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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2011


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Tana, gnome female swordmage 5

Tana barely even looks up at the argument over the viability of pacifist philosophy for an adventurer. If they wanted to argue about something interesting, say the competing theories for how various races came to Khorvaire, or the nature of some arcane phenomena, she would have dived into the discussion with a vengeance. But the argument at hand wasn't very interesting.

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The door to the tavern is pushed open, but no one enters. From his vantage point at his table, Braddock sees a dwarf look into the tavern then turn and walk away.

"Ack. I thought I took care of this down at the docks," Braddock mutters.

"You'll be excusing me then, me laddies. I have business to attend before I wander off on anymore adventures."

He pushes himself away from the table, finishes his mug of ale, picks up his craghammer and walks out the door.

A few minutes pass and a human pushes through the door. He is obviously a man of battle, as swords, axes and blades are slung over the back or protrude from sheaths at the hips. His dusty worn travel cloak covers much of his torso, but it is obvious that he wears scale armor beneath it. He wears a wide brimmed traveling hat, similar to those that spend time on the Talenta plains favor. His eyes, tight and squinted, take in the whole of the bar. After just a moments pause, he eases toward the bar.

Brews moves over to take his order and realizes he recognizes the man, "Marshal! What a pleasure! It has been a long time. What brings you back to Sharn?"

The Marshal doesn't smile at the greeting, but nods toward the warforged bartender. "Business as usual, Brews. I tracked someone here, turned them in. I have some time to myself. Thought I would take in the sights."

Brews pours something into a short glass, which Marshal picks up and turns, leaning back on the bar watching the door and the room.

OOC: Marshal Jayce Rikkert has arrived. If you aren't familiar with them, I imagine the Marshals are like the Rangers from the wild west. Wandering law men usually on missions to find fugitives or enforce the laws. He's close to being finished on the wiki

Voda Vosa

First Post
Wikipedia said:
In many countries, the rank of Marshal, cf. Field Marshal, is the highest Army rank, outranking other general officers. The equivalent navy rank is often Admiral of the Fleet.
So marshals are more tacticians and generals of higher ranks. PErhaps the word you are looking is sheriff?
Wikipedia again said:
The word "sheriff" is a contraction of the term "shire reeve". The term, from the Old English scīrgerefa, designated a royal official responsible for keeping the peace (a "reeve") throughout a shire or county on behalf of the king.[1]


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OOC: I think that sheriff is exactly how you should think of them. The title is still Marshal. I can email you the pdf of the theme if you would like :)

Voda Vosa

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No need to, just thought it was odd.

"A marshal? You hardly have the looks, swordslinger. I am Marshal Hilkalas, what is that you call yourself?" Again, Hilkalas sends his thoughts directly to Jayce Rikkert


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Marshal Rikkert turns a cold stare to the kalashtar warlord.

His right hand moves his tunic enough to display his House Deneith badge.

Jayce directs a question back to Marshal Hilkalas, voicing it rather than thinking it, "Marshal Hilkalas? Where did you serve in the war?"

OOC: I forgot to post his picture


Voda Vosa

First Post
"Apparently you don't understand the concept of a question. Very well I shall exemplify, as usual: I do not serve. And that conflict merited not my time. By those days I was forging and training an army to defeat the Dreaming Dark." Hilkalas frowns, then his face relaxes, contemplative. "Those were dark days."

MetaVoid said:
"It's a basic nature of life, to strive, to conflict, to kill. You revere Balinor. You of all people should accept death and violence as part of life. I agree that if everyone's down and only healer remains standing, in that situation the world is doomed. But consider this...maybe they wouldn't be down if you killed few enemies or weakened them enough to be put down instead of healing and warding. I apologize, I was brought up essentially fighting since birth. Your view looks to me as useless, weak and too idealistic for real world. I'm trying to see some benefit or advantage of such thinking, but I'm failing."

OOC: Nothing personal CFW, just the character. I have paragon level shaman who's nature healing powers are awesome and I like having opposite characters and exploring.

Rava nods slowly at the drow, pursing her lips ever so slightly and getting a contemplative look in her eyes. She cocked her head to the side, almost as if she were listening to someone else in the background of some musical piece that was hiding a distant conversation. If there is anything that a Vassal of the Sovereign Host was good at doing, it was taking in what other people knew and did, and understanding it. This was generally done as a means of expanding the practices of the Sovereign Host and taking in followers that didn't even "know" they were actually part of the Sovereign Host. But that is because everyone native to the natural cycle of Eberron is actually part of the Sovereign Host (or at least that's how Vassals see it). In this case, Rava wanted to absorb everything that Bellagon was saying, so that she could properly address his issues.

"I appreciate that you are well versed enough of Balinor to discuss his teachings. But do, please, keep in mind that Balinor's teachings are about the natural cycle of predator and prey, the everlasting struggle of survival. I do not begrudge an animal's need to survive, and I understand that part of that process requires that it kill others. But we are not animals of pure instinct. We have been given transcendence beyond that primal state into the forms of rational, thinking beings. We are capable of more than base urges of survival and reproduction. Even Balinor, who is seen as the more violent of The Host does not abide by senseless killing. He espouses an acceptance of the natural cycle of life and death. Even Dol Dorn, who I think would have been a better choice for your argument, is the patron of honorable combat. Even in his teachings, one is to respect their opponents, and even give quarter. There is no need for killing. Even in the face of mindless or mad enemies, who could not listen to reason, they are still living beings and have just as much right to life as we do. We should seek other methods of defeating our enemies that does not end in shedding blood and causing death."

Rava pauses or just a moment, to let her viewpoint sink in before continuing. "Now, I am not naive enough to think that what I am saying will sway you or any of the others in this place. I simply wish for you to see that there are some who have a viewpoint other than your own, and that it is not 'wrong', it is simply different. I also accept that any undertaking I am to accomplish that comes from a place such as this will be likely, if not guaranteed, to put me in situations where violence is possible, if not necessary. Now, you mention weakening enemies enough to be put down instead of healing and warding. Part of my repertoire of prayers involves bringing the light of Dol Arrah to my foes to burn away their sins. I would use this as a warning to my foes that further acts of evil on their part would be met with punishment. This would weaken them without shedding blood or ending lives. At least until such time that said foe showed he was determined in forcing us to end his life for him, at which point I would punish him by removing him from the cycle and protections of The Sovereign Host, leaving him to the mercy of those who were willing to perpetrate violent acts upon him in the cause of greater good. However, before even the warnings of Dol Arrah were given, if possible, I would attempt to intercede. After all, one less battle fought is one more battle won, and that much less medical attention that someone like myself, or the healers of House Jorasco will have to attend to."

A sort of smirk appears on her face. "I have always found it somewhat humorous that people have no problems with the halflings of House Jorasco appearing on the battlefield healing both sides, but always seem to attack the idea of having a healing specialist on their team, devoted only to their side. Why do you think that is, Bellagon?" she asks the drow, genuinely curious as to what his answer would be to her question. Allowing Bellagon time to contemplate and respond with his own well thought-out answer, Rava sits still, not fidgeting in the slightest, other than to place her hands together, palms inward, and fingers steepled upward while she rested her arms on the table.

OOC: No offense taken at all MetaVoid! I'm enjoying our little tet-a-tet on the philosophy of pacifist healing. It's giving me a good chance to expand my character's thought processes and get to know and learn about The Host a bit more (since I'm having to research it bit by bit as we have our conversation), since she would naturally include her patrons in her conversation.


"Hmmm...you get defensive a lot? I never said you are weak, useless or wrong. Well, at least I didn't say you're wrong. I accept the different. How could I not, being what I am in you civilization. But understand, if you did more of your warnings in purifying fire rather then harmless marks, even if they do hamper the foe, the combat would be quicker and less of your healing powers needed. And in my experience, once the combat starts, there is no persuading to be done.

We may have intelligence glazed over our instincts, but everything and everyone will fight to survive and to keep their way of life. Just as we protect you from aberrations so you can espouse your pacifist principles, so our instincts protect us from foolishly throwing our lives away by surrendering to the power of others.

You can intercede before the battle, I would even encourage you to. But once the violence is inavoidable, you end it quickly and decisively. You either harm those you fight so bad they're afraid to come after you or you harm them enough sothey CANNOT come after you. It's very clear.

Now, let's see...here is the knife."

Bellegon puts his dagger on the table
"Is it evil? No, it's just a tool. It can as easily be used to clean the wound or cut meat as it can for killing. But if someone threatens me, attacks me or puts my well being otherwise in danger, I have no qualms about ending that threat." he puts his hand over the knife and shadows flow over the blade darkening it until it looks like polished obsidian.
"In the same vein, some Droaam or Xendrik "monsters" have their versions of peace in mind. It's just that it usually involves them handling out the peace or punishment. But they do not attack "civilized" lands so they are left alone. Now, let's say you encounter peaceful...mind flayer. You would talk to it. Discuss religion. Discuss the world. And when it tries to eat your brain, you will do what? Yell for help from others who warned you that it may not be good idea? That's why I don't think specializing in healing and practicing non-violence is good. I don't mind a healer in the party. But that healer should be killing enemies just as every other group member. I'm usually out front scouting so I have to be self reliant in case I run into something before the rest of the party arrives. And when the killing starts, as it invariably will, I'll be the one making sure nobody comes after us or our families afterward.

In short, I don't think your oppinion being wrong. Just very impractical in real world. Your belief will bring others of your group into more danger and your powers will compensate by healing them, right? Wrong. It will heal, yes, but the pain was still suffered. The pain that could have been avoided had you burned that last hobbo charger before he hit. Relying on others to do your own killing? How is it different from killing your self? Except you may have some excuse in front of your mirror. Excuse, mark my words, not real reason, just rationalization."

OOC: CFW, it's Bell - E - gon not Bell - A - gon :)

OOC: Damn MetaVoid... you had to go and actually lay down a good argument for not being a pacifist cleric... now you got me thinking if I even wanna play this character... cause really, how does one justify not attacking on the battlefield? How the hell did River deal with this? sheesh!

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