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'Seven Brief Lessons on Physics" by Carlos Rovelli, reviewed in the NY Times


Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
By Carlo Rovelli
Translated by Simon Carnell and Erica Segre
Illustrated. 86 pages. Riverhead Books. $18.

Reviewed with high praise in this Wednesday's New-York Times:


The seven lessons are about Einstein’s general theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, the architecture of the cosmos, elementary particles, quantum gravity, probability and the heat of black holes and, finally, how humans fit into this picture. We are stardust, the author reminds us, impossibly minor players in the pageant of the galaxies, and well on our way to becoming the agents of our own demise.

Mr. Rovelli is a theoretical physicist, one of the founders of loop quantum gravity theory, and he possesses a welcoming prose style. His columns were a sensation. First gathered into a book in Italy two years ago, they outsold “Fifty Shades of Grey” in that country. The book has gone on to be a best seller in several countries including, this month, the United States.


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