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The Kolloseaum: Team Go Hard or Go Home (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
I'd still like a word from you on whether or not I can just pull Sha'kar over the wall with a rope, or whether he'd still have to climb but at a lower DC if I was pulling up, or what kind of check I'd have to make, or what. I'm not sure what the rules are here.

GM: Call it a DC10 Aid Another, where you give +2 to Sha'kar's Athletics check, +2 per 5 by which you beat the DC. If you fail, he simply gains no bonus.

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First Post
Grabbing hold of the rope dropped by by Ignatz, Sha'kar quickly clambers up the wall to the outer surface of the arena. He looks gratefully at his two compatriots who assisted him.

"Thank you for the assistance my friends, I don't know that I would have made it out on my own."

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Match Over

As Sha'kar scrambles to safety, the crowd practically explodes with cheers, the rest of the arena collapsing into the octo-shark tank.

The announcer's voice booms out as goblins come running out with crates full of treasure.

"Looks like they did it, go team! Now they get their treasure! What's it gonna be? Each person has five boxes and can pick 3! Only after they are all selected do they get to see what is in them!"

The goblins set five chests in front of each of the characters each with a giant number painted on the side.

GM: Each of you have chests 1-5 set before you. Select which 3 you'd like to open and then I'll reveal what was in all of them(each is randomly generated using the Rules Compendium), give you the treasure, give out XPs, and wrap up the adventure.

[sblock=Parcels]Fight 1:
Difficulty - Brutal: +2 Parcels
Hazard - Hazardous: +.5 Parcels
To the Death - Yes: x 2 Parcels
Objective Bonus - Hold the city: +1 Parcel
Total: 6 Parcels

Fight 2:
Difficulty - Hard: +1 Parcel
Hazard - Extreme: +1 Parcel
To the Death - Yes: x 2
Objective Bonus - Escape with Treasures: +1 Parcel
Total: 5 Parcels

Fight 3:
Difficulty - Hard: +1 Parcel
Hazard - Extreme: +1 Parcel
To the Death - Yes: x 2
Total: 4 Parcels

Net total: 15 Parcels / 5 PCs = 3 Parcels each.[/sblock]


First Post
Looking carefully over the chests, she declares loudly "We won the hearts of the spectators, we bested all three of the challenges before us, and all five of us lived. The choice was already made. One, Three and Five!"


First Post
Sha'kar examines the chests placed before him. "We lost one section of the city to the goblins in our first match, we retrieved three treasures from the Jade Tomb in the second, and we fought over four orbs in the final round. I'll take one, three, and four."


Corragan looks at the chests presented before him. With no indication of their contents he shrugged... "I take my chances as they come. I'll take one, two and three."


First Post
Ignatz blinks and stares at the chests arrayed before him. Finally, this was a challenge for which he was not prepared. After an unnecessarily long deliberation, Ignatz covers his eyes with one hand and points randomly three times with the other, letting the other tell him which chest he's pointed at. He points a fourth time after he's told that the the third attempt had him pointing at Dina, and the final result is one, four, and five.

OOC: Excited! Does anyone know the details of the random generation method Iron Sky mentioned? I couldn't find it in the RC.
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The group advances and places the keys in the chests they select. As they do so, all the chests spring open, but two of each of the five have walls of force over them...

As the group looks them over, the announcer's voice booms out again. "Let's let them gamble! Sacrifice any two of your three chests and we'll give you a new chest. Who knows what's in it though... could be nothing, could be a new camel! Or, give up all three of the chests you selected for one of the ones you didn't!"

[sblock=Rilissa's Treasure][sblock=Inside Chest #1*]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #2]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #3*]Voucher worth up to 840gp!(Level 4)[/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #4]30gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #5*]Voucher worth up to 520gp!(Level 2)[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Sha'kar's Treasure][sblock=Inside Chest #1*]Voucher worth up to 680gp!(Level 3)[/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #2]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #3*]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #4*]70gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #5]Voucher worth up to 680gp!(Level 3)[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Corragan's Treasure][sblock=Inside Chest #1*]100gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #2*]2 Pearls(100gp each) and a Golden Trophy Cup(250gp)![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #3*]A Bronzed Goblin Head with Rubies for eyes(250gp)![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #4]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #5]80gp![/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Ignatz's Treasure][sblock=Inside Chest #1*]100gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #2]Voucher worth up to 1000gp(Level 5)![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #3]80gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #4*]90gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #5*]Empty![/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Dina's Treasure][sblock=Inside Chest #1]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #2*]Empty![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #3]400sp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #4*]90gp![/sblock]
[sblock=Inside Chest #5*]60gp and a Voucher worth up to 840gp(Level 4)![/sblock][/sblock]

GM: Random Parcel generation is on page 300 of the Essentials Rules Compendium. Probably my favorite thing in the book. These are entirely random from what I rolled referenced to the chart.

If desired, you can sacrifice two of your chests and I'll roll you up another one. Alternately, you can give up all three chests you got for one of the two you didn't.

Vouchers allow you to select any one(1) item of up to its value/level from the Kolloseaum Magical Emporium.

Starred(*) Chests are ones that your character selected.

I'll give out XPs after this is resolved and wrap up the adventure.
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First Post
OOC: Everybody got way more than me. :/ No like random treasure parcels. They mess with expected character wealth per level. Ah well, if I pick the voucher I can spend it on a L3 item (I don't want any L4 or L5 items) and that'll be fairly close to even with everybody else...

@Iron Sky , if we toss two to roll for a new one, and we don't like the new one, can we then toss all three to pick one of the ones we didn't choose?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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