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The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six


Interlude: Another severed rope

With back resting against a hilltop tor of granite, Raian confronted a fresh obstacle as though most other roadblocks in his short life. Through quiet and the peace of a nap. The young man enjoyed some temporary shade and contemplated the bridge now gone, considering the long way around, the tiring walk to backtrack and the ankle-jarring descent down hard, potentially leg-breaking scree.

He sighed.

The winds were picking up, almost shoving like a hand determined to stir the boy from slumber. Opening his eyes, it was time to accept that none of the predicament had changed. The last day’s travel had been little more than wasted time and a reduction in limited rations. The time had come to make a choice. Turn back now, and meet the river’s edge by nightfall, or wait here and attempt the sweaty descent in the relative cool of morn.

The sound of a stone skipping upon the track. The crunching of loose dirt underfoot. Someone was coming, and swiftly! He jolted upright, grabbing the strap of his leather satchel, peering towards the way from which he’d arrived.

Like a wild hare she ran, no, this woman had the smooth swaying motion of a serpent and the speed of waterfall’s drop. An angel? Probably not. Angel’s didn’t wear the deep reds of ironstone and carnelian, as far as he knew.

Raian was stunned for a long moment. He was only a man after all. Her features carved at his young mind like a flame-licked lustful knife. Eyes of deepest brown. Long waves of hair in charcoal’s shade. A fine, pale-skinned form of slender limb and ample bosom, half-concealed beneath a well-cut flowing dress, the color of firey scorched earth.

“Hey,” he called out. “Slow up! The bridge aint there!.”

Their eyes met. She showed neither alarm nor emotion as she quickly regarded him, before letting a knee drop a touch, gaining purchase to jump and lift her weight upwards.

Raian’s jaw dropped. Who was he, to behold such a beautiful dance? She twisted in the air, the hem of her dress curling to follow as she twisted to face away from him, back down the track. From nowhere, sunlight glinted off short-edged steel now held in both hands.

It began to make sense.

The sunlight illuminated more than just a lady. He watched in outright shock as a pincer snapped at where her leg had been, less than a moment ago. A beast! No wonder she had been sprinting upon the track! She was… pursued. Pretty, but prey. And this was no wild arachnid. Darting backwards, upon six legs the height of a child, the sandsborn savage was of size comparable to boar, and uglier than any excrement-encrusted pig.

He could only watch, as with blade pointed downwards the woman landed. A crack, as thick shell-like exoskeleton was split. A squelch, as metal slid within the soft meat below.

“Run!” She called to him in a voice unusually calm and clear, given the situation.

A look to the left. A few yards of hill’s edge and a steep drop. A look the the right. Granite. Tors. He might be able to climb. Raian took a few steps back, a final glance towards the woman, and then took a run-up. Boots and hands scraping against rough stone, he attempted to free-climb. Not so difficult at first, with a little momentum, but once that was spent it came down to weight, skill, the grip of one’s boots, and how much blood was on offer, a sacrifice from one’s palms to the stoney gods of old.

Now, Raian was a small man and rather slim, so that was on his side at least. His boots? Hardly new by any standards, but good enough, and his hands? Well… grazed skin sounded a lot better than a scorpion’s barb. Behind him, he heard a “yah!” as he scampered upwards. Hopefully that meant another hostile had met its match!

Two feet from the top of the first tor, and he heard a hiss.


He looked upwards. Something was waiting.
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First Post
Release the Hounds! - Dain

Dain ate his food in relative silence, occasionally scanning the surroundings with squinted eyes. The sky troubled him. The wind troubled him. Guiding a group of good people into a coming storm of death troubled him.

In his mind he heard the blaring of trumpets, and the anxious stomping of heavy horse hooves. Armor creaking, banners fluttering. Men muttering prayers and oaths. Dain's heart raced for a moment before the sounds faded, leaving only a sickening feeling in his stomach.

Everything troubled him.

Everything except the dog. Dain responded with a grin to the dog's mention of enjoying its meal. Then he uttered a quiet 'yip' back in its direction, conveying a sort of 'good to hear, friend'.

This traveler is lucky to have such a companion as this hound. Its honor is unassailable, as only a hound's can be.

When the dog caught sight of something in the trees, Dain's eyes followed. When it sprung to its feet, Dain did the same. As it recognized the scent and bolted off, Dain made to follow, pausing only to address his comrades with hurried words. "The hound recalls an old foe! It seems the savage north has found us! To arms, friends! To arms!"

Then Dain streaked away after the hound, eager to ambush whatever foe might be hiding in the shrubbery. He had a penchant for impatience when his hackles were up...not unlike the hound!

<Dread Ambusher: +10 movement speed in combat. Not sure if that applies to pre-combat, but worth a shot.>


The Chase

Magaw resisted the temptation to rotate his view on the world, instead letting the old dog and Dain depart from peripheral vision.

What on earth is going on?

The ranger felt it not long after the hound had. Eyes. Movement. Something had been moving up on them...

< For those interested in chasing Masto and whatever he has sniffed out, lets roll initiative. Those remaining at the campsite do not need to roll, and can play on or declare alternative actions.

Dain can have the +10 movement to equal the dog's speed, and if he ends up in combat next round he can have the extra damage too.

Dog init = 21
Unknown foe init = 8 >
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First Post
Metea perked up a bit as Dain rushed off- following the dog. Was the dog seeing a rabbit? Because most dogs chased rabbits, didn't they?

She'd stand up, ever so gracefully- maybe the tail helped with that- and snatched her staff. She'd follow Dain- but at a good distance! After all, she had fantastic range!

Well... she did with her magical bolts. Which may not be the best to fire off near a stranger. Not that Metea was particularly known for careful thought, so what she might do next was truly an unknown.

<Initiative roll=20>


First Post
Jeovanna almost managed to snag Metea's tail... almost. But the tiefling could be quick when she wanted to be...

Foolishness was rarely tempered, after all!

But Jeovanna was to her feet immediately after the others. She'd reach for her sword for a moment, but hesitated to charge after the others. The pack. Prey.

They'd not be surrounded like prey! The barbarian drove the point of her greatsword into the soil alongside her so it would be close to hand- and drew her bow.

<Jeo init=20>


First Post
"Metea!" Otiroth yelped. He'd leap to his feet... but he wasn't charging into the brush! While his opinion might change if he saw Metea in immediate danger, at the moment they were rushing at shadows.

"He, uh, really likes dogs," Otiroth offered, for Dain seemed to be speaking the creature's language still!

Otiroth pulled out his crossbow from his pack. The weapon felt awkward in his hands... but they could not afford for him to be snobbish about using weapons instead of magic! He'd slot a bolt and observe...

<Oti Init=22>


"Masto! Back, back!”

The hound’s master calls towards the bushes. Beginning to stand, those around him might notice a wince upon his face, a tiny hint of pain in the old man’s bones.

The half-orc stood abruptly as Metea gracefully made off to follow the ranger and the hermit’s hound. “Wait!” His grunted suggestion came too late. He looked at Otiroth then with a knowing expression. His sister wasn’t one to shy away from adventure and mischief. Jeovanna looked firm and strong, ready to wait and protect camp, good. The sorcerer was preparing a range weapon, excellent. There was only one thing for Carthum to do. Follow Metea, carefully, and keep an eye out along the way. Without rushing, he kept behind Metea and disappeared into the bushes.

As Dain throws himself through the thick and tangly shrubbery, he moves with speed. A man of pace equal to a hound on the hunt! Dodging small branches that threaten to whip one in the face and jab at ones chest, weaving between pockets of densely formed, ground-hugging plant life.

Then he bursts out into the open. Forest. Tall trees and deep shade ahead. There! The tip of the dog’s tail disappears behind a row of great towering oaks, barking wildly. There is another bark then… but not a dog. And finally, a great crunch as though wood splits and branches bend… somewhere beyond the hound. Yes, there is movement a plenty.

Back at camp, the old man dusts himself off and nods to the towering woman of muscle and the polite young chap.

"My apologies. Masto is very much himself. A hunter. Sometimes troublesome and prone to foolhardyness... but he's also... well... protective. I thank you for waiting here, just in case..."

< Metea can react next because of her initiative. I've assumed that she has proceeded at walking pace. By the time she emerges from the bushes Dain will be a full round ahead of you but still in view, and Carthum is close behind you.

Dain can have his go then. Feel free to make a check to recognize the sound the other "bark". Your passive perception brings you a sense of unease. A medium sized shape ahead behind the trees, but very difficult to make out and pinpoint. Feel free to make a perception check for more info.

For those remaining at camp, there is no need to keep your replies in initiative order. React at your leisure :)

Outside Camp:
Dog = 21
Metea = 20
Dain = 15
Carthum = 9
Foe? = 8

Guarding At Camp (for reference):
Otiroth = 22
Jeo = 20
Hermit = 15



First Post
Dain had a head of steam that was hard for him to stop. Or maybe it was that it felt too good to stop. Either way, he barely broke pace when the hound vanished around the trunk of a huge oak and in fact sped up at the sound of the strange 'bark'. What in the gods was that?

<Perception check: 2+5=7 Assuming a fail>

Well whatever it was, the hound didn't like it, and so neither did Dain!

With a burst to the side, and then a spin, Dain sidled around a huge oak before springing to action on the other side of where he assumed the hound was making its own stand. It was not alone! Besides, the further the struggle with...whatever this was...stayed from the camp, the better!

Essithea...hear my plea. Let me strike as if from the shadows! And whatever creature may be before me, if it be my foe, let it bemoan its fate!

<Prepping for 'Dread Ambusher' feat, adding an attack at +1d8 damage>


First Post
Metea was... welll, 'close on the heels' was the wrong turn of phrase, as she had darted out of Jeovanna's clutches quickly enough, but she wasn't getting lost in the brush. As exciting as the unknown was... there were thorns in those bushes. She'd already lost some tail feathers!

Said tail feathers were rustling, and hanging back a bit gave her perhaps a slightly better view of what was ahead of her.

Were they far enough from camp? Metea couldn't help but feel the need to blast whatever had upset the poor dog!

<Perception check- 16>


Woods & Foxes

Close on the hound's tail, Dain is something to behold as he zips and weaves after the old mongrel, legs ablur with light steps and arms pumping his form between branches and the trunks of tall trees. Somewhere behind Metea, Carthum sighs.

Suru protect us, I fear our Ranger has gone half-mad, or half-canine.

He calls out to Metea then, "wait up!" Her brother is desperately worried that whatever has lured the dog and Dain away from camp, could be a trap large enough for three... or even four? After all they had been through in the mines and beyond. With Kalair's future quite possibly in their hands... well the priest's pack actually. What a tragedy it would be to become separated in these woods and picked off whilst scattered.

Carthum's thoughts may be flashing with images of bandits and woodland traps, but Metea might think otherwise. Her eyes serve her well, spotting an oddly familiar branch of wood far ahead. It waves into view for just a moment, an arm? Surely that length of wood moved much like a limb, a knot as its elbow joint, and five short twigs sprouting from one end as though fingers on a misshapen hand. Then it is gone from view.

Magaw turns upon his mount, finding Metea's facial expression quite perplexing. "What my dear, seen a ghost?"

Dain's boots skid against undergrowth and before him lies something of an unusual scene! Masto halts in front of him, cocking his mangy head sideways, a little bewildered too.

A tall humanoid form covered in bark and small sections of greenery (naturally placed well... to conceal intimates), stands upon stumpy feet with arms outstretched. The woodland being's head is thick as an aged oak's stump, and within it holes like small hollows form a pair of asymmetrical eye sockets, and a ragged zig-zagged jaw. In an elongated right arm it tightly grips a fox, a familiar vixen too. Twisting, digging into bark with scratchy rear paws, gnawing at the forearm, the fox struggles valiantly yet in vane. The hand of timber isn't letting go. In fact, the grip appears to be tightening. Then the treeman's face turns to regard the arrival of a man and his dog.


With the other arm, the creature points to Masto angrily.

"Gravurig!", it growls.

Metea and Carthum probably heard that...

<Dain and Metea can make a check of their choosing to see if they know anything about this creature. I'm assuming Dain's speak with animals spell has worn off by now for dog communications. The being's language is unknown to you.

Those back at camp who wish to do so, may make a perception check to hear a distant growl in an unknown tongue, DC18.

Creature strength check to hold fox = 16. Fox opposed check = 4. Magaw perception check = 13.>
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Voidrunner's Codex

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