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D&D 5E Sabrina Spellman


Sabrina Spellman
Female Half-Elf Noble Warlock 7

AC 15 (mage armor, ring of protection)
HP 66 (7d8+28)
Speed 30 ft.

Str 8 (-1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 10 (19 with amulet of health) (+4), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 18 (+4).

Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +8
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Insight +6, Investigation +5, Perception +6, Persuasion +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages common, draconic, elven, infernal
Tools alchemist's tools

Fey Ancestry. Sabrina has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put her to sleep.

Pact Magic. Sabrina casts spells as a 7th-level warlock (spell attack bonus +7; spell save DC 15). She has two 4th-level spell slots, and regains expended spell slots when she finishes a short or long rest. She knows the following spells:

Cantrips: eldritch blast, mage hand, prestidigitation
1st-4th level (2/rest): banishment, command, counterspell, dispel magic, find familiar, invisibility, misty step, protection from evil and good, wall of fire
At-will: detect magic, mage armor

Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend. Sabrina has struck a bargain with Satan.

Dark One's Blessing. When Sabrina reduces a hostile creature to 0 HP, she gains 11 temporary hit points.
Pact of the Chain. Sabrina can cast find familiar as a ritual. Her familiar, Salem, can take the form of an imp. When Sabrina takes the Attack action, she can forego one of her own attacks to allow Salem to make an attack as a reaction.
Dark One's Own Luck (1/rest). When Sabrina makes an ability check or saving throw, she can add +1d10 to the roll. She can wait until after seeing the inital roll, but before any of the roll's effects occur.​


Agonizing Eldritch Blast. Sabrina attacks twice. Ranged spell attack: +7 to hit, range 120 feet, one target. Hit: 1d10+4 force damage.

Dagger. Melee or ranged weapon attack: +4 to hit, range 5 feet (melee) or 20/60 feet (ranged), one target. Hit: 1d4+1 piercing damage.

Wand of Binding. Wand: 7 charges, save DC 17. Sabrina casts hold monster (5 charges) or hold person (2 charges).

Gaze of Two Minds. Sabrina can touch a willing humanoid and perceive through its senses until the end of her next turn (with an action to maintain on following turns) as long as the creature is on the same plane of existence. She is blinded and deafened to her own surroundings.


Currency. 25 gp, 75 sp, 50 cp.
Items. amulet of health (attuned), component pouch, dagger, fine clothes, headband, ring of protection (attuned), scholar's pack, signet ring, wand of binding.


Alignment Chaotic Good, Gender Female, Eyes brown, Size Medium, Height short
Faith Satan, Hair blonde, Skin pale, Age 16, Weight light

Personality Traits. Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.
Ideals. Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family. (Chaotic)
Bonds. I am in love with the heir of a family that my family despises.
Flaws. By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my family.

Organizations. Church of Night, W.I.C.C.A., Spellman Family
Allies. Harvey Kinkle, Roz Walker, Suzie Putnam, Ambrose Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Zelda Spellman, Nick Scratch, Mary Wardwell
Enemies. Satan, Madam Satan, Lord Faustus Blackwood, The Weird Sisters, Principal Hawthorne

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First Post
Pact of the Chain. Sabrina can cast find familiar as a ritual. Her familiar, Salem, can take the form of an impish black cat. When Sabrina takes the Attack action, she can forego one of her own attacks to allow Salem to make an attack as a reaction.
I've suggested an edit (underlined)


Sparkly Dude
Fun! I'm obsessed with Chilling Adventures. Smart writing, confronting themes, overall silliness—highly recommended!



Fun! I'm obsessed with Chilling Adventures. Smart writing, confronting themes, overall silliness—highly recommended!


I would not recommend it for people who aren't intersectional feminists, it gets preachy, don't get me wrong, it can get interesting at moments with the mysteries at certain points.

Still at times its so heavy it like taking a women's studies course, so if that would bother a person too much, they will not enjoy the show.

Also if you are expecting an updated version of the 1990's show, you will be disappointed because this new show is horror, not cheesy comedy like the 1990's one was.

That being said, I'd make Sabrina a Tiefling instead of a half elf, the SCAG kind that doesn't automatically come with horns and a tail, as this new Sabrina is a Satanist
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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I would not recommend it for people who aren't intersectional feminists, it gets preachy, don't get me wrong, it can get interesting at moments with the mysteries at certain points.

Still at times its so heavy it like taking a women's studies course, so if that would bother a person too much, they will not enjoy the show.

Also if you are expecting an updated version of the 1990's show, you will be disappointed because this new show is horror, not cheesy comedy like the 1990's one was.

That being said, I'd make Sabrina a Tiefling instead of a half elf, the SCAG kind that doesn't automatically come with horns and a tail, as this new Sabrina is a Satanist

It gets a little preachy at times, but Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is down right subtle when compared to, say the Charmed reboot. I actually thought the bit at the trial regarding consent was pretty clever way to tie-in that particular Aesop.

And of course, Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped.

Also, Archie Comics has a bunch of more recent "darker and edgier" takes on their original stories; see also Riverdale. The new Sabrina isn't exactly a shot-for-shot remake, but it's actually a tighter adaptation of the graphic novel than the 90's sitcom was to its comic inspiration.

I could see non-infernal-looking Tiefling in place of Half-Elf... I feel like the half-breed thing is important though.


Sparkly Dude
I would not recommend it for people who aren't intersectional feminists, it gets preachy, don't get me wrong, it can get interesting at moments with the mysteries at certain points.

Still at times its so heavy it like taking a women's studies course, so if that would bother a person too much, they will not enjoy the show.

Also if you are expecting an updated version of the 1990's show, you will be disappointed because this new show is horror, not cheesy comedy like the 1990's one was.

That being said, I'd make Sabrina a Tiefling instead of a half elf, the SCAG kind that doesn't automatically come with horns and a tail, as this new Sabrina is a Satanist
The "witch" moniker and motif has always been associated with womanhood, queer identities, and estranged persons. Witch trials are a time tested system of exclusion that serves to enforce social norms. I don't find anything preachy about it, I think it does a fair job of capturing all of the related points through contemporary perspectives.

The comedy definitely skews cheesy in the spirit of The Adam's Family and its horror themes are no less ridiculous. There are so many layers, Easter eggs, nods and mentions that it would be difficult not to find something to squeal about if you have ever had an interest in witchcraft.


It gets a little preachy at times, but Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is down right subtle when compared to, say the Charmed reboot. I actually thought the bit at the trial regarding consent was pretty clever way to tie-in that particular Aesop.

And of course, Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped.

Also, Archie Comics has a bunch of more recent "darker and edgier" takes on their original stories; see also Riverdale. The new Sabrina isn't exactly a shot-for-shot remake, but it's actually a tighter adaptation of the graphic novel than the 90's sitcom was to its comic inspiration.

I could see non-infernal-looking Tiefling in place of Half-Elf... I feel like the half-breed thing is important though.

I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've heard it's sounds down right unwatchable. Although a sexual harassment demon sounds like the plot to a Hentai movie or something.

As for Sabrina when it's not being preachy Sabrina is entertaining, in a very odd way. Still the episode where they sublty attacked due process rights and suggested that defence lawyers are responsible for what they're clients do if they win was an irresponsible act at a time when due process rights generations took for granted are under threat by vigilantly twitter mobs.
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The "witch" moniker and motif has always been associated with womanhood, queer identities, and estranged persons. Witch trials are a time tested system of exclusion that serves to enforce social norms. I don't find anything preachy about it, I think it does a fair job of capturing all of the related points through contemporary perspectives.

The comedy definitely skews cheesy in the spirit of The Adam's Family and its horror themes are no less ridiculous. There are so many layers, Easter eggs, nods and mentions that it would be difficult not to find something to squeal about if you have ever had an interest in witchcraft.

Honestly I find very little comedy, the horror is usually played straight, unlike the Adam's Family.

As for the "witch" term it's gender neutral, and some of the most influential witches, both Satanic and Wiccan, are men. Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders, who was the last to meaningfully claim the name King of the Witches, and those two are just the biggest names.

Also interesting to note male Wiccan don't call themselves warlocks, Satanist might however, because Warlock I was taught actually means oath breaker (making the D&D class ironic).

And yes Wicca and Satanists as well have had a GLBT presence for a long time. That is not the issue. It's the subtle straight male bashing that goes on in the show at times.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've heard it's sounds down right unwatchable. Although a sexual harassment demon sounds like the plot to a Hentai movie or something.

It's bad, and politically speaking I'm well within their target audience. Maybe if the acting were better...

As for Sabrina when it's not being preachy Sabrina is entertaining, in a very odd way.

Welcome to the production company that brought us Riverdale, a show that only gets more watchable as it gets more ridiculous.

Still the episode where they sublty attacked due process rights and suggested that defence lawyers are responsible for what they're clients do if they win was an irresponsible act at a time when due process rights generations took for granted are under threat by vigilantly twitter mobs.

Yeah, the thing you're talking about at the end is not... is not the other thing you're talking about. There is a wide gulf between criminal and social consequences of behaviors and actions, and the two really ought not be ever conflated.

That said, I will agree that the demonization of defense attorneys (although Sabrina's approach is more nuanced than you're giving it credit for) is one of my least favorite tropes of TV, right next to the demonization of Internal Affairs.
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Str 8 (-1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 10 (19 with amulet of health) (+4), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 18 (+4).
Sabrina should have massively lower Wisdom: somewhere in the 8-10 range. She consistently makes bad choices or makes choices for the wrong reasons. Many of the plot points revolve around her trusting people she shouldn't trust, falling for misdirection or devilish tricks (pun intended), and basing her decisions on trivial or frivolous reasons like not wanting to leave her boyfriend when she is literally only 15 years old at the start of the show.

A part of this is the need to drive the story forward. Our heroine has to make mistakes and have flaws so that she can grow as a character. But the consequence of this is consistently portraying her as having extremely low wisdom.

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