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Swamp Trek III: The Search for Ter-raen

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock= Karl and weel]
"I think you may have my lady confused with one of her kin. Mine is a peaceful sort who wishes to learn from the many people to be met on a man's travels.
Karl's eyebrow raises slightly as Weel displays in a verbal fashion what sounds like a bit of righteous indignation. He waits and listens to the rest of the priest's speach, then closely and cautioulsy observes the crowd around them, hoping to get better insight on the other prisoners' feelings and attitudes [/sblock]

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"Apikotoa! Ah'm glad tae see ye!" He gives the warrior a deep bow, and switches to Draconic with a raised voice. "Axun, wer jaesk sonea ve, mrith shio jlatak fothisevi, shar batobot jahus ti zlonzic ekess ve svent! Mrith vethicaex-"

"Wait... wha tauld ye? It can anely be -"

Apikotoa laughs, and responds in draconic, "Your command of the true tongue has improved, my friend! As has your equipment, from what I can see. And perhaps your luck as well; I would hardly believe a word of your tale could I not see the marks on your body for myself. As for the word that you were dead, it came from two young humans, who seemed rather lost and disheartened when we brought them here. I am afraid I do not remember their names, but they are here still. Come, I will take you to them. Tatupu, this dwarf is my friend; I vouch for him. Will you give him his weapons back?"

"You dare much, Apikotoa. The elders will be displeased, that a stranger would come here armed. Especially now," Tatupu responds slowly.

"Leave the elders to me," Apikotoa says, perhaps a bit recklessly.

"On your crest be it, then," and motions his men forward with your weapons.


[sblock=Karl & Weel]
"I think you may have my lady confused with one of her kin. Mine is a peaceful sort who wishes to learn from the many people to be met on a man's travels.

"As to our own road, we came here just a day or so ago in the company of the good Gildrim, a hearty dwarven companion who had passed through here a short while ago. We hoped to reconnect with the lizardfolk who had proved both noble and helpful to him on his last journey. Perhaps some of you have heard of him?"

Corvin's face hardens with anger. "Noble and helpful? The only noble lizardfolk is one whose head is stuffed and mounted on my wall of trophies, and if this Gildrim of yours has told you otherwise, you will find the truth of the matter soon enough. They are beasts. No, they are worse, for beasts merely act according to their nature. Lizardfolk are hateful, savage creatures of violence and treachery. Mark my words, they won't leave any of us alive if we don't some way out of this trap, and soon."

[sblock=Sense Motive DC 5]Some of the men obviously agree with Corvin, nodding and muttering affirmatives. Some others, though, turn aside, their faces showing confusion and fear, and maybe something else, as Corvin speaks.

[sblock=DC 10]When you stepped in, it looked like the men were just standing haphazardly around in the enclosure, but now it looks like there are four distinct clusters of men, each with between four and six men standing within a few paces of each other. The distinction is subtle, since the groups themselves are no more than a handful of paces apart, but... In two of the groups, the men seem to support Corvin, but in the other two groups all the men react with distrust to his words.

[sblock=DC 15]The emotion on the other men's faces... It could perhaps be shame.



First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

Corvin's face hardens with anger. "Noble and helpful? The only noble lizardfolk is one whose head is stuffed and mounted on my wall of trophies, and if this Gildrim of yours has told you otherwise, you will find the truth of the matter soon enough. They are beasts. No, they are worse, for beasts merely act according to their nature. Lizardfolk are hateful, savage creatures of violence and treachery. Mark my words, they won't leave any of us alive if we don't some way out of this trap, and soon."

[sblock=Sense Motive DC 5]Some of the men obviously agree with Corvin, nodding and muttering affirmatives. Some others, though, turn aside, their faces showing confusion and fear, and maybe something else, as Corvin speaks.

[sblock=DC 10]When you stepped in, it looked like the men were just standing haphazardly around in the enclosure, but now it looks like there are four distinct clusters of men, each with between four and six men standing within a few paces of each other. The distinction is subtle, since the groups themselves are no more than a handful of paces apart, but... In two of the groups, the men seem to support Corvin, but in the other two groups all the men react with distrust to his words.

[sblock=DC 15]The emotion on the other men's faces... It could perhaps be shame.
Weel surveys the group of men as Corvin speaks, noting their reactions. He holds up his hands as if in capitulation, and bows his head.

"I apologize for my rashness," he says, and though ostensibly he's still speaking to Corvin, he makes sure his words carry to all as he continues: "After all, it was the lizardfolk who invaded the swamp home of the humans intending to enact wholesale slaughter of another race ... wait, I've gotten my words mixed up again. I need to switch 'lizardfolk' and 'humans' there. Yes. Only, now I'm really confused. Which party was it again that showed hatefulness and violence?

"If you want a way out of this 'trap,' which it seems to me you dug for yourselves,"
the cleric says, turning to face those who seemed least inclined to follow Corvin, "It seems to me it's time to show the lizardfolk you aren't what you keep insisting they are."

[sblock=OOC]Sense Motive (1d20+3=17)[/sblock][/sblock]


[sblock=Gildrim]Since holding his tongue and minding his manners seems to be working so well, Gildrim graciously accepts the return of his gear. "If giving trust does not come easily to dwarves, then we appreciate it more when we receive it, and do not hold our honour lightly," he says.

"Richt noo, if Ah'm mair ay a guest an' nae sae much a preesoner, than Ah shoud dae th' Nurazaks prood! Aw at leist, nae ashamit."

Gildrim expends some of the gifts of Grendath to clean away the blood and grime from his person and armor, until the metal gleams in the firelight.

"I don't know about my luck, Apikotoa," he says as he works. "The sword is new, and so is the armour, but the count of deaths in my company is now four." He seems to be including Cyian in this number. "I'm glad you found Karl and Weel. Let's see them now."

OOC: prestidigitation to clean and polish from head to toe.


Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Sense motive:

Karl looks around and see a more clear picture of the attitudes of the men.

"Have the removed any of your heads and stuffed and mounted them on the walls of their huts?" Karl shakes his head in disbelief at the words of the hotheaded Corvin.

"if i recall correctly, we are to stand trail, which is way more civilized then the vicious attack that you have been leading."

turning to his companion," Weel, I just ... I..." he shrugs his sholders and shakes his head. he is very much at a loss of words right now.either toat ar he fids it wiser not to speak.


[sblock=ooc]I've got family coming to town this weekend for the holiday, and likely won't be able to get on much. I might be able to find time to update this weekend, but it might have to wait until Monday or Tuesday.[/sblock]


[sblock=Weel and Karl]

After you both speak, Corvin's face flushes darker still. "A trial, is that what they told you? Human sacrifice, more likely. What can these savages know of justice? They'll kill us all, sacrifice us to their dark gods, and then eat what remains. If we don't work together, none of us will survive!" His voice rises, and he means to go on, but another voice cuts him off.

"No, the priest is right, Corvin." A stoop-shouldered, middle-aged man with a farmer's thick hands and deep, dark circles under his eyes steps forward. His feet move slowly, but with determination. "What we did to that village, that's what was savage. We were there. We saw. They didn't lift a finger, until we shot first. Then they fought, aye. As would anyone. But we killed 'em, even those that was helpless. Killed them, and burnt their homes. And I don't care if they sacrifice me, as long as I get the chance to tell 'em first that I'm sorry. It was wrong, Corvin Tanabar. It was wrong, and you're wrong."

Corvin's face goes still during this speech, almost relaxed, and his eyes slit with concentration. "Still a coward, Tennin. Now as then. If you're not with us, you're against us, and you're a threat to our plans to escape. You don't want to be a threat, do you, Tennin? We'd have to do something about you, if you were a threat." His hands hang at his sides, relaxed and open, but his weight shifts forward into a slight crouch.

Tennin balls his fists and plants his heels. "I'm going to do what's right. And I'm not going to let you stop me."

Other men murmur and shout in agreement with one side or the other. The groups of different loyalties contract into tighter bunches. Fists are formed, and as Tennin and Corvin stalk closer to each other, the tension, already high, is mounting fast. A fight could break out at any minute.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Well Ain't this quaint. Now you are going to prove just how savage you are by fighting amoung your selves like a bunch of dogs in a pen. Corvin, You really are a peice of worlk."
says Karl, with the hopes of bringing every one to their senses in order to stop the pending battle royal that is building up.

He stands relaxed, but ready for action.

Voidrunner's Codex

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