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Tell me about the planes in your campaign.


Do you use the Great Wheel, or the new 4E cosmology, or something homebrewed? Have your players/characters had any adventures of note there? Are there people living out there, or do only the greatest heroes have a chance of surviving?

Just curious.

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My campaign world is a sequel to the first 3ed game I played in where the campaign centered around the PC's trying to restore Pelor to his divine providence after a coalition of Mindflayers, Drow, and Vampires conspired to magically seal away the source of their weakness. Ultimately the party failed and disbanded, but not before a new evil sun god rose to power with the help of the coalition. This new sun god is the embodiment of all the dangerous aspects of the sun. Where Pelor promoted health and growth, the new god brings disease and thirst. Where Pelor drove out the horrors of the nigh, the new god welcomes his allies into his horrid light. The new sun god rules over a portion of the world as a god king. It is a blasted desert which is constantly experiencing high noon under a sickly green sun. Further away from his palace, the days become shorter until there is nothing but eternal night. For 300 years the god king has maintained his empire by demanding crops and tribute from the providences where the night and day cycles allows farming, but in recent years them empire has begun to fall into disarray. Some scholars claim that the coalition has grown tired of their ally's arrogance. Others claim that the sun god' is preparing for a battle with things beyond the stars. With all the turmoil though, the world may have one last chance to shake out of its cycle of destruction.

The original game used a modified version of the great wheel, but since it was seldom used my game will most likely just use a modified version of the new cosmology.


RandomCitizenX said:
My campaign world is a sequel to the first 3ed game I played in where the campaign centered around the PC's trying to restore Pelor to his divine providence after a coalition of Mindflayers, Drow, and Vampires conspired to magically seal away the source of their weakness.

You have now given me the idea of the sun itself being a sealed portal to a divine prison plane of fire and light.


First Post

Visible from the surface of the Earth are the Sun, the Moon, and the planets Pyros, Pneumos, Geos, Hydros, and Noctos. The physical forms of the celestial bodies move in the midst of an apparent void. Underlying the Material Plane of ordinary experience, however, is the Ethereal Plane, the conduit of the forces that coalesce into the objects of the Material Plane. Coterminous with each celestial body of the Material Plane, and accessible through the Ether, are the Inner Planes, of Positive Energy, Negative Energy and Shadow, as well a the Elemental Planes of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.

The Ethereal Plane appears to be a endless landscape of white mists, shot through with snaking rivers and streams of varying color that twist in every direction around the traveler. These streams are the forces of the elements, feeding the Material Plane. They are responsible for the constant rushing sound that fills the Ether. An object on the Material Plane, when seen from the ethereal, appear as a nexus of the elemental and energetic streams.

A person first shifting into the Ethereal from Earth enters what is called the Vortex. The Vortex is a colorful, three-dimensional realm corresponding in extant to the earth itself. It is composed of the swirling streams of the elements and energies converging from the Elemental Planes and Energy Planes. The Vortex is inhabited by bizarre creatures unlike anything found elsewhere.

One can travel to the other planets through the Ether, by entering the Elemental Plane and materializing in the correct place on the Material Plane. Any energy stream can be followed to its source in the appropriate Elemental Plane. Each Elemental plane is a three-dimensional space filled completely and solely with its element, in all its possible forms and colors. Those who enter the Elemental planes through the Ethereal plane manifest new bodies formed from the Element of the plane they enter. For instance, travelers to the plane of Water manifest new bodies composed of water and ice. If a traveler manifests on the surface of the physical planet coexisting with a particular Elemental Plane, however, he resumes his normal body.

Coterminous with the Sun is the Citadel of Light, from which flows light and the force of life. The Citadel of Light is also known as the Plane of Life, or Positive Energy. According to the Imperial Faith, this is the Natural Abode of the Gods in their spiritual forms, although some also have palaces elsewhere where their physical forms live. Calabur's physical form is said to dwell in a tower on the physical surface of the Sun, guarding the way to the Citadel of Light.

The Moon is coterminous with the Plane of Shadow. The surface of the Moon is largely barren, without an atmosphere. It is dotted with the crystal and metal ruins of an unknown civilization however, and there are indications that it was once green and lush. Furthermore, there appears to be some kind of creatures that live deep underground, in tunnels that are apparently air-filled. The Plane of Shadow, on the other hand, has a landscape much like the Earth's, but is completely devoid of color. The limited illumination there serves only to create constantly shifting shadows. The Plane of Shadow is inhabited by strange creatures of darkness, many of which resemble gloomy versions of the beasts of Earth. The physical form of Amara is said to dwell on the surface of the Moon.

Pyros is coterminous with the Plane of Elemental Fire. From earth, Pyros appears as a red star. The surface of the planet is covered with burning lava fields and seas of molten rock and metal. Occasional islands of hardened rock float across the flaming oceans of melted stone. The sky above is red, filled with swirling clouds of yellow and orange, and constantly lit by flashes of exploding gas. The air is sulphurous and deadly hot. According the Imperial Faith, the physical form of Shekeveroth dwells in a palace on the surface of the planet Pyros.

Hydros is coterminous with the Plane of Water. Hydros appears to be blue when seen from earth. Indeed, the entire surface of the planet is covered with a single, vast ocean, across which float islands of ice. The air above the waters is breathable. Hydros is home to a vast array of marine creatures, and its intelligent inhabitants build palaces atop the colossal spires of ice and rock that trust up miles from the sea floor. Cities of coral float in the currents, and creatures many miles long lurk in the murky depths.

Pneumos appears yellow when seen from Earth, and is coterminous with the Elemental Plane of Air. The planet appears to be made of clouds of gas of various colors and densities. The upper atmosphere is generally the least dense, with the gas becoming thicker as one approaches the small, crystalline core of the planet. Some of the gas is self-luminous, causing the planet's yellow glow when seen from the Earth's surface. Much of the atmosphere is breathable, although it is not unknown for the winds to carry brightly-colored clouds of toxic gases. The physical form of Havilt is said to reign from a floating palace of silver and crystal on the planet Pneumos.

Coterminous with the planet Geos is the Elemental Plane of Earth. From Earth, Geos appears to be brown. Visitors to its surface, report a mountainous landscape composed of variously colored rocks and minerals, with exposed veins of metals and gemstones in profusion and prismatic crystalline structures in place of plants. The sky above is streaked with hues of brown, tan, yellow and gray. The air is choking and dry, filled with dust and dirt. Baraman's physical form is said to dwell in a grand palace somewhere on the surface of Geos.

The planet Noctos is coterminous with the Plane of Negative Energy. From Earth the planet Noctos appears dark purple, and is hard to spot. The surface of the planet is completely frozen, and covered with various shades of ice, from white to blue to violet. The atmosphere is midnight blue, shot through with swirling purple and gray clouds. Where the underlying stone shows, it is deep black, occasionally showing some other color from embedded minerals. Nothing that exists on Noctos is alive in the ordinary sense of the word, but rather exists in the undead state. The air is slow poison to Earthly life. Somewhere on the surface of Noctos is said to be a dark palace inhabited by the physical body of Kepteron.

Outside of the Ethereal and Inner Planes is the Astral Plane. On the material Plane, the space occupied by the Astral is a black void, in which are various stars and other celestial objects. The Astral is accessible from the Material Plane, but not from the Ethereal or Inner Planes. Scattered across the Astral, coexistent with the stars of the physical plane, are the Outer Abodes or Planes. Each one of these Abodes is unique, and reflect the personality of whatever created it. According to the Imperial faith, the Titans dwell in the Outer Abodes accessible through the Astral Plane.

Outside of the Astral Plane, and beyond all the Abodes of the Titans is the Outer Darkness, the domain of the Demons and those they serve, the incomprehensible Outer Gods. According to Legend, the Outer Gods once dwelt upon the surface of Vaozum, but where banished back to the Outer Darkness by the sorcery of the Serpent Men.

Beyond even the Outer Darkness is the Chaos itself, from which all existence emerged. No being, even the Outer Gods, can exist as a separate thing within Chaos.
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