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Streets of Seilen IC Campaign


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Yunalesca bows when it is her turn... and smiles earnestly...

"I am Yunalesca I come from Carissa and I wish to enter the city to enjoy the celebration, I have no family here. I am just a simple traveller."

Yunalesca smiles brightly and allows her gorgeous looks and good nature to speak for themselves...

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The watch captain seems to nod at Kaiambus's comment. "Yes--we have a lot of people visiting their Families these days..." He grabs his arm lightly. "You watch it in there. Things aren't like they used to be..." He continues down the line.

A guard laughs slightly at Mal's comments. "The Marshal's too big for her britches...? Tell me about it... The busiest time of the year, and she has us out here doing security work..." He gives a wistful sigh. "God, I wish I was in the guard house, dicing..." Another one glances at him. "I'd be careful about that--she might hear..."

A tall man clad in black, flanked by several people of various races bows deeply. "I am called Horonius Aefirn. It is my priviledge to be pledged to the Dark Reaper of Souls. These people are my Acolytes. They are Nameless, at the moment..."

A young man whose flashy dress indicates him as a wizard of Brael has stepped out of the guard post, and is gesturing with a richly decorated wand. As his eyes light on Mal, he stops. "Mal? Mal Malenkirk...? Well, of all the places..." He gives a cheerful laugh. "Surely you remember your old drinking buddy, Valentius Orne?"
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First Post
Yunalesca watches Mal and Valentius with much curiosity... she does not speak just watch with innocent eyes and a smile enjoying the sights and keeping Valis under control.... he sits obediantly at her side...

"Wow..." she mouths.... looking around.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Rhialto said:
"Surely you remember your old drinking buddy, Valentius Orne?"

-''How can I forget! We did much more than drink, Val. I didn't know you were up here. We must catch up! Is there anywhere I can meet you once you get off duty?''

Mal looks genuinely thrilled to see an old friend. He waves enthusiastically to him.

OOC: Anything I should know about Valentius or do I make it up as I go?
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Valentius laughs. "I'll probably be here for a while... this work is maddening! Just send a Dragoman to me with a message where you're staying once you've settled down, and I'll meet you there..."

OOC: He went to the Academy, and was much better at his classes then you...

Despite being an even greater carouser.


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A guard approaches Yunalesca nervously.

"Umm, excuse me miss... I was wondering if you'd keep your lion on a leash...?" He gulps and picks up a sturdy collar attached to a chain. "It's nothing personal--we just don't want any accidents..."


First Post
Yunalesca smiles...

"Mal... would you mind if I joined you... I have never been here before and it seems like you have a good grasp on how this big city works..."

Yunalesca bites her lip... trying not to sound to imposing...

"I promise not to be too much trouble.... I understand if you are too busy and all."


First Post
Yunalesca looks to the guard...

"Oh Valis... he is perfectly hamrless..." she nuzzles his cheek and he purrs back to her... Yuna continues, as she takes the leash, "He won't harm a soul I promise..."


First Post
The guard coughs. "Uhh, sure, I believe you... but you see... we have a problem with animals sometimes and we like to be safe..." He shudders. "Last week, the ambassador from Seired Masa's pet gryphon got loose and slaughtered twenty people. We had to kill it and the ambassador is threatening to have us tried for destruction of property..."


First Post
Yunalesca looks horrified...

"Oh dear... well then it that case... sorry Valis... just a for a little while okay?" she says with a smile and leashes him up much to the lion's annoyance...

She sighs and nuzzles his mane...

"Just for a little while okay?" she looks to the guard, "I will make sure he stays on his best behavior..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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