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D&D 5E [Saturday Gang] Lost Mine of Phandelver OOC [Closed]

Character Sheets
Game Play Thread


Credit: WotC . . . Source: Starter Set

Gundren plunked down a series of small leather pouches, each tied with a careful knot to keep the contents from spilling. One for each of you, by the look of it. When the pouches hit the wooden-planked table, the small clank of coins jostled inside the bag. The barkeep looked up and eyed Gundren just then, but a swiftly shot returning look from the dwarf killed any comment the barkeep might have made. The dwarf merchant returned his attention to this guests. “Job’s simple enough. I’ve a wagonload of provisions in want of escort to Phandalin. The road’s been bad this spring, stories of travelers set upon by beasts.” His voice was all gravel, too many years of too much ale. He lowered his tone and leaned in conspiratorially. “Goblins, some say.”

Leaning back, Gundren assessed each of you with clever dark eyes. He took a long swig from his clay mug, his throat working to swallow like a horse at a trough. When he returned the mug to the table and wiped the last bit of creamy foam from his considerable mustaches, Gundren nodded once, a decision made. “Pay’s good enough. Ten gold. Each.” Sable eyes flicked to the leather pouches. “Paid in full and up front. You escort me supplies to Barthen’s Provisions in Phandalin. I’ll be riding ahead, so if yer takin’ the job, yer to meet the wagon at sunup on the morrow. What say?”

Setting: Generic / Forgotten Realms, Forgotten Realms Wiki
Level: 1st
Ability Scores: 27 point buy (see "5e Point Buy System," below)
hp: Max at 1st lvl, PHB average for your class for subsequent levels (see "5e Average hp," below)
Feats: Yes
Multiclassing: Yes
Variant Human: Yes
Race: PHB
Class: PHB, don't feel you need to look these up, but if your wellspring of ideas has run dry, considering referencing select UA articles (see "Source Material," below)
Equipment: Per your Class and Background
Alignment: Any
Deity: Any, including non-FR
Background: Yes. By "background" I mean both the PHB Backgrounds, as well as a writing (short or long, your choice, or (if your name is Jack, no writing at all required because typing!)) relaying what will inform your roleplay of your character. Things that particularly attract my attention include a character's motivations and relationships to: individuals, organizations, and environment (for example). If you can, please include material that is prospective (forward-looking) or that provides a potential plot hook.

[sblock=Source Material][/sblock]

[sblock=5e Point Buy System]
[U][B]Score[/B][/U]     [B][U]Cost[/U][/B]

[sblock=5e Average hp]
1d4 = 3 hit points
1d6 = 4 hit points
1d8 = 5 hit points
1d10 = 6 hit points
1d12 = 7 hit points

[sblock=Online Dice Rollers]If you haven't done PbP on EN World before, the custom for using dice is to either use the EN World dice roller, or use a third-party online dice roller and post a link to your roll. If you opt for the EN World roller, this is the nomenclature you use:

{rollv}2d6{/rollv} -- displays each roll separately

You replace the { } with [ ]. You can name your dice rolls, too. This:


will yield this result:


Sometimes, however, the EN World dice roller misfires when one attempts to name multiple rolls in the same post. That's why a lot of us don't use the naming feature. It also misfires when you try to include more than five die rolls in one post. Boo.

Also, editing posts with a die roll can be tricky. You can edit text in a post that includes a roll, but you cannot: 1) edit a roll; or 2) edit in a roll after a post has been submitted. This comes up, for example, when you roll a natural 20 and need to roll critical hit damage; if that happens, just post a second time with a die roll for your crit. If you have the Great Weapon Fighting style and a greatsword, either use the [rollv] convention, or include two separate rolls for each d6 of the greatsword's 2d6 damage.

If you opt to use a third-party online dice roller, please do NOT use Invisible Castle; that site functions irregularly. Reliable easy-to-use online die rolling sites I like include: coyotecode.net, and orokos.com. Orokos.com requires a (free) user account. Coyotecode.net does not. You will very often see me link to dice rolls on coyotecode.net, those probably I am going to be doing a lot of rolling by hand at home with real dice. There are other online dice rollers, and you are welcome to use any of them that appeal to you.[/sblock]

  • How long does it take to scribe spells at level up? 1 hour, at a cost of zero gp
  • How long does it take to scribe spells discovered as loot during adventuring? 1 hour per spell, at a cost of zero gp
  • How do I do hp at level ups? Average per 5e PHB (e.g., 1d8 = 5 hp)
  • How do I identify spells as they are being cast or as I encounter them? If identify, detect magic, or its ilk don't apply, then you either automatically know the spell or will need to roll an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) DC 12 + spell level check.
[sblock=Identifying spells as they are cast]If the spell is a racial cantrip/spell, or is a spell that appears on your spell list, and is of a level you can cast, you automatically identify the spell. E.g., a drow would automatically recognize dancing lights; a 3rd-level cleric would automatically recognize silence (but not feign death, because feign death is a 3rd-level cleric spell; a 2nd level sorcerer who knows detect magic, expeditious retreat, and sleep would automatically recognize color spray but not darkness, since color spray is a 1st-level spell but darkness is a 2nd-level spell). One time this gets sketchy is, for example, whether a rock gnome would automatically know minor illusion without even having to interact with the illusion. Happily, at the moment that's a moot point since we neither have a rock gnome in the party nor have encountered one. If we ever encounter one, I reserve the right to adjudicate on a case-by-case basis whether an Intelligence check applies for such identification (leaning heavily toward yes since otherwise would seriously nerf the minor illusion spell).

Absent a spell being a racial cantrip/spell, or the spell appearing on your spell list of a level you can cast, spellcasters may make either an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check, DC 12 + spell level, to identify the spell. Additionally, non-spellcasters generally may not make a roll to identify a spell (I won't say never, because in rare circumstances I can envision it being reasonable for a fighter or rogue, for example, to get such a roll).[/sblock]​

[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]
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DM's Corner

[sblock=Loot] TBD...no loot earned just yet![/sblock]

[sblock=Who Was that Dude We Met?]Gundren Rockseeker -- dwarf merchant from Neverwinter, patron[/sblock]


Credit: WotC . . . Source: Forgotten Realms wiki
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[MENTION=12086]halfjack[/MENTION] [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]

I sent an invite to each of you to join the Community. Let me know if you did not receive the invite, and I will resend. Just as soon as I know the others' screennames, I will send invites to them, too.

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