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Media "Shared Sagas" an Australian RPG Actual Play podcast

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Thomas Bagley

An exciting episode indeed! We reach the culmination of the heist of the Xanathar’s lair. Will it end well for our heroes? You will have to listen and find out.


Thomas Bagley

Free from the Xanathar’s lair the Stillwater Irregulars make some last minute preparation to claim the fabled treasure….but not before dealing with some problems at home.


Thomas Bagley

Now the first part of our three episode campaign finale! The Stillwater Irregulars battle a terrible hag and then finally make their way to the Vault of Dragons...


Thomas Bagley

Now the exciting second part of the Dragon Heist campaign finale. The Stillwater Irregulars finally enter the much sought after Vault of Dragons, but is it what they expect?

The gang are tested, and there are many surprises in store yet…

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Thomas Bagley

Like turning the pages of the final chapter of a beloved book, we’ve found it a bitter-sweet experience, drawing our first story to a close. We’ve had many campaigns before, and will have many more after (don’t you worry)…but this is the first we’ve chosen to share with you, dear listener.

So from the bottom of our hearts (and our bags of holding) we thank you for listening, and for coming on this journey with us. Enjoy.


Thomas Bagley

Greetings! So this episode is our campaign “post-mortem” for Waterdeep Dragon Heist. We go over all aspects of the game and talk about our favorite moments in this wonderful tale.


Thomas Bagley

This is the first episode of our “Masks – A New Generation” miniseries by “Magpie Games”.

The adventure we are running is "Reinventing the Cape" penned by our own Nadia Bagley, set in an English boarding school for teen supers, it's "Hogwarts meets X-Men".

This first episode is mostly character and world creation but a great time is had by all, listen and enjoy!


Thomas Bagley

This is the second episode of our “Masks – A New Generation” miniseries by “Magpie Games”.

We are playing through the adventure penned by our very own Nadia Bagley “Reinventing the Cape”.

In this episode the young heroes have a confrontation with the school bully and learn all about a challenging exam they must take.


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