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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn I

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The Red Dragon Inn
The Red Dragon Inn is home to a motley sort of people. Located near an incredibly life-like statue of a Great Red Wyrm, rumored to in fact be a petrified dragon. Surrounded by a complex of two taverns and a huge inn with hundreds of rooms of flexible cost, the Red Dragon only irks a small amount of it's costs from the ale and bedding. In fact, most of the profits accumulated at the Red Dragon come from individuals that may never have set foot inside at all.

The Red Dragon is the functioning base of operation of a huge number of adventuresome individuals. Oftentimes a wealthy employer will post an advertisement at the establishment, costing anywhere from nothing for those who need help the most, to hundreds of thousands of gold pieces from kindoms farther away than most people knew the world stretched.

Who sets these prices? The bartender, an infamous brewer by the name of Joe Smith. His reputation is in his bar, and the bar is in his heart. He makes the decision to let the poor and neady post warrants, jobs, and anything else for pennies, while charging absolutely abusive amounts of money for the wealthy to have a similar contract. People pay what he thinks they should pay, and all but those that shouldn't be posting here anyway make the concessions to do so.

This has allowed the bar to grow to it's incredible size. Many a new table was paid for by a simple advertisement. And, in exchange, the Red Dragon is open and often free to it's clients. Drinks of all sorts, wines, ale, milk, and foreign fruits all make their way to the Red Dragon, where anything is possible. The only people not permitted in the Red Dragon are those that offend the barkeep.

Many people tell the stories about the historical figures that have graced the Red Dragon. Many of these stories are told in the stories of bards and the wives tales of the oldest bar maids. The interior is ever changing, some tables being made of common woods, and others being purchased at extreme costs to accomodate the best of heroes and nobles. If someone doesn't like linen bedsheets, oftentimes silk will be imported within the hour to cover those that need it. Of course, this tends to be the path to offending old Joe, but he won't kick you out till your willing to leave on your own.

The dragon's eyes glow at night, acting as a beacon. The street lights on the paths outside allow for an excellent night-time environment. By the time everyone wakes up, they can find a bed of toasted breads, morning pastries, cheeses, eggs, and if they need something special, it only takes a few minutes to make. The Red Dragon is obviously a fine place to spend a night. Of course, the clientel that come her most often are also the same kind of folk that always find themselves on the road, and having a home away from home is a huge reason why they all return here eventually.

The first thing any visitor should do, upon entering the the Red Dragon, is shuffle up to Joe. The barmaids try to ensure that this happens promptly, because Joe can't stand anyone that doesn't say hi at the very least. The second thing Joe does to any visitor, is to get them to shout out their name and any important facts about themselves that others might need to know. Then, third, the entire bar greets the newcomer and gets back to their drinking. It's all just customery, but Joe sure does appreciate it.
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Bulletin Board

This is where I'd 'like' to post all links to current threads in the game. It is also where I'd like to post new adventures that are recruiting for anyone.

Of course, it would still require editing regularly, so for now this post is just for myself and GaryH to change. Eventually we might make a bulletin board thread for the Red Dragon so people can post to it, and mods just have to clean it up every once in a while.

Originally posted by creamsteak,
Looking for a Tracker. Searching for Artifacts in the Dwemer ruins. Have encountered small Dwarven Golems. Mostly shaped like spiders and insects, but there may be worse. My servant has delivered this advertisement to the Red Dragon in hopes that someone will take up the work. It could be dangerous, many a golem has been enchanted. My assistant will be waiting for anyone wishing to hire on for my expedition in Allimon with an initial starting payment of 10 gold pieces. Further payment will be provided when the job is done, payment subject to the difficulty of the task.
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Troi Delmontes

The man clad in blue and black walks casually into the Red Dragon, his hair more askew than usual and rubbing his eyes slightly. A rapier is strapped at his side, and a coiled whip looped through his belt.

"Do you want me to go through the whole introduction thing, Joe?" He asks, yawning and stretching. "Well, I guess there's no point in askin'... I know your answer..."

He looks around. "Hey, everybody," He says in a loud voice, "My name's Troi Delmontes... that's Troi with an 'i', not with a 'y'. If you need to know something about some wierd beast or what-not, chances are, I'm your guy."

"Man." He then says, taking a seat at a table near the bar. "There's little better in life than waking up to your food, Joe. But sometimes, that whole intro thing... nah, forget it. Your tavern, your rules, man.

He rubs his eyes once more, opens them widely, twists his neck a little, and looks around. "So, I wonder if there will be any news of jobs that a low-life student of monstrosities such as myself could take on... hopefully somethin' that pays..."


First Post
Milo Bottleshanks

There is the faintest of tingling sensations as the Inn's door opens. The small, welldressed man enters the room. He looks up at the bartender and smiles, raising his bushy eyebrows.

"Hey Joe! Some tall guy on the street pointed me here and mentioned your name. Real friendly, even gave me a kick in the right direction. I'm Milo Bottleshanks, and don't you forget it. Some people say I'm actually half gnome, but they're just jelous of my talents. When it comes to Conjuration, I'm the man to see. I'll summon anything I can... for a price of course. Or maybe gratis. It just depends on how much I like you."

Telerin found, as usual, that it was going to be interesting in the Red Dragon. While they had never actually said he couldn't bring his wolf inside, Joe never actually said it was alright. So, he tested his luck.
Walking inside, and keeping Whitefang close and silent, Telerin nodded to the owner, "Quite a crowd today, Joe...I assume you'll be wanting the usual routine," the human glanced around the large room a moment.
He was wearing a muddied green cloak that covered most of him, with the hood up over his face. On his back, Telerin had a wooden shield and a pack, with a quiver and small bow. Though his scimitar was hidden under his cloak, its outline could be seen at his hip against the cloth. Grinning under the hood, Telerin pulled it back to reveal a young looking face and ice blue eyes. His hair was a light brown, and scruffy enough to add to the idea that he lived in the woods most of the time. Still grinning, he said in a loud voice, "Name's Telerin," his eyes closed a moment, "If anyone plans to go to the woodlands...I'd suggest not leaving me behind. My home can be a dangerous place."
He then tapped his leg to signal Whitefang, and the two of them made thier way to a small table against the wall, where Telerin sat and rubbed the top of the wolf's head.


Troi raises his right hand, with index and middle fingers extended, in Milo's direction.

"Hail and well met, and all that other fun stuff." Troi says, leaning back in his chair. "My name's Troi Delmontes. I study monsters for a living... if it can be called that. Haven't had much work lately, so I've been hanging out here. Good ol' Joe ain't too harsh with prices when you're down on cash, which is good, 'cause most of what I've got is of the coppery variety, if ya know what I mean."


A slender figure in a grey and dust rubbed traveller’s outfit steps lightly across the cobbles of the bustling city street towards the red dragon tavern. The figure is also wearing a grey cloak that swishes backwards and forwards as he nimbly dodges through gaps in the crowd. The cloak has a heavy hood that slightly overshadows the pointed features beneath it until, as the figure reaches the base of the great stone dragon, the hood is lifted off to reveal a handsome smiling elven face topped with a shock of pale blond hair. A few strands of hair detach from the combed mass and flick across the elf’s forehead, it looks rather debonair though the astute would note that the hair may well have been cut specifically to achieve this effect.

Keeping a lightness to his step the elf reaches to his back to readjust a bow and backpack and heads towards the main door. As the heavy oak swings open he is hit by the rumbling and chattering of a busy establishment, having heard stories of the place he can be seen to peer around looking for a centre of activity that would denote the location of the barkeep. After a few moments he is noticed by a barmaid who points him in the right direction.

Once in the presence of Joe he gives a short bow and another gleaming smile as he introduces himself, first directly and then (having been signalled to do so) to all assembled.

‘I am Felixandryr Tharvishan, I am sure you may all call me Felix’ He calls loudly climbing on a chair as he does so.

‘I hope, most strongly, that we shall all become better aquainted, moreover it should be known that I am seeking a group of enterprising individuals of assorted skills with a desire for fame, fortune and an understanding of the more amazing occurrences in our world to enter into full partnership with on any number of projects and opportunities. I always find things are more fun when you have a friend at your side.’

Having said this he gives a grin and a flourishing bow, in which his holy symbol (that of the merchant god) is clearly displayed hanging from his belt and nimbly steps down from the table. Sighing he takes the bag from his back and leans it against the bar as he turns to Joe.

‘I would like to enquire about a room please, and also possibly posting a short message reiterating my desire to find some companions. Do you think you could assist me in either?
Oh, and could I have a glass of fruit juice please’

As he awaits an answer Felix peers around the bar clearly looking for someone to strike up a conversation with.


First Post
A traveller enter the Inn. He take off his cloth. He is wearing a brown and deep red clothing. Nothing extravagant, the usual travelling gear.

"Hi! You are the Innkeeper? I want three things. The first two are surely easy for you, just a room and a meal, ordinary, I don't like luxury, and anyway I don't think I can offord it. Anyway, for the last thing... wait, I'm not polite, let me present myself, Rinaldo di Senzio. I'm a travelling merchant. I'm selling goods that you may want. I trade all kind of spice and herbs. I have here some cinammon, great for desert. If you want to spice you meals, I have some peppers and ginger, and I can even sell you some cloves and safran, those are pretty rare in these part, you know, and I can sell you at low price. Just tell me what you want and I'll make you a good package deal."

The man start to follow the innkeeper in the backroom, but the innkeeper stop him at the front of the backdoor.

"Take a sit, mister merchant, I'll come to see you later, with your meal."

The merchant stare at the innkeeper a moment than go take a seat.

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