• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Terra Subterranea and The Caverns of Lost Time


Michael had been impressed with Ayanel Aclives, but it's a little deflating to find out she missed the 7 foot tall orc in full plate.

"I have at least some food, some climbing gear, and some light sources."
Michael pats his bag.
"Likely not enough of each, but that will depend on how much time we need to spend rummaging around. We'll need warm clothes and a thick blanket or two: it gets cold underground. Possibly also mining gear, though I can help a little with that as well."

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"Hi I'm Eternity, nice to meet you Ayanel, and you too Opale, Zack and Ducane. Zack, you made Hulgyr's plate? Very nice work. I should have come to you with my mithril shirt and shield too. With regards to supplies, I require very little. Kailie would've eaten a lot if she could've come, but we had to leave her in Orussus." says the Elan.


First Post
"I havn't met Hulgyr before, but I am well aware that appearance is something that can easily deceive people. I know some humans who could sell there mother to have more gold while I have met some kobold who wanted to establish a peaceful and collaborative cohabitation with humans. I don't necesserly trust every ogre or goblin I meet, but I know there is a way to be cautious with people without letting my jugement tainted by prejudice." replies Opale.

Rystil Arden

First Post
ajanders said:
Michael had been impressed with Ayanel Aclives, but it's a little deflating to find out she missed the 7 foot tall orc in full plate.

"I have at least some food, some climbing gear, and some light sources."
Michael pats his bag.
"Likely not enough of each, but that will depend on how much time we need to spend rummaging around. We'll need warm clothes and a thick blanket or two: it gets cold underground. Possibly also mining gear, though I can help a little with that as well."
(OOC: That wasn't Ayanel. That was Andric Lenton. He's a bit naive. Ayanel Aclives is in grey.)
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Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, since Rayne Liore is not here yet, I'm going to head out and gather supplies, by your leave Councilor Lenton. It's more efficient and will save us time in the long run--as long as enough people are here to hear the information, they can tell me later on the road. We're going to have a long time on the road, I think, so explaining that will give us something to do. If I understand correctly, most of you left your horses in Orussus. Give me a count of how many need horses, and I'll go acquire those too. Councilor Lenton, if you could give me our funding?"

*Ayanel heads off to purchase supplies for the trip. Some time later, Rayne heads in.*

"Hello everyone. I have more information for your ears only to help you narrow down the possible locations of the Shard. Far to the northeast, in the Lands of Earth, lies an area of strong terran influence and energy, where ley lines are strong. In the midst of the Wendigo Mountrains is a peak known as Dragonfang Spire which contains a descent deep into the Underdark. It is hypothesised that the shard is somewhere down there. Exactly where, no one knows. But beware--the strong energy in that area, when progressing even further underground, becomes a powerful radiation that has a tendency to scramble certain sorts of magics, including dimensional and divination spells."
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Eternity adds her name to those in need of a horse. She could travel as a brooch again, but would prefer the company on the long journey ahead.


"Do we have a map into the Wendigos?" Michael says quietly.

"If they're as bad as I've heard, horses may be superfluous after a while."


First Post
"I'll need a horse too. Thanks.

Dragonfang Spire, I'm not familiar with that. I'm not great in geography. But I have a few basic knowledge about the underdark. Dimensional magic? What do you expect for behavior for such spell. I have learn the dimensional hoping spell you used in that tower of yours. Never knew the whole story, my cousin and his friends have been very evasive on the subject and I think I should not know why. But still, I was thinking to use it if we need to quickly escape or jump over chasm."

Rystil Arden

First Post
Dragonfang Spire, I'm not familiar with that. I'm not great in geography. But I have a few basic knowledge about the underdark. Dimensional magic? What do you expect for behavior for such spell. I have learn the dimensional hoping spell you used in that tower of yours. Never knew the whole story, my cousin and his friends have been very evasive on the subject and I think I should not know why. But still, I was thinking to use it if we need to quickly escape or jump over chasm."

"Dimension Door? That's short range enough that the amount of interference will probably only shift you by a matter of feet. Attempting anything on a larger scale than that could get you stuck in a wall and killed."

"Do we have a map into the Wendigos?" Michael says quietly.

"If they're as bad as I've heard, horses may be superfluous after a while."

"You have heard correctly. Unfortunately, they are also extremely far northeast, deep in the lands of Earth, so the horses will be essential to make good time there."

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