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The Blind Watchers of the Sylvan Shard

Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: Of course, I screwed up since I didn't have the map. =( I moved Roots1 into the same square that Rinya already moved into, and Roots1 then attacked Richard. For the sake of progress, I'll pretend the roots temporarily had 10' reach (since nothing happened anyway), but the roots' location is correct (and retconned) on the current map.

Back in Round 6:

Saithnar's bolt pierces the undead creature's chest, cutting free the muscles that move its arm. It's not enough to bring it down, though. (4 damage to U2)

Now in Round 7, after Khairi gets hit and Richard is attacked Mysteriously:

Saithnar reloads and fires again at the standing creature. The projectile catches the thing's hand and in a grotesque centrifugal motion, its arm snaps backwards. The thing flings to the ground, twitching madly. (7 damage to U2. U2 falls with 53 damage.)

Round 8:

OOC: Sorry for the confusion, the current map has everybody's correct position.

Richard calls for a retreat. He... (Richard can still act.)

Tumna retreats. (Full withdrawal, she's off the map.)


Khairi... (U2 is down, so please update your action.)

OOC: Note: Picking up an object provokes an AoO from threatening enemies. Roots1 threatens Rinya but does not threaten Richard. Finally, Withdrawing is a full-round action.


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Rinya will pick up the wand (provoking) and move to C12.

She starts the round with 11 HP. Her rage ends this round, so she'll lose 6HP and become fatigued.


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"I shall provide a distraction to cover our retreat." Saithnar says calmly. He closes his eyes and concentrates on forming the ectoplasm into a solid construct to battle and distract the roots...

The construct ripples into existence beside the root nearest Saithnar (E7) and attacks that root. It appears as a silvery tinted mass of solid water in the shape of a small sized minotaur. "It shall only last for a few moments, we should make good use of the time." Saithnar informs the others as he backs up down the passage they came from.

[sblock=details]Manifest Astral Construct which summons a 1st level Astral Construct with AC 18 and 20 HP (15 normal + 5 from Buff power off of 'Astral Construct Menu A') The spell has a duration of 3 rounds (1/lvl) so it will last that long unless the roots burn through its 20 hps first.

Saithnar's construct attacks root #1 (1d20+2=16, 1d4+3=6)

If one of the others goes down before Saithnar's turn, then I'll give up the attack and have the construct carry or drag that person along the path of retreat. With a Str of 15 and Small size, its max load is 150#. If the person needing moved is heavier than that, then it would drag them instead of carrying them.[/sblock]

Richard Rawen

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Richard watches the others fall back, a grim determination on his face. With Rinya still in danger he hangs around, wary of the advancing enemy, but ready to lend a hand to ensure his friend escapes these unnatural foes.

Once everyone is clear he will fall back out of harms way...

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Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: Tough week, sorry guys.

Rinya leans in to grab at the wand she dropped. The roots whip and lash wildly, but she manages to evade them easily. Then she backs away from the dangerous thing.

Richard and Khairi also retreat.

The roots inch closer, a slow-moving ripple in the chamber floor.

Saithnar withdraws as well. OOC: Everybody withdrew, so Saithnar didn't have to manifest his construct.

Combat over.

Though you are well out of their reach now, you can see the roots rippling through the ground, ever so slowly, approaching their escaped prey.


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Rinya uses three charges of the wand to heal herself to full(9,8,8). "Wow, I'm really getting good with this thing."

She'll spend two charges each on Richard(5+3) and Khairi(3+9). "Is that enough? Does anyone need more? We should fix ourselves up and go back in quickly. Whatever they did to those bodies we fought they could do to Thallirae. And where is that damned silence coming from?"

ooc: spent 7 charges of wand

Richard Rawen

First Post
OOC: Richard is at 24 of 31 HP, Thanks!
At first, Richard starts his reply in mindlink,
'I don't want her turned into a zombie either,' then he realizes he can hear again... "What good do we do anyone if we end up the same? We need a plan, some clearly workable way to deal with those damnable poisonous roots!"
Richard turns to watch the creepy things advancing relentlessly towards the group.

Voidrunner's Codex

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