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Starfinder Starfinder rockets to the top on Amazon!


Golden Procrastinator
Wow, 8 of the 18 reviews on Amazon so far mention the binding/spine have problems. That seems like more than a minor glitch. I am sure Paizo will take care of anyone impacted by this issue though. They always have in the past.
Also on Paizo's forums there are several complaints about binding issues. I'm sure that Paizo will take care of everyone, but still it must be expensive for them having to replace all those copies. I wonder if in this cases, the printer has to offer some kind fo refund to the publisher.
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Eh, Starfinder is like a cross between Pathfinder and D&D 5e - I like it, and will be producing 3PP material for it. To me it's pretty far away from being Pathfinder.


First Post
I moved away from Pathfinder years ago BUT Starfinder is interesting enough that we will try it in a few weeks (when my face-to-face Savage Worlds Rifts game wraps up). I am probably going to run a converted Skull and Shackles game. The heroes where out in the the Diaspora, for whatever reason, and were shanghaied somehow (players have to come up for reasons for both) onto the crew of the Wormwraith. They get assigned to do mostly maintenance/busy work around the ship so they get a chance to learn about the other crew remembers, etc. have some minor encounters (including being sent into the cargo hold and vents around it looking for some kind of space vermin (that I am still coming up with), face off against bully crew members, etc. Then they might stop off at some various location to pick up supplies, etc.
Finally there will be part of the boarding crew to take a merchant ship. Afterwards they are assigned to the skeleton crew to take the ship back to the pirate port (Point Peril, a secret hollowed out asteroid in the Diaspora) where they have their chance to seize control and become privateers or pirates themselves.

Thats as far as I have gotten so far though ;)


I've seen a thread on the Starfinder RPG Facebook community on just the topic of converting Skull & Shackles to Starfinder, which I think is a great idea, and where I didn't want to run that AP for Pathfinder, for Starfinder, that's a different story which I really like. Though I mostly homebrew, and will probably still, since I've built 3 starship deck plans using the Starfinder starship building rules so far, plus I've got a one-shot (game system agnostic) that I published, and will be converting to Starfinder. Plus I need to playtest a set of 5 one-shot modules called Dead in Space written by T. H. Gulliver, that I'll be publishing, so I'll probably be running those instead. Maybe for a future game, I'd consider Skull & Shackles. (Edit: I didn't have the most recent cover design posted, so I replaced the image with the correct one.)

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Eh, Starfinder is like a cross between Pathfinder and D&D 5e - I like it, and will be producing 3PP material for it. To me it's pretty far away from being Pathfinder.

It's the opposite to me. It's very Pathfinder still. The effective math of PCs hasn't changed and the monster math is identical. Star Wars Saga was a larger variance from the system than Starfinder.


I didn't say it was a completely different game, it is based on Pathfinder, no doubt, but it's different enough and definitely streamlined comparatively speaking. I like the changes - now let's see a 3PP reverse engineer and make a fantasy game based on Starfinder... ;)


First Post
I didn't say it was a completely different game, it is based on Pathfinder, no doubt, but it's different enough and definitely streamlined comparatively speaking. I like the changes - now let's see a 3PP reverse engineer and make a fantasy game based on Starfinder... ;)

What would you even have to do? Rejigger the item list, refluff the mechanic as an Eberron style arificer and you're good to go.


First Post
So my basic idea for Skull and Shackles kind of looks like this so far...

First I am going to place the pirate port (called Point Peril) on the inside asteroid belt of Diaspora. Probable on the inside of one big one that the various Free Captains found maybe 30-40 years ago and set up shop. They formed or joined with the criminal trade syndicate now called the Cold Trader (yes from FFG WH40K world, but I LOVE that game). This group deals with pirated ships and goods.

I like Captain Barnabas Harrigan so we will keep him and rename his ship the Wormwraith. I am not 100% gorked the starship rules yet but right now I am thinking of a Tier 11 Large vessel. Of course the ship that they later capture that the heroes gain will be much lower but still trying to figure out starships :D

For the setting, I was thinking that the Diaspora area overall is a bit more 'dark and corporate evil' so the players might have a reason to become pirates (as I don't like running evil campaigns). I need to come up with something probably one big corp that really dominates most of the people's lives in the area and NOT for the better.

The other idea would be to set the game within to the Azlanti Star Empire, or some other evilish empire like an Aspis Consortium corporate system, that would make the whole piracy thing much more like privateers. It would also give a Cheliax analogue for later in the AP. Sure, you're moving away from the presented setting somewhat, but you'll have lots of themes from the Skull and Shackles AP to draw from for ideas. Zombie planets, aquatic planets, planets inhabited by giant cannibals, etc.

Also wooden ships have much different tasks the starship so the assigned "jobs" for the characters are going to be much different and have to come up with some new challenges and checks for the players. So of course they will not be assigned to anything "Crew" worthy but mostly minor maintenance work, one gets to work in the gallery with the cook of course, and maybe two get assigned to Engineering to 'assist' the chief engineer. Their main function of course is to act as canon fodder with boarding actions against target starships or whatever raid they might be going on.

The first encounter is the heroes waking up and Master Scourge ordering them about. The heroes probably get to keep their armor as it is assume somewhat about vacuum possibilities so I need a high-tech 'cat-of-nine-tales'. I was think something similar to an Incapacitator but something that also causes pain. Maybe call it a Pain Prod and add the Pain feature (similar to stun BUT with pain). He uses it on all of them just so they get a taste.

For other gear the heroes probably start without much or anything else. Drones will be handled like animal companions. You can either get it later in the adventure or its down in the hold somewhere to be sold off later.

For Mister Pluggs tests not sure what would be good for here. He probably just asks who can cook or likes food to assign that person to the gallery. I was thinking not even a test, he just looks for the smartest species like Androids and Ysoki first and assumes they known engineer and send them to the engine room.

The heroes day to day lives for the next couple of weeks will mostly be interacting with other crew members and doing lots of basic manual labor/chores. They will notice that they ship has suffered a lot of damage recently (where Wormwraith lost most of its crew).

They might land on some of the outlying planets or moons to pick up new supplies and get something special for the Captain ("He has a fondness for Marata Blood-Spiders. The fresher the better so you need to try and catch them live. Yes they are very poisonous. Try not to die...").

Then the happen upon the merchant ship and attack. The heroes are given weapons and maybe space suits for a vacuum assault. If they do good they get some respect from the Captain and get to be part of the skeleton crew who is to take it back to Point Peril for prize.

Now maybe a Drift problem causes the ship to be damaged on the way and they have to put down for repairs. Still trying to figure this out. This is where the heroes will overpower the villains and seize the ship as their own!!!

I figure the heroes will be 3rd or 4th level by this time and that is the tier for the ship to start. It will have a hold at least along with a few weapons.


I am not 100% gorked the starship rules yet but right now I am thinking of a Tier 11 Large vessel. Of course the ship that they later capture that the heroes gain will be much lower but still trying to figure out starships :D

Forget about Tier and the Power Core, at least at the start, but be reasonable in your choices. Pick a ship's frame, then choose thrusters, armor, computer (the nodes determine modifiers for the number of simultaneous things your computer is doing), drift engine (pick basic signal unless you pick a huge+ frame), expansion bays, security, sensors and shields, then pick your weapons (noting the set limitations determined by your ship frame choice). Then add up the PCU cost (power core units, many systems require an amount of PCU to operate - this will also determines which Power Core you need), and add up your Build Point cost, the latter will determine the Tier. If too high due to your choices, sacrifice for lesser rated versions of some of the systems until it fits your intended tier. If too low you get to upgrade some options.

That's how you build a ship in Starfinder.
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