• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


First Post
OOC: Also has an average result = 12. I assume to roll to perceive jailor deception failed. I'll try to intimidate the guard to help Blaise's deception come true or shake him enough to let us access. He'll shake off soon but maybe it will be enough. With eagle splendor= 23. I guess this was.. awesome.

Etienne stands up and with a low but imperious voice says to the jailor: "My son, we can imagine you are fond of the Eartly pleasures but remembers the Lord is watching from the Sky and your immortal soul may burn in Hell if you don't confess your crimes before you die. Those poors Spaniards' destination is the deepest of the 7 hells. They are condemned to suffer eternal pain and we must relieve it a little.

Remember that those who remain miscreant will also burn in Hell. Please confess your crimes yourself, my son, before your immortal soul withers and you are unable to come back from damnation path!"
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Blaise lowered his head in a respectful nod and lifted his hand to make the sign of the cross, “The Lord’s blessings upon you, Mister Cotton. We do apologize for the lack of notice. My fellow and I are visitors to the island. We are actually headed to establish a mission on the continent, but our ship’s captain wanted to stop to refresh his supplies before we finish our journey. We sought out the church to pray and offer a hand if needed. When we arrived, we were told of the upcoming execution and asked if we could administer last rites to your prisoners.”

“Would you mind showing us the way?”

OOC: Well... crud. Why didn't I take proficiency in Deception? I lie so often!
Blaise Deception Check: 1D20+3 = [9]+3 = 12

OOC: Also has an average result = 12. I assume to roll to perceive jailor deception failed. I'll try to intimidate the guard to help Blaise's deception come true or shake him enough to let us access. He'll shake off soon but maybe it will be enough. With eagle splendor= 23. I guess this was.. awesome.

Etienne stands up and with a low but imperious voice says to the jailor: "My son, we can imagine you are fond of the Eartly pleasures but remembers the Lord is watching from the Sky and your immortal soul may burn in Hell if you don't confess your crimes before you die. Those poors Spaniards' destination is the deepest of the 7 hells. They are condemned to suffer eternal pain and we must relieve it a little.

Remember that those who remain miscreant will also burn in Hell. Please confess your crimes yourself, my son, before your immortal soul withers and you are unable to come back from damnation path!"

[SECTION]Crispus Cotton's prolific bushy brows raise in surprise, "A mission? Why, your captain has made a peculiar decision in making berth in Godless Nassau. I can see why you'd wish to tend to the souls here, father, but Ol' Blackbeard said nothing about you coming, and on account of these Spanish prisoners being a sensitive situation, I'm afraid I can't––" He seems to forgive your sudden appearance and lack of familiarity with the name O'Malley, but isn't yet convinced that you should be let in.

Weighing Etienne's words, the half-ogrish man frowns, "You speak true, father, the Hellfire frightens me as much as the deep oceans of Neptune. Er, forgive me. Aye, I'm a sinner, s'truth." Reaching into his inner vest pocket, Mr. Cotton pulls out a whiskey flask, offering to pour you each some in earthen goblets before himself taking a swig. "Well, the drink was my first sin. As soon as I had my first bottle of rum, I had to have another. They say it were on account of my father, Longshanks he were called, having no tolerance for rum, or barley beer, or flower wine, or whiskey, or... And what's worse, I hates to drink alone, so I'm always sharing what bounty He gives me, Lord forgive me...."

"Well, and then there's the fact that I can't resist scaring children with my cruelest most devilish face so they don't peek into the jail cells; surely, that is a sin, for the innocence of children is like unto the lambs, so says the Good Book...

"Oh, and I am a horrible cheat. I mean, every time I try to cheat at cards, one of the old timers will catch me with a card in my ear or up my sleeve, or dog-earing my cards. Every time. Surely, he who fails at cheating is twice as miserable a wretch as the cheat who gets away with it, and for him the Hellfire is hotter?"
Mr. Cotton gnaws his lower lip, but doesn't yet seem convinced to let you pass.[/SECTION]


Blaise looks deeply saddened by the confession, “My child, these are grave sins. By your own confession, you have willfully given yourself to drunkenness and carried others into it with you. You have also sought to steal from your brothers through deception which has broken the eighth and tenth commandments of our Lord. Take heart though, my child. The Lord is abundant in mercy. For those who are remorseful of their sin, the Lord has provided for the forgiveness of sins through penance. The touch of hellfire needs to never scorch your soul. Your actions have shown your lack of love for your fellow man. Your penance should answer that. The Spaniards deserve the same opportunity that you are receiving. Show your penance by allowing us to go and offer it to them while you remain here and pray to God in remorse for your sins.”

OOC: That’s probably another razzle frazzle Deception roll. Here you go:
Blaise Deception Roll take 2: 1D20+3 = [11]+3 = 14

Ehh… I’ve rolled worse.


First Post
"Nawww, I'm okay," Kat smiled at her friend, "I've been way drunker myshelf." She frowned at her own sentence, then shrugged. "I knows the way home just fine."

"Before you go, whaddya think of thoshe scurvy dogs? The onesh with the map? Or that group of underfed boysh? We could use both I'd dareshay."

Nia frowned slightly and surveyed the room, her peculiar eyes lingering on the pirates Kat called out.

"De ones wit' de map would need watchin.' Dey will not want to share what dey seek, even if we convince dem we will help dem find it. De boys will be a handful...but dey can still learn. But dey are young, not seasoned. Some may break if tested severely."

She looked back at Kat.

"Follow you instincts. If it comes to a choice between dem, I would say go wit' de younger ones. If we earn dere respect, we ken trust dem."


Blaise looks deeply saddened by the confession, “My child, these are grave sins. By your own confession, you have willfully given yourself to drunkenness and carried others into it with you. You have also sought to steal from your brothers through deception which has broken the eighth and tenth commandments of our Lord. Take heart though, my child. The Lord is abundant in mercy. For those who are remorseful of their sin, the Lord has provided for the forgiveness of sins through penance. The touch of hellfire needs to never scorch your soul. Your actions have shown your lack of love for your fellow man. Your penance should answer that. The Spaniards deserve the same opportunity that you are receiving. Show your penance by allowing us to go and offer it to them while you remain here and pray to God in remorse for your sins.”

OOC: That’s probably another razzle frazzle Deception roll. Here you go:
Blaise Deception Roll take 2: 1D20+3 = [11]+3 = 14

Ehh… I’ve rolled worse.

[SECTION]Bowing his head remorsefully, Crispus Cotton makes the sign of the cross over his barrel chest though even this he gets confused, going from right to left instead of left to right. "Willfully, aye. Stealing, aye." He murmurs, bobbing his large head in agreement with the "priest's" diagnosis. "I do need the Lord's mercy, father, I do. Then I shall say my prayers for my sins." Easing himself down on the knee of his peg leg, the half-ogre clasps his meaty hands together. "Don't think unkindly on me, Oh Lord, for frightening the children, as the little troublemakers like to throw clods at the windows and peek through the bars here real danger is kept imprisoned. And please don't send me to the Hellfire, for I sweat horribly in this tropical heat..." He clenches his eyes tight, focusing on his prayers.

He scarcely notices you lift the heavy iron hoop of keys from the wall behind him and head upward to the spiral stairs leading to the prison cells.[/SECTION]


First Post
"Hmmm.... I don't like deception. And clergymen...

" Last time a parson tried to lure me to his church, I preferred to flee to the nearest Huron village..."
Bold words... While listening to Blaise' sermon, he just consider how much he would need redemption himself for all his sins. The last parson he rubbed elbows with was that poor wretch he tortured decaces ago during the War. Just before he become disgusted with himself and left the militia to join the Navy- just to stop obey his militia chaplain, a religious fanatic who wants all protestant clergymen dead.

This is at that time he stopped to be catholic. After the end of the war, He fleed to the Natives land, to be one of them...

He just remembers that while entering what seems to be Hell's door... He counts the stairs and makes an oath to himself to keep that many percent of his share of the loot to give to an english church....

But first, he must act as a truchement (an interpret) with the Spaniards. Maybe they will give them juicy information on Blackbeard or the Gloriosa.

He just hope there will be no further guard upstairs. He doesn't feel like pretending to be a priest anymore...
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Queen of Everything
Kat nodded thoughtfully for a moment. "Very well, I take both of your councils." She placed a hand on Nia's shoulder, "Be off with you if you have shomeplace better to be my friend. We will meet in the morning."

"You coming?" she nodded to Jacques, before heading over to the young boys.

"So what's thish all about boysh? What are we on about?"



Feet scraping along the wooden stairs, Blaise and Etienne reach the prison proper on the second floor of the gaol. A dozing old snaggle-toothed Scottish deerhound lazily cracks one eye open, whining slightly at the unfamiliar scents as its head slumps back down. Only two of the eight cells are occupied. One contains a man dressed in pirate leathers with a broad hat covering his face lounging in a half-sleeping state along a wooden bench. Across the way from him are the nine Spanish navy-men who are to be hung in the public square tomorrow morning.

[SECTION]Rising from a disquiet rest, the senior most of the navy-men, a broad-shouldered man whose captivity hasn't yet damaged his lustrous wavy shoulder-length hair or waxed beard. This must be Nicolás de Atrejo who the mysterious Sophie Trémiere spoke of and composed a letter to, now entrusted to Blaise to complete delivery. "I asked to speak with the Governor, and instead they send priests. Mi humillación es completa." His eyes follow you in the dim light of the two oil lamps lighting this second floor.[/SECTION]

GM: Reminder about conversation with Sophie Trémiere and [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION]...

"Oui, this will do," she says upon reaching the hovel with Etienne in the lead. "There are nine Spanish Navy-men set to be hung in public square tomorrow morning, as you know. They are alleged to have turned on Captain Read Wallace of the Winchelsea once they'd surrendered to him." It's clear she isn't buying the story. "I need information these men have, about a new ministry forming in the Spanish Navy...and I'd rather not have to contract the services of a voodoo priestess to speak with their remains..."

For a moment she seems about to dismiss the idea, but then a savvy smile falls over her features. "Unless you were to get the information I seek in writing? I could draft a letter, seal it in wax, for the most senior of these navy men. I believe his name is Nicolás de Atrejo," she says, pronouncing the Spanish flawlessly. "You could deliver it to him, along with the implements that he might draft and seal a reply of his own. Surely that would indemnify you from being exposed to state secrets. And would, say, 75 louis d'or (gp) help to strengthen your resolve?" She inquires politely, pursing her lips flirtatiously at Blaise.


Kat nodded thoughtfully for a moment. "Very well, I take both of your councils." She placed a hand on Nia's shoulder, "Be off with you if you have shomeplace better to be my friend. We will meet in the morning."

"You coming?" she nodded to Jacques, before heading over to the young boys.

"So what's thish all about boysh? What are we on about?"

GM: Can't find any good pictures of pirate boys/deckhands, unfortunately. We'll have to imagine!

[SECTION]For a moment the six boys go dead quiet, their eyes swiveling from the bartender back and forth amongst one another, until finally a lanky freckled brown-skinned youth with toussled dark red hair pushes to the fore of the group. "You're Katerina del Corazón? I'm Theo, and these are m' boys," he chuffs up his scrawny chest, tapping his nose and tossing his head over his shoulder to indicate the surly youths behind him. "See, Darling Swinerton's favorite ribbon was stolen..."

"By monkeys!" pipes up one of the deckhand lands.

"Aye, by monkeys. Three of the meanest monkeys I've ever seen. And Darling Swinerton promised a kiss to the boy who gets it back. But, we've been trying for hours now and we can't quit quarreling..."

"Oi wasn't quarrlin'!" objects one of the boys with a black eye.

"So, we took to quarreling and the monkeys scampered off down the docks somewhere and now we can't agree on how to get the ribbon back. So I thinks to myself: Well, Theo, there has to be some way to lure out these monkeys so I was asking the barkiss for old fruits and he says aren't any." Theo casts a dubious frown at the bartender. "I'll tell you what, Miss del Corazón, you help me get the ribbon and I'll talk my boys – there are four more of us on the docks – into enlisting with your crew of...well...whatever you are." He peers over Katerina's shoulder at Jacques and the others.[/SECTION]


Jacques' face contorts in confusion. "Monkey's? A kiss? What strange things boys concern themselves with." he thought. He placed a hand on Kat's shoulder as he turned to head toward the kitchen. He held up his index finger signaling 'one moment please.' Passing through the kitchen he and into the storage area he finds the worst fruit he possibly can, barely edible by human standards and returns to the boys. He nods to Kat as he returns with the fruit. "We should leave lest I have to whisper into children's ears now." he whisperes jokingly into her ear.

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