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Tatters of the King [Recruiting] Realms of Cthulhu (Savage Worlds)

Yellow Sign

Ok here is the guidelines for character creation.

I am using the rules out of Realms of Cthulhu but Savage Worlds Deluxe rules will work with some additions.

The Foundation
All investigators are human and begin with one
free Edge.

Traits are broken down into two categories:
Attributes, which define who you are (Strength,
Agility, Smarts, and so on), and Skills, which define
what you know and how well you do things (Driving,
Streetwise, and so on). Carefully select those
that fit your overall character concept. While it
might be nice to be a terrific fighter, that may not
be the best approach when creating your scholarly
professor. On the other hand, his skill at brawling
could become his most notable feature.

Your investigator begins with a d4 in each of
the five basic attributes: Agility, Smarts, Spirit,
Strength, and Vigor. Distribute 5 points among
them in any way you wish. Raising an attribute one
die type costs 1 point, and you may not raise any
attribute above d12.

Next, distribute 15 points among your investigator’s
skills. Raising a skill one die type costs 1 point
as long as it is no higher than the linked attribute.
Raising a skill above its linked attribute costs 2
points. All skills in the Savage Worlds core book are

Derived Statistics
Pace is 6”.
Parry is equal to 2 plus half your Fighting.
Charisma is a combination of your investigator’s
appearance, manner, and general likeability.
It is added to Persuasion and Streetwise rolls. The
Keeper (GM) also uses it to see how NPCs react to
you. Your Charisma modifier is +0 unless changed
by Edges or Hindrances.
Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your Vigor.

Sanity is equal to 2 plus half your Spirit minus


This attribute tracks the dark toll that continued
contact and knowledge of the unspeakable extracts
from the soul of every man. It begins at 0 and
increases by 1 for each die type increase of Knowledge

Now decide if you want any Hindrances. If so,
you may use them to gain one of the benefits below.
Unlike the Savage Worlds core rules, you may take up
to four points of Hindrances in any combination
of Major (worth 2 points each) and Minor (worth
1 point each).
For 2 Hindrance Points you can:
• Raise an Attribute a die type
• Choose an Edge.
For 1 Hindrance Point you can:
• Gain another skill point
• Gain additional monies equal to your starting

Nearly all the Edges and Hindrances listed in
the Savage Worlds rulebook are available to your

All investigators begin the game with a set of
normal clothes and an amount of cash in their
pocket (determined by era, as shown in the table
below). Later on, you’ll find all the stuff to get your
investigator kitted out right away.
Starting Cash
1890s $50
1920s $150
Modern $500

Every investigator is a sum of their parts, and in
addition to their skills and traits, possesses a number
of interests and hobbies that may have nothing
whatsoever to do with their professional pursuits,
or may, at best, complement them on occasion.
Your investigator begins with a number of defining
interests equal to half their Smarts die type. Any
permanent increase in an investigator’s Smarts
grants them the appropriate number of additional
defining interests that should be selected at the time
of the increase. A defining interest gives the investigator
a base +1 to their Common Knowledge roll
when the subject is called into question.

Sample Interests
Culture: Anthropology, Archaeology, Astrology,
Astronomy, Biology, Botany, City Knowledge
(Specific), Chemistry, Classical Literature, Cooking,
Culture (Specific), Etiquette, Folklore, Forensics,
Geology, Language (Specific), Knowledge (Specific),
Natural History, Photography, Physics

Craft: Art (Specific), Electrical Repair, Mechanical

Perform: Acting, Comedy, Dance, Disguise,
Juggling, Instrument (Specific), Oratory, Puppetry,

Languages: It should be noted that languages
fall under the category of defining interests. An
investigator can automatically speak and (when
appropriate) read and write his native tongue.
Additional languages require the player to choose
the Language interest.

While not strictly new, Knowledge skills play an
important part in Realms of Cthulhu, and these select
skills deserve particular attention.

Knowledge (Mythos)
This skill enables the hero to piece together fragments
of the hidden world. When they come across
evidence of Mythos creatures, an investigator with
this skill may make a roll to identify it. Should they
encounter a dread creature, the investigator may
identify the creature or something of relevant interest,
such as its behavior or its possessions. This skill
could be used as well to allow an investigator to
identify a spell being cast or to recognize a Mythos
book by skimming a few pages. This skill is also used
by investigators to cast spells they have learned.
As this Knowledge damages the very core of a
person’s psyche, no investigator may elect to take
this skill to start, nor ever put skill points into the
development of this Knowledge.
The complete details on how this skill is gained—
and the resulting impact upon the investigator—are
revealed in the Setting Rules section.

Knowledge (Psychology)
This investigator understands the mind and
human behavior, and may attempt to eliminate
madness in themselves and others. This must be
done within the golden hour. Each attempt takes
20 minutes. A success eliminates one level of madness,
while a raise eliminates two. Further details are
found in the Setting Rules section.

Hindrances include physical and mental handicaps
as well as character flaws and weaknesses, and
make life a little tougher for your hero.
Some Hindrances, like Dark Secret, are more or
less subjective. They help you roleplay your investigator.
Others, like Milquetoast, have an actual effect
within the game. All of the Hindrances listed in the
Savage Worlds rulebook are also available in Realms
of Cthulhu. You may take any combination of Hindrances,
however you cannot gain more than four
bonus points by doing so.

Dark Secret (Major)
The hero harbors a dark family secret that could
endanger his very life and how he is perceived if it
comes to light. The investigator receives a –4 Charisma
reaction from anyone aware of his secret. If it
becomes public knowledge in the course of play, the
hero loses this Hindrance, replacing it with Wanted
(Major) as well as the –4 Charisma modifier.

Glass Jaw (Minor)
Your hero doesn’t handle physical pain and injury
well. He suffers a –2 penalty on all soak rolls.

Low Class (Minor)
While others may be born of low society, it is
obvious that this investigator is not far removed
from their bad upbringing. The investigator receives
a –2 modifier to Charisma except among others
of similar stature. The investigator may reduce or
eliminate this status over the course of game play
by expending a leveling opportunity to eliminate
this Hindrance at Seasoned or any time thereafter.
This hero may not take the Noble Edge.

Milquetoast (Major)
This investigator believes firmly in the sanctity
of their mind and body and recovers slowly from
shock and trauma. They suffer a –2 penalty to Spirit
rolls to recover from being Shaken. The investigator
may use a level up once he reaches Seasoned or
any time thereafter to eliminate this Hindrance.

Obligations (Minor or Major)
The investigator is connected to someone or
something that demands a portion of his time.
These obligations can include nearly anything, such
as a tenured professor giving lectures and teaching
classes or an athlete checking in on a sick relative
from time to time. Failure to fulfill such obligations
will eventually have serious repercussions.
A hero with Obligations and Connections to the
same individual or organization has a special relationship
with the person or group in question, and
gains a +2 or +4 bonus to Persuasion rolls (depending
upon whether their Obligations are minor or
major) when dealing with them. In essence, the
Connection has a vested interest in the investigator,
and is more likely to want to see them succeed.

Unusual Lineage/Looks (Minor)
The investigator’s appearance looks a bit off.
Whether it’s their eyes being set too close together,
the slight webbing between their fingers, or a sallow
appearance, people are uncomfortable around
them. The investigator suffers a –2 Charisma modifier
except with others sharing their lineage.

In addition to the Edges in the Savage Worlds
book, players can choose from the following new
Edges for their investigators.

Background Edges

Flexible Thinker
Requirements: Novice, WC, Spirit d8+
The hero is comfortable with thinking outside of
the box, and ignores 1 point of madness penalties.

Very Flexible Thinker
Requirements: Seasoned, Flexible Thinker
Your hero spends more time out of the box than
in, and ignores 2 points of madness penalties.

Requirements: Novice, WC, Spirit d8+
When forced to make Spirit rolls due to Mental
Trauma, the investigator ignores their madness
penalties. This only applies to Spirit rolls called for
by these tables. He still suffers from madness modifiers
for other Trait rolls normally.

Very Jaded
Requirements: Veteran, Jaded
If your hero critically fails a Spirit roll on the
Mental Trauma table, roll a die. On an odd result, he
passes out for d6 hours, but suffers no Sanity loss.

Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+
This hero recovers from madness quicker than
most. They gain a +2 to all Spirit rolls to eliminate madness.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d10+
Whether highly educated, well-read, or simply
in touch with their surroundings, this investigator
seems to know a little bit about everything, and
can readily call upon that knowledge when needed.
This investigator makes Common Knowledge rolls
without penalty.

Requirements: Novice, Fighting d8+
Whether a trained boxer, a street-fighting brawler,
or a dedicated martial artist, this hero has been in
his share of fights and knows how to handle himself.
He is not treated as an unarmed defender, and
his unarmed attacks do Str + d4.

Well Adjusted

Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Smarts d6+
Your investigator is the down-to-earth sort, who
keeps things in perspective and manages to contend
with whatever life has to throw their way. Increase
his Sanity by +1.

Professional Edges

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Healing d8+
This investigator is a skilled medical doctor, and
adds +2 to all their Healing rolls. Up to five companions
traveling with a doctor add the bonus to
their natural healing rolls as well.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Repair d8+,
Knowledge (Engineering) d8+
This hero adds +2 to Repair rolls. With a raise,
he halves the time normally required for the repair.

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+
This investigator gains half their Smarts die in
languages, and may decipher and communicate in
unfamiliar languages with a Smarts roll. Should the
Keeper rule an encountered language is exotic or
rare, this roll is made at –4. Each additional time
this Edge is taken, select two additional languages.

Requirements: Novice, Knowledge (Psychology) d8+,
Spirit d8+
Your hero is trained in dealing with the irrational
mind and receives a +2 to all Knowledge (Psychology)
rolls. Up to five companions traveling with
a psychotherapist add this bonus to their mental
recuperation rolls as well. A psychotherapist may
also use their talents to eliminate indefinite insanities
as detailed in the Setting Rules section.

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Yellow Sign

Players are free to choose most Edges from the
Savage Worlds core rules. Some, however, are not
appropriate for this particular setting.
The following Edges are not available to investigators
in Realms of Cthulhu: Arcane Backgrounds,
Power Edges, Champion, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy
Warrior, Mentalist, Mr. Fix It, Wizard, Weird Edges,
and Power Surge.


First Post
Here is my tentative investigator. I kind of had a change of heart and went for a young (depending on Binder's character's age) investigator for Scotland Yard.

William Taylor
Male 26y/o

Agility d6
Smarts d8
Spirits d6
Strength d6
Vigor d6

Charisma +0, Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 5
Skills: Drive d4, Fighting d6, Gambler d4, Investigate d8+2, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Streetwise d8+2
Hindrances: Bad Sight (Mitigated with glasses, Minor), Curious (Major), Loyal (Minor)
Edges: Connections (Criminal and Police), Investigator (+2 to Investigate and Streetwise)
Interests: City Knowledge (London), History (London History), Instrument (Violin), Language (French)


First Post
Depending on what Binder whats to do I will add some background. Its a bit tentative so that we can have a shared one (I like the idea of being Boarding Room Chums)

Forged Fury

First Post
[MENTION=5619]Yellow Sign[/MENTION] - I'd be interested in playing as I love good horror RPGs, but I have never touched Savage Worlds before, so I'm not sure if there is a significant amount of system mastery required for player creation or game play. I do have the book, however.

Hmm... London 1928? I don't know how you plan on having the team come together, but I am thinking about a lower-class woman in her mid-20s. She was a teenage munitions worker during WWI and found she enjoyed working with her hands and the tools that came with the trade. After the war ended, she attempted to maintain employment as a tradeswoman, but the returning servicemen eventually pushed her out of her job. She has made a go of it on her own and continues to work odd jobs here and there, frequently selling her services to repair the soon-to-be-ubiquitous items known as appliances. To supplement her income, she also has spent time learning jewelry crafting and sculpture, carving out a small space for herself in one of the small London arts scene.

Forged Fury

First Post
Thanks, I actually have the SW Deluxe PDF that I've never really had the chance to look through. Checking it out now.

Hmm... I have a lot of ideas in my head right now. I think a lot of it will depend on what Binder Fred wants to do. Here are a few ideas:

- The aforementioned lower-class mechanic who would be something of a low smarts, uncouth bruiser, but with points devoted to Repair. May be limiting since Lovecraftian stuff tends to frown on combat.
- A young noblewoman focusing on Charisma/Spirit and supporting the group. Rather than an artist, she could be a patron of the arts.
- Other ideas are flitting around. I had originally considered a defrocked priest of some sort, I may sit down and put that one together as well.

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