't think he'll be picking up cussing as a bad habit from us any time soon. He's pretty close to Lawful Good.) However, I have an adventure coming up that'd undoubtedly get an "R" rating if it were a movie. I'm either going to have to tone that one down significantly or else convince Harry that it might not be a great idea for him to participate in that particular adventure. (I already have a good excuse for Hagan's absence, too: he'll be busy helping school Harriet Fung in the intricacies of the Orc language, to better prepare her for the infiltration scheme King Galrich's got planned.) And he already excuses himself from watching TV shows with us if he thinks they'll be too scary; he passes on specific episodes of the special effects make-up contest show Face Off if the contestants will be making too scary monsters that week. So we'll see how it goes - that adventure is still a ways away.

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T-Shirt Worn: My "What Would Daryl Do?" shirt featuring Daryl Dixon from "The Walking Dead." Not only did it hint at the presence of undead when the PCs explored the hidden levels of their dragonfly ship, but it also depicts "a badass with a crossbow" - which could be an apt description of Hagan (who didn't have a reason to use his light crossbow this adventure).
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Game Session Date: 12 August 2017

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Jinkadoodle brought the dragonfly vessel to a shaky hover just above a field of wheat along the eastern outskirts of Greyhawk City. One by one, the others climbed down the rope ladder and disembarked, leaving Aithanar to pull it back up once everyone had departed the ship.

"We'll meet you back here at sundown!" he called down to the others, and then Jinkadoodle sent the dragonfly ship soaring up into the sky - he'd be spending the rest of the day practicing maneuvering the spelljamming vessel and getting used to sensing everything around the ship through the vessel's helm. Aithanar would be tending to the group's various animals, kept in the secret lower hold where one of the bedrooms had been converted to a stable of sorts.

As for the heroes, they had other things to do: shopping! Aerik had provided them with a list of the prominent magic shops in Greyhawk City and the heroes all had their accumulated riches stashed away with them. King Galrich had specifically instructed them to outfit themselves with the best magical equipment they could, and that's exactly what they intended to do. However, since Ingebold carried their only extradimensional source - the portable hole - capable of carrying all of their accumulated riches, the group needed to stay together, rather than each go their separate ways.

Binkadink and Finoula dropped off their armor at a respectable armorsmith's shop and paid in advance for the magical upgrades they wanted done; the gnome's red dragon plate mail could easily be modified to provide him resistance from fire-based attacks, whereas the elven ranger wanted her armor fortified to better protect her from sneak attacks and the like. Fortunately, Binkadink had a spare set of chain mail armor that he wore while his "good armor" was being upgraded; Finoula had no such set of backup armor and thus walked the streets of Greyhawk City in a comfortable outfit, the sword and whip strapped to her belt the only indicators of her adventurer status. At the same armorsmith, Ingebold purchased a beautifully-crafted suit of chainmail; she walked away more heavily-armored than when she arrived, in direct opposition to both Finoula and Binkadink. She also later picked up a pair of boots that increased her ability to leap and to move at a faster pace. "It'll be good t' no' be always fallin' behind th' rest of ye," she commented as she pulled on her new boots of striding and springing.

Darrien surrendered his Arachnibow at a famed weaponsmith's shop, to have it enhanced with an icy burst effect. Fortunately, he had a spare composite longbow to tide him over for the week or so it would take for the enhancement to be made. Castillan had in idea of what he wanted, but had to have it custom-made. He handed over his money, eager for the ring to be crafted that would allow him to effect the equivalent of a dimension door spell three times a day. He, too, was told to check back in a week's time.

Gilbert's purchases were mostly of spell scrolls and potions, and although they were ready for immediate use as-is he intended to study the scrolls carefully in the days to follow, to learn the secrets of the spells they contained. Then they'd be carefully inscribed into the spellbook section of his Omnibook, which would allow him to be able to cast those spells as needed. Of course, as he bought nearly two dozen spell scrolls, he'd be rather busy for several weeks inscribing these into his spellbook, but such were the ways of a wizard. He also traded in his bracers of armor for a more powerful set. Darrien picked up a few potions to tide him over; he got a few odd looks from the other customers and people who passed him in the streets, since he'd decided to embrace his heritage as a half-aquatic elf and had stopped taking the medicated raisins that had kept his skin and hair away from the greenish end of the color spectrum. His skin still had only a hint of green, seen only under certain lighting conditions, but his hair was now a thick, lustrous pine green.

By early afternoon, the heroes had attended to most of what they'd wished to accomplish. They grabbed a quick bite at an outdoor eatery, then strolled the streets of the unfamiliar city to see the sights. They were accosted at the site of a fountain by a one-handed beggar asking them for coins. He held out a small, filthy cloth sack in his left hand, his right arm ending in a stump. Castillan was in the process of handing him over five pieces of gold - a slightly comical process, given that the bounder was holding out the coins as if to pass them over but the beggar's sole hand was holding the cloth sack and he was thus unable to grab them - when a fearful cry rang out through the air.

"No! Leave me alone! Help! Help!" called what started out as a masculine voice but which got increasingly high-pitched in terror.

Castillan looked over at the sound, leaving the five coins held in his outstretched hand while the frustrated beggar desperately tried to figure out how to get them into his bag with only his left hand. Finoula stepped over and saw a heavy figure running into a nearby alley, pursued by a short man wearing a hooded cloak. The pursuer had a long dagger brandished in his right hand. "Hey!" she called, hoping to scare the attacker into fleeing upon realizing he was under observation.

Binkadink took matters a bit closer into hand. Extending his gnomish stilt-boots to increase the length of his strides, he raced up behind the pursuing attacker. While the heavyset man skidded around a corner and raced against one of the walls separating the city into districts, Binkadink sent his glaive crashing into the side of the pursuer's head. He was careful to twist the blade so the flat part of it struck the gnome's victim; in a strange city for the first time, the fighter had no intentions of slaying somebody his first day there. The hooded figure stumbled, slammed into a side wall, and collapsed into a heap of twisted limbs, his sharp dagger clattering to the cobbles of the alley. Rolling onto his back, his hood flipped back from his face, exposing a sharp, black beak and a face covered with dark feathers. Binkadink wasn't aware of it yet, but he'd just met up with his first kenku.

Meanwhile, ignorant of his gnomish savior behind him, the would-be victim raced straight for the wall ahead of him and fear helped him scamper up it and pull his bulk over the top, dropping down into the neighboring district in a move that would have made Castillan nod in begrudging appreciation.

But Castillan wasn't within sight of the fat man's impressive physical feat; he had finally turned his attention back to the beggar and deposited his coins into the filthy bag. With a nod of appreciation, the beggar made his way across the fountain and scampered away in a hurry. Turning, the bounder saw the reason why: two armed guardsman were fast approaching, apparently having heard the cries for help. Looking at the numerous coins sitting at the bottom of the fountain, Castillan could only imagine beggars were constantly being shooed away from such a source of easy money.

"What's going on here?" demanded one of the guardsmen, approaching Binkadink warily. The gnome had dropped his stilt-boots down to normal gnomish height, the better to look inoffensive, and although he still held his glaive he gripped it one-handed at his side and held his other hand in the air. The guardsmen were both armed with halberds, and had them pointed at the gnome responsible for this assault on an unconscious victim. Binkadink quickly gave his version of events, while the rest of the Kordovians approached.

"You're all going to have to come with us," said one of the guardsmen. "We'll let the magistrate sort things out." Binkadink went willingly with the guards and the others followed.

Inside the courtroom, the others filed into the rows of pew-like seats as Binkadink and the two guards stood before the magistrate's bench. The gnome had just begun telling his story when a page entered the room and approached the magistrate, whispering into the older man's ear once he got there.

The magistrate pounded on the bench with his gavel. "Clear the courtroom," he commanded, and the two or three others sitting in the viewing area got up to leave. So, too, did the stenographer, the bailey, and, at a nod from the magistrate, the two guards who had brought Binkadink in for questioning. Then, with the admonishment to "Remain here - the Guildmaster will be here shortly to hear your story," the magistrate got up himself and departed the room, leaving the seven bewildered heroes alone in the courtroom.

Moments later, the door opened up again and another hooded figure entered the room, his robes as dark as the magistrate's who had just departed. This one wore a mask hiding his face; he walked behind the magistrate's bench, took a seat, and looked down at the assembled heroes.

"Are you the individuals involved in the attack on the kenku?" demanded the masked man. Then, before any of them had a chance to answer, he pulled the mask from his face and stared directly at Finoula in complete astonishment. "Feron?" he asked.

Finoula stood up from her seat and addressed the man behind the magistrate's desk. "Uh, no, Your Honor. My name is Finoula Cloudshadow; I'm Feron's older sister."

"Well, I'll be damned," replied the once-masked man. "Full elf, I see, now that I look harder. Well." He cleared his throat, then continued with what he was going to say. "I am Guildmaster Rale Bodkin. I once adventured with Feron - in fact, she and I were very close, if you know what I mean - but now I am one of the secret leaders of this city, running the only legitimate thieves' guild and a guild of stage actors. I'm also the head of the Collectors, a band of kenku information brokers. The kenku you attacked, K'Klark, he works for me. Would you care to explain yourselves?"

Binkadink explained what had happened, taking special care to point out how he'd attacked with the flat of his blade when he could have easily slain the kenku. Rale listened quietly, nodding to himself on occasion. At the end of the gnome's account, Rale explained what was going on. "There's been a rash of devil sightings throughout the city recently. And, perhaps not coincidentally, there have also been attacks against certain of my establishments. It's my belief that the two are related, that there's a rival in town using devils to try to bring down my Guild. K'Klark was looking into a recent lead when you encountered him. I want you to pick up where he left off. The man he was after, Dunkleman, owns a handful of warehouses. He's gone to ground after K'Klark went after him, but I’ve got my Collectors looking for him. In the meantime, I want you to check into his warehouses, see if you can find anything implicating him in the devil attacks. Do that for me, and we'll forget the cost of K'Klark’s healing. Agreed?"

"Agreed," replied Binkadink. Rale gave them the address to the warehouse he wanted them to check out and gave them instructions to report back to one of his associates, Chunk, the owner of a nearby pawnshop. "Chunk'll be able to get word back to me," Rale replied.

The group filed out of the courtroom and headed to the location of Dunkleman's warehouse. It was in the shoddier end of town, a section referred to as "the Styes." The warehouse, once they got to it, was fairly unimpressive-looking; a single-story structure, with only one set of doors leading to a muddy street. A cheap-looking padlock attached to a metal chain wound through the two door handles provided the only visible protection.

"This will be a piece of cake," scoffed Castillan, whipping out his lockpicking set.

"Not so fast, elf boy," advised Gilbert Fung. "We do some prep spells first." He cast a mage armor spell on himself and Mudpie, while Finoula and Darrien each cast barkskin spells on themselves. Gilbert and Hagan each chose to protect themselves with stoneskin spells, while Ingebold cast a magic circle against evil spell centered on herself. "If it's devils we be up against, 'specially summoned ones, ye'll be wantin' t' stay close t' me," she advised.

"Hey, Gilbert, how about a mage armor spell for me as well?" asked Finoula. She felt particularly vulnerable without any type of armor, since hers was back at the armorsmith's being upgraded.

"I got no more mage armor spells ready," responded Gilbert. "But here," he said, digging through his pack, "You can have this." He handed her over a potion vial. She drank it down in a gulp, wincing at the unpleasant aftertaste, and then her skin erupted in goose bumps all over as she started feeling itchy all over. "It a 'Winkidew Special'," the mage advised, as Finoula's visible skin turned a bright bluish shade.

The ranger frowned at Gilbert. "I look ridiculous!" she complained.

"I can turn your hair blue, to match," offered Binkadink, smirking at the thought of changing somebody's hair color on request for once.

"No thanks," grumbled Finoula.

"We just explain you a rare strain of friendly drow," offered Gilbert, smiling.

"Just open the lock already, Castillan," commanded Finoula. "I think we're all done with our prepping out here." Castillan dutifully gave a quick twist of his wrist and the lock popped open in his hand. He pulled out the chain and opened the doors, revealing the warehouse's interior. All but the back right corner - which was walled off, likely as an office room - was one large, open room with crates and barrels stacked in a haphazard fashion. There were flickering lights in the back left corner; as the group approached, they saw numerous black candles in place around a magic circle carved in the warehouse floor. Lying in the middle of this circle was a human with a sacrificial knife - one of these with a blade that curved back and forth like a wriggling snake - sticking out of his heart. He wore tattered clothes and an expression of pain frozen on his face.

Everyone approached cautiously. "Nobody enter circle," warned Gilbert. Darrien peered into an open crate close to the circle and found a pile of dark-colored robes. Ingebold cast a detect magic spell and peered closely at the circle, then at the entire back of the warehouse, including the office where Hagan, after having peeked into the window and seeing it empty of people, was entering through the sole door. "Th' circle's safe," she advised. "It's not radiatin' any magic at all."

Inside the office, Hagan found a piece of paper atop the desk. Picking it up, he read over the contents and then returned to read it to the group. "Listen to this," he said. "'Sacrifice a human by midnight tonight to ensure the completion of the next of our goals.' It's signed 'High Priest Dunkleman'."

"So this Dunkleman guy is behind this," concluded Darrien.

"Not so fast," advised Gilbert, examining the magic circle, as Binkadink piped up with, "I don't like this. It's almost too perfect."

"I agree, gnome. This no proper magic circle. You couldn't summon a devil using this. Couldn't summon anything. It all stage dressing."

Binkadink poked at the corpse with his glaive, sliding the tip of the blade underneath him and flipping him over. Rigidity had already possessed the corpse - he'd apparently been dead for some time, probably since the previous night. But what Binkadink wanted to see was how much blood had pooled beneath the corpse, and the answer was evident to all who could see it: not nearly enough. "This poor guy, whoever he was, wasn't even killed here," surmised the gnome.

"Then it's a setup," concluded Finoula. "Do you think this Rale guy is behind it? That he sent us here to find this, so we'd implicate Dunkleman?"

"Not sure what he'd gain by doing that," commented Gilbert. "But somebody framing Dunkleman as guy behind devil attacks."

That was all Niedelmeyer needed to hear. He'd been left here by his master to wait until the setup in the warehouse had been discovered. If, as his master had hoped, this led to Dunkleman being set up as a patsy, he was to allow the discoverers to live and go about their merry way passing on the fabrications about who was behind the devil attacks in the city. But if they didn't fall for the story, then he had been given express permission to take them all out. Dismissing the major illusion cloaking him as a stack of crates, Niedelmeyer struck.

Darrien was the closest target at hand, so the barbed devil slashed out at him from behind with his wicked claws. "Look out!" cried Finoula, seeing the creature's claws coming down on the half-elf, and Darrien spun in place, seeing too late the fierce claws bearing down on him. He had no time to dodge, so he instinctively raised an arm to try to block the razor-sharp claws from ripping off his face...

...but then, inexplicably, the claws stopped a mere inches from the half-elf ranger's upthrust arm. There was a horrendous noise, like fingernails scraping along a piece of slate, and Niedelmeyer's claws scraped off the invisible barrier around Ingebold afforded by her magic circle against evil spell. The spell provided a handful of benefits, but the important one at hand was preventing evil summoned creatures from approaching within ten feet of the spell's focal point. Darrien was fortunately just inside that invisible barrier.

Niedelmeyer shrieked in rage at being denied his victim as Finoula raced forward, stepping outside the protective barrier of Ingebold's magic circle against evil spell. But she had no thoughts of squaring off against this barbed devil just yet; activating her magic amulet, her body became a bolt of lightning that coursed through Niedelmeyer's fiendish body and deposited the ranger back in her normal form a good ten feet away. She glanced at her foe, hoping to see him doubled over in pain at her attack, but no such luck; many devils had an inherent resistance against spells and their effects, and it looks like this time she had failed to overcome his magical protection.

Still, it seemed like a fine idea to Hagan, so he copied Finoula's attack as best he could. While he didn't have an amulet of lightning as she did, he did know how to cast a lightning bolt spell and he stepped forth and did just that, careful to line up his attack so it wouldn't hit Finoula on the other side of the barbed devil. Unfortunately, the sorcerer was no more effective with his electrical attack than the elven ranger had been at hers.

From within the safety of the magic circle against evil spell, Darrien sent a flurry of arrows, one after the other, at the barbed devil. Each struck true, but they snapped in half upon striking the devils' spiny hide or else just got caught up in the numerous barbs and spines poking out of the creature's rough skin. Assessing the situation with a calculating eye, the ranger deemed his arrows to be ineffective against the barbed devil; obviously, a different approach would be needed.

Castillan was the next to attack. Using various crates as stepping stones, he dashed behind the barbed devil and stabbed at it with his short sword. He managed to penetrate the beast's hide, and fortunately his blade was just long enough to prevent any of the spines from piercing his hand in return. But quick as a flash, the barbed devil spun around and raked his claws against the bounder's body before grappling him in a bear hug that pierced through his studded leather armor in a variety of places. Fortunately for the bounder, Niedelmeyer was well aware he was fighting seven opponents and couldn't focus his concentration on just one foe, so he dropped Castillan from his embrace and spun, snarling, to face the rest of his enemies.

Gilbert cast a haste spell that encompassed all of his friends. "See how you like that, Pokey!" he taunted.

Binkadink rushed up the edge of the confines of Ingebold's protective spell and lashed out with his glaive. Surprisingly, the nimble devil avoided the thrust of his blade. But then Finoula reversed her course as another flash of lightning, this time ending up right where she'd been before her first such attack. She was saddened to see this one had not managed to overcome the barbed devil's innate spell resistance either. And neither did Hagan's follow-up lightning bolt attack, which passed through Niedelmeyer's body without the devil even seeming to notice.

But perhaps that was because the barbed devil's focus was on Ingebold. In the midst of furious combat, it had singled her out as the likely caster of the magic circle against evil spell. So it blasted at her with a pair of scorching rays that took the dwarven cleric completely by surprise. She responded in kind, though, casting a holy smite spell on the barbed devil that caused him quite a bit of consternation. That gave Castillan enough time to stagger back into the radius of her magic circle against evil, safe at least against Niedelmeyer's physical attacks.

Darrien had figured out his follow-on attack, given his arrows weren't likely to be of much use. Touching the amber amulet he wore around his neck, he summoned forth the giant praying mantis that lived within it. The mantis manifested directly behind Niedelmeyer and snatched at him with its fearsome claws, but the barbed devil dodged the giant insect's attacks.

Binkadink stabbed at the fiend again and again with his magical glaive, this time managing to penetrate deeply with several of his attacks. Niedelmeyer took a step back but refused to divert his attention from his intended target: two more scorching rays went blasting into Ingebold's form, and she staggered back a step from the onslaught. Begrudgingly, she was forced to cast a healing spell upon herself instead of attacking the barbed devil like she wanted, but she realized she'd be no good to the group if she dropped into unconsciousness, or - even worse - allowed herself to be slain because of her own stubborn pride.

Hagan cast another lightning bolt spell at the wounded barbed devil, and the third time seemed to be the charm. Niedelmeyer staggered under the electrical attack, all but dead on his feet. Finoula stepped up beside him and slashed down at the devil with her longsword Tahlmalaera, and the recent fiend bane enhancement to her sword was all it took to slay the barbed beast. The fiend's body exploded in a puff of rancid gas, leaving nothing behind but a nasty odor.

"Good job, everyone," Ingebold called to the group at large, as they started lining up to be healed. After having his wounds sealed up, Castillan approached Hagan and asked to see the paper the half-orc had unearthed in the warehouse office before battle began. Looking over the written words with a practiced eye, he deduced the letter had been written by a right-handed man using his left hand, possibly in an attempt to disguise his handwriting.

Having gathered all the information they could from the warehouse, the group headed over to Chunk's Pawnshop to check in. But as they approached, they heard screams of terror and ran into a herd of frenzied people. "Run!" cried a woman as she fled past. "Another devil attack!" screamed another.

The heroes surged forward through the panicked crowd, fighting their way toward Chunk's. They heard bellowing and the crashing of furniture from inside the building.

Finoula, perhaps because of her current lack of armor, was the first to reach the doors to the pawnshop. Stepping inside, she saw a large man in well-worn leather armor - Chunk himself, no doubt - rounding from behind a counter with a large cudgel in his hand. But there in the middle of the shop was a human-sized creature wearing an odd assortment of chains. It slammed down at a table of merchandise with its chains, causing the table to rupture in two and all of the goods displayed there to crash to the floor. The ranger raced up to the chain devil and slashed out with Tahlmalaera; if the fiend was surprised at being attacked by a bright blue elf it gave no indication. Instead, it slammed at her with its chains, causing blood to erupt from Finoula's nose.

Ingebold stepped into the store next, invoking the words to a spiritual weapon spell as she did so. A dwarven warhammer made of pure force materialized before her and crashed into the chain devil, knocking its chain-shrouded head back by the force of the blow. Bonecruncher just grunted and carried on his attacks.

Darrien entered the pawnshop, called out to Chunk to stay back, and fired his composite bow at the chain devil. The arrow was deflected off a swinging chain; whether this was intentional on the part of the fiend or just random luck was open to debate. But Hagan entered just behind Darrien and rather than attack from a distance as the ranger had done the sorcerer ran straight up to the chain devil, ducking his head slightly beneath the hovering spiritual weapon. Hagan blasted at it with one of his most powerful spells, and although the cone of cold hit Bonecruncher head-on, all that happened was the sorcerer learned the hard way that chain devils are immune to cold. Wezhley hissed in annoyance on Hagan's shoulder at his master's failure to harm their fiendish foe.

Gilbert and Mudpie entered next, and the wizard had his earth elemental familiar strike at the fiend with its rocky fists. The attack held the chain devil's attention long enough for Castillan to lope around behind it - but not so much that it wasn't able to slam at the bounder with a quick-striking chain as he fled past. Still, the bounder took the pain in stride as he continued his move: striking deep into the devil's body with his short sword, twisting the blade once it was in. Bonecruncher cried out in pain, and Finoula once again made the finishing stroke with Tahlmalaera. The chain devil's body crashed to the ground amidst a cacophony of clattering metal links, but once it landed it was gone in a flash.

"Thanks," replied Chunk, wiping the sweat from his forehead and getting a good look at those who had taken care of the devil who had suddenly appeared and started trashing his place. "Hey, are you guys Rale's new crew?" he asked. "I was told you'd be checking in later."

"Well, we're working with him for the moment," replied Finoula, brow furrowing at the look Chunk was giving her until she remembered she was bright blue. She gave Chunk a rundown of what they had found at the warehouse, and how it looked like somebody was trying to put the blame of the devil attacks on this Dunkleman character.

"I never heard of him," admitted Chunk. "But I'll pass on your report to Rale, once one of my useless assistants shows back up!" Several other rogues worked for Chunk, but they'd all hightailed it once the chain devil appeared.

A tinkling of the bell above the front door alerted the group to the presence of another person entering the pawnshop. Looking up to see if it was one of the shop's other workers, the group saw another hooded, cloaked figure - and once he pulled back the hood, that this was another kenku.

"I'm Skrawk," he said by way of introduction. "You the new guys working for Rale?"

"For now, at least," offered up Castillan. "What's up?"

"I'm here to report in to Chunk, but I can let you guys know as well. We found Dunkleman. One of the Collectors trailed him to a small manor house on Silver Street. He went inside about half an hour or so ago but hasn't come back out since."

"You guys want to go check this out?" asked Chunk.

Gilbert sighed. "Might as well. Give me address to manor house."

As one might expect by the name of the street on which the manor house was situated, this was in one of the better neighborhoods in the city - not where the truly rich lived, but not too far down the social ladder. The manor was fairly small compared to its neighbors, but it was surrounded by an iron fence and thick hedges, providing the owners with a bit of privacy.

"How do we want to do this?" asked Castillan.

"Let's begin with a bit of reconnaissance," suggested Hagan, taking Wezhley from his shoulder. Talking quietly to his familiar, the half-orc set the weasel down on the ground and he scampered off, making a bee-line for the structure built to the side of the manor proper - likely a wagon shed or carriage house. The weasel made it safely underneath the dual doors, confirming there was little there - not even a wagon or a cart. There was a door at the back of the structure that likely led directly into the manor house, but the weasel, while quite intelligent, wasn't able to open it, nor could he squeeze beneath as he had done with the doors to the carriage house. Exiting the way he'd come in, he made a full circuit around the house, climbing up onto windowsills and peeking inside when he could. He identified a small bedroom filled with three sets of bunks (which likely indicated at least six people inside) and a kitchen and dining room, but saw nobody through the windows. There was an entire upper floor but the weasel had no way to get up there to look, so he returned and passed on his findings to his master.

"Good boy, Wezhley," Hagan praised his familiar, pulling out some of his rations and feeding them to the always-hungry weasel.

"Let's see if there a downstairs," suggested Gilbert, sending his own familiar to investigate the possibility. Mudpie sank down into the earth, gliding beneath the surface of the ground and popping his head through the foundation walls to peer at the basement level, which was one big room with a set of stairs leading up to the ground floor over in the northeastern corner. Half of the room was covered in mats and had human-shaped targets against the walls, whereas the other half contained tables containing such things as padlocks and lockpicking tools, a forger's station, and so on.

"Somebody setting up rival thieves' guild," Gilbert surmised after Mudpie returned and gave his report. "Not sure how devils fit in, though."

The group decided on a two-pronged approach. Castillan and Darrien went around to the back of the manor house, where the bounder would pick the lock to the back door and the two would enter from that direction, while the others went in through the front door. Castillan did a quick search for potential traps and found none before putting his lockpicks to good use. Behind him, Darrien had an arrow nocked and ready.

At the front of the manor house, the other five heroes and Mudpie stepped up onto the wooden porch. "Should we just knock?" asked Finoula, but then she got her answer, as directly above them, in the room overlooking the porch, half a dozen men shot crossbows through the murder-holes in the floor built just for that purpose. She and Hagan cried out in sudden pain as arrows pierced their shoulders; Binkadink took this as a sign that all attempts at subterfuge were long since past and smashed open the door with his greatclub.

The room before him was a rather comfortable-looking living room, with a plush sofa and a couple of padded chairs around an end table or two. To the right were two sets of stairs, the closest leading upstairs and the other leading down to the basement. Binkadink could see the stairs leading up went to a hallway along the back wall, blocked by a wooden banister; furthermore, behind the banister stood a familiar-looking figure wearing leather armor, glaring down at the heroes below him. It took a second glance for the gnome to notice what at first had failed to stand out: this figure was familiar because they'd seen him earlier that day - it was the stump at the end of his right arm that gave him away.

Not wanting to switch weapons and realizing a long glaive might be unwieldy in the confines of a manor house's hallways, Binkadink raced up the stairs wielding his magical greatclub, eyes focused on his target: the erstwhile "beggar" they'd met just before K'Klark attacked Dunkleman. Before he could get there, though, the leather-clad human made a weird gesture, holding his left hand in front of the stump of his right arm - and suddenly, an ice devil appeared at the top of the stairs before an astonished Binkadink.

"Kill them all, Winterkiss!" commanded Jack Raptor, and the ice devil slashed out at the gnome fighter to comply with his master's orders.

However, Ingebold put a sudden stop to both of their plans, casting a blade barrier along the hallway at an angle, and directly in the path of where both Jack and Winterkiss stood. With only a second to process any thoughts of evasion, each arrived at the same solution and leaped over the banister onto the floor below. Winterkiss crushed a recliner beneath him as he landed, but Jack fell prone in front of the sofa. However, had they not leaped as they did, they'd both be trapped on the other side of the blade barrier (the ice devil would actually be trapped on both sides of it), with no choice but to move through it to escape.

And then, to add insult to injury, Gilbert followed up Ingebold's blade barrier spell with an Evard's black tentacles spell, causing ebony appendages to rise up from the floor and wrap themselves around the would-be thieves' guildmaster and his ice devil servant. Both were instantly entangled in the writhing tentacles.

At the back door, Castillan made it through the lock and slammed the door open; stepping back, he allowed Darrien to enter before him and shoot at the only foe he saw: Winterkiss, enwrapped in a multitude of inky tentacles. The ice devil was not liking his current situation: entwined as he was, he could either try to break free and make it to his master (who he'd then have to also break free from the writhing tentacles), or teleport himself to safety. He chose the latter, appearing on the porch beside Hagan, Finoula, and Ingebold. He needed to kill the fat wizard who had cast the odious spell that still imprisoned his master, and to do that he'd have to first kill the half-orc who stood in his way. But no matter - he had orders to kill them all, anyway!

Hagan took an involuntary step back at the sudden appearance of the ice devil beside him, then blasted at him with a lightning bolt spell. Once again, though, he failed to overcome the fiend's innate spell resistance. He cursed his bad luck, and then cursed again as the rogues directly above him shot down at him and the two women now that they'd had time to reload their light crossbows.

Half of the rogues had abandoned their room over the porch and headed down the hallway. One approached Binkadink at the top of the stairs, pulling out his short sword as he closed into combat distance, but the gnome killed him with a single slam of his greatclub.

Down below, Jack Raptor cursed at his fate. He'd chafed under the rules of Rale's thieves' guild, deciding he'd do whatever it took to tear that guild down and replace it with one he founded himself - and "The Raptor's Talons" had quite a nice ring to it! To that end, he'd cut off his own right hand to prove his worthiness and been rewarded for his faith with the devils claw gauntlet: a metal, clawed hand that fit over his stump and gave him the full mobility of his missing hand - while remaining fully invisible to all but himself. And best of all, the devils claw gauntlet had five stones embedded on the back, one by each knuckle. A close examination of each gem would show a particular flaw in its interior forming the silhouette of one of five devils: a chain devil, an erinyes, a bone devil, a barbed devil, or an ice devil. Touching the gem - as Jack had done when Binkadink first ran up the stairs toward him - summoned the devil, and best of all, when slain the devil returned to the gem to be released again the following day. It was quite a powerful weapon, his gauntlet, one practically guaranteed to aid his rise in power and take down Rale Bodkin and his guilds.

And yet here he lay, wrapped in tentacles and unable to move, unable to even reach across with his left hand and summon forth another devil from the two that yet remained: Militrusia the erinyes and Skalarac the bone devil. It was humiliating!

Unwittingly, Gilbert Fung released Jack Raptor from his humiliation when he cast his scorching ray spell at the prone rogue. The blasts of energy struck Jack and fried him to a crisp where he lay, completely helpless and unable to move a muscle. Watching this from above, the rogue behind the one just slain by Binkadink hurriedly dropped his weapons to the floor. "I surrender!" he cried, and behind him another followed suit. It took longer for word to reach those engaged in shooting their crossbows at the heroes below them on the porch that Jack Raptor, who had seemed so powerful and unstoppable, had been slain, but once it did they too dropped their weapons and surrendered immediately.

But that was the least important thing going on. Winterkiss was frustrated by the magic circle against evil spell still in effect a full ten feet around Ingebold, which was preventing him from re-entering the mansion and taking his vengeance out upon the heroes. But more importantly, a shadowy figure suddenly manifested in the midst of the Evard's black tentacles spell. He wore an elaborate costume of embroidered finery and lace and would not have looked at all out of place in the court of a king, were it not for the oversized fly's head perched upon the top of his neck. Immediately, ebon tentacles flopped over his way to engulf his limbs; with a look of mild annoyance he shooed them away and they passed harmlessly through his now incorporeal body.

"Jack, Jack, Jack," the fly-man said, shaking his head sadly. "It would zzzeem that even with the infernal azzzizzztanzzze we provided, you were not up to the tazzzk you zzzet for yourzzzelf. But no matter: you zzzigned the contract, and your zzzoul izzz now mine."

Holding his hand over Jack's body, he extracted a ghostly shape – a long, multi-segmented worm with Jack's head in miniature – from his corpse. He also retrieved the devils claw gauntlet from the slain rogue's stump, which became fully visible once removed from Jack's arm. "In you go!" he commanded, and Winterkiss disappeared, returning to his designated gemstone on the back of the metal gauntlet.

The coloxus devil then turned to the heroes there on the ground floor with him. "I don’t zzzuppozzze any of you wishezzz to zzzell their zzzoul to me?" he asked.

"No, I good," replied Gilbert.

"Same here," said Finoula.

"Nay," responded Ingebold. Hagan had missed the question, having been concentrating on the ice devil's sudden disappearance.

"Juzzzt thought I'd azzzk," said the fly-man before vanishing into nothingness, taking the devils claw gauntlet and the screaming soul-larva of Jack Raptor with him.

Gilbert silently dismissed his Evard's black tentacles spell with a wave of his hand. "It safe now," he called to Darrien and Castillan, whose way had been blocked by the placement of the tentacles - which couldn't have been helped, if Gilbert wanted to get both Jack and the ice devil within its radius. Binkadink led the surrendered rogues down the stairs in a single file with their hands on their heads. The heroes locked their captives into a small closet while they explored the rest of the manor house. They found Dunkleman tied up on a bed; he'd merely come to the manor to warn Jack Raptor, who was renting the warehouse in which the heroes had fought the barbed devil, that he'd been attacked by a kenku out of the blue and it seemed to have something to do with his businesses. Feeling it his duty to warn Jack that he might also come under attack by these weird bird-men, the warehouse owner had unwittingly walked right into the lair of the one behind the devil attacks in the first place. Dunkleman was freed from his bonds by Castillan and told he could go.

There was a vault just off the master bedroom (which Jack had taken as his own); its lock easily opened using the key they found around the slain rogue's neck. There was a considerable sum of coins and gems stored there as well as a few magic items, some of which were useless to those of an other-than-good nature. (Finoula ended up claiming a winged helmet that passed on certain attributes of a celestial being to its wearer.) Darrien took one of the rogues' short swords as a backup melee weapon, in case anything ever happened to his scimitar. And then using the rope that had been used to bind Dunkleman, the heroes led the line of five captured rogues to Chunk's pawnshop, where they'd let Guildmaster Bodkin do with them as he pleased.

"Are ye sure we shouldnae have turned them over to th' magistrate?" asked Ingebold.

"You saw how things work in this city," observed Finoula. "This Rale guy apparently outranks a magistrate."

Binkadink shrugged. "When in Greyhawk City..." he said, then looked up at the sky. "Hey! It's starting to get dark. We need to go back to that field and meet up with Jink."

"We didn't get a chance to visit your uncle," pointed out Darrien.

"We can always do that tomorrow," replied the gnome. "Besides, he's Jink's uncle, too - he'll want to be there." The heroes made their way to the northeast, looking for signs of the dragonfly ship as they neared the wheat fields where they'd been dropped off that morning. Tomorrow would be soon enough for more of the many sights and attractions of Greyhawk City!

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T-Shirt Worn: To commemorate the first time the PCs made it to Greyhawk City, I chose to wear a solid grey T-shirt. (My other thought was to wear my Spider-Man T-shirt to commemorate Finoula's (final!) purchase of her boots of spider climbing...but it was in the wash.)
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 12
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 12
Darrien, half-elf ranger 12
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 12
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 12
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 12​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 11 (Moradin)
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​

Game Session Date: 3 September 2017

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"I don't trust 'em," admitted Piddilink Dundernoggin, his eyes glaring over at the potion shop that opened two weeks ago directly across the street from him. "They're selling their potions for less than the cost to make them, they've gotta be! Trying to drive away all my business, if you ask me. And look at the size of that place!" he continued. "There's hardly enough room to set up a potion lab, and they never get any deliveries coming in – so where do all these potions come from, anyway? I tell you, somebody needs to get to the bottom of this, that's for sure!"

The Kordovian heroes had swung by to say hello to Binkadink and Jinkadoodle's uncle while visiting Greyhawk City, and he took the opportunity of finding out his nephews were now adventurers – and had adventurer friends with them, forming an entire adventuring band – to get them to (hopefully) get rid of his new rivals.

"We'll go check it out," promised Binkadink. "Anybody else want to come with me?"

"I go," replied Gilbert, rising up from his chair.

"Anybody else?" asked the gnome fighter, looking among his friends.

"It doesn't look like there's a whole lot of room in there," pointed out Finoula. "Maybe you'd best check it out and report back." The elf ranger had a point, but she was also enjoying the hospitality of Binkadink's uncle - maybe it was his expertise as a potion crafter, but he made excellent tea!

Binkadink and Gilbert exited Piddilink Dundernoggin's potion shop and walked across the street. There was the target: "Exotic Potions and Tinctures," according to the letters painted on the window. It was a small shop by any standards, a single-story wooden building standing 25 feet wide and about 15 feet deep. A wooden door stood in the middle of the building, with a window to the left.

The two entered the shop and saw they were currently the only customers. The public area was a 15-foot square, with the back 5 feet blocked off by a wall; the middle of the wall held a counter window, behind which stood an attractive young woman with dusky skin and shiny, black hair. "Hello," she greeted the two, her voice betraying an unknown accent. "My name is Yasmine. May I help you?"

"We were, uh, looking to buy some potions," replied Binkadink.

Yasmine swung her right hand out, indicating the sign to the right of the counter, which indicated the potions available and the prices. Gilbert and Binkadink looked over and read:

Exotic Potions and Tinctures

Barkskin............ ...150 gp each
Cure light wounds... ....25 gp each
Cure moderate wounds.. .150 gp each
Delay poison....... ....150 gp each
Endure elements.... .....25 gp each
Gentle repose........ ..150 gp each
Purify food and drink.. .10 gp each
"You kidding me?" declared Gilbert Fung. "These prices for real?"

"They are indeed," replied Yasmine.

"How many potions of cure moderate wounds could I buy?" asked Binkadink.

"How many would you like?" returned Yasmine.

Binkadink ran numbers through his head. "Ten, if you have them," he said, pulling off his backpack and rummaging through it for his cash.

"Certainly, sir," said Yasmine, looking down behind the counter and grabbing up vials. She turned to an associate, another dark-skinned beauty. "Anabelda, could you grab me five more potions of cure moderate wounds from the back?"

"Of course," smiled Anabelda, walking off to the right to a door behind the counter leading to the small area not accessible by the public. During her absence, Yasmine occupied her customers with small talk. "So, you two are adventurers, I take it?" she asked.

"Yes, that's right," admitted Binkadink.

"Oh, are you part of the local Guild?"

"What? Uh, no, we're just visiting the city."

"Hey," interjected Gilbert. "How we know these potions actually work?"

"Oh, they work perfectly well," replied Yasmine. "They are crafted with loving care by true professionals, using proven methods that have withstood the test of time."

"Oh yeah? Maybe we test it out for ourselves. Can you put your hand on counter?"

Yasmine placed her hand on the counter top. "Why do you--?" she began.

Gilbert pulled out his dagger and raised it to the counter, and the salesgirl quickly snatched her hand away. "Sir!" she chided. "I must ask you not to draw weapons in the shop!"

"Okay, okay," grumbled Gilbert. "We can use magic missile spell instead. Now, this only hurt for a moment..."

Yasmine turned to Binkadink. "Sir, I must ask you to have your friend leave, immediately."

Binkadink turned to Gilbert with an "are you crazy?" look on his face. "Go on ahead, I'll be right out," said the gnome.

"I no go anywhere," replied Gilbert stubbornly. "I make sure potions work!"

"You leave building now!" Binkadink replied, mimicking Gilbert's affected speech patterns. "You no come back!"

"Fine," grumbled the wizard, turning and leaving the building. Binkadink turned back to Yasmine. "I'm sorry about that - he's not from around here." By then, Anabelda had returned from the back with the extra potions. Yasmine gathered them all together, Binkadink paid over his coins, and he exited the shop with his purchases. He looked around for Gilbert, but the portly mage was nowhere to be seen. Then Gilbert sauntered up from the side of the building. "Front door only way in," he announced, having just strolled around the building. "No other doors, no other windows."

The pair returned to Piddilink's shop, where Binkadink passed over one of his new purchases to his uncle for examination. "Does it look legit?" he asked.

Piddilink gave the potion a close scrutiny. "The color's different than the ones I make," he noted, but that wasn't unusual - there were many ways to arrive at the same destination during potion creation, and the end results often differed in color and taste. The alchemist unstoppered the potion, waving it under his prodigious nose. "I don't smell anything out of the ordinary," he admitted, then turned to his nephew. "Can I keep this one, run some tests on it?"

"Be my guest," replied Binkadink.

"I'll assist you," offered Jinkadoodle, himself well-versed in the potion-creation business, having spent many hours assisting his own father, Winkidew, at their own potion lab in Kordovia.

"Give us an hour or so," said Piddilink, taking the suspect potion back to his lab. That was a good time for the rest of the band to take off, to explore the sights of Greyhawk City; they still had the better part of a week to kill before their magical weapon and armor upgrades would be finished.

"So what's the next plan of action?" asked Darrien.

"We need to see inside rest of that building," said Gilbert.

"We could send in Wezhley," suggested Hagan. "I could cast greater invisibility on him, and he could jump over the counter and check out the back room, then report back."

"How long could he stay invisible?" asked Finoula.

Hagan considered. "A little over a minute," he replied.

"That dinnae give 'im a whole lot o' time," pointed out Ingebold. "There's a good chance they wouldnae have need t' open th' door during that time."

"Well, they would if one of us went in and purchased a whole bunch of the same potion, like I did," suggested Binkadink.

"Guys, guys, guys," interrupted Castillan. "Why are we wasting any brain cells on this? We wait until after nightfall, then we break in and check the place out ourselves. Easy enough."

The group considered Castillan's plan. "Are you sure you can get us into the place?" asked Finoula. Castillan just scoffed. "Not a problem," he replied.

"Okay, here what we do," said Gilbert. "I station Mudpie to keep watch on place. He make sure salesgirls leave, we wait for all clear, then we break in, check place out."

"We might want to let that Rale guy know what we're planning to do," suggested Castillan. "We don't want him thinking we're planning a heist and infringing on the thieves guild or anything." That seemed reasonable, so they left word at Chunk's, confident that Rale's top stolen-goods fence would pass the word along to the Guildmaster. Then they returned to Piddilink's shop, where they found out the potion Binkadink had purchased was, to all tests the alchemists could devise, perfectly legitimate. "It doesn't make any sense," complained Piddilink. "They should be out of business if they're selling their wares for so much less than they cost to make in the first place!"

"Maybe we'll find out what's going when we visit the shop tonight, after they close up," suggested Binkadink.

And then there was nothing to do but wait.

- - -

It was a cloudless night, with both of Oerth's moons nothing more than thin crescents in the night sky. The heroes crept along the streets and alleyways, keeping a watchful eye for any members of the City Guard that might be making their rounds. Mudpie had scouted out the shop, burying himself to just below his eyes in the alleyway across from "Exotic Potions and Tinctures," and reported to his master, Gilbert, that the two salesgirls had closed up shop at around 8 bells in the evening. Furthermore, while they lowered the sturdy shutters that covered the window for the night (during the day, they were propped up on metal poles to form a canopy), they didn't depart the shop as expected. Rather, they closed and locked the door from the inside. The dutiful earth elemental reported that nobody had entered or left the shop since it closed for the night.

"So they're still in there?" asked Darrien.

"That clinch it," remarked Gilbert Fung. "They got to have extradimensional space inside that back room."

"Like our 'lower level' in th' dragonfly ship?" asked Ingebold.

"Exactly. Or maybe teleport platform or something, but no room in there for potion lab - definitely no room for potion lab and bedroom!"

"Well, let's find out," said Castillan, approaching the door and pulling out his masterwork lockpicking tools. It was a tricky lock, requiring three times the normal time the elf could normally get a lock to bend to his dexterous fingers, but eventually it opened. With a look at the others, he pulled the door open and stepped inside into total darkness - the everburning torches which had been present during business hours were apparently stashed away somewhere. Still Castillan was an elf, so his night vision was better than that of a human; from the scant light from the twin moons, he could see the place was empty.

Hagan stepped in after the elf bounder, his half-orc eyes perfectly capable of seeing in pitch blackness. Wezhley, his weasel familiar, sat perched upon one shoulder. The two adventurers were the only ones to enter the dark shop; the others realized there wasn't a whole lot of room in there and opted to stay outside on watch duty. The spellcasters took the opportunity to cast some of their normal spells: Gilbert cast a mage armor spell directly on Mudpie and then a spider climb spell on both of them; Finoula and Darrien each cast a barkskin upon themselves; Ingebold cast her standard magic circle against evil spell, centered upon herself.

Inside the empty shop, Castillan approached the counter. The whole section beneath the open window hinged outward to allow entry into the area behind the counter. Hagan heard a sibilant whispering, followed by a "vwhoomp!" noise behind him that sounded vaguely electrical. He tried exiting through the door, but ran into an invisible wall of force that obviously hadn't been there a moment before.

In the meantime, several of the other adventurers had started climbing up onto the structure's roof. Gilbert and Mudpie had no problems doing so, given the spider climb spell the portly mage had just cast upon them. Likewise, Finoula's recent purchase of boots of spider climbing made clambering up to the roof a matter of ease, and she pulled Binkadink up to the rooftop with her. Darrien and Ingebold remained on the ground, alert for passersby.

Inside the shop, Hagan raced to the counter - Castillan had just opened the counter door - and peered over the counter. There, coiled in the back corner, was the hidden spellcaster responsible for the wall of force trapping them all inside. It was a skeletal snake with a human-looking skull: a bone naga, by all the descriptions the half-orc sorcerer had heard of such creatures. The half-orc fired off a lightning bolt spell which blasted into the creature's body. Castillan saw the bone naga just as it started casting a second spell; the bounder snapped his fingers, causing his short sword to materialize in his hand and he stabbed out at it. The blade struck bone and skidded off to the side, while the bone naga's spellcasting continued unabated. Immediately thereafter, billowing greenish-yellow vapors blasted into the bounder's face, obscuring his vision and rapidly filling up the enclosed room.

Hagan and Wezhley started choking immediately, as did Castillan. Fortunately, the two adventurers were able to shrug off the worst of the cloudkill spell's effects; not so Wezhley, who shivered with weakness after inhaling the nasty vapors. The weasel dropped down from the sorcerer's shoulder, staggering over to the doorway (the door had been left open to provide at least a little moonlight in the shop, not that it was doing any good right now) and scratched feebly at the wall of force.

Hagan realized that to stay inside the shop was to court death - not only could they no longer see their undead foe, or indeed anything in the cloud-filled room, but the poisonous vapors would kill them all given enough time. So he scooped up his familiar, then held his other arm out until he bumped into Castillan. Grabbing the bounder by his sleeve, the half-orc coughed out the words to a teleport spell, and they popped into existence beside a startled Ingebold in the cool, clean air of the city.

Meanwhile, up on the rooftop, Gilbert was trying out a new spell he had just mastered: a passwall. He created a hole in the middle of the roof, exposing the room below to the open air. In the moonlight, they could see the room below was filled with murky vapors, but the cloudkill spell created a heavy gas that hugged the ground, and they didn't spill out of the open hole in the roof.

"There's a bone naga in the corner!" Hagan called up to the others, pointing to the far corner. Binkadink took his bearings, then inverted his magical glaive and stabbed down at the corner where the bone naga should be. He felt resistance, telling him he had hit the creature, although his gnomish vision couldn't penetrate the thick vapors in the room below.

Suddenly, the bone naga's skull popped up out of the hole - the creature was long enough it could raise its head that high while still keeping a safe perch on the floor below. A line of dancing lightning blasted from its mouth, striking the gnome in the chest and then arcing off to strike everybody else up on the roof with him.

Mudpie, adjacent to the naga's skull, punched it with a rock-hard fist. Binkadink rapidly pulled his glaive up from the hole in the roof and reversed his grip on the weapon, allowing him to stab the naga with his full strength. That did the job; upon being destroyed, each of the bones making up its undead body disconnected from the others, to go clattering to the area behind the counter below.

Satisfied that the bone naga had been destroyed, the heroes climbed back down off the roof and had to wait outside for the wall of force and cloudkill spells to run their course. During that time, Binkadink rummaged through his pack and pulled out a handful of the potions of cure moderate wounds he had purchased from Yasmine earlier that day. Having taken the brunt of the bone naga's chain lightning spell, he felt he was in need of some healing before they proceeded inside the rest of the small building.

The first potion went down just fine, as did the second. The third one went down as well, but it had a funny taste to it - and while it healed up the gnome's wounds just as well as the first two had, he could feel it was also trying to do something else. "Guys," he said. "There's something funny about this potion."

"Are ye okay?" asked Ingebold, approaching the gnome after having tended to the other heroes' wounds.

"Yeah, I'm fine," replied the gnome. "But that last potion - I think it had some kind of poison added to it or something."

"It was one of the ones you bought this morning?" asked Hagan, feeding a healing potion of his own to Wezhley, who lapped it up from the half-orc's cupped hand.


"Maybe don't drink any more of those before we can get them tested," suggested Finoula.

"That's not a bad idea."

The adventurers made their way into the shop once access was once again available, forming a single-file line. Behind the counter everything was empty (with the exception of the pile of naga bones); the vials of potions and the cashbox that had been stored behind the counter during business hours were no longer in place.

"Let's check out this back area," suggested Binkadink, opening the side door behind the counter. The room beyond was also empty, save for the large stone statue that took up most of the eastern wall. It was a stylized carving of a serpent, circular in shape except for its head and tail which were turned away, causing it to take on the shape of an upside-down "omega" symbol, with the snake's open-mouthed head pointing one way and the tip of its tail facing the other.

Binkadink examined the statue, looking for a command word or something that might activate it. "Yep," confirmed Gilbert as he spotted the carving. "I bet that a teleport gate."

"Look here," commanded the gnome, tracing a faint line along the plane where the head and tail suddenly changed direction from the arc of the circle. "There's a crease here. I'll bet anything they swivel." He gave each end an experimental tug, to no effect - they weren't going to budge by a mere application of strength.

"I think you're right," said Castillan, squeezing into the small room. "Look: if the head and tail swivel back toward each other, the circle is not only completed, but the tip of the tail fits right into the snake's open mouth, forming an ouroboros."

Upon the uttering of the word "ouroboros," a grinding sound emanated from the statue, as the top portions of the carving swiveled around to form a snake-swallowing-its-own-tail configuration. Once it did so, the interior part of the statue - the part encircled by the snake - turned black, like an upright sheet of oil.

"Teleportation gate," repeated Gilbert. "Told you."

"Let's see where it leads," said Binkadink, stepping forward through the gate, his glaive pointed ahead of him.

The gnome felt a moment of disorientation, then found himself walking down a ramp on the other side of a similar-looking ouroboros carving behind him. Ahead of him, at the bottom of the ramp, a large room opened up. This room was about 35 feet square, with three large cauldrons along the back wall and a small stack of firewood piled along the northern wall. Two humanoid figures tended to the contents of the cauldrons. There were wide tunnels to the north and south and a pair of smaller, open rooms up on either side of the ramp. The fires beneath the cauldrons provide the room's only light, and Binkadink realized they couldn't be responsible for the greatly increased heat and humidity he had felt immediately upon passing through the teleport gate - he figured he was now somewhere far away from Greyhawk City, possibly in a jungle environment.

Walking as quietly as his armor - and his extended gnomish stilt-boots - allowed him, the gnome approached the two figures tending to the vats. The person on the left he recognized as Yasmine, from the potion shop; the other was a male, dressed in robes. Assuming this was the wizard behind the potions, Binkadink ran the rest of the way down the ramp and into the room, stabbing into the robed figure's body just as he turned to see what the "clicking" sound from the stilt-boots on the stone ramp was. The fighter's glaive pierced through the yuan-ti pureblood's gut, slaying him instantly. Binkadink stood there, a confused expression on his face and a dead male yuan-ti hanging off his extended glaive. Surely a high-powered wizard wasn't usually taken out in one blow like this?

Unbeknownst to the gnome, this was no wizard at all but a mere minion; he had expected a tough fight but ended up slaying a guy in charge of keeping the potion brews properly stirred. Castillan stepped through the gate and ended up beside and behind the gnome fighter. His crossbow raised, he sent a bolt flying at Yasmine, the only other visible combatant in the area.

Yasmine countered with a hastily-cast charm person effect, which surprisingly caught the gnome off guard. "Protect me from your friends!" Yasmine commanded. "Don't let them kill me!"

Ingebold was the next to enter through the teleport gate. She immediately cast a spiritual weapon spell that caused a dwarven warhammer to materialize in the air and go rushing to attack the dusky-skinned yuan-ti pureblood. "No! Stop!" cried Binkadink, stepping forward to try to shield Yasmine from the hammer-shaped spell effect.

Finoula was the next to enter, and she raced down the ramp with her magical longsword Tahlmalaera drawn and ready to attack. "Leave her alone!" cried Binkadink, sending his glaive swinging in the ranger's direction. Fortunately, Binkadink was only trying to stop his friends from fighting each other, so he struck Finoula with the flat side of his blade. Still, the ranger didn't expect an attack from this direction, and the glaive's blade slapped her away, stopping her advance toward Yasmine.

There was a circular chamber to the north of the potion vat chamber, where venom was extracted from the yuan-ti abominations that ruled this nest. Another yuan-ti pureblood female with dark skin, Boadakka, approached from this chamber, a masterwork scimitar raised in her hand. At the same time, a pair of six-foot-long serpents that had been resting in a circular depression to the south of the potion vat chamber transformed back into their human shapes, grabbed up scimitars of their own, and joined the fight from the south. One of these was Anabelda, the sales assistant Binkadink and Gilbert had encountered in the shop; the other was a male unknown to the heroes. But both could easily pass as a human, with their presence in a yuan-ti nest the only hint of their true heritage.

Despite Binkadink's defensive position, Castillan felt he could get past the gnome's guard with his bounding skills. He was right; he easily dodged past the fighter and continued on to Yasmine, where a quick thrust with his sword took her life. About the same time Ingebold entered the nest through the ouroboros statue; it was debatable whether it was the presence of Ingebold's magic circle against evil spell still active upon her or Yasmine's death that snapped Binkadink from his charm effect, but he was free of its influence immediately. He looked over to Finoula, gave an uncomfortable grimace that might have been meant as a smile, and offered, "Sorry!"

Boadakka stabbed at Gilbert Fung, who had just entered the nest. Her scimitar missed the surprised wizard, who hadn't expected to be attacked immediately upon stepping through the gate. The pureblood male attacked Finoula with his own scimitar while Anabelda swung at Darrien, who had also just arrived. Fortunately, both strikes missed their targets.

Hagan cast a chain lightning spell that slew both of the remaining female purebloods, leaving Darrien to finish off the male with a barrage of arrows. After that, Ingebold was kept busy casting healing spells upon those who needed them. A quick exploration of the areas seen thus far resulted in finding the racks of potions stored behind the shop counter during business hours, plus several empty potion vials and a few wooden crates filled with the proceeds from the sales thus far. The coins were dumped into Ingebold's portable hole for divvying up later.

After everyone had had a chance to catch their breath, Binkadink led the group through the wide tunnel to the south, the only way not yet explored. The tunnel arced to the east, splitting off three narrower tunnels along its length as it did so. Binkadink and Castillan checked each of these narrower tunnels; each ended in a 10-foot-deep pit, in which a dark-skinned human lay curled up in the fetal position, moaning softly in pain. Some of them had started growing patches of scales on their skin, leading the heroes to believe they were in the middle of a painful transformation into yuan-ti of some sort themselves.

There being nothing they could do for these unfortunates at the moment, the group moved on. As the wide tunnel veered east, they could see ahead to a large statue of a snake-god of some sort, carved from a burnished metal and looming over the chamber set before it. There was a large, circular depression in the floor before this idol, in which sat a pair of yuan-ti abominations. The group had met up with a trio of sonic yuan-ti before; these were of the same basic configuration, with a pair of muscular arms and a humanoid torso stuck in the middle of what was otherwise an enormous snake. Each of the abominations wore an elaborate harness, upon which was attached a scabbard containing an overly-large scimitar, as befitted creatures of this size.

Spotting the heroes, the abominations slithered in opposite directions, into sloping tunnels to the north and south of the worship chamber. One of the snake-men called out a sibilant prayer, and the idol responded by lurching to life, its motions becoming smoother and more lifelike with each passing second. The bronze serpent slithered forward to meet the advancing heroes at the western end of the worship chamber.

With an amazing speed worthy of a striking cobra, the bronze statue darted forth and bit at Finoula. The ranger cried out in sudden pain, not only from the carved fangs piercing her flesh but also the electrical current charging through the serpent's head. She struggled to escape the snake's mouth, wriggling free before it could wrap a coil of its powerful body around her and start squeezing the life from her.

Behind the bronze serpent, one of the yuan-ti abominations used the moving idol of its god as cover, plucking a bead from a necklace it wore around its neck and tossing it past the bronze serpent. The bead hit about halfway down the passageway in which the heroes were currently confined, exploding into a powerful fireball that struck each and every one of the heroes.

Ignoring his singed back, Binkadink stepped forward with his glaive and struck out at the bronze serpent. It hit with a spark of residual electricity, scratching the bronze creature's finish and leaving a deep groove. Behind the gnome, Hagan cast a chain lightning spell - he was really liking this new spell! - at the yuan-ti abomination that had cast the fireball bead, having it arc off to strike the other abomination and the bronze serpent. Based on their reactions, they all had some level of spell resistance which occasionally prevented spells from having their full effect. The half-orc growled involuntarily; enemy spell resistance was becoming his least favorite protective feature.

Finoula spoke the command word that caused her body to transform into a bolt of lightning, courtesy of her lightning amulet. She blasted through the bronze serpent and the yuan-ti abomination behind it, manifesting back as an elf directly behind the snake-man. Almost at the same time, Castillan bounded past the bronze serpent and ended up stabbing his sword at the yuan-ti abomination, catching him in a pincer maneuver with Finoula.

On a ramping slope to the south, the second abomination cast a healing spell upon himself that cured the electrical damage he'd just suffered from Hagan's chain lightning spell. Then he slithered forward, biting Finoula and wrapping his arms around her, the acid he'd formed on his skin burning the elf. Finoula could feel venom coursing through her body from the serpent-man's bite, but while she was able to shrug off its effects the overwhelming damage caused her to pass out. She fell limp in the abomination's grasp; rather than mess about with her undersized weapons, he pulled the lightning amulet from around her neck, intending to use it himself.

Binkadink cried out in pain, having been bitten and zapped by the bronze serpent's electrical bite. Then, still caught up in its mouth, the gnome was bodily lifted into the air and transferred to the statue's sinuous coils, where he was constricted. Hagan cursed at this turn of events, as he was just about to cast his last chain lightning spell at the bronze serpent, but was hesitant to do so with Binkadink being crushed in its coils - and wearing his metal armor, at that. Seeing the half-orc's hesitation, Binkadink called out to him, "Make the statue a secondary target! I can take a secondary blast!" Having experienced what it was like to take a primary blast courtesy of the bone naga earlier that evening, Binkadink wasn't sure he could survive another electrical zap like that.

The spell went off as planned - and the secondary arc that found its way to the bronze serpent not only zapped Binkadink something fierce through his metal armor, but actually healed the construct of some of the damage it had taken! But at least the yuan-ti with the necklace of fireballs, who had been the primary target of the spell, seemed to be severely hurt.

Darrien send a barrage of arrows flying at the bronze serpent, but they went clattering off the construct's metal exterior without seeming to do much harm.

Seeing her Battle-Sister lying unconscious on the floor, but with a bronze serpent and a yuan-ti abomination between them, Ingebold used her light mace of healing to send a cure serious wounds to Finoula from a distance. The spell not only healed the ranger's wounds, it revived her to consciousness. Finoula sat up just in time to scramble out of the way as the yuan-ti who had snatched her lightning amulet went crashing to the floor, several of Darrien's arrows buried in its throat. Without a word, she grabbed her amulet out of the reptile's hand and placed it back around her neck where it belonged.

Gilbert Fung directed a trio of scorching rays at the bronze serpent, overcoming the construct's spell resistance and causing it to crash to the ground, immobile. He and Mudpie then climbed up the wall to the ceiling, where they would be out of the way of the physical combatants heading over to fight the sole remaining yuan-ti abomination.

Castillan stabbed at the reptile with his short sword, causing it to hiss in pain. But it was Finoula, wielding Tahlmalaera, who brought the killing blow. Bending down to remove the creature's ornate scabbard from its harness, the ranger pulled out the reptile's oversized scimitar, tossed it aside, and experimentally placed her longsword inside it. As she suspected, the scabbard was magical - it resized to accommodate this new weapon, and future experimentation would reveal it provided the effect of a keen edge spell three times per day - a feature that would no doubt come in handy.

The necklace of fireballs was given to Binkadink, for two reasons: he was sorely lacking a ranged weapon, and once he got his red dragonhide armor back from the armorsmith, he'd be the one most likely to survive an accidental explosion while wearing the necklace, should he be attacked by an enemy fireball or similar flame-based attack.

Checking out the rest of the yuan-ti nest revealed not much more of importance; the passageway to the south led to a nesting chamber for the abominations, whereas the passageway to the north led to the jungle outside. It was guarded by a pair of yuan-ti broodguards and a trio of rattlesnakes, but they were nothing the heroes couldn't easily dispatch - and they did exactly that. Satisfied that they had cleared out the threat - and surmising that this whole exercise was an attempt to create a new nest of yuan-ti in Greyhawk City - the heroes grabbed up the finished potions from the racks (the three cauldrons contained only the first step in the preparation of three different potion types, but neither was anywhere near to ready for consumption) and returned through the ouroboros. Gilbert and Binkadink were the last ones through; after the wizard had determined the victims in the transformation pits were too far gone to be prevented from becoming yuan-ti, Binkadink put them out of their misery with his gnomish glaive.

The next morning, the group sent word to Guildmaster Rale Bodkin about the operation, so he could have his men safely dismantle the ouroboros to prevent any further yuan-ti incursions into the city. Rale had his kenku Collectors scour the city for signs of previous victims of the yuan-ti potion shop, for it seemed the salesgirls added a yuan-ti poison, extracted from the venom of the abominations, to some of the potions they sold in the hope that some of the people imbibing them would turn into yuan-ti. "Exotic Potions and Tinctures" had been open for two weeks, and there was no telling how many yuan-ti transformation potions had been sold in that time. To ensure none of the potions they had taken from the racks would have a similar effect on any of the adventurers, Ingebold cast a neutralize poison spell on the lot of them.

Fortunately for the adventurers, the rest of the week was relatively uneventful. It was only after they had picked up their upgraded weapons and armor that they got embroiled in yet another adventure starting out in this bustling city.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: While I don't have any T-shirts devoted to potions (or yuan-ti, for that matter), I do have several dedicated to "things that you drink" - so I chose to wear one of my two Mello Yello T-shirts.



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 12
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 12
Darrien, half-elf ranger 12
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 12
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 12
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 12​

NPC Roster:
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 11 (Moradin)​

Game Session Date: 18 November 2017

- - -

At long last, the week in Greyhawk City came to an end and the heroes' various weapons and armor were ready to be picked up. Binkadink had had his red dragonhide armor upgraded to resist fire damage; Castillan had ordered a ring made that would allow him to activate a dimension door effect three times per day; Finoula's longsword Tahlmalaera had been imbued with the fiend bane property, in preparation for her eventual showdown with the incubus Malaterminus; Darrien's Arachnibow had been enchanted to imbue an icy burst effect upon the arrows it shot. As the half-elf ranger picked up his beloved bow, the weapon shop proprietor mentioned, "Oh, I got a message for you: Guildmaster Bodkin wants to see you before you leave town."

"I wonder what he wants us for?" questioned Darrien.

"We find out when we find out," reasoned Gilbert. They entered the Guildhall and were escorted into a meeting room, where shortly thereafter Rale Bodkin entered alongside a middle-aged woman. "Thanks for meeting with me," said Rale. "This is my associate, Desdemona Honeytongue." The woman nodded her greetings, then spent an inordinate time staring at Finoula in puzzlement.

"I'm her sister," sighed Finoula, certain that this Desdemona likely knew Feron Dru.

Guildmaster Bodkin cleared his throat. "I have a proposal which I think will benefit both parties," he said, his ever-present smirk visible on his face. "We've had a problem – and when I say 'we,' I mean Cal Trop's merchant empire, in which I have a not-insubstantial piece. One of his ships is overdue on a return trip from Kozakura. We've tried scrying upon its captain, its crew, and on the ship itself, with no results. So it's missing, and we're not sure of its current location.

"There's another vessel on its way to Kozakura as we speak – in fact, it's about three days out, from a two-month voyage. Here's what I'd like to do: get your team inserted onto the ship before it reaches port, so you can be passed off as part of the ship's crew. That way, you'll be there in case whatever happened to the previous ship tries to repeat history with this new ship."

Rale looked straight at Gilbert Fung. "I understand you have reasons of your own to want to scope out Kozakura on the down-low. This would be a perfect opportunity. What do you say?"

"I say: we take you up on offer," replied Gilbert.

Rale gave the team a bit of background on the whole situation. The missing ship was the Flying Dolphin, a cargo ship captained by one Sergio Mandretti, with an able crew with years of experience. The ship arriving at Kozakura three days hence was the Mermaid Queen, a cargo vessel captained by Elbra Farquester, also with a well-seasoned crew. The voyage across the ocean to Kozakura normally took about eight weeks; Cal Trop had those two ships dedicated to back-and-forth voyages between the two nations (besides other ships headed to other locations).

Typically, upon arriving at Kozakura the ship's cargo was unloaded and then the crew took a day of rest and relaxation at shore, while the captain and cargomaster made arrangements for the hold to be filled with Kozakuran goods and the standard ship's provisions for the return trip. Scrying upon the ships wasn't normally done, as there had been no problems before that the ships' crews hadn't been able to handle.

Rale offered to pay 2,000 gold pieces if the Kordovians could find out what happened to the Flying Dolphin and engineer its safe return; another 2,000 gold pieces for a return of the ship’s cargo if it hadn't already been turned over to Kozakura; another 1,000 gold pieces for rescuing Captain Mandretti; and 50 gold pieces a head for rescuing the other crewmembers. (There were 20 crewmembers aboard the ship when the Flying Dolphin left port, so that came to potentially another 1,000 gold pieces.)

Furthermore, the Guildmaster suggested the team bring all of their adventuring gear but have a way to stash it away so it wouldn't be readily visible. The portable hole seemed like the perfect solution along those lines. Rale said he could procure a set of sailor's garb for each adventurer and sent Dez off to fetch suitable clothing while the team sent Castillan back to the dragonfly ship to brief Aithanar and Jinkadoodle on their plans and return with the teleport carpet from the hidden hold. The carpet was plunked into the portable hole with most of the team's other gear, although they opted to keep their jewelry (especially those pieces which were magical in nature) and Finoula and Binkadink each retained their magical boots. Then, after dressing in their sailors' garb, the team signaled to Dez that they were ready to go.

Casting a greater teleport spell, Desdemona expertly landed everyone onto the deck of the Mermaid Queen, among a group of startled sailors. However, Captain Farquester knew Desdemona by sight and once she explained the situation the ship's captain welcomed the adventurers to her ship, more than willing to have their expertise at hand when confronting unknown dangers ahead. Satisfied that all was in place, Dez teleported back to Greyhawk City with a smile and a farewell wave.

Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot of spare room for an additional seven crewmembers (and a weasel) to bunk down, as the Mermaid Queen was loaded pretty full. Captain Farquester offered to let them sleep on the upper deck or wherever they could squeeze in down in one of the two lower cargo holds.

"We find place to sleep down in hold," reassured Gilbert. "We be fine." He had a rope trick spell ready that would open an extradimensional space large enough for the lot of them - minus the one who'd be on guard duty, for they had decided among themselves to always have one of their number awake and alert at all times.

It was Darrien who ended up on the third guard shift, with the others all tucked away in the rope trick space Gilbert had conjured up. Three hours had passed since midnight, when the young half-elf, who could see far better than a human in low-light conditions, saw what at first looked like a patch of moonlight dancing on the waves, but soon took on a somewhat humanoid form as it got closer. Or at least a partially human shape, for while from the waist up it seemed to be a woman in all white, from the waist down her body more or less dissipated into a cloud of misty vapors which skimmed over the waves. The woman glowed slightly and was bearing down on the ship from directly ahead.

Darrien wasted no time in racing back down to the upper cargo hold to scurry up the dangling rope and poke his head into the extradimensional space holding his friends. "Wake up!" he called. "There's a ghost woman heading our way across the top of the ocean!"

Castillan and Finoula jerked out of their respective reveries. Most of the team scrambled over to Ingebold, who was unfolding the portable hole so Mudpie, who'd been inside the whole time, could pass up weapons to those who needed them as they called out what they were looking for. "Glaive!" called Binkadink, to have the earth elemental pass him up his trusty weapon, "Tahlmalaera!" called Finoula, reaching down for her longsword.

Castillan didn't bother with any of that; he was still wearing his gloves of storing so his weapons were ready at the snap of his fingers. Not bothering to worry about armor, he dashed up two sets of stairs to the front upper deck, to find himself nearly face-to-face with the glowing spirit. She had the almond eyes of Gilbert's mother - or at least Harriet Fung's original eyes, as she now wore the form of an orc - but her face was scrunched in an expression of extreme anger. Without a word, she passed through the wall and into the deck below the bounder.

By then, the heroes had started spilling out of the rope trick's extradimensional space and heading to the stairs that led to the ship's top levels. But then the ghost-woman passed through a wall and made a bee-line straight for Gilbert Fung. The wizard held up his weapon - a ghost touch quarterstaff - but before he could bring it to bear the spirit passed straight through him. Gilbert gave a low moan at the coldness that permeated his entire body, but he was surprised in that his magically-enhanced eyesight hadn't triggered a warning of her undead nature. His mother had tried explaining to him as a child about such creatures; they were called ikiryo, and despite their ghostlike appearances they were spirits, not undead. An ikiryo is a spirit born of worry, Harriet had explained to her only son, and the person who birthed an ikiryo usually did so unconsciously, unaware that part of her spirit had broken off to deal with whatever it was that was causing such worry.

All of this came to Gilbert in a flash, just as he recognized the spirit's face in a momentary flash of memory: Ryuko, the wu jen who had led the ninja strike team responsible for the decapitation death of Harriet Fung. Whatever had her worried, her subconscious had attributed its cause to Gilbert Fung, and now this ikiryo would fight to the death to see Gilbert slain.

As the unnatural cold seeped through Gilbert's body, it tore away at the strength of his body, the power of his mind, and the substance of his own spirit. Diminished on all fronts, the mage staggered backwards a step as his friends stepped up to help deal with this threat.

Darrien was the first to strike, with a rapid barrage of arrows from his Arachnibow. He had opted not to fully exit the rope trick space, using his high perch as a hunter might shoot his prey from the safety of a high branch. Four arrows hit the apparition, although due to the ikiryo's insubstantiality it was difficult to determine how much damage they actually did. Binkadink brought his magical glaive crashing down and through the ikiryo's body, but again it was difficult to see if the attack had had any effect at all - the glowing woman didn't flinch, or bleed, or have wounds appear on her body. But the attack had been noticed, if only briefly, for the Ryuko-image cast her gaze for a moment at the little gnome before returning her focus onto Gilbert.

Seeing they were basically fighting a ghost-woman, Hagan cast a magic missile spell at her, sending all five such missiles striking her in the torso. Those definitely did deal her a blow, for there was a small explosion as each hit and her angry visage turned momentarily to a wince of pain. Finoula followed with a strike of her longsword, and the ringing of the sonic-induced magic indicated she must have hit as well. Then a dwarven warhammer comprised entirely of magical force swung down at the ikiryo, the result of a quickly-cast spiritual weapon spell by Ingebold.

Gilbert took a quick mental inventory of his prepared spells and realized, with his diminished mental capacity, some of his most powerful were now outside his ability to cast. Fearful that another such strike by the ikiryo might further limit his spellcasting ability, he opted to switch tactics and go for a melee attack instead. And the best way he could do that was to cast a Tenser's transformation upon himself.

The spell affected him immediately and he felt some of his diminished attributes buffered up and then surpassed by the spell. He felt stronger, faster, and heartier than he'd been since even before the ikiryo's attack. Striking out with his quarterstaff, he dealt the ikiryo a blow he knew she felt by the solid-seeming way it connected. "Take that!" he snarled at the form of the woman who had indirectly killed his mother.

The ikiryo responded wordlessly, and without uttering a single sound - but she reached out a hand curled into a claw and ripped through Gilbert's body, again draining off a bit of what made him who he was. But seeing this, Ingebold - after directing her spiritual hammer into another crushing blow - cast a restoration spell that buoyed up Gilbert's mental and physical attributes.

As she was incorporeal, many of the heroes' attacks passed through the ikiryo harmlessly. But there were enough of them for their various attacks to make it through her defenses often enough that they were whittling her essence away, and this process was made all the quicker by Hagan's magic missiles and Gilbert's ghost touch quarterstaff, which always made their mark. Before too long, Ryuko's image gave a final silent snarl of hatred and disappeared into nothingness.

"Was that...?" began Binkadink, who thought the ghost woman had looked familiar.

"I explain everything in morning," replied Gilbert. "Right now, we go back to sleep."

"You're on guard duty now," Darrien reminded the gnome, leaving him behind as the others climbed up the rope into Gilbert's extradimensional space.

- - -

The rest of the second day was uneventful. Captain Farquester had her sailors show the adventurers the rudiments of sea life, so they wouldn't stick out as newbies once they arrived in Kozakura - she wanted them to blend in as much as possible. They put in a hard day, and when night fell and Gilbert cast the rope trick spell again, everyone was ready for a good night's sleep.

It was early the next morning when the lookout in the crow's nest called out "Land ho!" None of the adventurers could see land yet from their vantage point, for the lookout had the advantage of height, but the fact that they were so close to their destination got them making their final preparations. The spellcasters had already prepared their spells, and the armor and weapons had been stowed back into the portable hole - along with Mudpie - and Ingebold had it folded up like a handkerchief and tucked into her belt.

It was then that a creature landed on the deck amid a flurry of flapping wings. Finoula instinctively made to grab the longsword she normally had belted to her hip and Castillan snapped his fingers and brought his short sword into his hand, but then he felt foolish once he realized the ship wasn't under attack - the creature on the deck was nothing more than a duck, although this one was brown and white with a dark green head.

"It's Drake!” called out the captain. "Quickly, somebody toss him a blanket!" A blanket was tossed over the duck's body, trapping him underneath. Then the shape beneath the blanket shot up, reaching the height of a man. In fact, once Drake pulled the blanket off his head and wrapped it around his otherwise naked body, the others could see that he was, in fact, now a man.

"Drake is a hengeyokai," explained Capt Farquester. "He's a friend. The crew calls him Drake, because they have a hard time pronouncing his real name correctly."

Drake began speaking in the Kozakuran language; of the adventurers, only Gilbert understood what was being spoken. He translated the drake hengeyokai's words in his own pidgin version of the common tongue.

"There a new regime in charge in Kozakura. New Emperor called Torazoku, he severing all ties to outside world. Flying Dolphin came to shore, sailors removed cargo. But then it left, moving north along coast rather than back across ocean like normal. It possible it getting cargo elsewhere along Kozakuran coast, but that never happen before. Drake not see ship or crew since. It may be back on way home, but maybe it commandeered for use in Kozakuran navy. Drake say it safer for to turn around now and go back way we came."

Drake was rewarded for his information with a fish, which he gulped down without chewing. However, Captain Farquester was hesitant to turn back with her ship full of cargo – she needed to restock before she could set off on another trip across the ocean. "Besides," she said, "we have you guys to keep us safe, and I want to find out what happened to Captain Mandretti's ship and crew."

"If they go north, maybe we go north too," suggested Gilbert. "We find ship, both leave together."

"Captain!" called the first mate. "I don't think that's an option any longer." There were four vessels approaching the Mermaid Queen from the direction of the shore ahead, two on either side. Neither ship was as big as the cargo vessel, but not by that much, and the crew sizes on each ship were on par with Captain Farquester's own forces. "If'n it comes down to a fight, we're far outnumbered," the mate said.

"We have magic, though," reminded Hagan. "A couple of fireballs and those ships won't be in any shape to fight us."

"We don't know if they have any wizards on their ships, though," pointed out Finoula.

"They called wu jen here," corrected Gilbert. "Anyway, we don't want to take chances. We just play like we know nothing about other ship, everything hunky-dory." He then quickly cast a spell upon himself, altering his appearance so he looked like his father, Verdant Gristwold. He didn't want his half-Kozakuran heritage tipping off any of the locals, especially if Ryuko was likely to be around. Belatedly, he regretted not having prepared enough spells to hide the true appearances of his companions, at least those who had fought Ryuko and her ninja force before.

"Ahoy, Mermaid Queen!" called a voice from the starboard side of the ship. "Welcome to Kozakuran waters! Please dock ship at port and unload cargo into warehouse!"

"Okay, people!" Captain Farquester called to her crew. "You heard the man! Business as usual!" And then she went to the starboard side to call back to the Kozakuran ships to acknowledge their orders.

The next few hours were both busy and tiring. To blend in as part of the crew, the Kordovians were obliged to help lug all of the cargo off the Mermaid Queen and into the stone warehouse directly across from the dock. Most of the bulk of the cargo was made up of hardwood lumber, as Kozakura was not a land blessed with an overabundance of trees for building materials. According to Harriet Fung's tales of her homeland, important buildings were made of stone and only the very rich used hardwoods for more than a building's exterior; much of the interior walls and doors were made of rice paper, a concept most of the heroes found difficult to comprehend. But the lumber and other goods from the vessel were finally stowed in the warehouse, and the sailors were led to another, similarly-sized building right next to where their cargo now resided.

A pair of samurai in yellow robes ushered the crew of the Mermaid Queen into this other building, where their names were recorded (the adventurers all came up with aliases, in case their names were ever viewed by Ryuko or anyone else aware of the attack on the Fung Estate) and they were led through a set of locked doors into a large holding chamber. "This is different," observed Captain Farquester. "These used to be individual berths, like at an inn. They've taken down the interior walls." Indeed, the room was now a large confinement barracks, with wooden benches along the outer walls and a single toilet in the back corner, surrounded by a privacy wall. She went to go question one of the samurai in his own language, but was apparently brusquely told to wait patiently for further orders.

"There's just the one door out of here," observed Finoula, after having walked the circumference of the holding area and finding no hidden doors.

"True," admitted Hagan, "but there are also the window-slits." Up near the ceiling were narrow openings, each about the size of a brick, allowing in fresh air and a minimum of sunlight from outside. "Wezhley can easily fit through those." He lifted his weasel familiar up to a narrow window and instructed him to look around. Wezhley scampered through the opening and leaped down to the ground, giving the buildings nearby a thorough investigation.

In the meantime, Gilbert took Ingebold to the toilet area and, partially hidden by the privacy wall, had her unfold the portable hole. He then had Mudpie emerge, with instructions to glide through the ground and check out the immediate surroundings. With two familiars roaming around and mentally reporting back to their masters, the group soon had a decent idea of their immediate surroundings. Besides the two long, narrow stone buildings - the confinement area and the warehouse - there was a smaller, wooden structure. Wezhley circumnavigated this latter building, crawling up and peeking through the front windows. From his description of the room, which contained a low table, several chairs, long needles, and jars of pigment, Hagan gathered it was a tattoo parlor. Wezhley described a curtain in the back leading to the rear half of the building, but he couldn't get back there himself without entering through the front door and that was beyond his capabilities.

Mudpie had checked out the warehouse, which still held the cargo they'd brought, and was sealed up from the outside. "Wait--someone's coming," he reported over the mental link he shared with Gilbert.


"A lady on a horse."

"Stay out of sight." Mudpie sank back into the earth, leaving only the top part of his head visible, from the eyes up. From any but the closest distance, he'd look like an ordinary rock.

Several minutes later, the door to the confinement barracks - which had only been opened once before since their imprisonment, to deliver a simple meal of rice balls and slices of fish - was unlocked and a woman stepped in with two samurai as escorts. Gilbert's eyes narrowed in recognition; this was Ryuko herself. She consulted a scroll and called out names, including Elbra Farquester and the two aliases Finoula and Ingebold had given. She had them step forward, then looked at Finoula quizzically for a moment as if trying to remember if she'd seen the elf before. Then, shrugging her head, she bid them come with her. The three women prisoners looked at each other expectantly, as if deciding whether it would be best to comply or if now was a good time to drop the pretenses and make a break for it. But, given they were no closer to finding out the fate of Captain Mandretti's crew and vessel, they followed the wu jen without comment.

Gilbert mentally redirected Mudpie to surreptitiously follow the women as they exited the confinement building; the earth elemental reported back that they had been taken to the warehouse. Upon his master's instructions, the elemental sunk below the ground and popped his head up in the back of the warehouse, where he could see the four women. Ryuko had the three crewwomen line up facing the warehouse doors, then stood to the side expectantly.

"I not liking this," remarked Gilbert. "I think we gear up now." Castillan pulled out the teleport carpet from the portable hole and had a few of the sailors step onto it with him. "I'll be right back," he said, then spoke the command word and the four disappeared. A few minutes later, Castillan returned. "I squared it away with Aithanar," he said. "Let's get all of the sailors safely aboard the dragonfly vessel, and then we can deal with whatever's brewing knowing they're safe." He passed the command word on to the rest of the sailors, who disappeared from the carpet in groups of four.

Once everyone was all geared up, Castillan rolled the carpet back up and plopped it back into the hole. Then he directed Hagan, Darrien, and Binkadink into the hole, with a reminder to hold their breath while they were in there. "Let's go," the bounder said, picking up the hole once the other three had crawled into the extradimensional space; grabbing Gilbert's shoulder, he activated his new ring and he and the portly mage dimension doored outside the rear of the confinement barracks. The bounder flipped open the hole onto the ground, and the other three heroes climbed back out.

"It's dark out," commented Hagan as his weasel familiar came bounding back up to him to be picked up and dropped onto his favorite perch, the half-orc's shoulder. In the meantime, Gilbert had been alerted by Mudpie through the telepathic link they shared that the warehouse doors were opening and three people were entering. There was a tall man with regal bearing, dressed in elaborate robes, and flanking him on either side was a warrior in heavy armor, complete with a mask bearing the visage of a fearsome demon. The samurai bodyguards escorted the regal man directly to Ryuko, who bowed low, while two more of their rank closed the warehouse doors and stood guard outside.

"Emperor Torazoku," Ryuko said. "Your humble servant presents the individuals you sought from the foreign ship." While Mudpie had no idea what the wu jen was saying, Gilbert caught it all through their shared link and he understood the Kozakuran language just fine. "Emperor in there!" he whispered excitedly to the others. Then he directed his familiar to dive below the earth and reposition himself behind the Emperor, who stood facing the three women from the Mermaid Queen.

"A lowly korobokuru," he said in disdain as he examined Ingebold, mistaking her for a dwarf from his own lands. Moving on to Finoula, his expression lightened. "One of the spirit folk!" he exclaimed, examining the elf's silvery-white hair. "Yes, she will do nicely." He moved on to Elbra, and was impressed with her own golden locks. Finoula and Ingebold had no idea what this man was saying, but they got the gist of the transaction: he was examining them like cattle, apparently deciding who would be added to his group of concubines.

"Gather up," Gilbert commanded to the other male heroes, then cast a teleport spell that placed him directly above his buried familiar and the others just adjacent. They were all standing behind the Emperor and his two samurai bodyguards.

Ryuko stood off to the side and she saw their sudden appearance from the corner of her eye. She opened her mouth to give a warning, but Darrien reacted first. A quartet of arrows went racing in her direction, to pierce her in the shoulder, the abdomen, and through her open mouth and out her cheek; the fourth one missed and ended up embedded in a piece of lumber stacked on the warehouse's shelves. Blood poured from Ryuko's mouth, and, assuming she was very near death, Hagan opted to push her the rest of the way there with a well-placed magic missile, sending the other four missiles to crash into the back of the samurai on the Emperor's left. The samurai grunted in surprise and pain, while Ryuko fell lifelessly to the floor, dead before she could cast a single spell.

Binkadink was the next to strike, hitting the same samurai with his magical glaive and scoring a deep groove through his armor and into his flesh. Castillan leaped forward and finished him off with a kidney-strike using his short sword, and the first of the Emperor's faithful bodyguards fell dead to the floor.

From beneath the ground, Mudpie surged upwards and forward, emerging just behind his master and grabbing hold of the doors, certain that the sounds of combat would drive the other two samurai outside to want to investigate. Gilbert Fung cast a scorching ray spell, splitting the four rays equally between the Emperor and his sole remaining bodyguard. Both targets reeled from the sudden attack.

Then the three women jumped into action. Finoula activated her lightning amulet, transforming her body into a bolt of electricity that surged through both enemies. The samurai had just struck at Binkadink with his katana and missed the little gnome completely, then backed up closer to the Emperor to provide him whatever protection he could. Ingebold pushed Elbra back away from the combat, not wanting the ship's captain to be harmed during the fight. Captain Farquester was more than willing to be led from danger, as this sort of thing was well beyond her normal duties as the captain of a merchant vessel.

The Emperor turned to face his attackers, a look of fury on his face at the effrontery of being assaulted by foreigners on his own soil. His features melted and reformed, and in the mere blink of an eye he had transformed his entire body into the form of a snarling tiger. The beast leaped forward at Hagan, who had the misfortune of being the tiger's nearest opponent. Claws ripped through the half-orc's robes and scored channels across his torso, as the beast's fangs clamped down on his shoulder, drawing blood. Wezhley dashed upon the top of his master's head in fear of his life. Hagan managed to pull himself free of the tiger's grasp, staggered back, and cast a stoneskin spell upon himself. He had many powerful attack spells, but first he needed to ensure he'd be around long enough to cast them!

Gilbert was just getting a good look at the tiger that had just recently been the upstart Emperor whose edicts had seen to the slaying of his mother's family, and through the blood-red haze of his own anger he made a belated discovery: the tiger's form was glowing in that arcane fashion that indicated the presence of an undead creature. But before he could pass this information on to his friends, Ingebold struck with a spell she had never cast before. Calling out the words to a harm spell, she felt the chilling touch of negative energy flow through her body and strike out at the tiger. Of course, since the tiger was in fact an undead creature, the harm spell had the opposite effect of the one intended and the wounds the beast had sustained thus far healed up instantly, bringing it back to the prime of its power.

Castillan dodged his way past the samurai and got himself into position to flank the tiger, stabbing at the muscles of the beast's left flank with his short sword, eliciting a growl of pain.

And then the locusts struck.

They had come from nowhere; one moment the air in the warehouse was clear, and the next it was covered in swarms of the buzzing insects. Castillan and Binkadink doubled over, choking, as several of the insects flew into their mouths and blocked their air passages. Finoula and Gilbert swiped ineffectively at the insects, while Darrien dodged out of the way of the nearest locust cloud.

Finoula, whose weapons were still inside the portable hole, activated her lightning amulet once again, zapping herself through the remaining samurai and the tiger-Emperor, frying a not-inconsiderable amount of locusts as she did so. The tiger growled again in anger but continued his assault on Hagan; fortunately, not much damage got past the half-orc's stoneskin defense.

Now fully aware of the tiger's undead status, Ingebold cast a mass cure moderate wounds spell, targeting both Hagan and the tiger. Hagan was healed of the damage he'd taken prior to casting his defensive spell; the tiger roared in pain as the positive energy ran through his system. By then, the two samurai outside had managed to pry open the warehouse doors despite Mudpie's best efforts, and the earth elemental was struck by a powerful katana strike by one samurai as his attention was focused on lashing out at the other samurai who was rushing past him to come to the tiger's aid.

That made all the difference to Hagan, who opted on a chain lightning spell now that he had sufficient targets to make it worth his while. The tiger got the brunt of the assault, with arcs flashing from him to strike the samurai bodyguards. That was enough to slay the samurai warrior who had first entered the warehouse with the Emperor.

Darrien continued shooting arrows into the tiger, but although he constantly struck true the shafts didn't seem to be doing much damage. Castillan stabbed at the tiger again, disappointed that its undead status prevented him from doing extra damage due to his knowledge of where best to strike a living organism to do the most harm.

One of the samurai struck out at Hagan, who tried dodging the blow but was unsuccessful; still, his stoneskin spell absorbed most of the damage, to the consternation of the katana-wielding bodyguard. Hagan responded with another chain lightning spell, his last for the day. By then, the tiger was looking fairly hurt; Finoula finished him off with the third and last of her lightning strikes using her own body as a weapon, courtesy of her magic amulet. Hagan was still staring at the tiger when it was slain; a look of pain crossed its face, and then, even as it started fading from view, it turned its head to face the nearest wall and began moving in that direction. To anyone else not paying attention, it would have looked like the Emperor in tiger form had dissipated into nothingness; Hagan suspected it had merely become invisible and started readying itself to pass through the nearest wall...which, come to think of it, wasn't all that dissimilar to a vampire's ability to become a cloud of mist and fly off to recuperate in its coffin. The sorcerer made a mental note to ask Gilbert about Kozakuran vampires once the battle was over.

Hagan got his chance sooner than he thought, for although the armored samurai continued to fight fiercely despite the apparent slaying of the Emperor, the odds were greatly against them and they had no spellcasting abilities. Within less than a minute they too had joined their companions in death.

The fight had attracted the attention of the samurai in the confinement facility next door and the tattoo artist who lived in the next building over, as well as the four palanquin bearers who had carried the Emperor here under the protection of the four armored samurai. The samurai bureaucrats were not interested in hearing, in their own language, of the account of their Emperor being an undead beast; honor demanded they give their lives to defend his lands against these foreign invaders, and they did exactly that after a brief battle. The tattoo artist was not bound by the samurai's concept of bushido, and he visibly blanched at the thought of Emperor Torazoku being a vampire. "That explains why he has only appeared here after the sun has gone down," he muttered to himself. Then, once Gilbert dropped his magical disguise and took on his own true appearance, the tattooist was ready to tell the heroes everything he knew.

Upon orders from the new Emperor, he had inscribed magical tattoos upon the faces, torsos, and limbs of the crew of the Flying Dolphin, which granted the unwilling recipients with a permanent nondetection effect. Similar runes had been inscribed upon the Flying Dolphin itself, and then the captain and crew had been forced to sail the ship north along the coast.

"We need to get out of here," advised Captain Farquester. "We need to find the Dolphin, but I have a responsibility to my own crew first and foremost. And the longer we stay here, the longer we risk discovery."

It was hard to argue against such logic. So while the other Kordovians returned to the Mermaid Queen, easily overcoming the four-person team of sailors who had been left in charge there, and Castillan used the teleport carpet to fetch back the ship's crew, Gilbert hired the tattooist for a quick rush job: he had the Fung crest painted on the foreheads of Ryuko and the four armored samurai bodyguards, then he personally beheaded each of the five and had their heads impaled upon pitons he hammered into the wooden columns along the pier.

Drake reappeared before the ship set sail, and after explaining to him what had happened, the hengeyokai agreed to spread the tale of the Emperor's undead status to the people of Kozakura. He also agreed to continue to search for the missing cargo vessel and its crew; he said he'd place three stones in a triangle upon the last column of the pier, so the adventurers could determine, via scrying, when it was time to return to Kozakura to rescue the Flying Dolphin crew from their fates.

"I suppose that all we can do for now," agreed Gilbert. Castillan was already grumbling about the conditions for Rale's bounty payments not being fulfilled just yet, but the portly wizard didn't care: he'd seen the head of the woman responsible for his mother's death removed from her shoulders and put on display. He'd also seen the Emperor who had killed all of his mother's family dead, and even if he was a vampire and would return to his unholy semblance of life, Emperor Torazoku had been dealt a blow he wouldn't soon forget.

Not bad for a half-breed not worthy of being slain by those determined to eradicate the Fung bloodline!

- - -

Wow! At eleven weeks, this has been the longest gap between adventures we've ever experienced. This involved (among other things) a Saturday astronomy class viewing requirement (which kept Jacob in college on a weekend he was originally going to come home); a planned three-day weekend trip to visit Harry's parents, who live three hours away; Jacob moving from one apartment to another; Joey getting a last-minute all-day Saturday confirmation class requirement; and the death of a close family member. Before we knew it, eleven weeks had passed.

As we started up this adventure session, Jacob announced he wanted to run Ingebold because he hadn't done so in a long time. (It's been 77 days since we last played - nobody had run Ingebold in a long time!) But he opted to have her cast a harm spell for the first time ever, and boy did he pick a great time to have her do so! And as it was, we ended up having to end the session early, since Jacob had to go pick up his car from the shop. As a result, the tattoo artist ended up not being a combat participant, which in a way was a shame because he was a sorcerer and I'd armed him with a pair of figurines of wondrous power, basically a pair of golden lions reskinned as jade foo lions, that I had intended as appropriate treasure for Gilbert Fung. Fortunately, Dan was just happy for the cathartic feeling of seeing those responsible for his PC's mother's death slain themselves, so he really enjoyed the adventure.

Incidentally, Ryuko had no idea she'd spawned an ikiryo. One of the Emperor's personal fortune-tellers came up with a horoscope reading that warned him a thread once thought removed was intact and threatened to unravel his plans, which Ryuko worried meant her failure to return with Harriet Fung's head as proof she had been slain. As she blamed Gilbert Fung for her failure to do so, he became the target of her worry and thus of her ikiryo. I only added that bit in because I thought the ikiryo was an interesting Kara-Tur creature, even if I did have to translate its stats from the AD&D 2nd Edition version found in a Kara-Tur Monstrous Compendium

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: I was tempted to wear my "Jade Warrior" T-shirt again, but then I opted to go a more subtle route. I have a green shirt we got at the Smithsonian Museum many years back, with the inscription "Arthur M. Sackler gallery" printed in such a way as to make each word (or initial) appear to be a character of an Asian language. So that stood in for "generic Kozakuran" writing to represent this adventure. (The PCs will eventually return to Kozakura once Drake finds the Flying Dolphin, so I'll have another chance to wear my "Jade Warrior" shirt.)



PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 12
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 12
Darrien, half-elf ranger 12
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 12
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 12
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 12​

NPC Roster:
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 12 (Moradin)
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5​

Game Session Date: 16 December 2017

- - -

"So," asked Jinkadoodle, "what do you think?"

"Hmm," said Gilbert, frowning.

"It will really stay up here by itself, with nobody controlling it?" asked Finoula.

"Absolutely," replied the gnome illusionist, getting up from the dragonfly ship's helm and standing at its side. "As of right now, nobody's piloting the ship, and it isn't falling back down to the planet below. It's called a 'geosynchronous orbit,' whatever that is. Melony Sal didn't really explain all of the terms she used in her notes, but she obviously knew her stuff."

"Hmm," repeated Gilbert Fung.

"So we can just park the ship out here in wildspace above the planet and return to Battershield Keep using the teleport runes downstairs?" asked Hagan.

"Exactly. As long as we keep the teleport carpet unrolled and in place at Battershield Keep, we can pop down or up as needed."

"And nobody will mess with it up here?" asked Darrien.

"Who's to mess with it?" asked the illusionist. "According to your spelljamming friends, our world is well off the beaten track and away from the major trade routes. There shouldn't be a bunch of other spelljamming vessels flitting about the place, wondering what's up with this dragonfly ship in geosynchronous orbit."

"There were those grell," pointed out Ingebold.

"Yeah, but you said they flew around in a giant jellyfish. What would they want with a ship like this, that they couldn't even use? You need to be able to sit at the helm to control this vessel, and sitting's one thing a grell can't do."

"Aye, good point."

"Hmm," Gilbert added again, deep in thought.

"And it'll save us the cost of building a hangar by the keep, and it will prevent anyone from seeing the ship flying around near Kordovia and coming to investigate it. And anytime we need to use it, it's just a step on the carpet away."

"Sounds good," observed Binkadink, somewhat proud of his cousin's plan.

"Makes sense to me," added Castillan.

"Hmm," repeated Gilbert for a final time. "Okay, make sense. We do it."

"Great!" replied Jinkadoodle, taking his place back at the helm. "So where to now? Taking Hagan back to his parents?" The half-orc had stated a desire to visit his parents, who lived over at the far eastern edge of the vast Vesve Forest; everybody had come along because Jinkadoodle had wanted to demonstrate his brilliant new idea for parking the vessel in orbit.

"If you please," replied the half-orc sorcerer. Wezhley, his weasel familiar, bounced up and down on his master's shoulder in excitement - he liked Hagan's human mother, who always fed him tasty treats when they visited.

"Off we go!" replied the gnome pilot, bringing the dragonfly vessel down out of its geosynchronous orbit and back into the upper atmosphere, chattering about his plans for the future. "I think I'm going to circumnavigate the globe, making maps of the land masses as I go," he said. "I may even bring Zalian along, for his expertise." Zalian Darisath was the castle historian and keeper of the kingdom's collection of maps; Jinkadoodle couldn't wait to see the elf's expression when he first got to see entire continents laid out before him!

But the pilot found himself talking mostly to Gilbert, who seemed only half-interested; the others had scattered about the ship, most of them heading up to the upper deck, if nothing else than for the excellent view. They knew from previous experience that the upper atmosphere was ridiculously cold, but once they started dropping down to cloud level it was much more bearable.

And then a scream rang out from somewhere nearby.

This in itself was a bit unusual, given that the dragonfly vessel was still flying up among the clouds - there was nothing nearby to house the owner of the scream: no mountains, certainly no other flying vessels! But it was definitely a woman's scream, and Finoula's discerning elven ears classified it as having been composed of equal parts pain and terror.

Those on the upper deck scattered to the rails on either side of the ship and looked about; below, Ingebold and Gilbert peered through the bubble-windows that comprised the dragonfly's "eyes" - for Jinkadoodle, sitting at the ship's helm, had his senses expanded to all around the ship, and thus heard the scream outside from his position on the vessel's bridge, and had alerted the others.

"There! To the left!" called Finoula. They'd spent months out in wildspace aboard various spelljamming vessels, but they had never bothered picking up nautical terminology; "left" was still "left" to them, not "port."

Jinkadoodle steered the ship to the left, where a patch of green added a surprising splash of color to the white cloudscape. As they approached closer, they could see a cloud island, flat along the top and dropping down to a triangular shape below, with two enormous trees sprouting in the middle of the upper surface. At one end of the island stood a tall structure seemingly shaped of cloud-stuff, with a metallic projection sticking out of the roof at an angle. The other side of the trees looked relatively flat and empty.

"I'm going to try to land her!" Jinkadoodle called.

"Will it support our weight?" asked Ingebold, worried.

"It's supporting the weight of those massive trees!" countered the gnome pilot. And they were indeed massive, each easily three or four times the size of a normal apple tree as one might find on the ground below. As Jinkadoodle brought the vessel to a safe landing along the outer strip, the screams continued - they seemed to be coming from over by the cloud-building.

Castillan was the nearest to the ladder on the upper deck; he flipped it over the side and was climbing down the rungs almost as they unfurled. He spotted movement in the canopies of the trees, but it could have only been the wind. Still, he kept his senses sharp as he disembarked and took a tentative step onto the ground of the cloud island. Over by the trees the cloud had been covered in topsoil from the planet below; over here, it was pure white, fluffy cloud - a distinctly unusual feeling to be stepping upon a substance that normally couldn't hold any weight at all. The bounder's ears could hear the screaming, coming in fits and bursts, but also the sound of another, deeper, feminine voice, this one demanding, "Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?"

Hagan was the next to disembark from the ship, his weasel perched on his shoulder as normal. Like the bounder before him, the sorcerer looked up at the trees overhead, having detected movement there as well. The half-orc's darkvision allowed him to pick up a shape hidden in the shadows of the branches: a creature with an avian build, but lacking feet of any kind; instead, the beast seemed to have an extra set of wings. The thing was much larger than a man, and there seemed to be smaller versions of the strange beast hidden elsewhere throughout the two giant trees. "Bird-things in the trees!" Hagan called out, warning his friends of a potential source of danger.

Up on the deck, Darrien raced to the front of the vessel rather than heading over to the ladder, as many of his friends were doing. He pulled out an arrow and nocked it in his Arachnibow, ready to let fly if the largest of the bird-things made a move in their direction.

Gilbert had popped up from the lower deck by this time. (His earth elemental, Mudpie, had seen that they were about to go walking around on a cloud and immediately headed back for the lower deck, where there were walls all around and he could pretend he wasn't suspended up in the sky.) The wizard spotted the bird-thing in the trees and immediately identified it. "That an arrowhawk!" he cried. "What it doing here? It belong on Elemental Plane of Air!"

"Maybe it took a wrong turn," suggested Binkadink, readying his glaive for action just as the elder arrowhawk flapped its four wings and sprang from the tree. It made a bee-line for Darrien, who plunked an arrow deep into its chest before its serrated beak clamped down over the archer's shoulder. Binkadink raced over on his extended gnomish stilt-boots and stabbed at the beast with his magical glaive, causing it to release Darrien from its beak. It squawked noisily in pain and outrage, its cries mingling with the screams of pain from the unseen woman somewhere ahead.

Seeing that Binkadink and Darrien seemed to have the beast under control, Ingebold scrambled down the ship's ladder. She was a healer, and the screaming woman sounded like she was dying! Right behind her came her Battle-Sister, Finoula, casting a barkskin spell upon herself as she pulled Tahlmalaera from its scabbard.

Down on the ground, Castillan found himself the target of two of the man-sized arrowhawks, one striking from either side. He did his best to avoid their attacks, but one of them clamped onto his upper arm with its beak, drawing blood through the bounder's leather armor. He wriggled from its grasp and fell back towards the ship, snapping his fingers and bringing forth his shortbow as he did so. He got a shot off at the one who had bitten him, catching it at the point where one of its four wings met its body.

Behind him, Hagan cast a chain lightning spell, targeting one of the man-sized arrowhawks he'd spotted in the other tree as his primary foe, and sending arcs of electricity from that one to a good half-dozen of its neighbors. "That not going to work!" called Gilbert from behind the sorcerer. "They immune to electricity!"

"Now you tell me!" complained the sorcerer.

"Looks like nobody told them!" pointed out Castillan. Indeed, Hagan's spell had fried at least two of the man-sized arrowhawks and a few even smaller ones - presumably the young of the nest. They fell from the trees like rain, their blackened bodies devoid of life.

"Hmm," mused Gilbert. "They must be slightly different species or something."

Up on deck, Darrien pumped arrow after arrow into the elder arrowhawk. It retaliated by biting the half-elf ranger, but then opted to fly laterally (Binkadink had gotten in a good hit with his glaive as it flew away), off to the side of the vessel. It then proved Gilbert's point by arching its nimble tail beneath its body and blasting Darrien with an attack of force energy, similar to that used in the common wizard's magic missile spell. As Gilbert well knew, normal arrowhawks shot electrical rays and were immune to electricity; these variants definitely lacked the electrical immunity and had evolved a different offensive capability.

But Gilbert was down on the ground by the ship, dealing with the arrowhawks in and near the trees. He cast a solid fog spell that encompassed the better part of both trees, imprisoning those arrowhawks still among the giant branches. He couldn't help but notice the size of the apples growing from the trees - they were each the size of a terrestrial pumpkin!

Two arrowhawks had been outside the range of the portly wizard's spell and one flew over to attack Finoula. The ranger cut it down with her longsword without breaking her stride. Castillan, meanwhile, decided he liked it better back up on the ship and started climbing the ladder, all the while being attacked by the second of the arrowhawks he'd been fighting. He, too, got to experience the blast of a tail ray as he climbed back up on board. But the arrowhawk, focused on the bounder, failed to notice he was now within range of Binkadink's glaive, and that oversight proved to be fatal to the four-winged creature.

Inside both tree canopies, additional arrowhawks of different sizes struggled through the solid fog to reach the freedom of the open air. Not being able to see through the magical fog to target the arrowhawks with another chain lightning spell, Hagan made do with a fireball engulfing several that had finally found the freedom of the skies. They fell to the ground beside the trees, burned to a crisp.

Gilbert eventually dispelled his solid fog spell, reasoning there couldn't be many more arrowhawks imprisoned within and noticing it was blocking the ground passageway between the trees that would allow the heroes to advance to where the screams were emanating. He was right about the arrowhawks; by this point there were only two still among the branches. But one of them was another elder arrowhawk, and it flapped over to the other side of the ship and blasted Castillan, just as its counterpart blasted Darrien. Castillan fired back with an arrow from his shortbow. From the ground below, Ingebold cast a blindness/deafness spell on the one attacking Castillan, hoping to deprive the great beast of its sight, but the creature shrugged off the spell's effects.

Darrien finally dropped the elder arrowhawk he'd been battling; it fell, its body covered in arrow-shafts, beyond the perimeter of the cloud island and to the ground far below. With a final squawk of outrage, the other elder arrowhawk dropped its battle with Castillan and flapped away, opting to find another nest somewhere safe.

The arrowhawks having been bested, the adventurers were now able to face the source of the screams. Binkadink found a faster way to the ground by leaping over the railing onto the front of the ship, across the dragonfly's head (he could see his cousin through the "eye" viewports, still at his station at the ship's helm, ready to depart at a moment's notice), and jumping to the ground from there. Once past the giant apple trees and the arrowhawk corpses littered throughout the area, the heroes could see the unsettling tableau just ahead.

A human woman lay screaming on the ground, blood gushing from her right shoulder at the point where her arm had been ripped from her body. Standing above her was a blue-skinned cloud giantess, using the human arm in her hand as a club to beat the screaming woman. "Why are you hitting yourself?" the giantess repeated, giggling to herself at her joke.

"Stop it, Mistress!" pleaded the prone woman in a voice lowering in volume as the life ebbed from her body.

The giantess stood up, holding the severed arm up such that its fingers stroked her own chin, and muttered, "Hmm, should I?" as if lost in thought.

Ingebold realized getting to her patient would be difficult with the cloud giantess there standing above her; she also realized she didn't need to actually get to her patient to heal her. Using her light mace of ranged healing, she channeled a heal spell through it to strike the prone woman. The ray of healing energy struck true, sealing up the wounded shoulder and restoring full vitality to the stricken woman.

This did not go unnoticed by the cloud giantess. Still holding the woman's severed arm in her right hand, she bent over and picked her up by the neck with her left hand. "You're all better, Junia!" she exclaimed. "Well, we can't have that, now, can we, silly?" With a grunt of effort, she flung the woman far to the left, where she plummeted off the side of the narrow cloud island and went plunging through the wispy clouds to her death, far below. There was nothing any of the heroes could do to save her, and they stared at the giggling giantess in shock.

Finoula was the first to react. Touching a hand to her amulet, she transformed her body into a blast of living lightning and attacked the giggling giantess, reforming into her elven body on the other side, by the wooden door to the cloud structure. The giantess staggered under the attack but didn't stop her infernal laughter, even as she spun on her heel and punched the ranger for her effrontery with a blow than nearly broke bones. Castillan raced up, shooting the giggling menace with his shortbow; an arrow to the gut didn't make her stop laughing, merely use the severed arm to wave hello to her attackers. She did take several steps to her right, away from Finoula.

Binkadink charged right at the cloud giantess and discovered - too late - that the lack of seriousness in the blue-skinned giantess's demeanor did not mean she wasn't paying proper attention to the battle at hand; instead, she'd maneuvered herself so the charging gnome fighter would fall directly into the unseen pit she now stood behind.

Finoula gasped in horror as she saw the little gnome plunge through the seemingly-solid floor of cloudstuff, wincing at his scream of surprise. But unlike poor Junia, whose continuing screams were audible as she fell to her death below, Binkadink's was short in duration. "I'm okay!" he called up from the pit, which fortunately had a solid bottom some ten feet or so down below the surface.

"Are you truly all right?" asked a feminine voice beside the gnome. He looked over and saw he was in the interior of a hollow cube some ten feet to a side; the "ceiling" was covered over by wispy cloud material no more solid than that of any other cloud, whereas the floor and walls of the interior were made of the same, solid cloud-stuff that made up the bulk of the floating island. And there, hovering with concern over him, was a human woman. "My name is Tanabelle, she said.

"Binkadink," said the gnome by way of introduction. "What's going on?"

"My mistress, Zaralia, went crazy this morning. She tried out a summoning ritual, to contact a scholar of the outer planes. Something must have gone wrong - when she came back downstairs, she was insane, and attacked Junia! I was here, in the privy--"

"This is a privy?" Binkadink interrupted, looking about him in sudden concern. But the walls and floor were an unblemished white.

"Yes, the wastes are absorbed by the cloud and filtered away," Tanabelle explained, irritated by the gnome's apparent interest in the cloud's toilet facilities being higher than his interest in the situation at hand. "I was here when she first attacked, so I stayed hidden. Is Junia...?"

"Dead," replied Binkadink, with no thought of breaking the news gently. Tanabelle covered her face in her hands and began to cry. But the gnome had other, more pressing things on his mind, like making sure nobody else fell into this pit - this privy! Channeling magical energy from his gnomish heritage, he cast dancing lights such that one appeared at the top of each corner of the pit, marking off its boundaries; the gnome could see their glow through the wispy cloudstuff covering the pit's opening. "Stay here!" he commanded Tanabelle and started climbing up out of the pit, after having noticed a giant-sized ladder carved in the western side of the pit and a human-sized ladder carved in the eastern side.

Darrien, meanwhile, had shot Zaralia with a few arrows as he cautiously approached. Finoula used her lightning amulet to blast through the cloud giantess's body again, being sure to reform her elven body while still on the cloud island, for the island dropped away not too far beyond Zaralia's current position. That side of the building was covered in deep shadow, the sun still far to the east at this time of morning.

"Arrgh!" complained Zaralia as the lightning-form of Finoula passed through her. "And here I was going to let you be on my team!" She punched the ranger hard with both fists, nearly sending Finoula sprawling. But despite the giantess's words and actions, Finoula soon found herself on "Zaralia's team" after all, as her mind suddenly flashed with how much fun it would be to cut her friends up to ribbons with her sword. She might not be able to pull an arm out of a socket with her sheer strength like the female giant had done, but she knew Tahlmalaera could easily do the trick. Finoula wondered what Binkadink's reaction would be to being slapped with his own hand on the end of his severed arm, and started giggling to herself.

Hagan did a quick analysis of the terrain and determined he could cast a fireball spell such that it would only catch the cloud giantess in its blast radius. He let fly with the spell and Zaralia cried out in pain. Behind him, he could hear Gilbert casting a stoneskin spell upon himself as Castillan and Darrien both put their respective bows to good use against Zaralia.

Then Finoula stepped up behind the giantess, uncurling her flaming whip of thorns as she did so. Castillan was surprised she was using her whip when her longsword was already at hand and she was standing so close to the giantess; he was even more surprised when the whip came flashing at him, snapping him in the face, the arm, and the neck in quick succession. The bounder staggered back, barely able to keep himself standing after the unexpected assault. Deeming it safer to be elsewhere, he activated his magic ring and dimension doored over by the giant apple trees, away from the current battle. As he pulled a much-needed healing potion from his belt, he noticed a bunch of gigantic grapevines curling around a wooden fence along one edge of the cloud island, between the trees and the dwelling of cloudstuff.

"Fight it, Finoula!" Darrien called, knowing full well this sudden betrayal had to be caused by some outside source - possibly whatever was causing this cloud giantess to act so crazily as well. He fired an arrow into Finoula, but was careful to target her shoulder; he wanted to incapacitate her, not kill her.

With Finoula standing so close to the giantess, Hagan didn't dare use any of his blasting spells with a large radius; he'd surely catch Finoula with a cone of cold or a fireball or a lightning bolt.... "Ah, what the heck?" the sorcerer asked himself and cast a magic missile at Zaralia, surprised when his spell toppled the female giant onto her face, dead - but still with a crazed smile on her lips. Gilbert followed suit with the same spell, this one targeting Finoula, and the ranger also fell to the ground, unconscious but bleeding out from her shoulder wound.

Binkadink climbed up out of the pit, his head seeming to emerge from the solid-looking ground of cloudstuff. He saw Finoula lying unconscious on the ground and the giantess at her side, out of the fight, and pulled a healing potion from his belt. Before the others could stop him - for, stuck in the pit, he had missed out on Finoula attacking their friends - he poured its contents down her throat.

The healing energy of the potion took its effect, and Finoula fluttered her eyelids as she gained consciousness and sat up. At the same time, a voice that sounded exactly like hers - but was the effect of a magic mouth spell tied into the potion by Jinkadoodle as a prank - cried out, "I'm hungry! Anybody got any boogers?" Finoula started giggling again, and Binkadink assumed it was at the ridiculousness of the potion's side effect, missing the evil gleam in the ranger's eyes as she reached for Tahlmalaera at her side.

But Ingebold didn't miss it. She cast a magic circle against evil spell upon herself and ran forward to catch her Battle-Sister within its area of effect. Right before she did so, an evil gleam entered the gnome fighter's eyes as his mind suddenly rushed with the thought of skinning his friends alive with his glaive - how funny they'd look! And then Ingebold's spell covered the two of them, and they were no longer dominated by the unseen force taking over their wills.

Shaking their heads as they snapped out of it, Binkadink and Finoula suddenly noticed just how dark the shadows on the side of the cloud building were. Hagan, in the meantime, assumed the battle was over and decided to check out the giantess's dwelling. He noted the door had two handles, one at a good height for a human and the other scaled better for a giant; upon closer examination, the setup was actually a door within a door. Opening the smaller of the doors, he stepped inside the dwelling. Just to the right was a human-sized kitchen area - complete with a metal pan of tea boiling over in a fireplace in the corner - while to the left was another human-sized door; likely the two human servants' bedroom. The back half of the room was scaled more for Zaralia, with a giant-sized sofa and enormous bookcases holding books as large as a man. There was a short staircase in the back of the room leading up to an offset second floor, but the stairs would be difficult for a human to manage without actual climbing.

"Ye'd best stay by me fer th' duration," advised Ingebold to Finoula and Binkadink. Darrien stepped forward and activated a sunrod, tossing it into the shadowy darkness - where it was instantly extinguished. "It's a deeper darkness spell," Binkadink observed.

And then, stepping out from the inky darkness came a creature unlike any the heroes had ever seen before. It was a hunched-over beast of basic humanoid build, but with what looked to be skeletal vertebrae growing on the outside of its yellowy-brown hide, all along its spine and continuing on like a crown over its misshapen head. Gilbert, who had studied extensively the creatures of the lower planes, identified it mentally as a cerebrilith, one of the fiends inhabiting the infinite layers of the Abyss. "It a demon!" he warned.

As the mage's words left his lips, the demon struck out at Finoula with a clawed hand, ripping a line of gashes across her torso. Binkadink struck out at it with his glaive, causing it to drip a foul ichor in place of blood. Almost ignoring its wound, it bit down at the elven ranger, catching her arm between its yellowy teeth.

Castillan, healed up enough for battle (by a potion Jinkadoodle hadn't fiddled with), used his ring to dimension door directly behind the demon, stabbing out with his short sword as he did so. He caught the thing by surprise, driving his blade in deep before it could react to his sudden presence. Finoula, meanwhile, activated one of the powers of her angel helm and channeled a dispel evil spell through Tahlmalaera and into the demon as the blade struck true. She could feel the spell's effect break through the cerebrilith's normal defenses, but at the last moment it was able to shrug off the effects.

Darrien sent several arrows flying at the cerebrilith, hitting with shaft after shaft. The creature snarled in pain - but then Binkadink finished it off with a powerful downward blow from his glaive, with all of his not-inconsiderable power behind it. The demon crumpled to the ground and died on the spot. Gilbert noted its body didn't disappear upon its death, which meant it hadn't just been temporarily summoned here to this plane, but rather gated in somehow.

"It's safe now" Binkadink called over to the privy pit, and made the introductions once Tanabelle climbed up and out. She led them inside the dwelling, to show them the magic circle Zaralia used to talk to other beings from faraway planes. Stepping inside, though, she immediately dealt with the boiling pan of tea that she and Junia had put on the fire before all of the excitement of the morning. "The circle's upstairs," she told the heroes, pointing to the back of the room.

The second floor had an enormous bed on the left, a giant-sized desk and chair on the right, and a magic tub in the back, with an oval window just behind it to allow the bathers to observe the sunrise or sunset from their relaxing bath. While Finoula looked longingly at the tub, Castillan started checking out the drawers of the desk, while Gilbert examined the permanent magic circle carved into the floor. There was a book lying across the circle - no doubt how the cerebrilith escaped the circle's confines after it arrived - and, flipping through it, Gilbert read a ritual that purported to bridge the planes to an "outer planes scholar" named Brumathion. Gilbert had no doubt the tale in the book was completely false, and had been planted in the volume as a means for the cerebrilith to be gated onto the mortal plane by gullible types like Zaralia.

Castillan, in the meantime, had found a closed wooden chest in one of the desk drawers. After determining to his satisfaction that it wasn't booby-trapped in any way, he opened it up and found an overly-large chime, similar to the chimes of opening both he and Ingebold owned. There were runes carved on the chime, and they were different than the ones on his and Ingebold's chimes; Gilbert identified them as being associated with the abjuration school of magic.

"So what kind of chime are we talking about here?" asked the bounder.

"Not sure, but you don't activate it until we figure it out," commanded Gilbert. Castillan closed the chest with a shrug.

Gilbert then started downloading the contents of Zaralia's library - even the books downstairs as tall as he was - into his Omnibook. He was well underway when an extraordinarily-large bottle of wine floated through the air before dropping at the foot of the stairs leading up to the second floor. Castillan felt the presence of a living body nearby although he couldn't see anybody there; he cast his hands in the area and felt them brush up against something. Jolting back as if he'd been shocked, he let out a gasp of surprise. Darrien heard it and sent an arrow flying at the spot directly in front of the bounder, changing it into a line of sticky spider silk before it hit. Unfortunately, all it hit was the wall, for if there was anything there the archer had missed with his line.

However, Tanabelle looked over at the commotion, saw the giant bottle of wine on the floor, and called out, "No! Stop! They're friends!" She then explained it was an invisible stalker Zaralia used to trade with other cloud giant colonies, exchanging grapes from her vines outside for the occasional bottle of wine.

"Zaralia was a good mistress?" asked Finoula.

"Oh, yes," sighed Tanabelle. "She was always so kind to Junia and I...well, up until today."

Finoula and her Battle-Sister exchanged looks. "I've not th' spell readied t'day," the dwarf admitted, "But I c'n have a raise dead spell ready t'go in th' mornin'."

"We'll have Zaralia back alive by tomorrow," Finoula promised Tanabelle.

"Oh! You can--? And Junia?"

At that, Ingebold's face fell. "I'm afraid...without an intact body..." she began.

"I understand," Tanabelle replied.

She showed the heroes the rest of the structure; the third and final floor housed Zaralia's telescope, with which she observed the stars at night. And she explained the magical chime: it was an alarm spell that, when activated, alerted a cloud dragon named Gozragoth who laired in the bottom part of the cloud. "It's a good thing you didn't activate it," observed Tanabelle. "If you had, Gozragoth would have come flying up to see what was the matter, and seeing Zaralia dead, he'd have undoubtedly come to the wrong conclusion, just like the invisible stalker did."

Tanabelle also explained the presence of the arrowhawks in the apple trees. "One of the smaller ones was named Caela," the servant said. "She was Zaralia's familiar. The others didn't bother us, or Gozragoth, but they were an extra layer of defense against intruders...not that we get many of those, up here."

Having done all they could for the moment, the heroes explained they were going to fly Hagan to see his parents, but promised to return to the cloud island immediately thereafter. Gilbert Fung, Ingebold, and Finoula remained behind with Tanabelle, so she wouldn't be alone with the corpse of her dead mistress. (Gilbert's first action was to cast a gentle repose spell on Zaralia.) The dragonfly vessel returned after a little over an hour, and the heroes slept in their ship, which was parked on the far end of the cloud. "And that gives me an idea..." began Jinkadoodle.

The next morning, Ingebold carried through with her promise and cast a raise dead spell on Zaralia. The blue-skinned giantess sat up, blinking in confusion, and then gasped in horror as she recalled what she'd done to Junia, her faithful servant. Finoula had also been under the cerebrilith's domination for a while, and remembered every moment of it. How much worse, she thought, must it be for Zaralia?

Zaralia was grateful for her return to life, but equally glad the heroes had put her down before she could harm Tanabelle. She used the chime to summon Gozragoth - which caused the heroes no small amount of concern - but it was merely to arrange for the purchase of a few of the items from his hoard. "He'll never part with a single copper piece of actual money," Zaralia explained, "but he doesn't mind selling off the things he can't use." Gilbert was given a ring of arcane supremacy which made it easier for his spells to have their desired effect upon magic-resistant foes; Darrien was given an extradimensional quiver which could house sixty individual arrows as well as javelins and bows; and Ingebold was given a medallion which allowed her to mentally communicate with one person from up to a mile away. "It's not enough to repay the debt I owe you all," Zaralia apologized.

"Actually..." began Jinkadoodle, and laid out his proposal.

Zaralia agreed instantly, and the heroes gained a parking spot for their dragonfly vessel, one where they need not worry about other spelljammers finding it parked in orbit, and one which came equipped with a cloud giant and cloud dragon on permanent guard duty.

The heroes waved their goodbyes to Zaralia and Tanabelle, stepped into the dragonfly ship, and went through the hidden lower level to the arcane runes that allowed them to teleport directly back to Battershield Keep.

"Ah, ye're here," said Aerik Battershield upon their arrival. "Ye've a guest in th' conference room. She's been waitin' fer yer return...."

"I dinnae trust 'er," sniffed Helga Battershield. "But ye c'n see fer yerselves."

"I think we better," agreed Gilbert Fung, leading the way to the conference room and shortly thereafter meeting up with a guest none of the heroes would have ever suspected would come to call upon them.

- - -

A couple of things worth mentioning: Hagan wishing to visit his parents was an in-game explanation for his upcoming absence from the next adventure, which was written before Harry joined our gaming group and is definitely not appropriate for a 10-year-old boy. (Or even for an 11-year-old, which is what he miraculously transformed into last week.) Harry's okay with missing the adventure once we explained it had really scary monsters in it that might give him nightmares; he routinely skips episodes of "Face Off" (a special effects makeup contest he otherwise enjoys) if the subject matter is going to be too scary that week. And I've explained Hagan will be having an unseen, off-screen adventure with his parents so he won't miss out on any XP that the other PCs will be accumulating during his absence. And fortunately, that's the only non-age-appropriate adventure I have in stock; all the ones after that were written with the knowledge that Harry would now be gaming with us.

Also, the arrowhawks being variants was a sudden change I made after I had messed up and forgotten they were immune to electrical attacks before allowing Hagan's chain lightning attack to kill off a bunch of them. Not wanting to "undo" Hagan's moment of glory, I simply altered their immunities and tail-ray attacks on the fly, as it were.

The best moment for me in this adventure was Zaralia tossing Junia off the island the round after Ingebold had healed her. I had known that was going to be Zaralia's next action before Logan (who was running Ingebold this time around) declared she'd be casting heal at range on Junia; I knew I was going to get some surprised looks on the players' faces, but I had underestimated the level of surprise I received: the table erupted with shouts of astonishment and dismay. It made my evil little DM's heart swell with glee.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: My black T-shirt with the caption: "Chaotic Evil means never having to say you're sorry" - it seemed appropriate since the cerebrilith was a chaotic evil demon.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 12
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 12
Darrien, half-elf ranger 12
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 12
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 12​

NPC Roster:
Ingebold Battershield, dwarven cleric 12 (Moradin)​

Game Session Date: 1 January 2018

- - -

Entering the conference room of Battershield Keep, the heroes saw a voluptuous young woman already seated at the table, sipping a glass of red wine. She smiled as they entered, paying special attention to Castillan, scanning him from head to toe as a force of habit and very much liking what she saw - and what she imagined he looked like underneath his leather armor. The heroes stood in surprise looking down at their visitor, bunching up around the table but nobody taking a seat.

"Hello," she greeted them in a husky voice. "My name is Jasannah. I'd like to hire your services for a little job I need done. I don't intend to pay you for it, but I believe you'll be interested in the mission, all the same." Looking over at Finoula, she added, "Especially you, darling."

Finoula's eyes narrowed as she tried to remember if she'd ever met this hussy before in her life. She came up with nothing. Still, she figured she'd take the hook, if only to see what this was all about. "Oh?" she asked.

The woman smirked and replied, "I'd like for you to kill the incubus Malaterminus. Interested?"

Finoula exchanged quick glances with her Battle-Sister, Ingebold, then looked back to Jasannah, who was sipping her wine in a suggestive manner. "Yes," said Finoula, as Ingebold replied "Aye" at the same time.

"Good," replied Jasannah, setting down her wine glass. "I thought as much. I happen to know exactly where Malaterminus can be found. If we hurry, there's a good chance you might even be able to rescue a celestial being while you're at it - consider that a bonus for your good deed."

"And how do you happen to know all of this?" interjected Darrien.

"She a demon!" exploded Gilbert before Jasannah could reply.

"Why yes, of course," admitted the sultry woman. "A succubus, as you probably have already suspected. But as they say: 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend....'"

"How you end up with Malaterminus as enemy? I thought succubi and incubi work together."

"Oh, normally we do. But this is an exception. Malaterminus is hardly an incubus at all, save in physical form; he's a rage-fueled monster who loves to kill. That's not what we're supposed to be about at all; our mission is all about temptation, seduction...you can hardly expect to taint a mortal's soul when you kill them during the first act of intimacy....

"But that's not the only reason I want him dead. I had a friend, Nehtenya, a succubus like myself. Several centuries ago, she found a way to bind him into a longsword and arranged to have him hidden away. We thought our problems were behind us, but...well." Jasannah smirked at Finoula and Ingebold. "I'm sure you know the rest."

The succubus finished her glass of wine and set the glass aside. "Are you ready?"

"We'll be needin' some time t' prepare th' spells we'll be wantin' at hand," replied Ingebold, as Gilbert plopped the Omnibook onto the table and started flipping through its pages.

"Oh, take your time," smiled Jasannah, patting the seat next to her and focusing her attention back to Castillan. "Why don't you sit here by me, Castillan? We can chat while the spellcasters do their stuff." The elven bounder approached the succubus and took the proffered seat, ignoring a warning look from Finoula and returning it with a glare that said he could handle it. But he was in no particular danger; it wasn't as if Jasannah was going to do anything to drain one of the people she was relying on to handle her Malaterminus problem. Castillan saw no reason why he couldn't spend a few pleasant moments in conversation with a temptation demon - after all, how many times in one's life did an opportunity like this present itself?

When the spellcasters indicated their readiness, Jasannah reached inside the cleavage of her tight dress and pulled out a key. Then she rose from the table and put the key into the doorknob of the door behind her, which led to the study. This was in itself a bit unusual, as that door had no keyhole. Stranger still was when Jasannah opened the door, revealing not the familiar study where Aerik unwound after a hard day's work, but rather what looked like a linen closet.

"This way, if you please," said Jasannah, stepping through the open doorway. The others followed, but not before Ingebold cast an attune form spell upon the assembled group. It turned out to have been unnecessary, for the Abyssal plane beyond the door was quite pleasant. Stepping through the open storage closet - filled with bottles of bathing soaps, scented candles, and the like - the group found themselves in an elegant castle, with revelry going on all about them. A fancy banquet table was filled with succulent foods, but they were mostly ignored by the revelers, who seemed to be mostly average-looking mortal men and exceptionally beautiful human and elven women, all in various stages of undress.

Gilbert kept the group close and cast a quick Rary's telepathic bond spell upon all of them but Ingebold and Mudpie. "Sorry," he apologized to the dwarven cleric. "I can only get so many into link - and you have amulet, anyway." Ingebold wore a contact medallion which allowed her to cast her thoughts to a single person up to a mile away; it would serve as a suitable alternative - and Mudpie already had a mental link with his master. After the spell had been cast, Gilbert decided to test it out. <Remember,> he mentally cautioned his friends, <we not believe anything this demon-whore say to us!>

<Why Gilbert, that's quite rude!> responded a seductive voice over the telepathic link. <You forget that we 'demon-whores' can communicate telepathically. But don't you worry - I forgive you. I'll even personally see to your reward after you slay Malaterminus.> Gilbert grumbled under his breath, hoping his face wasn't as red as it felt.

Jasannah led the group past a railed opening in the floor, through which a ballroom dance could be seen underway on the level below them. They went through a narrow doorway - this castle seemed to have no doors, merely doorways - and outside onto an overhanging balcony. It was there they discovered they were on the second floor of the castle - and got their first glimpse of the natural state of the Abyssal realm in which they now stood. "Welcome to Shendilavri," Jasannah said, waving her arm to encompass the view behind her.

Shendilavri was a beautiful place, looking much more like one of the celestial realms than one of the layers of the Abyss. It had lush gardens, a lovely, blood-red sea in the distance, and a sky permanently at the most beautiful part of sunset. "Look there, by the sea," commanded Jasannah, pointing. "See the cliffs there? There are a number of caves along the bottom of the cliffs; the one with a heavy wooden door barring entrance is where Malaterminus spends his time between assignments. You will find him there."

Jasannah then led the group to a nearby set of stairs leading down to the castle's exterior, opening a heavy door to gain exit. There was a pair of hairy, goat-headed demons on guard duty outside the door, each brandishing a deadly-looking halberd. "When you've completed your mission, return here and have one of the guards fetch me. I'll lead you back inside, and we'll see about giving you a proper reward before sending you all home." Here, betraying her thoughts, Jasannah once again allowed her sight to focus on Castillan, unconsciously licking her lips in anticipation.

"We see you later, then," prompted Gilbert Fung, leading the group away from the seductress. They faced the cliffs by the sea and started walking. The way was filled with tall grasses waving in the light breeze; Binkadink had to extend his gnomish stilt-boots just to be able to see where he was going. It looked to be about a mile and a half until they reached their destination. "This no good!" complained Gilbert. "Why her key not open directly into cave we need to go to? This too much walking!"

"You could always have teleported us there," pointed out Darrien.

"Only if I have spell prepared," countered Gilbert. "Didn't think we need it." Then a sudden inspiration struck the portly mage: normally, he had Mudpie, his earth elemental familiar, follow him underground, directly beneath him. But since his familiar could earth glide - literally "swim" through the ground - Gilbert saw no reason why he couldn't have Mudpie glide through the earth with his upper half sticking up above the ground. Stepping onto Mudpie's broad shoulders, he commanded his trusty familiar forward and smiled in self-congratulations as he skimmed forward without having to move a muscle. "You slow pokes hurry up!" commanded Gilbert.

"Lazy!" scolded Darrien.

"Resourceful," countered Gilbert. The grasses parted before him as Mudpie skimmed forward, closing up behind them as they traveled - the elemental left no "wake" behind him.

As they approached the cliffs, Finoula suggested they might want to start casting their long-term preparatory spells. Knowing they'd be heading into the Abyss, they had come prepared: Binkadink, Gilbert, and Ingebold each received a magic circle against evil spell centered on them, while Darrien and Finoula each received a protection from evil spell.

Then, suddenly, there was movement in the grasses ahead of them - movement different from the gentle swaying caused by the warm breezes. A white, shaggy head popped up ahead of them, followed by another, and another, and then two more. These last two belonged to the same body; four half-fiend girallons roared and approached, the last one obviously ettinblooded.

It was the two-headed beast who responded first, rushing forward on its legs and lower arms while the upper arms beat menacingly on its chest in a display of aggression. Castillan reacted a mere fraction behind the girallon leader, but he looked sideways at Binkadink, mentally suggesting over their telepathic link a combined plan of action. Binkadink raised his glaive and moved into position, while Darrien pumped a few arrows into the ettinblood's chest for good measure. The beast snarled in pain with both throats.

Behind the leader, the other three approached, two of them racing forward full-bore while the last in line held back, concentrating on sending an unholy blight effect on the assembled group of heroes while they were still all bunched up. Darrien and Finoula caught the brunt of it, each visibly sickened by the assault.

But then Binkadink lashed forward with his glaive, driving its blade deep into the chest of the ettinblood leader. At the same time, Castillan tumbled past its grasp, ending up in position directly behind it and slamming his short sword - which appeared in his hand at the snap of a finger - deep into its kidney region. With a final set of twin howls of pain, the ettinblood fell forward and died.

Ingebold cast a quick bless spell on the group and moved forward, her light mace of healing in hand, menacing the girallon before her. At her side, Finoula used her flaming whip of thorns on another of the half-fiend beasts. Well behind the Battle-Sisters, Gilbert cast a stoneskin spell upon himself, having read in his works on outer planes beasts how dangerous these four-armed apes could be. He stepped off of Mudpie's shoulders as he did so, grateful for the free ride thus far but not wanting to hamper his familiar's combat abilities.

The two girallons already in melee combat struck forth with teeth and claws, one merely scoring a glancing blow along Finoula's armor but the other one faring much better against Ingebold, catching the cleric in three sets of claws and rending deep grooves into her armor and the skin beneath. It followed up with a bite on the cleric's shoulder; fortunately, her armor took the brunt of that attack, protecting her otherwise-exposed neck. In the meantime, the straggler moved forward, taking the space of the fallen, two-headed leader of this fiendish troop of hungry apes.

Darrien sent several arrows deep into the body of the beast fighting Finoula, noting with some dismay that although he'd recently had his Arachnibow upgraded to deliver cold energy damage through his arrows, they didn't seem to be having much of an effect against these brutes. But Gilbert targeted the same creature with a magic missile spell, dropping the ape instantly.

Seeing Ingebold's dire straits, Finoula stepped up between her Battle-Sister and the foe she fought, making herself a more ready target. She stabbed out with her longsword Tahlmalaera, drawing blood from the beast. Behind her, Binkadink used the extended reach of his glaive to do likewise to the beast that had hurt their cleric, while Gilbert stepped up beside Ingebold and dropped a healing potion into her hand. "Don't want healer taken out of fight!" he cautioned. With a nod of thanks, Ingebold gratefully drank it down, feeling the worst of her wounds healing over immediately. Wisely, she stepped back out of the creature's reach as she did so, confident that her companions could better deal with the four-armed menace.

From the side, the straggler - the half-fiend girallon who had cast the unholy blight upon the group - clawed at Binkadink; of the whole of the group, the gnome made for the smallest morsel but he was the nearest at hand, and the beast was hungry. Binkadink whirled around to face this new assault, bloodying the beast with his glaive while Darrien shot several arrows at it in rapid succession.

Finoula's foe lashed out at her, catching her with a claw and a bite but failing to grab the nimble ranger in a two-handed grip so it could rend her armor as it had done to Ingebold. But then Castillan was suddenly behind it, stabbing it from where he couldn't be seen. A torrent of blood gushed from a long, deep cut in the beast's side, and it was dead before it finished its turn to face this new enemy. The beast fell to the ground, its simian face holding an expression of puzzlement.

Binkadink made quick work of the final half-fiend girallon, and then the group paused to take stock of their wounds and tend to some much-needed healing. As they were now alone in a field of tall grasses, Binkadink opted to make use of some of the "joke" potions his cousin Jinkadoodle had tampered with; they still worked perfectly fine on the healing front, but a magic mouth effect tacked on during the creation process made it sound as if the imbiber was speaking one of a number of embarrassing statements. Ingebold drank down a proffered potion, then her voice exclaimed, "I am in desperate need of a spanking: please form an orderly line right here!"

"We need t' have a word with that cousin 'f yers," she growled at the little gnome.

"Agreed," replied Binkadink, passing another "tainted" potion to Castillan. The bounder had avoided any damage from the girallons' teeth and fangs, but like the others had taken some damage from the unholy blight spell effect. "Anybody want to see my junk?" his voice queried after he guzzled down the potion. "Heh," laughed the bounder. "That one was pretty good." Unlike some of the others, he enjoyed the gnome cousins' ongoing prank war.

After healing up, the group readied themselves to continue on their trek to the cave. "I should have brought Obvious," lamented Binkadink. "I could have used his mobility during that fight with those apes."

"You can ride my fly," offered Darrien, reaching into a pouch and pulling out his ebony fly. The gnome gratefully accepted it, exclaiming, "I forgot you had this!" He had ridden the ebony fly once before, in the assault upon the ninja forces that had overtaken Gilbert Fung's house. The gnome had the fly rise high enough that he could spot any other foes creeping about in the tall grasses, but there were none to be found and the group made their way unmolested to the cliff-side, where the entrance to Malaterminus's den was easily found.

There was a narrow cave some 30 feet deep and ending in a heavy, wooden door with iron bands offering further protection. Castillan, his elven eyes seeing fine in the ever-waning sunlight of Shendilavri and the circle of radiance shining from the antlers on Binkadink's helmet, immediately noted a keyhole along the door's right-hand side. "Let me go check it out," he suggested, making his way forward. He saw no obvious traps on the door, but a more thorough examination was called for....

The bounder didn't get to make that examination. His ears picked up the sounds of a chain's links jingling a mere second before he was grabbed by a long, barbed tongue that wrapped around his midsection and yanked him to the side. Out of the corner of his eye he saw himself about to crash into a wall, but then he somehow passed right through it, into the mouth of a heavily-armored, squat toad-dog thing. As the thing's teeth clamped down around him, Castillan tried to struggle but found he couldn't move at all - he was paralyzed, and couldn't even call out a warning to his friends!

Then, mentally castigating himself, he called out a warning to his friends over the still-active Rary's telepathic bond spell. <Guys! I'm paralyzed! There's a monster behind the wall who grabbed me with his tongue and pulled me through!>

<We're on it!> promised Finoula, stepping forward to where Castillan had been pulled through the wall. At the same time, with a mental prodding over their shared link, Gilbert sent Mudpie below the earth to go attack the unseen beast from beneath its present location. He then pulled a potion of remove paralysis flask from his belt and passed it over to an unseen servant he called into being, commanding it to go pour the vial's contents down the bounder's throat. The unseen servant moved to comply, the only indication of its progress being the floating vial of colored liquid hovering through the air, moving toward Finoula.

Unfortunately, the canoloth currently biting Castillan wasn't the only such "watchdog" in place. Directly across from it - and thus immediately behind Finoula - was another illusory wall covering a side-shaft to the cave entrance. The canoloth bounded forward, dragging its chain behind, and struck out at the ranger with a barbed tongue - a tongue not too dissimilar in build from the elf's own whip of thorns. Fortunately, the jingling of its chain gave Finoula enough warning to dodge the striking tongue, and the beast jumped forward to snap its teeth at the ranger, with similarly disappointing results.

However, now completely exposed to the other heroes, this second canoloth found itself the target of Darrien's rapid-fire arrows. As Ingebold intoned the words to a prayer spell encompassing the group of heroes, Binkadink charged in, still riding Darrien's ebony fly, and skewered the beast on the tip of his glaive, killing it instantly.

A sudden thud indicated that Mudpie had found his target, and then Castillan staggered out of the fake wall, the tip of his short sword covered in canoloth blood. Finoula pushed him aside and strode into the wall, stabbing forth with Tahlmalaera. She stepped back outside the illusory wall a moment later, dragging the canoloth's carcass by its chain. She dropped her burden then squatted down beside it, pulling a piece of twisted metal from its collar. "This is the key, perhaps?" she asked.

Castillan gave it a try, with no luck. Then he glanced at the other slain canoloth and saw a similar piece of twisted metal dangling from its collar. He found a way to connect the two - it was rather like a gnomish puzzle - and placed the unified whole into the door's keyhole. With a quick turn on his wrist, the clicking of a locking mechanism was heard and the massive door was pushed open by the bounder. "Here we are," he announced, looking inside and shocked at what he saw.

The chamber beyond the door was a massive, natural stone cavern, with stalactites hanging from the ceiling. That wasn't all that was hanging, though: a pair of thick chains dangled down from the ceiling, attached to either end of a long steel spear - which was penetrated through the heads of three naked women on their knees, seemingly of some exotic elven stock. The women had their arms stretched behind them, and they would have all been rather good-looking - had their lower jaws not been removed, to leave their tongues dangling in midair.

"By the Goddess!" exclaimed Finoula, a chill running up her spine at the horror before her. For these weren't the carcasses of slain women; they mewled and moaned, their tongues swaying back and forth in a pointless effort at speech. The ranger moved forward to help the women - she could see a similar spear had been pierced through each of their hands and the ends bent over to keep them in place - but a hand on her shoulder stopped her progress. "Wait!" commanded Gilbert Fung, his senses scanning the cavern.

Seeing no further danger, he continued. "This one hell of welcoming party," he said. "We dealing with twisted mind."

"Of course we are," snarled Finoula. "This is Malaterminus we're talking about. Now let me help these poor souls." But Gilbert's grip on her shoulder only tightened. "We come back for them later," he suggested. "We have spells in place - they not last forever. Let's deal with him first - then we help victims." Before him the women mewled in wordless input - but the heroes couldn't tell if these were entreaties for help or an understanding that their needs must wait for now.

"Listen!" hissed Castillan, his elven ears straining. There was a passageway deeper into the cavern complex, and the bounder could hear a rhythmic grunting and whimpers of pain coming from that direction. "Come on!" he whispered, leading the way to the passageway. "We come back for you," Gilbert promised the bound and disfigured women.

Tearing quietly through the passageway, Castillan turned a corner and found a disturbing scene: one of the goatlike schir demons of the type they'd seen guarding the succubus castle, busily humping away behind a woman bent over a large rock. Upon closer examination, the woman wasn't just bent over a rock: there were slabs of rock at her sides, upon which had been placed her arms and feathery wings - and then more slabs of rock pinning them into place, keeping her immobilized.

Hearing the others coming up behind the silent bounder, the schir demon turned his head and sneered, "Wait yer blasted turn!" before his eyes widened at the sight of the heroes assembled behind him. Castillan stabbed forth with his short sword, driving its blade deep into the shaggy demon's back and eliciting a goatlike bleat of pain. The humanoid goat-thing instinctively reached for the halberd leaning against the stone wall, then changed his mind and thrust his curved horns at the bounder, who nimbly dodged out of reach. The schir demon was still aroused from his prior actions, the bounder noted with disgust.

"Mudpie: kill it!" commanded Gilbert, and his familiar glided through the intervening stone wall to get to his foe. In the meantime, Finoula raced up, Tahlmalaera in hand, and gasped at what she saw in the cavern just beyond: another schir demon, his halberd on the stone floor beside him as he pumped away at the lillend hanging horizontally from the ceiling about three feet above the stone floor, bound by chains ending in hooks piercing through her hands and wings and supporting the weight of her snakelike lower body. The goat-demon held her head in both hands as he focused his attention solely on his own pleasure, ignoring the gasps of mixed pain and horror coming from the suspended lillend.

Finoula was frozen in horror at the scene before her, but Darrien was quicker to react: several arrows thunked into the goat-demon's back, gaining his immediate attention. He whipped around, causing the lillend to gasp in relief that her horror had been temporarily, at least, suspended. Finoula growled in rage and advanced upon the schir demon, flicking the thorn-whip before her with her left hand as she gripped the hilt of her longsword in her right.

Binkadink made short work of the first schir demon with his glaive, allowing Mudpie to focus upon lifting the rock slabs off of the female celestial's arms and wings. Gilbert pulled a healing potion from his belt and handed it to his unseen servant, commanding it to give it to the schir demon's victim after Mudpie had freed her. The floating vial indicated the unseen servant's position as it patiently waited to carry out its orders.

Ingebold raced up behind her Battle-Sister, mace at the ready. She noted the area was scattered with white gravel and frowned in puzzlement before she realized they were the lillend's teeth. Snarling in fury, she stepped up to help attack the goat-demon, but Finoula had already gotten in several good strikes, and a cluster of magic missiles indicated Gilbert's contribution to the fight. A few arrows from Darrien's Arachnibow finished it off for good, then the half-elf ranger advanced further into the cavern, curious about the deep, open pit before him.

He immediately wished he hadn't looked. The pit was about 25 feet long and 20 feet wide. Its depth was unknown, for it was filled nearly to the top with hundreds, if not thousands, of female bodies. Darrien spotted humans, elves, winged celestials, and even a succubus or two - apparently Malaterminus's only qualification for his victims was that they were female; the ranger spotted no male forms in the pile. Disturbingly, either the incubus had a ridiculously rapid kill rate or there was preservation magic at play here, for none of the victims showed the slightest sign of decay. And a sloping section of rock on the far side of the pit led up to a throne made of bones and sinew, a perch upon which a particularly depraved individual could look down upon the bodies of his victims and remember the good times he'd had with each and every one of them. There was even a large stalactite hanging down over the pit, carved with thousands of grooves as Malaterminus commemorated each death with a notch, keeping score throughout the centuries....

The schir demons having been slain, the group advanced further along the cavern network, Gilbert giving the hanging lillend the same promise he'd given the trio of bralani women in the first chamber - that they'd be back to free her after they'd taken care of Malaterminus. But Ingebold, Finoula, and Darrien found another body slumped in a corner of the cavern up ahead: this one was a naked male with the head of a dog, which Gilbert identified as a hound archon. He sat with his back against the wall, his head angled forward as if to contemplate the sharp-tipped organ rising up to just past his chest. The heroes groaned in realization that the archon's male member only extended about halfway up the pointy shaft; the slain hound archon had apparently been placed upon a sharp and narrow stalagmite, which pierced up through his body and erupted through the end of his member. Darrien felt his own groin shrivel in sympathetic pain at the sight. "This Malaterminus freak definitely needs killing," he observed.

Binkadink advanced up to the trio upon his borrowed, horse-sized fly, saw the dead hound archon, and moved on around the corner to see even more evidence of depravity. There was a beautiful woman, seemingly human but for her golden skin, shackled at the wrists and ankles by chains leading to the bottoms of the stone slab upon which she lay, spread-eagled. Above her loomed a vrock, a vulture-demon who squawked in irritation at the interruption. Given that the golden-skinned human was unconscious and her gown still intact (if ripped along the neckline), it seemed as if the vrock had yet to begin his depredations.

And he wouldn't, if Binkadink had any say in the matter. He urged his fly mount forward, striking at the vrock with his glaive pointed ahead like a lance. Finoula raced behind the gnome, eager to join the fighter in battle against the vrock...

...until her gaze focused to the narrow chamber beyond the vulture-demon, and to the winged, naked man standing between what looked like - incongruously - a pair of window panes looking out onto a beautiful landscape, with blue skies streaked with fluffy, white clouds.

"Why, hello, Finoula!" greeted Malaterminus. "How nice of you to find me here in my den. Now I won't even have to seek you out...."

Any reply Finoula might have made was cut off by the sudden pain the ranger felt beneath her skin, where, unseen, spores released by the vrock had started their agonizing growth. A grunt from Binkadink hinted that he was experiencing the same unpleasantness, but the little gnome was unable to focus upon it, for he was busy fending off the vrock's snapping beak and wicked talons.

Finoula slashed out at the vrock with her longsword, cutting a deep gash into the demon's side, but it was of little consequence to the elven ranger, whose attention was focused solely on the incubus before her. The vrock screeched as a trio of arrows erupted in its chest, evidence that Darrien had joined the fight, but Finoula barely noticed. Binkadink's glaive bit deep into the vrock's flesh, but it mattered not to Finoula; her enemy was before her, and she had no room for thoughts of anything else. She barely even noticed as a haste spell encompassed her, Binkadink, and Darrien, cast by Gilbert Fung from the other side of the cavern.

Finoula's flaming whip of thorns struck out and slashed the incubus across his face, drawing a trickle of blood down the side of his cheek. Her sword stabbed out, cutting a red line across his forearm. "Why, Finoula," cooed Malaterminus, "one might think you weren't pleased to see me." Then he called out, "Slurper-of-Entrails--attend me!"

Instantly, a hard-shelled mezzoloth formed between the incubus and the ranger intent upon his death. It struck at Finoula with its wicked claws, and the ranger instinctively tried to dodge its blows, all while keeping her gaze focused upon Malaterminus - but her attempts to dodge were unnecessary. With a look of puzzlement in its beady little eyes, the mezzoloth tried - and failed - to put its claws on the ranger's lithe body, but Ingebold's protection from evil spell was still active and it prevented the summoned demon from making contact.

But the moment's respite gave the incubus time to flee down a narrow side corridor, towards his throne of bones. "Coward!" called Finoula behind him, while Ingebold cast a blade barrier spell that walled off the mezzoloth from the rest of the group. Despite the whirling blades of the spell providing cover, Darrien managed to get in a few shots with his bow, peppering the mezzoloth's carapace with his arrows.

Binkadink managed to slay the vrock, making way for Castillan to approach the gold-skinned woman chained to the slab of stone. "She's alive!" he called out, grabbing his lockpicks to open her manacles. But then his attention was distracted by a scene through the "windows" just beyond: a winged, three-headed tiger was pacing back and forth through the windows, approaching one and seemingly teleporting immediately to the other as it paced back and forth, back and forth. Its heads were low to the ground, and the bounder realized it was tracking somebody by scent. In a flash of intuition, the bounder realized these were rifts to another - presumably celestial - realm; and that this was the means by which Malaterminus obtained his celestial victims. The three-headed tiger was likely seeking the golden woman who had just been abducted. Castillan returned his focus to the task at hand, freeing the unconscious woman from her shackles.

Slurper-of-Entrails, in the meantime, got tired of being peppered with arrows from behind the blade barrier spell, and teleported away. Through the whirling blades he'd picked out the form of the dwarf who had cast the spell - a cleric of dour Moradin, no doubt - and chosen her as a fine target. But he once again was stopped by an invisible barrier, this one caused by the magic circle against evil that didn't even allow him to land where he'd targeted, right in front of the dwarf. Instead, he was shunted to a few paces from the archer. Changing targets immediately, the mezzoloth found he likewise couldn't touch the half-elf standing before him -- it was infuriating!

The vrock dead, Binkadink wheeled his borrowed fly in place and flew it around back, over the pit of victims and past the throne, cutting Malaterminus off from his destination with the point of his glaive. "Not going to happen!" the gnome promised the incubus.

"I doubt that," replied Malaterminus from behind the gnome, who turned to see the incubus seated upon his throne; Binkadink hadn't even seen him teleport! "But just look at what I can do from here!"

By an unspoken command, the bodies of Malaterminus's victims came to an unholy, stilted life. They crawled up out of the pit, dragging themselves forward in a mass, some scrabbling toward Binkadink and his ebony fly while others spilled out the other way, pulling their lifeless bodies toward Ingebold and Darrien. Gilbert flashed anger as he scanned them with his magically-enhanced eyes, but he saw these weren't undead; the incubus was merely animating them as he might any other unliving object. Glad to see their souls weren't being violated as their bodies had once been, the wizard cast a spell upon Malaterminus from across the pit, overcoming the demon's natural ability to ward off spell effects and encasing him in a green glow. "You not going anywhere now!" Gilbert promised the incubus, confident in the power of his dimensional anchor spell.

Malaterminus rose from his throne, fury in his eyes. Darrien compounded the incubus's fury by piercing his chest with a well-placed arrow. Ingebold cast a flame strike at the lustful demon, and while he managed to shield himself from its effects the unliving victims crawling towards him weren't so lucky; their violated bodies sizzled and burned from the power of her spell. As one, they stopped their feeble movement, while those closest to the cleric and thus outside the range of her spell continued their slow approach.

Binkadink spun the ebony fly around and faced the incubus. He suddenly struck out with the flat of his blade, striking the demon in the head again and again. Malaterminus spilled forward, falling to the floor in front of his throne.

"Is he--?" asked Finoula.

"Just unconscious," promised the gnome. "He's all yours."

"All ours," corrected Finoula, indicating for Ingebold to step forward and join her. As the cleric scrambled up to the throne, Finoula kicked Malaterminus over with her foot. He lay naked, exposed, upon his back, his arms spread out before him as if in silent supplication.

Finoula placed the tip of Tahlmalaera over the heart of the incubus, gripping the hilt with both hands. Ingebold placed her hand over those of her Battle-Sister, and the ranger brought the sword up high. Then, together, they brought the blade crashing down into his chest, piercing his heart in the same fashion as he'd once tricked Finoula into doing to Ingebold. Malaterminus didn't even have the courtesy to wake up at the last moment, to lock eyes with his slayer one last time; he simply grunted once and died, there in his own chamber of horrors.

"Well, so long everybody!" waved the mezzoloth before teleporting away; he'd learned the hard way there was no way he could even touch these interlopers, whereas they could touch him in all sorts of unpleasant ways. And with Malaterminus already dead, it wasn't like he owed the incubus anything anymore....

Castillan freed the golden woman, then awakened her gently. She introduced herself as Glorianna, and confirmed she'd just been snatched out of thin air from her home on Mount Celestia. Mudpie had, by this time, freed the celestial from beneath the crushing rocks; she introduced herself as Annavel, a sword archon similarly plucked from Mount Celestia years ago and abused here ever since. "You have my undying gratitude," she said, helping the others free the bound lillend, Maestria and the trio of bralani, whose names were unknown.

"I think we make our own way home," suggested Gilbert Fung, not wanting to trust Jasannah at her word that she'd get the heroes back to Oerth. "We go through rift to Mount Celestia, Ingebold plane shift us home from there. But first," he added, pulling out his magical dagger, "I have errand to run."

While the others gathered their rescued victims together and stepped through the rift into Mount Celestia, Gilbert Fung cast a fly spell upon himself and returned briefly to the castle. "Here," he said, tossing the severed head of Malaterminus at one of the schir demon guards. "You tell Jasannah mission accomplished, but we find our own way back home."

The demon guards looked at astonishment at the severed head before them, then bellowed in anger. "You killed him!" exclaimed one, grabbing up his halberd. "I had a pass for when my shift was over!" moaned the other. "I was going to finally get to try out that lillend!" They swung their weapons at Gilbert, but he quickly flew out of range and sped back to the cavern, looking back frequently to ensure he wasn't being pursued by any flying demons. But he made it back to the rift to Mount Celestia and caught up with his friends there without incident.

"We'll need t' seal off this rift somehow," declared Ingebold. "We dinnae want the next incubus in line to pick up where Malaterminus left off."

"I have marked the location," answered Annavel, whose hand and forearm had become a flaming sword, with which she had burned a mark into the ground indicating the location of the extraplanar rift - which was completely undetectable from this side. "We will see to the construction of a wall, blocking off the rift." The three-headed tiger - a leskylor, Glorianna had explained - growled its agreement.

Now safely back on their home plane, the celestials had begun healing. Maestria's teeth were growing back in, and the three bralani were slowly growing back their lower jaws. Annavel excused herself and flew off, returning several minutes later, now robed in a fresh set of clothes.

"I can never thank you enough," she said, handing an object to Ingebold - for she had instinctively singled out the one hero whose natural inclinations best fit the lawful good alignment of Mount Celestia. "But please accept this as a small token of my gratitude. You have only to touch it, and speak my name - and I will come to you, across the planes, to aid you as you have aided me this day."

"I thank ye," replied Ingebold formally, placing the amulet around her neck, where it rubbed up against her holy symbol of Moradin the Soul-Forger. And then, after saying their goodbyes, Ingebold cast the plane shift spell that would return the heroes to their own world.

- - -

This was an uncomfortable adventure to run, because of the subject matter. Knowing ahead of time that I'd be basically running the PCs through a "rape dungeon," I had made arrangements for Hagan to be visiting his parents during this adventure, so that Harry could be spared a bunch of questions about what the demons were up to. (He just turned 11 last month, but I wrote this adventure before he had joined our group.)

Had Malaterminus been slain upon his first being encountered, this adventure wouldn't have been necessary. But we've always been a "let the dice fall where they may" group, and his escape made tracking him down later necessary. This seemed like exactly the sort of thing an incubus gone bad by even demonic standards would get up to, but I took care to describe the encounters in such a way that the players could infer what was going on without my actually coming out and stating the obvious. And the depravity of the scene only made Malaterminus's death that much more satisfying to Vicki. (We had skipped ahead, jumping over several other players to have Vicki run Ingebold this time even though it wasn't her turn, as it seemed appropriate that the Battle-Sisters would be on a united front in seeing their long-held goal to its conclusion.)

And now I don't have to deal with Malaterminus any more in this whole campaign, a fact for which I am grateful.

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: A new Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" T-shirt I just got for Christmas. It seemed appropriate for this particular gaming session, since this was definitely a much "darker" session than any other we've ever had.
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PC Roster:
Binkadink Dundernoggin, gnome fighter 12
Castillan Ivenheart, elf bounder 12
Darrien, half-elf ranger 12
Finoula Cloudshadow, elf ranger 12
Gilbert Fung, human wizard 12
Hagan, half-orc sorcerer 12​

NPC Roster:
Aithanar Ivenheart, elf fighter 3
Feya Cloudshadow, elf expert (herbalist) 5
Harriet Fung, orc sorcerer 4
Jinkadoodle Dundernoggin, gnome illusionist 5
Marta, human ranger 2
Winkidew Dundernoggin, gnome wizard 6​

Game Session Date: 6 January 2018

- - -

It had been over a year since the last wave of orc and goblin marauders from the Vesve Forest. Since the attacks had come regularly between 6 and 12 months for the past two decades, there was hope that whatever had been driving them was no longer in effect. However, despite the overall hope that the attacks might somehow be over, there was still a general wariness in the air. But defenses were still in place: Chalkan’s arcane archers guarded the forest and garrisons of mercenary soldiers - funded by the treasures unearthed by King Galrich's heroes - still patrolled the borders.

However, after the horrors of the Abyss, the group had decided to spend some time with their respective families and planned to meet back up at Battershield Keep in three days’ time.

Throughout the Fung cottage, all was quiet and still. Harriet Fung lay asleep in her bed, the dark-green hair spread across the pillow framing her orcish face. She dreamed of her childhood in faraway Kozakura, back before she had been forced to flee at a young age from an undesired arranged marriage. On his perch upon the nightstand, Harriet's black-feathered familiar, Kurotori, dreamed his raven dreams. In Gilbert's bedroom, Mudpie stood silent guard over his sleeping master, who was sprawled out across his bed in a tangle of sheets and blankets. And in the family room at the front of the house, Hagan slept in his bedroll, his weasel familiar Wezhley nestled against his chest. Hagan had only recently returned from a visit to his own parents on the other side of the Vesve Forest and had taken Gilbert's offer to stay a few days with him; the half-orc had taken the opportunity to brush Harriet up on her lessons on the Orcish language. She'd been tutored by King Galrich as time permitted, but the duties of running a kingdom were many and her lessons thus far had been short and sporadic. Hagan, a natural speaker of his father's language since he was a little lad, was a much more fluent speaker than the king and Harriet's adeptness with the unfamiliar language was improving immensely.

Hagan wasn't a deep sleeper, but even he failed to hear the slight pop of air displacement as an unseen form materialized in the Fung's foyer, the result of a softly-spoken dimension door spell. The invisible figure opened the door to his companions and they, being a more brutish lot, slammed the door open in their haste to enter and loot the building. One room away, Hagan's eyes snapped open as he was awakened by the sounds of heavy boot-steps in the hallway.

The first two figures were hulking orc brutes covered in hides and pelts, with great stone axes in hand. Behind them trundled others of the orcish race, these wielding smaller, curved blades of bone and horn. Seeing perfectly fine in the pitch blackness of the unlit chamber, they split up and headed in both directions, the barbarians heading right, towards Hagan, and the others starting to go off in the other direction.

Sliding silently from his bedroll, Hagan scooped up his familiar and dropped him upon his left shoulder; Wezhley was savvy enough to remain silent, feeling his master's wariness. The half-orc readied a lightning bolt spell to blast at any enemies who might enter the family room from the open doorway to the front foyer, where all the noise had come from. Absently, the sorcerer noted the sounds of someone clambering up onto the rooftop, which made it less and less likely that the sounds he'd heard were of an innocuous nature.

But Hagan wasn't the only one alerted by the noisy orcs; Mudpie had heard the three climbing up onto the roof from either side, as did Harriet. The orc sorcerer slipped out of her bed, slipped on a flowered robe, and reached up on the wall for her grandfather's ceremonial katana and wakizashi. Thus armed, she crept to the sliding door of her room and listened intently.

Down the hall, Mudpie had awakened his master and Gilbert had slipped his own robe on, grabbing up his pouch of spell components. "Let's go see what up!" he whispered to the earth elemental beside him.

In the family room, Hagan had heard the unmistakable sounds of Orcish being spoken. He silently crept to the doorway to Verdant Gristwold's study, across from the doorway to the foyer. There, captured perfectly in Hagan's darkvision were the two orc barbarians, headed his way. He cast a chain lightning spell, focusing on the one he could see the best and sending arcs of electricity out to the one behind him and two other orcs in view down the long hallway at the front of the Fung cottage. Four orc voices cried out in pain and anger; the primary target had been severely hurt by the spell and the other barbarian showed scorch marks where he'd been badly burned as well, but the two orc warriors down the hallway had been slain outright. There was no longer any doubt: the Fung residence was under attack!

Having heard the sounds of combat from the front of the house, Gilbert cast an expeditious retreat spell on Mudpie. "Make sure Mom okay!" he commanded, sliding open the door panel to his room. Mudpie scampered out to obey, traveling at a much faster pace than his usual lumbering gait. Down the hallway, Harriet had cautiously opened her own sliding door panel and stepped out onto the wooden walkway flanking the open garden in the middle of her home. She released Kurotori to fly up through the opening in the ceiling, to scout from above and let her know who was attacking the house, and from which direction.

As the raven flew up through the central ceiling hole, three orcs used that same opening to leap down into her garden, two on the eastern side of the building but the other one landing right in front of a startled Harriet. Despite her gruff appearance in her orc body, Harriet gave a small shriek of surprise. But Gilbert, acting quickly, cast an Evard's black tentacles spell on the part of the garden he could see in the moonlight, catching each of the orc interlopers in the rubbery embrace of writhing appendages suddenly rising up from the ground.

"Good job, Mudpie!" Harriet called to her son, using his childhood nickname and confusing her son's elemental of the same name who wasn't sure why he was being praised. She slid back another door and went down the hallway towards the kitchen, the earth elemental dutifully following to keep her safe.

In the front hallway, the singed orc barbarians made a rush for Hagan, swinging their greataxes. One caught the sorcerer in the arm, slicing through his sleeve and cutting into the flesh beneath. Hagan moved to take a step back to give him room to cast an attack spell, but he bumped into something he couldn't see - the invisible wizard had used another dimension door spell to get behind the half-orc. Stumbling to the side, Hagan fired off a cone of cold spell that encompassed both barbarians and one of the other orcs who had followed behind to see what the fuss was about. The orc warrior and the barbarian who had been burned the worst from Hagan's first spell dropped immediately, dead on the spot, while the remaining barbarian roared in pain and rage and slashed out wildly with his weapon, missing the sorcerer.

The two remaining orc warriors decided to try out the other direction, moving past a western-style dining room (boring) and into a kitchen (much more interesting). Upon spotting Harriet's collection of steel knives, they gave out a cry of delight and grabbed them up, wielding one in each hand and stuffing the others in their belts. "Metal weapons!" they crowed in their guttural language.

Harriet listened from the other side of the kitchen door, this one wood with a handle in the style of the western world. It sounded like they were shouting "metal weapons" in their brutish language, but she wasn't sure - she'd have to ask Hagan when she saw him.

But Hagan was busy fighting off an enraged barbarian in the family room. He'd been hit again, a glancing blow across his chest that left a line of blood dripping down his torso. He'd also been attacked by a spell that felt like it wanted to cloud over his vision, cast by an invisible spellcaster somewhere in the room with him or in the doorway to the study. Fortunately, Hagan had managed to shrug off the spell's effects; had he been blinded as intended, he doubted he'd still be alive by now. He wasted another cone of cold spell on the remaining barbarian, on the one hand hating to use up so powerful a spell on a single enemy, but on the other hand wanting to be sure he killed him as soon as possible. The spell did the trick; the barbarian fell over, dead. Now all Hagan had to do was to fight another spellcaster, one who couldn't be seen!

Having grabbed up all the kitchen knives, the orc warriors each went to open one of the two wooden doors out of the room. The one on the right found a pantry and cried out again in joy, stepping forward into the small room and stuffing his mouth full of various foodstuffs. The other one opened the door and found a good-looking female orc in a flowered robe, wielding twin blades - of metal! "What group are you with?" he asked her, so astonished by seeing another of his race from a different assault group that he failed to notice the small earth elemental standing behind her - or the heavyset wizard turning the corner at the end of the hall behind her, having ensured his Evard's black tentacles spell had finished off the three orc warriors in the meditation garden.

Instinctively, Harriet lowered her head, mumbled "Excuse me," and rushed past the orc, headed toward the family room and Hagan. The orc's gaze followed her; as a result he didn't see the incoming magic missile spell that slew him standing there in the kitchen. Gilbert and Mudpie strode into the kitchen and heard the sounds of an impromptu orc feast in the pantry. Slaying this second orc with another magic missile spell, Gilbert called out to his mother, "Flee to neighbor's house! We come for you after we finish here!"

Hagan felt another blindness/deafness spell try to rob him of his sight and fail, and realized this unseen spellcaster didn't have much else to work with - after all, why try to rob an opponent of his sight when you were already invisible? He assumed his foe was hoping for Hagan to be easy meat for his other orc allies, but from the sounds of things Gilbert had taken out the rest of them. With a mental shrug, Hagan cast his last cone of cold of the night, encompassing the entirety of Verdant's study and apparently - judging by the moan of pain from the corner of the room - catching his unseen foe in its area of effect. But then there were the mumbled words to another spell, followed by silence; Hagan had recognized the words to a teleport spell and realized he wouldn't likely have to deal with that particular foe for the rest of the night.

Outside on the porch, Kurotori landed on Harriet's outstretched arm. "No other enemies in sight," he reported.

"That good," affirmed Gilbert, stepping up behind his mother. "I leave Mudpie here with you. Hagan! You okay?"

"I'm fine," reassured the half-orc sorcerer, stepping into the room. "Hello again, Mrs. Fung."

"We have to assume other areas under attack, too," Gilbert reasoned. "I got teleport spell ready. I go check on Finoula. You want to check on one of others?"

"I'll go see if Darrien's okay," replied Hagan. "He and his mom live way out there in the woods."

"Sound good." And the two spellcasters departed.

"You strong enough to pull dead bodies outside?" Harriet asked Mudpie. "I no want them in here. You do that, I go get broom. This place a mess!"

- - -

Feya Cloudshadow sat in her bedroom, caught up in her nightly reverie. As her body rested, her mind sorted through centuries of memories: her childhood in the forest; her two husbands: one elven, one human, both now dead; the birth of her two daughters, Finoula and Feron, separated by many years between them. A smile on her lips showed that most of the memories of her life were pleasant ones.

Down the hall, Finoula sat in a similar stance in her own room, but in her much shorter span of life she'd amassed more than a few unpleasant memories. She awakened from her nightly reminiscences by the sudden realization that there was a powerful evil there in the room with her. She snapped her eyes open, and in the moonlight streaming in from the window she saw looming above her the incubus Malaterminus.

"You stupid, mortal whore!" he sneered. "Did you really think I had taken no precautions against an untimely death? That I had no one to return me to my unholy life? Well, I'm back! And now my only problem is do I want to make you watch while I kill your mother in front of you, or shall I do you first while she watches?" He reached down for the horrified ranger, his excitement of the night's prospects visibly evident....

Finoula awoke from her reverie with a start. She looked about her, but there was no evidence that Malaterminus had been there in the room with her; all was as she had left it when she began her reverie that evening - even Wrath, her faithful timber wolf, lay by her side with his head resting on his front paws, fast asleep. Finoula knew that if she had indeed been visited by the evil incubus she'd just slain, Wrath would have been instantly awakened and leaped to her defense. So it was just a dream, then. With a deep sigh of relief, Finoula settled back into position and tried to still her racing mind.

But then she heard the noise again, the noise she recognized as one that had originally helped awaken her from her resting state, the one that sounded like somebody scrabbling around on the rooftop.

Rising effortlessly to her feet - a process which elicited a whuff? from her faithful wolf as he rose, instantly alert for danger - Finoula reached for her weapons. She had on a tight-fitting garment she wore beneath her leather armor; it would have to do. She opened the door to her room and padded down the hallway to the top of the stairs. She heard a sudden thud! from the ground level, over by the kitchen - somebody cascading down the chimney, perhaps? With sword and whip in hand, Finoula went to investigate.

In the master bedroom, Feya had awakened from her reverie as well and was tying the sash to her robe when she heard another sound on the rooftop above her. She went to go check on her daughter, but by the time she got to the doorway there was a crash behind her as her window exploded inwards, smashed in by a spidery-looking appendage. With a shriek, Feya closed the bedroom door behind her.

"Go stay with Mother," Finoula commanded her wolf as she started down the stairs, her senses straining. Wrath obediently bounded over to Feya, right as Finoula's elven eyes picked out motion over by the kitchen. It was a goblin, blackened with soot from his dive down the chimney, striding as bold as you please to the front door, where he was apparently going to go let in his associates. "Hey!" the ranger yelled, racing down the rest of the stairs. The startled goblin looked in her direction in fear, but he had already opened the front door, and another trio of goblins stood there, waiting to be let in.

Finoula's flaming whip of thorns came lashing out at the goblin intruder, slaying him instantly. But the goblin trio was already pushing its way into the living room, and pounding behind Finoula indicated more goblins trying to bash in the back door and others trying to force their way into the door leading to Feya's workshop.

Up in Feya's bedroom, a spidery figure scrambled into the room from the shattered window. This was a spider the size of a man, and upon its hairy back, perched in an elaborate saddle/harness, sat another goblin. He steered his arachnid steed over to the bedroom door, then reached out and turned the knob - steeders were excellent transport beasts, capable of traveling up sheer surfaces and even across ceilings, but they weren't very good at opening doors. As the door exploded outwards into the hall, Feya screamed and started down the stairs, Wrath at her heels.

The three goblins in the living room spread out and attacked Finoula, smirks and leers written on their faces at having to deal with a single elf - and a female at that! Finoula wiped the grins off their faces by slaying two of them in the space of as many heartbeats, striking one with her whip and snapping his neck while skewering the other on her blade. The remaining goblin's face drained of color, then he regained a bit of confidence as the back door was smashed open and goblin reinforcements rushed in.

Wrath needed no encouragement or instructions; he leaped at the first goblin through the back door and ripped out his throat. Unseen, another pair of goblins smashed through the door to Feya's workshop and made their way past the tables of herbs and spices and alchemical equipment.

A scrabbling sound on the roof above indicated the progress of another goblin-mounted steeder, as became apparent once it dropped to the front lawn and was visible in the open front doorway. Recognizing the pair as her greatest likely threat, Finoula activated her lightning amulet and blasted herself right through them, slaying the goblin instantly and scorching the spider.

However, the other steeder by this time had scampered down the stairs and bitten Feya. Its rider brought a blowgun to his lips and shot a dart at the elven herbalist, but the dart went whizzing past her head to stick into the wall beyond. Dribbles of poison leaked down from the dart's tip.

Without any command from its slain rider, the other steeder scrambled into the house, attacking Wrath, who the giant arachnid saw as nothing more than a potential meal. The poor wolf was also simultaneously attacked by two goblins at the back door, but he managed to slay one of those with a vicious bite. The other goblin decided right then and there that his assault group had obviously picked the wrong house to attack, and turned tail to flee back the way he'd come.

Finoula stepped back into her mother's house, flailing away with her magic whip. She'd caused rivulets of blood to come streaming from the riderless spider's abdomen; insanely, while in battle for their very lives, part of Finoula worried about how difficult it would be to get the blood out of her mother's floors. Wrath spun around and snapped his jaws at the same spider but missed. However, not liking the odds and without a rider to prod it on, the spider had at that time decided to flee as well. Both doors were blocked, one by the wolf and one by the elf, but it had carried a goblin up to the rooftop with it so he could scurry down the chimney; that was another avenue of escape. Unfortunately, before it could put its half-formed thoughts into motion, Finoula lashed out again with her whip and killed the spider before it could get very far at all.

The mounted steeder scurried down the rest of the stairs and bit Wrath; its rider, meanwhile, had turned in his saddle and shot a poisoned dart at Finoula through the use of a blowgun. She slapped it away in irritation with Tahlmalaera, then used the move to thrust the blade into the body of the last of the goblin trio to have entered through the front door. Just as she was kicking his skewered body off of her blade, though, the other two entered the living room from Feya's workshop.

And then, out of nowhere, a portly wizard appeared in the middle of the room. Finoula's brow creased in puzzlement at the sight of Gilbert Fung in her mother's living room, but then put her focus back onto the fight at hand.

As his steeder bit Wrath, the goblin spider-rider turned and shot a poisoned dart at Gilbert Fung, missing him by a hair. Gilbert responded with a burning hands spell which slew the goblin and burned a patch of fur off the steeder. Gilbert was then attacked by the two goblins wielding handcrafted morningstars, looking like knobby masses of pulplike wood with shards of glass embedded in them. He cursed at the little buggers, but Finoula assumed he had things in hand with them and concentrated on the remaining spider. She carved it up with her sword, slaying it in one well-pressed attack. Then, partly to show Gilbert she didn't need him to come teleporting in to save her, she handily dispatched the goblins who had been attacking him with a few quick strikes from her whip. Deactivating the whip's thorns, she started rolling it back up now that combat was over.

"Gilbert," she said, acknowledging his presence and his assistance.

"Finoula," he replied, nodding his head.

Feya looked at the dead bodies scattered across her house and headed for the workshop. "I think I need some calming herbs," she said.

- - -

In the log cabin they shared out in the woods on the outskirts of Kordovia, Marta and her son Darrien were both asleep in their beds. Marta had a rather normal bed, whereas Darrien's was a loft, occupying the upper half of the east end of his room, with a small desk beneath it. Perhaps because he was situated so close to the roof, it awakened him when he heard something crawling around up there.

More times than not, it was squirrels who crawled around up on the roof. The woods were crawling with squirrels, which made for good eating and excellent target practice with his bow; there were already two skinned squirrels in the pantry for tomorrow's stew. With a sigh, Darrien tried to block the noise and get back to sleep. But there was something almost sinister in the sounds on the roof, like whatever was up there was trying to be stealthy about it (and failing miserably to the ranger's trained ears).

Then there was a sound of something tumbling down the chimney between the two bedrooms, and all thoughts of a possible squirrel incursion were removed.

Darrien leaped down from his bunk, wearing only the pants to his armor and a comfortable under-shirt. He grabbed his amber amulet from the desk and slipped it over his neck, then grabbed up his Arachnibow and strung it. Slapping his quiver of Ehlonna on a belt around his hips, he crept to the door and peered out.

There was a skeleton crawling out of the fireplace. It was the size of a man but somewhat brutish, almost apelike: an orc, perhaps?

Not wanting to have his mother be taken unawares - for Darrien could hear more scrabbling up on the rooftop - the ranger bellowed, "MOM! SKELETONS!" at the top of his lungs as he mentally activated his amulet.

There was a twisted figure embedded in the hunk of amber he wore around his neck: it was a praying mantis encased in the golden substance. However, upon Darrien's activation, the mantis in the amulet disappeared - leaving a mantis-shaped bubble in the glob of amber - and a giant mantis taller than a man appeared in the central room of the cabin. It a flash, it struck out at the orc skeleton with its claws, catching it, imprisoning it, and biting it all in one quick motion. The combined attack was enough to destroy the skeleton, which fell apart into a pile of bones on the wooden floor.

There was a sudden pounding and banging on the cabin's only door. The mantis spun to face this new threat, but it sounded like it would take a moment for the attackers to break their way through.

Marta, meanwhile, climbed out of her warm bed and threw her robe around her. Then, with a hatchet as a weapon, she peered out of the shutters of her bedroom window. She was dismayed to see countless skeletons ringing the cabin - it looked like Darrien hadn't been kidding, waking her up in the middle of the night like that!

Another skeleton dropped down the chimney and started climbing out of the fireplace. Darrien destroyed it with a flurry of arrows, but it took four to bring it down. The ranger realized that arrows - even ones enhanced by magic like the ones his Arachnibow shot - weren't the best weapons to use against skeletal undead. He spotted a dropped weapon on the floor by the chimney - it looked like a hardwood club: perfect! He grabbed it up, just as his mother practically exploded out of her bedroom. The reason for her haste was fully explained by the skeletons crawling through her bedroom window, having burst the wooden shutters open.

"Into then bathroom--quick!" Darrien commanded, and his mother hurried to comply. She slammed the door shut behind it and barred it in place. "Don't come out until I tell you it's safe!" Darrien added, and Marta nodded to herself - her boy could handle a few skeletons; he was an adventurer, after all!

The front door finally burst open, revealing a pair of skeletons and, surprisingly, a living foe: a goblin spellcaster of some sort, judging from his getup. He motioned for his undead minions to attack the ranger (at least that's what Darrien supposed he said, not speaking the Goblin language himself, but the pointing gesture and look of hatred were pretty universal).

As quick as a wink, the mantis pulled a skeleton into its claws and crushed it to pieces; the bones rained down onto the wooden floor. The other one, though, slammed into the bug's carapace with its knotted club, and - worse yet - the goblin spellcaster sent what Darrien recognized as magic missiles flying into his mantis. Once activated, the mantis had only a limited time before returning to its amber prison for the rest of the day, but Darrien was worried that at this rate it wouldn't even get to stick around that long!

Another skeleton dropped down the chimney and started crawling out of the fireplace; Darrien brought his borrowed club smashing down on the thing's skull, destroying it with a single blow. But more skeletons were pouring out of Marta's room - just how many were there?, Darrien wondered. Seeing more lined up outside the front door, ready to enter the cabin and attack, Darrien cast an entangle spell out the front door, causing the grass and roots to rise up and entwine around the ankles of the skeletons standing there, binding them in place - at least for now.

But in the moment it took to cast the simple spell, Darrien found himself surrounded by orc skeletons, all bashing at him with their clubs or clawing at him with their skeletal digits. The goblin sorcerer was focusing his magic missile attacks on the mantis, apparently not realizing it was anything but what it appeared to be: a giant insect, possibly a living pet, rather than the summoned aspect of a magic amulet which would soon enough disappear on its own. For its part, the mantis kept grabbing up and crushing skeletons in its claws, unable to make its way past the animated undead to get to their goblin master.

Moments passed, in which Darrien bashed one skeleton to pieces and the mantis crushed another between its claws, before the goblin's spell took the insect past its damage threshold and it reverted back to its imprisoned form inside the amulet. It was good while it lasted, Darrien thought, grateful that the mantis had slain as many enemies and taking as many attacks as it had before being shut down. But now the goblin pointed directly at him and commanded its undead forces to tear the ranger to pieces. Darrien swung his club left and right, battering away at his skeletal enemies, but they were wearing him down and he had no reprieve from their endless assault.

And then Hagan appeared in the main room.

He was immediately flanked by two orc skeletons and hit with their clubs, but after taking an initial beating the half-orc sorcerer cast a chain lightning spell focused on the goblin in the doorway (as Hagan imagined he was the leader of the attack) and arcing off to every skeleton he could see. The goblin shrieked despite his protective measures (he had a bear's endurance and a false life spell active, without which he'd have been instantly slain by the electrical spell), then cried out even louder when all of his skeletal minions in the cabin dropped as one into piles of bones.

Of course, more clamored into the cabin, from the chimney, from the front door, and from Marta's bedroom, and in a short while the cabin was filled with animated undead once again, clawing at the heroes and slamming them with their gnarled clubs. The goblin sorcerer cast a magic missile spell at Hagan, hoping to take him out quickly, but the sorcerer replied with a repeat of his previous attack: another chain lightning that crisped every skeleton in the cabin and scorched the goblin further. Darrien took care of the last few stragglers coming in from his mother's bedroom, and then Hagan cast his final chain lightning spell, instantly frying the goblin where he stood. It was the matter of mere moments to then pick off the few orc skeletons that remained.

"Mom? You okay in there?" called Darrien.

"I'm fine!" she answered, still gripping the hatchet in case the door should be battered down.

"It's safe to come out now."

Marta opened the bathroom door and looked about at the state of the cabin. Loose bones were strewn everywhere. Then she looked up and saw Hagan standing by her son.

"Darrien!" she cried out in alarm. "You didn't tell me we had guests! Come here, Hagan, would you like some pie? Darrien, get the plates! You do like cherry pie, don't you, Hagan?"

"Yes, ma'am," the half-orc replied with a smile. On his shoulder, Wezhley grinned his silent agreement.

- - -

Winkidew Dundernoggin was awake when the screaming began. He was in his laboratory overseeing the brewing of a batch of potions that required particular care; even the slightest change in temperature as they steeped could throw off the whole mixture. As such, he was only one room away from the front room of the shop, and the screams coming from the street just outside were quite audible. To the gnome's ears these weren't screams of revelry or joy, they were screams of terror, as if some type of indescribable horror was playing out in the streets of Kordovia.

The gnome alchemist knew just what to do: he cast a ventriloquist spell and shouted down the stairs at full volume, "GET UP HERE, LADS, AT ONCE!"

Downstairs, Jinkadoodle awoke at the sound of his father's spell immediately. He rushed upstairs in his pajamas to see what was so important it had the old man bellowing in the middle of the night. "Where's Bink?" asked Winkidew when his son popped his head up from the basement. "We'll probably want him to deal with this."

Binkadink was at that very moment sound asleep on a sofa in the family room, wrapped up in a thick, woolly blanket. He liked staying with his uncle and cousin, although close proximity to Jinkadoodle always carried with it the risk of the unleashing of the next round in their incessant prank war.

"GET UP HERE, BINKADINK!" bellowed Winkidew a second time, this time making it seem like the voice was coming from his son's posterior. Jinkadoodle just shook his head in disbelief and popped back downstairs to give his cousin a shake. Snapping out of it as he crashed to the floor (for Jinkadoodle determined the best way to wake his cousin up was to pull the sheets and blanket off the couch from underneath him), he scrambled to his feet, barefoot and wearing only his underpants.

"Screaming outside! Grab your weapons and armor!" Jinkadoodle advised, but the gnome fighter merely grabbed up his trusty magic glaive and scrambled up the stairs. By the time they both got back up the stairs and into Winkidew's potion lab, the potion maker had cast an invisibility spell upon himself as a protective measure. "Go see what that bother's all about," he groused. "I cannot be disturbed at this critical juncture." With his ventriloquism spell still active, he couldn't resist making it sound like he was talking from inside Binkadink's briefs.

But a pounding on the front door brought all thoughts of joking about to a crashing halt, especially since the pounding sounded like it was being made with heavy weaponry. Sure enough, just as Binkadink rushed through the door to the customer area out front, the front door shattered inwards and two burly orogs rushed in, greataxes in hand, looking for people to kill and stuff to steal. Behind them tramped a handful of goblins, each carrying a leather sling, with a pouch of stones dangling from their belts.

Binkadink wasted no time; he sent his glaive slicing deep into the first orog, who hadn't considered a three-foot-tall gnome in his underpants a serious threat. That changed about the same time as a gout of blood erupted from the gash in his chest. With a howl of pain, he brought his weapon down at the gnome fighter, his counterpart doing the same. Binkadink took a couple of hits but didn't let them bother him; they weren't deep enough to mess up his aim or his strength. Nonetheless, from the potion lab behind Binkadink, Winkidew cast a bear's endurance spell on his nephew, granting him an added bit of vitality for the fight ahead of him.

Jinkadoodle followed his father's lead and cast an invisibility spell upon himself, fading immediately from view. By this time, about a dozen goblins had swarmed into the potion lab and were climbing over the front counter. A few took aim against Binkadink with their slings, and the gnome fighter found himself being pelted with sling-stones while he was forced to concentrate on the orogs before him, either one of which looked strong enough to cut him in half with one blow.

Binkadink lashed out again at the wounded orog, and he looked about ready to fall over (whether from accumulated blood loss or simply from embarrassment at having been bested by a gnome was open for debate). But neither orog was about to back off from the fight; they each struck at the little fighter, who stabbed out at the first one as he stepped forward, skewering him in the chest and dropping him like a sack of corn meal before cleaving off to the other one and getting in a deep cut across his torso. It was hard to believe, but it looked like this little runt was about to get the better of both of the orog fighters leading this group of goblin slingers....

Two doors down, the Lucky Hand Tavern was still open for business despite the late hour. Castillan and Aithanar sat at a table with two fat human merchants, playing cards. Screams arose from the street outside, causing the merchants to leap up in fear. "We'd better check it out," offered Aithanar, standing and reaching for the longsword at his hip.

"Dammit! I suppose," agreed Castillan, slamming his cards down on the table - he'd had a really good hand, but now it didn't look like he was going to be able to finish this round. More screams came from outside, making the merchants decide they'd be retiring immediately from the game; they scooped up their coins and dashed up the stairs to their rooms.

Langley, the half-orc who both owned and ran the tavern, reached for his greatclub from behind the bar as Castillan walked up to the door and Aithanar peered out of a glass window looking out into the street. Outside stood two orogs - massive brutes with the blood of both orcs and ogres running through their veins - as well as a quartet of orcs wielding some sort of flail with skulls at the tips of each strand. One had dragged a screaming man from a nearby building and was bludgeoning him to death with his weapon, while the two orogs raised their heads and sniffed the air. As one, their heads shot toward the Lucky Hand Tavern, the smell of whiskey and other brews too tantalizing to pass up.

Castillan decided to try calming the brutes down. "Hey, fellows," he said in the Common tongue. "Come on in, let us buy you a pitcher of ale!"

Neither the orcs nor the orogs spoke or understood the Common tongue, but they could pick up the tantalizing aromas of alcohol through the open door. Half of the forces made a bee-line for Castillan, while the other three took the expedient measure of running through one of the glass windows at the front of the building. Shedding glass fragments, the orog roared defiance to the world at large, while his counterpart pushed through the main door and brought his greataxe down upon Castillan, who only barely avoided being decapitated. He struck at the orog with his short sword, backing toward the stairs, but his brother beat him there, racing up the steps as fast as he could go. Despite the appearance of cowardice, Aithanar was actually heading to the room he and his brother had rented, where he knew Castillan's bow and arrows were at hand. Aithanar didn't mind a fair fight, but six against three wasn't anything to look forward to, especially with brutes these size!

Langley stepped forward from the bar with his greatclub in hand, doing his level best to look menacing. "Stand down!" he ordered. "There's no need for bloodshed, but I'll shed all I need of yours if it comes to that!"

Snapping his left fingers, Castillan brought his stonepiercer dagger to hand, then lashed out with both blades at the orog before him, drawing twin lines of blood across the brute's face. Two of the skullslinger orcs came forward, attacking the bounder with their bolas. Castillan dodged one attack, but was struck on the arm with the other; the orc tried pulling the elf to the floor and when that didn't work, Castillan tried pulling the weapon from the orc's grasp, without any success either. Finally he settled for disentangling himself from the weapon and backing further up the stairs.

"Aith!" called Castillan, afraid to look behind him and take his eyes off the three foes in front of him. "Where are you?"

"Up here!" called Aithanar, punctuating the response with an arrow shot at one of the orcs menacing Langley. The other one caught the half-orc's leg with his skull-bola, pulling the bar owner to the floor. He scrambled hurriedly back to his feet, but without his greatclub in hand.

Continuing to back his way up the steps, Castillan realized they were outnumbered and outclassed. Langley was bum-rushed by the orcs and thrown to the ground, where the orog stomped heavily on his face. "Get over here, Aith!" the bounder called, and Aithanar finished his shot at the orog menacing Langley and ran over to his brother. Castillan finally turned and ran down the upper hallway overlooking the tavern area, the orog and two orc skullslingers hot on his heels. Below them, Langley extricated himself from his foes and made a rush for the bar, hoping he could fight the three off one at a time in the limited fighting space there, but the orog chased after him and the orcs jumped up onto the bar itself, swinging down at the bar owner with their skull bolas. It didn't look like there was anything to be done for poor Langley...

...so Castillan grabbed his brother by the arm and activated his ring.

Instantly, the surrounding Lucky Hand Tavern was replaced by the customer area of Winkidew's Potion Shop, although the place wasn't as he had expected it to be when Castillan dimension doored in with his brother. For one thing, there were two dead orogs on the floor. For another, there were screaming goblins everywhere. The reason soon became apparent, for not only was there Binkadink standing there in his underpants wielding his massive glaive, but in the back room there were three more identical Binkadinks, all screaming in battle-lust. (These last three were courtesy of a major image spell cast by Jinkadoodle, after having seen how frightened the goblin slingers seemed to be of just the one Binkadink.)

"You guys okay?" Binkadink asked, skewering three goblins on his glaive in rapid succession.

"The bar's been overrun," Castillan exclaimed.


"Yeah, that's the one. I think Langley's dead, though."

"You guys can handle it here?" the gnome fighter asked. Castillan looked around and saw a handful of screaming goblins, all trying to flee the illusory Binkadinks; compared to what they left back at the bar, this looked like a simple clean-up job.

"Yeah, we got this," the bounder replied, as Aithanar stabbed a goblin through the chest with his longsword.

"Good!" yelled Binkadink on the way out the splintered front door, racing down the street on his little gnomish legs. (Sadly, his gnomish stilt-boots were downstairs with the rest of his armor.)

Arriving at the tavern, Binkadink took the closest entrance into the place - the smashed window. Avoiding the worst of the glass shards (he was, after all, in his bare feet), he saw a pair of orcs guzzling down bottles of alcohol from behind the bar while a massive orog drank straight from a keg. There were two more orcs and an orog upstairs, running from room to room and looting the place. (They'd just smashed in the merchants' room and slain them.) Langley was nowhere to be seen; only afterwards would they find his shattered body dumped behind the bar.

For now, though, the orog noticed the gnome's arrival and dropped his keg. Grabbing his greataxe back up, he rushed at the gnome; hearing this, the orog upstairs leaped down the steps three at a time and joined his fighting partner, pinning the gnome between the two of them. Their greataxes came down upon the gnome, and only quick maneuvering on his part let him extricate himself from between them with all of his limbs intact. Staggering off to the side, where he could give himself plenty of swinging room for his glaive, he sent its blade slicing through the air to bite deep into one of the orogs, slaying him instantly, and then, having ripped clear through the orog's body and hide armor, tearing into the other one. It was likely only the slowing of the blade's momentum by having to cut through the first orog that prevented Binkadink from slaying the second one as well with the same blow.

Seeing this, the two orcs scrambled back over the bar to help their orog group leader, while the two from upstairs came whooping down to join the combat as well. Four orc skullslingers and an orog against a little gnome? This was going to be fun!

But by the time they got down the stairs, two more elves had joined the fight. Castillan and Aithanar had made short work of the remaining goblin slingers at Winkidew's shop, and decided to return to Langley's to see what help they could give, The orog caught sight of the two elves suddenly appearing back in the bar and it distracted his attention for a mere second, but that was all Binkadink needed. One quick strike of the glaive and the last of the orogs fell to the floor, dead.

Castillan stabbed out at one of the orcs rushing down the stairs and his short sword went deep into the skullslinger's belly; pulling it out, the blade was red with blood and the orc was drained of all life. He crumpled where he stood.

That left three orcs against a pair of elves and a gnome. One of the orcs made a stirring speech in his native tongue, which unfortunately for him was only understood by the orcs present. "You're all dead, do you hear me?" he roared. "The three of us are enough to kill you all!"

The other two skullslingers, though, had been paying closer attention to Binkadinks' fearsome combat prowess. "Good luck with that!" they called, racing each other out the front door. Binkadink followed but knew he could never catch up to the faster orcs. That didn't matter, though, for Castillan could. He left the last skullslinger for his brother and chased down the two fleeing orcs - a good thing, too, for they had pocketed some of the valuables from his room!

Finally, after having slain the last pair, Castillan and Binkadink returned to the tavern to ensure Aithanar had fared as well. He had; the last orc lay dead in a pool of his own blood.

"Pity about Langley," sighed the elven fighter. "He had good service, decent prices, and the beds weren't too bad." He and Castillan spent many a night in Kordovia staying in various taverns and inns, neither wishing to spend time at home when their father was around. The Lucky Hand Tavern was one of their favorites.

"Yeah," agreed Castillan, rubbing his chin in thought. "Say, Aithanar," he mused, "what do you think about buying the deed to this place and running it ourselves?"

- - -

In the days that followed, an investigation took place into how the orc and goblin troops had managed to make it this far into the kingdom undetected. It turned out the brutes were adapting, using their cunning to their best advantage. Normally, they'd come rushing out of the Vesve Forest, where they'd be spotted ahead of time by one of Chalkan's arcane archers who were stationed in perches among the trees, ready to send a signal arrow high into the air as a warning of their coming approach. This time there had been no warning, but only because an orc scouting party had crept on ahead and taken out a group of these sentries, all in a row. This allowed the small army to enter the kingdom from the forest unannounced. They were also apparently aware of the mercenary patrols and able to avoid them. Thus, for the first time since the beginning of the attacks, they'd made it into the heart of the city.

"They're getting sneakier," observed King Galrich. "Adapting to our defenses."

"Aye," agreed Aerik. "What can we do?"

"What we really need," mused King Galrich, "is a way to bring the fight back to them. Where's that Fung woman? We need to speed up her lessons."

"Aye," repeated Aerik. "I'll have her brought t' ye at once, Your Majesty."

- - -

When I first started this campaign and decided there will have been waves of orc and goblin attacks on the kingdom for years, I realized it would be cool to do two things: one, have the PCs fight off an attack on Battershield Keep (which I did in our 20th adventure), and two, to have the PCs fight off separate groups individually, which I finally got to do here.

The players quickly glommed on to the fact that the invisible spellcaster at the Fung residence was likely the same invisible spellcaster they'd encountered before during "Assault on Battershield Keep." In fact, I was lucky to keep him alive at all, as Hagan's final cone of cold spell (cast upon the entire room, thus negating any advantage his invisibility gave him) brought him down to a singe hit point! He teleported out of there just in time.

Of the players, it was Joey who fared the worst, overrun as he was by a goblin sorcerer and his 32 orc skeletons. Dan wanted to have Gilbert teleport straight there once he saw how bad a time Darrien was having, but as there was no way for Gilbert to know how badly Darrien was faring compared to the others we had him roll randomly to see who he'd decide to check in on, and he ended up with Finoula (much to Vicki's disappointment, as I think she didn't want to have anybody help her). Once it was pointed out to Harry that Hagan also knew teleport (and was a sorcerer to boot, so he could cast it multiple times), we decided to let him choose to go to Darrien's cabin, given that he had no way of knowing which tavern Castillan and Aithanar were at and we reasoned he'd assume Binkadink, Winkidew, and Jinkadoodle could take care of themselves, as could Ingebold, whose father's a 20th-level fighter/dwarven defender.

I had no real way of knowing how long this adventure would take to run through, given the individual battles. Unlike normal battles, where I assemble my initiative deck with all of the combatants, this time I "clumped" them into groups based on their locations. So while it mattered who fell where in the initiative order between Darrien, Marta, the goblin sorcerer, and the animated orc skeletons, I didn't really care whether Castillan's initiative order would have come before or after Darrien. In effect, I was running five separate combats, one round at a time, moving clockwise around the table. (As Hagan was staying with the Fungs, I had Harry swap with Logan so Hagan's player was sitting by Gilbert's player and the Fung Cottage battle map could sit between them.) For the record, though, we finished the adventure in just a little over four hours.

I also ran into a problem with not having enough of the appropriate miniatures, so I had hobgoblins pulling duty as orcs and bugbears pulling duty as orogs and the like. Some of the more numerous creatures got their own homemade stand-up tokens (like the 32 orc skeletons).

All in all, it was a fun change of pace. And the bit about Malaterminus at the beginning of Finoula's combat situation was added at the last minute, as I had just thought of it the morning of the game and wanted to see what Vicki's reaction would be. (As expected, it was initial surprise followed by extreme relief.)

- - -

T-Shirt Worn: I have a green "Family Reunion" T-shirt with a tree silhouette in white, which I felt was a good representation of this adventure, given that the PCs were spending time alone with family.

Scrivener of Doom

I don't know how I've managed to miss these. I knew about them. I thought I had read them. But on my third read-through of Wing Three I realised I never actually sat down and read this thread. I fixed that this week and I've really enjoyed the further tales of your players. Nice work, Johnathan [MENTION=508]Richards[/MENTION]!

Voidrunner's Codex

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