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The Fall of Plaguestone


Lavina, despite the legendary halfling courage she had displayed, was thrown off by the wolf's howl.

But it didn't slow her at all. She rolled, somersaulted, and moved with fluid grace, and closed with the wolf, spinning around and delivering two open palm strikes. But the wolf's howl had thrown her off, and her strikes found no purchase.

  1. Move to close with the wolf.
  2. Attack 1: 1d20+7-1 9 1d6 6
  3. Attack 2: 1d20+3-1 13 1d6 1

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Road to Almas
Late Afternoon
Round 2

The wolf seemed to wince as Silvi cast her spell. It growled low at the heroes.

Hiromi’s arrows stuck into the ground, one of them getting close to the wolf, but not hitting it.

Trevor’s sword bit in deep to the wolf’s flank, causing it to yelp.

Jewel danced up to the wolf and touched it, her spell making the beast’s fur blacken a bit.

Galahad slipped around to flank the strange wolf, pricking it with his rapier.

Lavinia attempted to strike the wolf as well, but shied back at the last minute at the sight of its snarling jaws dripping with green foam.

OOC: Varen still to go. If he lands a hit, he will probably kill it. Otherwise it’s the wolf’s turn. Good luck!

Trevor 28
Jewel 24
CW 24
Silvi 21
Lavinia 17
Galahad 16
Varen 15
Hiromi 13

Silvi AC 13 HP 19/19 Shield
Trevor AC 18 HP 20/20
Galahad AC 18 HP 15/15 Frightened 1
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17
Varen AC 18 HP 19/20 +2 AC, Frightened 1
Lavina AC 19 HP 14/19 AC 20, Frightened 1
Jewel AC 16 HP 19/19 Inspire Courage (+1 attacks, damage, saves vs fear) 1r

Caustic Wolf AC 18 HP 2/30

Party XP: 0


Relaxed Intensity
Varen grasps at the handholds of shield. He eyes the wolf cautiously. It's a really big wolf, but Jewel's song lifts his spirit. He strides gallantly forward, looking the wolf in the eye as he plunges his blade into it.

He speaks as he strikes "I do not know what has caused you to act in this way, but rest assured I will find the cause and make sure it happens to none more of your kin. May the light of Sarenrae grant you solace."

  • Raise Shield
  • Stride to Caustic Wolf
  • Strike Caustic Wolf With Longsword (5 Piercing Damage)


Road to Almas
Late Afternoon
Round 0

Varen sunk his blade into the wolf’s heart, and it howled in agony before slumping to the ground in death. Its blood sprayed a little, sizzling where it hit Varan’s armor, pitting his sword where it had sunk into the beast.

With the death of the strange wolf, the other wolves attacking the caravan eventually slunk off back into the trees, leaving the defenders to assess the consequences. There are a few minor injuries, and the party can hear Olf and Ulf moaning and complaining as Bort drags them with him to the rear wagon. The pair of Ulfen twins don’t look particularly badly injured, though, despite their protests to the contrary.

“Thing practically disemboweled me!” Ulf insisted, indicating a minor scratch on his stomach. It wasn’t even bleeding anymore.

Bort surveyed the rear wagon. In the panic of the horses, it had gotten wedged off the trail. “We’re gonna need some ‘elp gettin’ this back on the road,” the dwarf told the party. “Boys, start pushin’.”

Bort looked at the dead wolves, especially the large one. “Well, seems ye all c’n take care o’ yerselves quite well. Guid job! I’ll buy ye dinner when we get t’ toon, an’ remind me t’ tell ye aboot tha’ time I faced a fire giant! Noo le’s get this wagon shifted, ye lot!”

OOC: Anyone helping shift the wagon back onto the road, make an Athletics check. If you need to do any healing, you can do it now, too.



Silvi AC 13 HP 19/19
Trevor AC 18 HP 20/20
Galahad AC 18 HP 15/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17
Varen AC 18 HP 19/20
Lavina AC 19 HP 14/19
Jewel AC 16 HP 19/19

Party XP: 80


With the other wolves having fled Silvi carefully climbs down from the back of the wagon and goes to examine the wolf she stunned with her spell. "Awww, poor guy, what happened to you?" she asks (rhetorically) as she looks over him for signs of sickness or disease, slowly shaking her head. "Do we have anything we could restrain doggy with? Maybe we could take him with us so I can try and fix him up once we are off the road."

OOC: Silvi attempts to identity the malady of the wolf, though she is not going to treat him - not just yet anyway. Medicine: 1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18


Galahad checked the various wolves for signs of disease, leaving the cart to others. At this point, he was more concerned with the health of anyone who'd been bitten. Afterwards, he checked over anyone who was injured, offering an elixir to the three worst cases (especially if they looked like they might have contracted something), and working to heal their wounds with his alchemy lab as they got settled back in, using the last cart as a mobile triage center (once they get it sorted, of course).

Using 3 Minor Elixir of Life handed out and lots of heal checks with a +6 bonus.

The medicine roll for checking wolves for disease. Medicine:: 1d20+5 23
Galahad Lightfoot
AC: 18 (19 w/shield)
HP: 15 / 15
Infused Reagents: 1 / 4 available


Hiromi felt ashamed. She had not been very effective in the fight. Her hands had kept shaking. She had fired her bow into many targets before, but she was no hunter - shooting a living creature was far more difficult, and it made her sad.

She busied herself with helping with the wagon, hoping that everyone would forget that she was here.


Relaxed Intensity
As he struck the telling blow the wolf, Varen kneels in front of it. He sits in contemplation, bringing the silver Statue of Sarenrae to his lap. Tears stream down his face for the wolves and for what he is afraid he will have to do to those who put the wolves up to this.

After there are no more tears to be had, Varen seeks out Lavina and places a hand on her shoulder. Are you alright little one? As he says those words Sarenrae's light heals the rest of Lavina's wounds.

As he does so he turns back to the other sick and wounded. He will tend to them using the healing touch of Sarenrae's light.

Basically he will refocus and then use Lay On Hands to heal Lavina for 6 hp. Then as time allows he will alternate between refocusing and healing the wounded. He tends to his meager wounds last.

Voidrunner's Codex

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