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The Heroes of Dyvers Chapter Six

Aust Thale

Respen's Ten Months...

~ Time passed more slowly…and the seasons more quickly…~

Respen opened the door to the tailor’s shop, a small bell’s tinkle announcing his presence.
The tailor, a dour older gnome by the name of Felwin Umziver, stepped down from a stepstool and into the anteroom to greet him.
Mr. Coraellus, well-met. I appreciate your mentioning me to your acquaintances Misters Stonegallows and Moresby. They were both by to see me last week. Mr. Moresby had particular tastes, but I shall endeavor to satisfy him properly.

Very well, Mr. Umziver”, Respen replied. “Thank you. Yes, he is a Lord and aspiring royalty, and as such his tastes are particular. I am pleased that you were able to assist them.

I presume you are here picking up?” Felwin asked politely.

Indeed,” replied Respen.

Felwin reaches below a counter and removes a very well-made all-weather vest with a houndstooth-quilted-cushion liner and toughened seams and piping around the edges.
The inseams held hidden pockets. “The patterns are unique. A challenge to sew, but a welcome one. I think you will find these hold up very well to travelling while providing the best comfort to wear.

Respen hands the gnome 10 platinum pieces, “A gratuity for your efforts, payment having been provided at request.

The gnome smiles, “And no questions asked.” Respen smiles and nods, “And no questions asked.

Collin had introduced Felwin to Respen. The three had enjoyed an occasional breakfast or spot of tea with each other over the months. They enjoyed each other’s stories, although Respen carefully left out the adventures since Dyvers. He had approached Felwin before the twins were born to make blankets and children’s clothes for the twins as infants. Felwin had magically enhanced a set of jumpers that would grow as they did. Fortunately, they were magically resistant to the stains and smells that normally accompanied young children. In turn, Respen had referred his adventuring friends to Felwin. Collin was amused. The gnome was actually a wizard with a penchant for prestidigitation, and he fashioned himself a purveyor of secrets. Of course, some secrets eluded him, despite being right under his gnomish nose.

Respen walked back toward the tower, taking a different path from the previous week. He moved about the city carefully, in a random pattern. He would even teleport out of and back into the tower to and from locations about the city. He had reached a breakthrough early in his studies, adapting a more minor dimension door spell to full-length teleportation. Today, he would walk to a tavern near the upper-caste area of the city; an alley existed behind it with a blind spot. From there, he would teleport back to the tower.

It had been nearly ten months since the encounter at the steading, the whirlwind travels to Skorane, his imprisonment and apprenticeship with Dame Clare, and meeting Nel, the mother of his children. This had been the longest period that he had stayed in one place since travelling from his home in the Enllaves. Hochoch was a good enough city. Abigail was splendid beyond words. Each of the party members had found tutelage under her. She was ancient, and insomuch had generations of experience and knowledge to impart. Respen didn’t take up much of her time. He would ask for directions once a week, he would present his research and work to her at the end of the same week to show progress, and occasionally, if he became stumped, he would call on her to edge him along. His uncle Auror’s focus on research had developed Respen into being very self-sufficient; Abigail appreciated it. And her library...her library was massive...dwarfing Laramon’s and Dame Clare’s by many orders of magnitude. Indeed, Auror’s library held but a few books on more esoteric subjects, but Abigail’s held no less than a room of intrepid volumes devoted to planes, planets, and powers. Respen spent weeks upon weeks in the library, sixteen hour days, identifying scripts, studying spells, making magic items, and practicing that which he learned. Abigail's many unseen servants carried on with the mundane tasks in the tower. His task was but to learn deeply.

Nel was nearly as dogged as he was in the library, and they would laugh and tease each other about which of them could discover more tantalizing magical secrets than the other. Occasionally, before the wee ones came, Nel and Respen would walk together in the evenings in the city. They both loved starry nights, particularly the winter ones, the chill in the air making the skies clear and refreshing. It was in those moments of laughter and looking forward to the future that they both found themselves and each other, without the help of bards or vampires. Nel had finally let some of her guard down. Abigail had befriended her as well as mentored her, and the two of them found fellowship with each other often. The dragons were good mentors, and they all had become quite fond of them.

That fondness worried him. Something other than the summer heat seemed to weight the air. The giant and orc attacks had abruptly halted, at least until recently. A brief fleeting moment of tranquility had followed them into the deep autumn and winter months, breaking way into spring and summer. He had been so focused on his studies, Nel, and then his new children, he had failed to notice. Today in the city, the summer heat seemed touched by something weightier...something darker. Perhaps it was the giants again; Abigail had kept a magical eye on them. Perhaps it was his link to his vampire. Perhaps it was something else. Something elusive.

He decided to contact Laramon. He had become accustomed to Laramon’s sendings, and he had taken the time to learn to do it himself very early in his stay with Abigail and Collin. Intent on keeping the dragons’ secret in totality, he would only conduct such conversations outside of the tower, usually on his way to see Felwin. Collin’s presence as an elf was normal…an additional adventurer on our travels. Laramon had sent congratulations on the twins, and he was particularly interested in Nel’s well-being. If Respen hadn’t known better, he might have surmised that Laramon was taken with Nel. Nevertheless, their relationship, albeit distanced, improved measureably since their last encounter. He even shared that he had mentioned Respen's existence and predicament to Master Delbin. Perhaps Respen's distance from Dame Clare and the Orb made him feel better.

~Laramon, it is Respen. I sense something building. Something dark. Thoughts?~

Upon receiving an answer, he turned the corner of the tavern, made sure no one followed him, and cast the spell quietly to take him back to the tower.

[sblock=Respen's Actions During the Ten Months, Magic Items Taken From Loot, & Family Matters]
Outset: PurchaseRing of Counterspell (4,000 gp); Potion of Storm Giant Strength (600); Tome of Clear Thought (+2) from Abigail(55,000 gp)
Month 1: Research into Planes, Planets, and Powers, Magical Tomes, Draconic Tomes, and StrangePotions and
Wands; Craft (w/ Vale) Blessed Book, Hat of Anonymity & Infinite Scrollcase.
Month 2: Decipher & Copy Spells from Scrolls in Spellbook; Craft (w/Vale) for Scrying Shard, Amulet of Natural Armor +3 & Vest of Resistance +1 w/ pockets for wands and various magical and mundane items.
Month 3: Copy Existing Spells into Boccob's Blessed Book; Craft Wand of Knock (3rd), Wand of Grease, & Wand of Nerveskitter, & Wand of Prestidigitation.
Month 4: Craft Respen’s Boots of Magical Mobility; Copy Existing Spells into Blessed Spellbook

Month 5: Copy Existing Spells into Boccob's Blessed Book
Month 6: Craft for/with others: Nel, Sylvar, Dewydd,Lathir, Vale, Thallok, Kleborn, Tam, Duncan & Ebony & bros.
Month 7: Copy Existing Spells into Boccob's Blessed Book
Month 8: Magical Children's outfits; Craft for others(Potions, Scrolls, Wands);
Month 9: Birth of Children: (Quillion & Aeverie Coraellus-Delzeen)
Month 10: Cast Spells &Permanent on Self: See Invisibility; Read Magic;
Darkvision; Special Respen’s Arcane Sight


In Respen's exchanges w/ Abigail, he does his best to speak draconic to her out of respect, and when not speaking draconic, he speaks elvish.
He asks only what he can do for her as thanks for taking him and a with-children Nelvandra into her home. He expresses high interest in Tomes and spellbooks, as well as the Planes, Planets, and Powers in her library. He shares the abilities of his staff, as well as his origins and original rationale for travelling east to find Delbin Archaenus. After awhile, he explains his oath to the Orb, expressing his mixed feelings about it, yet grudgingly recognizing and accepting it because it provided for his relationship with Nelvandra and the children. As chafing as he finds rules and confinement, having a family grows on him, and he shares this with Abigail as appropriate and as she allows. He also mentions his experience with the Djinn Prince, hoping again to make his acquaintance without any forced quid pro quo.

He goes to great pains to be a good guest, and when the children are born, he again expresses gratitude for their lodging and care. His only request is to allow him to send to Laramon while outside in the city, painstakingly avoiding her existence to Laramon.
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The Brothers Bronzeblade

A lot had changed for the brothers over the past months. A divine inspiration combined with exposure to a real life gold dragon had sparked their long dormant bronze blood. Under the dragons tutelage they had learned to tap into their families bloodline and manifest inherent magic of their own. The pair spent much of their free time practicing and imagining new ways to incorporate their new abilities into a battle formation. Their boss couldn't have been more pleased, except for the pair often blowing smoke at inappropriate times. Or, occasionally lightning, or even ice.

Twin Fire_003.png
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Laramon's Sendings To Respen

Respen said:
"...He decided to contact Laramon. He had become accustomed to Laramon’s sendings, and he had taken the time to learn to do it himself very early in his stay with Abigail and Collin. Intent on keeping the dragons’ secret in totality, he would only conduct such conversations outside of the tower, usually on his way to see Felwin."

[sblock=First Sending]
"Can't scry your location. Where are you? Are you safe? Are you nearby? Please respond."

Once Respen has assured Laramon of the party's safety and location, Laramon sends to him more frequently. The following sendings occur over a period of about 10 weeks.

[sblock=Second Sending]
"Found where he keeps the spear. Have good idea of castle layout. Many wards, 4 elite guards. Believe that spear is sentient."

[sblock=Third Sending]
"Gurrok Mak is the pawn of a greater evil, but he is a reluctant servant. Master desires attack upon Furyondy, but Mak obsessed with Vaddek."

[sblock=Fourth Sending]
"Margull has returned to Dyvers, but still no sign of Vega. Margull says he's very close to finding Parrinzor, but met with interference (meddling elder.)"

[sblock=Fifth Sending]
"Discovered that meddling elder was a vampire named Timbray. I believe that Vega is with him, but I doubt they are still on material plane."

[sblock=Sixth Sending]
"Vega has returned to Dyvers, and is staying with me. Your would-be mentor has returned to Greyhawk; I informed him of your letter of introduction."


[sblock=Seventh Sending, Immediately After Sixth]
"Delbin is looking forward to meeting you. I know your location is secret, but can meeting at alternate location be arranged?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Abigail Responds To Respen

Respen said:
"...In Respen's exchanges w/ Abigail... He asks only what he can do for her as thanks for taking him and a with-children Nelvandra into her home...After awhile, he explains his oath to the Orb, expressing his mixed feelings about it, yet grudgingly recognizing and accepting it because it provided for his relationship with Nelvandra and the children."

Abigail says, "The Orb of Errinder is a powerful agent of Law, but it can serve the dark side of legality as well as the light. Intention is not the Orb's concern, only the letter of written law, exact terms of oaths, word-by-word interpretation of strict and accurate definitions. There is a saying that there are devils in the details of things, and if this can be supposed to be true, then the Orb is the mightiest devil of all. You were fortunate indeed to be bound to such lenient terms as Dame Clare set forth for you. It makes me extremely curious; I wonder if there is not some spark of light within her black soul? Some hint of morality, or perhaps compassion? It is very rare to hear of a vampire sparing its victim, much less to hear of one allowing her servants so much freedom, away from the influence of her powers of domination. I think I should like to meet this dark mistress of yours, and look her in the eye. That's the only way to know the truth of what sorts of intentions and passions actually lie within her heart."

Abigail goes on to state that, "Nelvandra and her children are welcome to stay here as long as need-be, for it is obvious that their safety would be in doubt otherwise. I have recently, not two months hence, been given guardianship of another infant child, so having Nelvandra and her children here will give little Fandekar some playmates, to keep him company as he grows."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir, as particular to his nature, does not spend much of his time indoors, to which he often refers as confines. When first arriving at the the party's location for respite, he spends time walking outside the city with Ellis, discussing matters of little importance to the others but of great interest to each of them. He is even taken to further developing his previously neglected druidic skills, like moving through earth and stone and passing great distances using trees.

What he enjoys on a daily basis is shifting to some avian creature and flying high about the countryside, taking in all he can observe. He makes the offer for Collin to fly with him, if he so desires.

In weightier matters, Lathir is less disposed to the ideologies of nature as they conflict with the development of society and more acutely intent upon those that harbor or advent aberration of natural order.

Occasionally in the evenings while familiarizing himself with this new location, he will full adopt the appearance of the local denizenry, having a thousand faces at his disposal for presentation. Once Respen and Sylvar have begun to slow in their discussions with the party's hostess, Lathir discusses the possibilities of augmenting his own traits in such a manner as that they remain in whatever form he chooses.

Sylvar B.

OOC: Sylvar's Activities for the 10 months

Sylvar thanks Lady Abigail for her hospitality and tells her that he will think on her method of teleportation as he believes that Respen has a method also. Sylvar makes a final request, Lady Abigail, do you also have items or tomes that I could purchase that would increase my prowess in combat, what I mean to say, my speed, and motility.

OOC: Sylvar is looking for items that increase Dex

Sylvar places his Cloak of Major Displacement and the wand of hold person in party inventory so that he may use the full measure of his share.

Sylvar visits with Respen about teleporting him to the temple in Dane so that he may complete the ceremony required to become Uller's champion.

All remaining time in Abigail's keep is spent in the libraries and visiting with Abigail as much as possible.

Sylvar Studies:

Month 1: History of all types
Month 2-3: The summoning of extra-planar creatures
Months 4-5: Ranged combat
Months 6-8: Arcane Magic
Months 8-9: Performing Arts, he reads books about acting and song writing, he also learns to play the flute.
Month 10: Spends as much time as possible conversing with Abigail exchanging stories and histories. He learns as much as he can about parts of the world he has never been to, or heard of.


Around the third day of our time off, Dewydd takes his time going to each of the various party members to inform them of Lady Abigail's request. "Lady Abigail has asked that when we go back to the steading, we be on the lookout for a plain, wooden staff, about 7 feet in length, with a plain, gold band at the top. The band is 3 inches in width. We are to bring it back to her. It is highly magical, but its powers can only be awakened by a Druid of Ehlonna. It is nearly impervious to harm, and will not harm you by touch unless your heart bears the taint of evil and corruption."

Later I will ask Lady Abigail, "Does the Helm of Veldomar bear any relation to the staff we are to find?"
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Dewydd said:
“...Does the Helm of Veldomar bear any relation to the staff we are to find?”

Lady Abigail says, “No, the two are unrelated; the helm was simply a fortunate find. But the staff was taken by Vulka for a specific purpose; the staff belonged to an order of Druids known as The Woodland Sentinels, who made their home at the edge of the Dim Forest. They were followers of Meilikki, and they were tasked with not only protecting the Dim Forest from despoilers, but also keeping the Great Portal open; the Great Portal is a doorway between four sacred trees, which allows the Druids from three different orders, in three different parts of the world, to travel to the Great Tree Temple in Krigala, the domain of the two sisters, Ehlonna and Meilikki. Needless to say, the Great Portal is essential to the faiths of the two sisters; the staff, known as the Key of Krigala, is the means by which the portal is made active. The portal has been closed for three years, ever since Vulka and her minions wiped out The Sentinels and took the staff. It was unknown who had perpetrated this foul deed until about three months ago, when an agent of mine discovered the truth. If you can obtain the key, your compatriot Lathir can use it to open the portal once more. It merely takes the touch of one who is pledged to Meilikki’s service to awaken the powers of The Key. Once you have it, I can take you to the tree myself; it is a mere 30 miles north of here.”


Talking To A Woman

:: Duncan & Ebony - First few days ::

Early in their stay with the dragon ……..
is getting dressed in his fineries. Preparing to meet with the mayor about their reward and future opportunities. Ebony hasn't budged yet which he hasn't yet noticed. She notices he hasn't noticed and waits for an opening to start up a line strategic line of conversation. Duncan reaches for a goblet and she strikes.

Ebony: "Did you know the drow maiden Nelvadra is with child?"

with his back turned to Ebony raises an eye brow as he wipes
from his chin
the small amount of water he managed to spit out and his thoughts began to race. There were multiple ways this particular trap could be sprung. On one hand there hadn't been time or opportunity for him to possibly be accused of being involved in the conception so he was in the clear there …. or was he. Ebony had a jealous streak so who knows. On the other hand they'd mutually agreed not to speak on the subject of children, but... this wasn't particularly talk of them having children... or was it. Wait was it a mutual agreement or had they simply agreed to stop arguing about it. Oh no.... he'd forgotten. What to say..... what to say ……?

: "Really … well isn't that.... nice."

Ebony's eyebrow shot up in a similar fashion and she smirked. Though her face had gone back to neutral by the time he turned around. "Now I know we were planning on returning to the Moore once this job was done but as we're in town and have some new wealth you know both the church, and the guild are going to want to bring us in for discussions on ways we can help. We may be here in town for a while."

: "Yes I had thought on the second bit of news. I feel like you're working up to something though. How are these two bits of news related?"

Ebony: "Well I mean I know what it's like being a dark lady in a foreign land. I bet I could be useful to her, and she to I. Going through this is difficult alone I do know."

spun quickly: "Look we've been o....."

Ebony raised a hand to to calm him and waive off a long settled dispute before it flared up again.

Ebony: "I'm not trying to dredge up the past I'm just saying. I have experience that could help her is all."

: "Have you spoken to her about this yet? How did you even find out she was with child?"

Ebony: "Not in so many words, and women just know these things. It's a kind of magic dear, far too complicated for your soldier parts to fathom." She said this last with the whimsical smile of an old inside joke.

let it slide. Her smiling seemed to be an indicator that they were not about to fight on this subject of children as he feared.

: "Well then it may not even become a thing then. For all you know she may not need or welcome your help. Elves are strange people and I can't imagine Dark Elves are any less so. Still if you believe you can be a guide to her then it's is of course your noble duty to help I suppose. And if we are going to spend a season here anyway...… we all need friends. Speaking of which what's your take on these adventurers we've fallen in with?'

Ebony: "Who knows. It's only been a couple of days and we haven't had that many opportunities to speak with them. I've mostly been listening to the twins go on and on about being dragon touched or some craziness. Oh wait one of them came looking for us earlier. Dewyyd I believe his name was. The lady Abigail may have a quest for us. Something about a staff. I didn't get the whole story."

: "Ahhh I'll try to catch up with him later. I don't imagine you would like to accompany me to see the mayor."

Ebony: "Finally ! You Ask !"

: "Seriously... were you upset this whole time because I didn't ask?"

Ebony: "It's nice to be asked."

: "Is there a situation in which you didn't want to go see the mayor? I'd thought you'd be happy to come."

Ebony: "Ofcourse I'm coming, still it's nice to be asked."

: "I..... "

just face palms...…

Ebony: "Chop chop Lord
we're going to be late."

Ebony Damionte Argument.jpg
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Supplemental Post

Lathir said:
Once Respen and Sylvar have begun to slow in their discussions with the party's hostess, Lathir discusses the possibilities of augmenting his own traits in such a manner as that they remain in whatever form he chooses.

Lady Abigail says, "In general, any jewelry which will fit on the wrists, fingers, or neck (i.e., bracers, amulets, and rings) will magically resize to fit a new form, and therefore, will continue to function even after changing shape. Things like hats, belts, gloves, boots, and cloaks will only continue to function if the new form is humanoid in shape. Otherwise, those types of items are usually melded into the new form, and temporarily have their function suppressed. So in terms of magical items, concentrate on improving your bracers, amulets, and rings. Or, you could permanently enhance your abilities by making use of magical tomes, as your friends plan to do."

Duncan said:
"...I don't imagine you would like to accompany me to see the mayor?"


Long story short: You spend about 30 minutes, walking from Abigail's tower, over to the Mayor's tower, exchanging pleasantries, and reporting your findings. The original award was to have been 5,000 gp. (total); but since you were able to put such a huge dent in the Steading's forces, the mayor doubles the reward to 10,000 gp. (That's 2,500 gp. each for Duncan, Ebony, Lenny, and Travis.) The mayor also gives you 4,500 gp. and tells you to give each extended member of the party 500 gp. each, in acknowledgement of their assistance. The mayor thanks you for your service to the city, and says that he might call upon you again in the future, with further opportunities.


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