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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2011

Some of what the Drow said rang true to Rava. Who was she to proclaim that her way of life was better? With all of the evil in the world, wasn't violence a necessary evil to keep the darkness from spreading? After thinking on that for a moment, Rava shook her head slightly. "No," she thought to herself. "there are better ways to invoke change in the world than killing."

"You may be right that violence is necessary with the current state of the world. There may just be situations where violence is unavoidable if you wish to continue living (and we all do). However, I still do not believe that killing is strictly necessary, and I, for one, will not be one to contribute to The Keeper's tally, nor will I help to fill Dolurrh with souls that might be saved. For every creature who's eyes are shrouded in darkness should have the chance to bask in Dol Arrah's light."

As Marshal Hilkalas' mental intrusion makes itself clear, a smile spreads over Rava's face. "That is precisely how I view it. We are all specialized tools to be used by those who know how. You would not ask a carpenter to use a sword when cutting his wooden planks, much as you would not ask a warrior to use a saw in battle. I am no warrior and never claimed to be, but that does not mean that I have no place on the field of battle. And I ask you this, Bellegon: What of the tactician who controls the flow of battle, inciting his allies to greater heights of bravery, guiding their actions, and out-thinking the party's enemies? If that tactician never once raises his own sword to strike down an enemy (even if he happens not to be opposed to such an action), what is different than how I would act on a battlefield (other than our differences in beliefs)? Both of us will be controlling the flow of the battle, and both of us will do our best to keep the others in our party from being harmed. While that tactician may be willing to harm a foe himself on occasion, my specialty is more concerned with the inevitable. No matter how great of skill you might be, eventually you will slip up, or simply be out-numbered, and you will come to some form of harm. When that happens, and you're sitting on the ground, holding your own intestines or roiling in pain from any number of wicked ailments, tell me you won't be happy to have someone who can put you back together like it never happened..." she finishes with a slight smirk.

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"I never said I was opposed to having a healer in the group, just one that can do something for himself in a tight spot. Tactics in wild melee in small groups is often individual affair and you may find yourself surrounded. The tactician you mentioned would have his sword to attack and defend without relying on his group, just in case enemies have better tacticial, mobility or numbers. You on the other hand may bring me from the brink of death, but so can any other healer who in addition may be capable of killing the one who wounded me instead of just jabbering at him about punishment on the other side of life and relying on just healed ally to finish the work."

OOC: Bellegon will not be persuaded, just as Rava won't. I understand if you end the discussion :) I never considered in depth how would being raised in besieged fortress would reflect on this particular facet of world view. Now I know :)

"And as I mentioned before, I do have the knowledge of prayers that could be used in a violent manner. I am capable of killing. I am simply morally opposed to doing so. Even if forced into the position of having no choice but to submit to causing harm to another intelligent being, I would do my utmost to ensure that I only rendered that foe unconscious. I wouldn't kill them simply on the grounds that their goals happened to oppose my own or that of my party. And also, I'm not just 'any other healer'. I wouldn't just bring you back from the brink of death. When I heal someone, they are whole again. Not 'patched up'. Not 'on the mend'. They are completely, and utterly, whole. If you were gutted by fifteen swords, bleeding out, and on the verge of dying in the next second at the point of time when I focused my healing upon you, it would be as though you were never struck. So please, don't insult me by comparing me to other healers. I have never met my equal in divine healing. Can you say the same of your own skills in killing?"

Perhaps she was, at this point, getting a bit defensive, but it would be difficult to tell. Her statements were said with such matter-of-fact tone to it, that it was nearly as though she were not bragging at all, but merely stating what should be obvious to all. Her question had no sense of venom, sarcasm, or vehemence to it, just the simple even tones of calm curiosity.

OOC: Rava has never healed someone at Bellegon's level (7 I believe), so she is used to fully healing people from dying status at negative hit points, to full hit points. But even for Bellegon, if Rava used her Healing Word on him while he was at zero or less hit points, he would suddenly find himself with 26 to 36 hp out of his 55 hp, and 5 temp hit points on top of that (and all for just one healing surge)!

OOC: Bellegon is 8th by XP could be 9 via RP, but as there are no adventures in the offering, I'm not in a hurry to level him (I mean, what if 7th is what is needed and 9th too high :) )

Son of Meepo

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OOC: I've been following the convo, but not sure how, or with which of my PCs I want to get involved in it with. Of course it's probably for naught if a new adventure never happens. Maybe I should look through my dungeon magazines for something to run. I'm wondering what we have for available PCs.

If someone else is looking to start a game I have:

level 4 deathless (revenant) valenar elf berserker
level 8 half-dwarf (mul) cleric|warlord (pretty much the non-pacifist cleric)


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OOC: I think KarinsDad has a low-level adventure in the pipeline. I had Tana (gnome Swordmage 5) register her presence without participating in the conversation a little bit up-thread.

Voda Vosa

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"I am above all,as I serve a higher purpose; not just filling my bag with coins, mercenary. I am here merely as means to an end. But you can't understand, as you've never seen the Dreaming Dark, never lay eyes on their foul servants, nor the calamities they bring. Trust me not, if you don't wish so, ask this man, he has also encountered the Dreaming Dark as well. Alas, my situation is different, I am a target of the Dreaming Dark, as I will eventually obliterate it. The Dreaming Dark wants to cut me down before I fulfil my destiny, as I have no heir, and my Quori spirit will be gone when I die." explains the Marshal.


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OOC: I can't tell how much of the conversation with Hilkalas is oral versus telepathic. I imagine telepathic conversations are one on one, so not sure what I can/should respond to 'in character'

OOC: From my previous experiences playing Kalashtar characters (not in this PbP so the rules may differ), the telepathy that a Kalashtar has (without the use of the Group Mindlink feat) only the ability for 1 on 1 contact with another being, though that one being can respond mentally to you (and only you).

Voidrunner's Codex

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