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3rd level Pathfinder with official sources
Core races or with permission
22 point buy
3 traits or 2 if using an approved non-core race.
Standard starting gold for 3rd level of 3000 with a max of 2500 per item
Max hp at first level and max less 2 for subsequent levels.
We'll do fast advancement


Besharrn Blacktusk (Human name 'Jonathan Agrivar'), Ranger3, Half-Orc
Alignment: C/G
Favored Class: Ranger
X.P.: 3,300 [needs 6,000 to be L4]
+50(avoiding bloodshed in the cemetery)=3,350

Hero Points: 2
Trust Points: 2

22 point-buy:
S 15 (7 pts); D 14 (5 pts) +2 racial adjustment; C 14 (5 pts); I 12 (2 pts); W 12 (2 pts); C 11 (1 pt)

Final Ability Scores:
S 15 (+2)
D 16 (+3)
C 14 (+2)
I 12 (+1)
W 12 (+1)
C 11 (+0)

Languages: Common, Orcish, Draconic

AC:21 = 10+7(+1 Breastplate)+3(Dex)+1(Dodge Feat)
[AC:25 if Shield of Swings in use]
FF:17, T:14 [T:18 if Shield of Swings in use]

HP: 35 = 13(L1 starting hp)+11( per level above 1) [fixed hp (8/10)+favored class(1)+con(2)]
Current HP = 35/35
BAB: +3
CMB: +5
CMD: 18 [22 if Shield of Swings in use]

Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3

Resilient (+1 on Fort saves)
Deft Dodger (+1 on Ref saves)
Indomitable Faith (+1 on Will saves)

L1 - Dodge (+1 Dodge bonus to AC)
L2 -Ranger Cmbt Style Feat (2-Handed Wpn) Shield of Swings-[1/2 damage (full att only) for +4 AC & CMD]
L3 - Mobility (+4 AC against AoO from movement)
L3 - Ranger Bonus Feat - Endurance(+4 on checks to avoid nonlethal damage, eg. from cold weather)

Skills: (Ranks 7+7+7 = 21) [CS=Class Skill]
Climb 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP in +1 Breastplate]
Intimidate 3 ranks +2 rac'l +3 CS +0cha = +8 [Std act'n-if sucsfl give opp the Shaken condition, -2 att]
[DC to demoralize=10+target's HD+target's Wis mod] [lasts 1rnd + 1rnd for every 5 check exceeds DC]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, +1 Int +2 Favored Terrain +3 CS = +9
Perception 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] PASSIVE PERCEPTION: 17
Stealth 3 ranks +3 dex +3 CS = +9 [+2 underground] [-3 ACP in +1 Breastplate]
Survival 3 ranks +1 wis +3 CS = +7 [+2 underground] [+1 (half Ranger Level) to follow tracks]
Swim 3 ranks +2 str +3 CS = +8 [-3 ACP in +1 Magic Breastplate]

Favored Enemy(ies)[+2 on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks. +2 att and damage. Can make untrained knowledge checks to identify these creatures]
L1 - Undead

Wild Empathy - roll 1d20+3 Ranger Level+0 Cha mod to modify reaction of an animal

Favored Terrain(s) [gains +2 initiative, Knowledge (geopraphy), Perception, Stealth, and Survival; leaves no trail, and cannot be tracked]
L3 - Underground

Favored Weapons:
Heavy Crossbow -- +7 Att, Dam (P) 1-10, crit 19-20 X2, range 120 ft
Halberd -- +7 Att, Dam (P or S) 1-10+3, crit X3, brace, trip
Short Sword -- +6 Att, Dam (P) 1-6+2, crit 19-20 X2

[Wealth:3,000 gp]

Halberd, Masterwork, +7 att (3BAB+3Str+1M/W), 310 gp, 1d10+3 dam
Short Sword, Masterwork, +6 att (3BAB+2Str+1M/W), 310 gp, 1d6+2 dam
Short Sword [custom made] +5 att,v 1d6+2 dam [30gp]
Heavy Crossbow, M'work +7 att (3BAB+3Dex+1M/W) 350 gp, 1d10 dam
20 Crossbow bolts, 2 gp, 1d10 dam
7 Magic +1 Crossbow Bolts, 40 gp ea, [+8 att, 1d10+1 dam]
Magic Breastplate +1, 1,350 gp, AC +7, ACP -3,
Explorer's Outfit 3 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Pouch 1 gp
Waterskin 1 gp
3 Days' Trail Rations 1.5 gp
2 Flasks Acid 20 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds, (Ranger) CL 1, 7 charges 210 gp
Tanglefoot Bag 50 gp
Tindertwigs, 10, 10 gp ea.
Smokesticks, 5, 20 gp ea.
Mirror, small steel 10 gp
Spell Component Pouch ['cause ya just never know...] 5 gp


[sblock=Besharrn Blacktusk's Background]
"Jonathan Agrivar", as he was known at birth, was born to a human farm woman whose husband died in the raid during which she was raped. She named her son after her dead husband. Jonathan grew up spending the vast majority of his time helping to work the farm, but he went exploring the neighboring woodlands and hunting when he wasn't plowing or planting. (Mom figured she'd better get some work out of the b****rd since his daddy killed her husband.) She loved her son Jonathan as much as she could under the circumstances, but she never let him feel like he was accepted unconditionally. It was always more like, 'well, yeah, this is the cruddy hand I was dealt, so I might as well learn to like you, ya little b****rd." After his mother fell ill and died, there was no way in h**l that the village was going to let him inherit the farm. (Now, they would have been tickled to have him "buy the farm," but only in the euphemistic sense.)

Jonathan's socialization suffered because of his isolation down on the farm. He is only just barely able to be tolerated by "polite" company and the feeling is very mutual. Jonathan became a major loner and prefers to be alone and outdoors if at all possible. After his mother passed away, Jonathan's curiosity overcame him, and he sought out his orcish father to learn more about himself and his origins. He found him after some weeks of searching, and his father, Melluce Blacktusk, claiming the right of fatherhood, bestowed upon him the name Besharrn Blacktusk. Besharrn was only too glad to be rid of a dead man's name, and he especially liked it when his father told him that he was named for the sound his father's greatsword made when drawn to do battle. Besharrn's father approves of his skill with the halberd and looked with pride on his son when he showed him his "shield of swings" maneuver. But Besharrn soon wearied of Orcish life and longed to be able to conduct his affairs without the constant, nagging fear of a knife in his back or a slit throat in the night. So, as soon as he could, he made his peace with his father and his father's life, and the two parted amicably, though both know that if they ever meet again, it will likely not be a peaceful meeting and one of them will likely not survive it. Besharrn also knows that he has a number of brothers in the world, but he did not bother to learn any of their names or locations. 'Best to just kill them and have done with it,' he thinks.

In an adventuring party, Besharrn recognizes his dependence on the other members, but that doesn't mean he has to like it, and he'll gladly volunteer to pull as many shifts on watch as he can stand just so he can get in some quality time with his best friend -- himself. Plus, he's not a bad dude to have on watch, so it should be a definite win-win. Besharrn, having left Orcish life behind him and come into the light fully, hopes to make some genuine friends among his adventuring companions. He's never really had a friend before, so this will be all new to him.

Currently, Besharrn, or 'Jonathan' as he will most likely need to introduce himself, has traveled to attend the reading of the Last Will of Professor Lorrimor, who was a cousin of Besharrn's/Jonathan's mother. The Professor visited their farm a few times, and he was impressed by Besharrn's/Jonathan's hard work and his willingness to scratch out a comfortable living on the farm, because that was not at all what he had been told to expect from such a half-breed. Besharrn/Jonathan had not seen the Professor for a number of years. He really does not expect to be named as an heir in the will, but he thought it would be best to attend the memorial service for his mother's sake, since she did love the Professor dearly and often spoke of him fondly.
[sblock=Elementary Orcish]
Sha-ta ko queem -- literally: "Naked ape throw fit." Translated to common, "Human dude is pi**ed."
Treem Voria -- literally: "blood moon." Translated to common, "Elf wench is on the rag."

Carrion Crown Players' Guide Link
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Vadim Nazdravan, Half-Elf Archeologist


Vadim Nazdravan

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B'rri (Half-elf magus)

Name: B'rii (pronounced Barry)
Half-elf male 29 5' 11" 145 lbs Amber eyes Bright Blond hair past his shoulders

Alignment: CG (personal grudge against elven clerics; does not worship a god)

B'rri's human mother died giving birth to B'rii and his twin sister G'rii. He does not remember this sister, only knowing about her from a slip of cloth sewn in his clothes. Br'ii's mother Sarai was a nun dedicated to a local deity, when a visiting elven cleric so impressed her that they began a brief, torrid affair. His father quickly gone, his mother was left to fend for herself.

B'rii secretly hates elven clerics and gods, wanting to get revenge for his mother. As a young boy, he was trained in the bastard sword by a human swordsman who thought it funny to make the skinny half-elf fight with the oversized weapon. The constant practice developed his skill for the weapon. B'rii scrounged for himself, worked for a blacksmith, selling junk on the street to make money. After finding a rare vase stolen from a sorcerer, B'rii's magical ability was discovered and nurtured by a human magus Raphelle Doro, a friend of the sorcerer Fiek. Raphelle's friend Petros Lorrimor was an occasional visitor who took a true interest in B'rii's development.

B'rii's preference for the bastard sword causes B'rii to often cast defensively, even when unnecessary. B'rii rarely fights with others, so he has developed a gusto for solo combat. B'rii recently traded his personalized MW bastard sword for a MW STR3 composite longbow so he can develop his ranged attacks. It was upon returning from his trading that news of Prof. Lorrimor's death reached B'rii.

B'rii wears a brown cloak over his mithral shirt, with his bastard sword and composite long bow worn over opposite shoulders.

+3 / STR 16 (5 pts) (+2 race)
+2 / DEX 14 (5 pts)
+1 / CON 12 (2 pts)
+3 / INT 16 (10 pts)
+0 / WIS 10
+0 / CHA 10

HP 23 (MAX3d8-2-2+3)
Init +4 (+2 DEX +2 trait)
FORT +4 (+3 +1 CON) REF +4 (+1 +2 DEX+1 feat) WILL +3 (+3+0 WIS)
AC 18: 10+5 magic mithral shirt + 2 DEX
Flat 15
Touch 13
Concentration Check: 1d20+5 (+9 when casting defensively or grappled) (+3 level +2 trait +4 feat)
BAB +2
Bastard Sword +5 1d10+3 19-20/x2
MW STR3 Composite Longbow +5 1d8+3 x3
Spell Combat: Bastard Sword +3 1d10+3 19-20/x2 + cast spell
Can take INT bonus negative to attack and add to concentration roll

racial traits
low-light vision (2x human vision)
Ancestral Arms (Exotic Weapon Prof-Bastard Sword) replaces Adaptability
Elf Blood (treat as both Human and Elf)
Elf Immunities (immune to sleep; +2 v enchantments)
Keen Senses (+2 perception checks)
Arcane Training (Favored Class: magus; treat as +1 level for spell trigger and spell completion items) replaces Multitalented

Elven Reflexes (+2 init)
Focused Mind (+2 concentration)
Deft Dodger (+1 Reflex saves)

Combat Casting (+4 concentration when casting defensively or grappled)
Desperate Battler (+1 morale bonus on atk and dmg when no friends in 10')

Arcane Pool (Su): 4 points per day (replenishes with new spells)
For one minute, further enchant weapon magical +1 for 1 arcane pool point (at level 5+ add abilities)

Magus Arcana
Arcane Accuracy (Su) (spend 1 arcane pool point to grant INT insight bonus until the end of the turn)

bastard sword 35 gp 1d10 19-20/x2
MW STR3 Composite Longbow 700 gp 1d8 x3
+1 mithral shirt 2100 gp (AC +5 max DEX +6 ACP 0)

Skills: (2+INT)=(2+3)*3=15+3 favored class
Totals Skill UU? Ability Ranks CSB Other
0 Acrobatics Yes Dex*
4 Appraise Yes Int 1
0 Bluff Yes Cha
0 Climb Yes Str*
7 Craft Armor Yes Int 1 3
8 Craft Weapons Yes Int 2 3
0 Diplomacy Yes Cha
0 Disable Device No Dex*
0 Disguise Yes Cha
0 Escape Artist Yes Dex*
0 Fly Yes Dex*
0 Handle Animal No Cha
0 Heal Yes Wis
4 Intimidate Yes Cha 1 3
9 Knowledge (arcana) No Int 3 3
8 Knowledge (dungeoneering) No Int 2 3
0 Knowledge (engineering) No Int
0 Knowledge (geography) No Int
0 Knowledge (history) No Int
0 Knowledge (local) No Int
0 Knowledge (nature) No Int
0 Knowledge (nobility) No Int
7 Knowledge (planes) No Int 1 3
0 Knowledge (religion) No Int
0 Linguistics No Int
3 Perception Yes Wis 1 +2 race
0 Perform Yes Cha
4 Profession Merchant No Wis 1 3
6 Ride Yes Dex* 1 3
0 Sense Motive Yes Wis
0 Sleight of Hand No Dex*
8 Spellcraft No Int 2 3
0 Stealth Yes Dex*
0 Survival Yes Wis
7 Swim Yes Str* 1 3
4 Use Magic Device No Cha 1 3

Magus Spell DC: 13 + spell level
CL: 3 (vs. SR: +3, Concentration: +8)
Melee Touch +5 Ranged Touch +4
Maximum Magus spells per day: 4/*x0; 4x1
Magus 0: Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead
Magus 1: Shocking Grasp, Magic Missile, True Strike (DC 14), Vanish (DC 14)

[sblock=Spell Book:]
Magus L0
0-Level Magus Spells (Cantrips)
Spell Name M/F Description Source
Acid Splash Orb deals 1d3 acid damage. CRB
Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible). CRB
Dancing Lights Creates torches or other lights. CRB
Daze A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action. CRB
Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. CRB
Disrupt Undead Deals 1d6 damage to one undead. CRB
Flare Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls). CRB
Ghost Sound Figment sounds. CRB
Light Object shines like a torch. CRB
Mage Hand 5-pound telekinesis. CRB
Open/Close Opens or closes small or light things. CRB
Prestidigitation Performs minor tricks. CRB
Ray of Frost Ray deals 1d3 cold damage. CRB
Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks. CRB
Spark Ignites flammable objects. APG

1st-Level Magus Spells
Spell Name M/F Description Source
Burning Hands 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). CRB
Chill Touch One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage. CRB
Corrosive Touch Touch attack deals 1d4 acid/level. CRB
Magic Missile 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5). CRB
Mirror Strike You may strike multiple opponents with a single attack. UC
Shield Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles CRB
Shocking Grasp Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6). CRB
True Strike +20 on your next attack roll. CRB
Unerring Weapon Grants a +2 bonus, +1 per four caster levels, on attack rolls to confirm a critical hit. UC
Unseen Servant Invisible force obeys your commands. CRB
Vanish As invisibility for 1 round/level (5 max). APG
Warding Weapon F The weapon you use for the focus of this spell defends you, allowing you to cast spells without provoking attacks of opportunity. UC


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J. Alexander

First Post
Brendan Alaric

Here is my character, still have magic to go but cant get it to place as i need help editing the gold to buy it


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First Post
3rd level Pathfinder with official sources
Core races or with permission
22 point buy
3 traits or 2 if using an approved non-core race.
Standard starting gold for 3rd level of 3000 with a max of 2500 per item
Max hp at first level and max less 2 for subsequent levels.
We'll do fast advancement

Isn't hafling a standard race? Hero lab only allows me two traits. Is this correct?

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
You can do a permanent adjustment on the "Personal" tab to increase the number of traits. Also, HL will allow you to do it even if you don't put in the adjustment - you'll get an error message, but the extra trait will work as normal.

Voidrunner's Codex

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