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Spellweaver CR10??

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Sue Bloodbucket

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Diirk said:
Is it just me or is the Trumpet Archon unable to cast its 7th level spells because it only has a wisdom of 16?

well all will be fine just after a little abuse of the ol' owls wisdom trick... hence he can't cast them doesn't mean he can prepare them (right me here if i'am wrong)

btw. any of you guys met an horrible rat [ebberon] jet? nasty things to thow at a 1st lvl character... we met two of them yesterday and are just lucky to tell the tale.
cr1? i think not.


I'm glad to hear that the overall concensus is that this creature is snafu'd and that I'm not off the deep end.

ken-ichi said:
For starters, the 2 slam attacks are worthless. Ignore them.

I mention it because a slam attack counts as an "armed" attack meaning it is always armed with an attack only slightly worse than a dagger. Assuming the 'Weaver and a sorceror both ran out of spells or were caught in an anti-magic field, the weaver could likely beat up the sorceror. 2x+9 @ d3-1 vs +5 @d6

Its treasure total for a EL 10 encounter with double magic items is on average 8,450 gp. Much less than that of a 10th level character. Not a lot of nasty that you can get with average treasure.

I include the special magic disk in as "gear". Averaging them out between 10 1st Pearls of Power (10x1k) and 2 5th Pearls of Power (2x25k) gives you 30,000gp. 30,000gp + 8450 is about what a 13th level NPC gets. Sure, it's not "treasure" but what the hey. Like you said, it only explodes when someone tries to use it. ;)

36 hp for a CR 10. Sorcerors have d4s though, not d6s. Pathetic Fort Save. +2 ? Say hello to mr. monk's fist.

He has low hps but he's no more melee than any other caster. And his Fort save is on par with Con<10 sorcerers, like elves. But the hit die size means he's got nearly half-again more hps than a CR equivalent arcane caster (10d4=25hp vs 36hp) Compared to them he's a tank.

Don't forget to bump down the DCs of the schools that it has Focus in, they only get half of what they used to.
It doesn't even have the Concentration skill
You did not mention the SR 21 they have. Only thing keeping them alive from a random fireball or other attack spell.

The lack of concentration is its only potential "gotcha" but I'm used to most casters being bright enough to be airborne or otherwise hard to get to when not surprised. I forgot the SR as well as the +5 natural armor. SR21 means a 10th party has a 50/50 chance of getting a spell through, not good odds.

Since I'm running 3.0 so the Focuses are still an issue though I would choose different schools depending on the spell list.

Seriously this thing would have to have some major prep time to survive at all against 4 10th level characters. A few hits from just about anything and its dead. It is a glass cannon if it cannot be hit then it is great, but the moment the flying monk or fighter is in its face it is gone.
I give this thing about 2 maybe three rounds of combat at most (barring unusual party makeup or favoring encounter setup).

Major prep time? Well, with invis & detect magic at will and the ability to cast 6 spell levels/round I don't think that long. I'm assuming Mage Armor is extended and active and that it remains invisible at all times. One round to put up Shield, probably a stat buff, and Fly. Depending on what Detect Magic says either wait a round to put up a Minor Globe and a Mirror Image or just kick off the battle with a Dispel Magic and a AE spell or Dominate/Charm Spells depending on the 'Weavers goals and the targets defenses. Either way, he's down no more than 2 2nd level spells thanks to his happy grenade-of-power. Maybe toss haste into the mix for the init and other bonuses, though it's not as useful to 3.5 casters as it is to 3.0 casters.


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I have never seen a mage character played (for long) without at least a 14 Con. That puts a 10th level wiz at 33 hp minimum with avg at 46.5 + 1d10+10 =(62) for false life vs 51.5 for the weaver with false life up. Advantage wiz.

Hmm... Good point about the multiple spell casting for defensive buffing.
There are a lot of good low level buffs and the only thing that keeps them all from being used is the number of round needed to cast them all.

The weaver has two options, buff up and then attack or just nuke a guy and hope it survives the next round.

So the spell weaver could be invisible at the start of the encounter (at will) and most likely have mage armor and false life already up. It could on the first round of combat cast shield, mirror image, and blink. That is a huge defensive bonus in just one round.

To go from 22 AC to 26 AC with images and 50% area damage plus 50% miss chance for blink as well as being invisible is pretty rough. That should give sufficient protection from ranged attacks to let it survive after it launches it's initial volley.

A permanent arcane sight could help bring this guy down fast. The wizards spots the aura and when it powers up he drops a dispel magic on it. The spellweaver probably knows this so would target mages first and instantly kills them with a volley a MMs instead of buffing. This could be negated with shield or a brooch of shielding, so it may choose to use Scorching rays or even acid arrows might work. (6d4 for several rounds should drop a mage fast and help keep it from casting spells. The appropriate resist elements negates either of these alpha strikes.

The problem is, I can't see a way of using this monster without either killing the party, or an utter humiliating defeat for the weaver.

Not a fun creature to fight if it is played correctly, it either kills you all or dies without doing much.
So I would say this is a badly CRed creature, but not only badly CRed, but just badly thought out of what this thing could actually do. Increasing the CR by a few points only makes the thing more desperate to survive, so it must alpha stikre anyone who might greater dispel or have true seeing. Overall cool monster idea, bad implementation.
Put this with the adamantine clockwork horror, unusable monster as written.

Although as a mixed encounter with a different type of creature or two at higher levels like 14-15th level might be interesting.

I'm somewhat in agreement. I think it will depend on the purpose of the encounter. The only saving grace is that these things tend to have a specific and immediate goal in mind so if you view the PCs as the "John McClanes" of the scenario it might be a little more fair. The Weaver uses AE & stealth/defensive abilities to get & go. The PCs are more powerful than what the Weaver was planning on and the question becomes can the players react in a meaningful way before the weaver vanishes with its prize.

Worst of all, the planeshifting power and completely secret background this is really a "random" encounter more than a campaign event. Kind of like Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen walking into a bank just before it gets robbed by Mr Mxtlplx.

Jeremy E Grenemyer


kigmatzomat said:
I'm glad to hear that the overall concensus is that this creature is snafu'd and that I'm not off the deep end.
I wouldn't go that far. I've used them in my game and found them to be just fine as written. If anything, I think the spellweaver's HP and saves are too low and they can burn through their magic too fast.

Falling Icicle said:
Yet another example of the screwed up CR system. I just don't get it sometimes. This creature should be like CR 16.
Says you. Run them a few times. ;)

J. Grenemyer


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hmm, i belive i have never found a nice text that explaines how CR is calcualted. can someone place point me in the right direction?


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My DM threw lots of spellweavers at us over the course of 10th-20th levels. Well he did give them an extra 10 racial con and 4 enhancement, but they are still CR 10 I promise... ; )


hobgoblin said:
hmm, i belive i have never found a nice text that explaines how CR is calcualted. can someone place point me in the right direction?
Basically, a creature with CR x is expected to use up about 25% of the resources of a 4-PC party consisting of a fighter, a rogue, a cleric and a wizard, all of level x. It is a rule of thumb (not a scientifically exact measure) to determine how challenging a creature is likely to be, but DM judgement is still required. A "non-standard" party, e.g. one consisting of more front-line meleers and less spellcasters, will have a harder time with some encounters of its CR and an easier time with others.

Note that resources includes spells, charged magic items, equipment, daily uses of abilities, etc. A party that is uninjured but has still expended spells and ammunition on an encounter has still drained its resources (some DMs forget this on occasion, and a TPK sometimes results).


First Post
kigmatzomat said:
I mention it because a slam attack counts as an "armed" attack meaning it is always armed with an attack only slightly worse than a dagger. Assuming the 'Weaver and a sorceror both ran out of spells or were caught in an anti-magic field, the weaver could likely beat up the sorceror. 2x+9 @ d3-1 vs +5 @d6

Of course, a CR 10 doesn't mean it's designed to go toe to toe with a single level 10 character. It's meant to go against FOUR level 10 characters.....

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